Authored by jinhu.tung

check and uncheck goods then ajax refresh cart

... ... @@ -13,62 +13,16 @@ exports.index = (req, res) => {
const shoppingKey = req.cookies._SPK || null;
const uid = req.cookies.uid || null;
// 预售商品
let advancedGoods = [],
// 普通商品
let ordinaryGoods = [],
// skn=0或者已下架的商品,定义为失效商品
let invalidGoods = [];
// 库存不足商品
let soldOutGoods = [];
// 返回值
let resData = {};
cartModel.getCartData(shoppingKey, uid).then((result) => {
console.log('get cart data:', result);
if (result.code === 200) {
if ( && {
// 预售商品
advancedCartData =;
advancedGoods = _.concat(advancedGoods, advancedCartData.goods_list);
invalidGoods = _.concat(invalidGoods, advancedCartData.off_shelves_goods_list);
soldOutGoods = _.concat(soldOutGoods, advancedCartData.sold_out_goods_list);
if ( && {
// 普通商品
ordinaryCartData =;
ordinaryGoods = _.concat(ordinaryGoods, ordinaryCartData.goods_list);
invalidGoods = _.concat(invalidGoods, ordinaryCartData.off_shelves_goods_list);
soldOutGoods = _.concat(soldOutGoods, ordinaryCartData.sold_out_goods_list);
console.log('ordinaryGoods:', ordinaryGoods);
_.merge(resData, {
hasGoods: advancedGoods.length || ordinaryGoods.length || invalidGoods.length,
preSalePros: advancedGoods.length ? _.groupBy(advancedGoods, 'brand_id') : [],
commonPros: ordinaryGoods.length ? _.groupBy(ordinaryGoods, 'brand_id') : [],
invalidPros: invalidGoods
console.log('resData:', resData);
res.display('cart', _.merge({
module: 'shopping',
page: 'cart'
page: 'cart',
bcNavFocus: 1
}, {
helpers: require('../helpers')
}, resData));
}, cartModel.filterCartData(result, uid)));
} else {
// code 500
... ... @@ -142,9 +96,25 @@ exports.changeProductNum = (req, res) => {
// 删除商品
exports.removeProduct = (req, res) => {
code: '0'
const params = {};
const uid = req.cookies.uid;
const shoppingKey = req.cookies._SPK;
const productSkuList = req.body.skuList;
if (uid) {
_.merge(params, {uid});
if (shoppingKey) {
_.merge(params, {shopping_key: shoppingKey});
if (productSkuList) {
_.merge(params, {product_sku_list: productSkuList});
cartModel.removeGoods(params).then(result => {
... ... @@ -190,3 +160,35 @@ exports.addToCart = (req, res) => {
// 购物车商品选择与取消选择
exports.toggleSelectGoods = (req, res) => {
const params = {};
const uid = req.cookies.uid;
const shoppingKey = req.cookies._SPK;
// 商品sku列表
// skuList:
// [{"goods_type":"advance","buy_number":1,"selected":"Y","product_sku":"1006277","promotion_id":0}, {...}]
// [{"goods_type":"ordinary","buy_number":1,"selected":"Y","product_sku":"1006277","promotion_id":0}, {...}]
const productSkuList = req.body.skuList;
if (uid) {
_.merge(params, {uid});
if (shoppingKey) {
_.merge(params, {shopping_key: shoppingKey});
if (productSkuList) {
_.merge(params, {product_sku_list: productSkuList});
cartModel.toggleSelectGoods(params).then(result => {
res.json(_.merge(cartModel.filterCartData(result, uid), {code: result.code}));
... ...
... ... @@ -5,267 +5,10 @@
'use strict';
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var _ = require('lodash');
const api = global.yoho.API;
// const ServiceAPI = require(`${global.library}/api`).ServiceAPI;
// const sign = require(`${global.library}/sign`);
// const logger = require(`${global.library}/logger`);
// const headerModel = require('../../../doraemon/models/header');
// var api = new ServiceAPI();
// 获取预售商品
const getPreSaleProducts = () => {
return Promise.resolve({
preSalePros: [{
gender: '1',
tags: '[Object]',
status: 1,
smallSortId: 115,
vip1Price: 379.04999999999995,
isGlobal: 'N',
vip3Price: 351.12,
isOutlets: 2,
isDiscount: 'Y',
brandDomain: 'allenove',
isSpecial: 'N',
goodsList: '[Object]',
isAdvance: 'N',
productId: 286135,
vipDiscountType: 1,
salesNum: 0,
cnAlphabet: 'ALLENOVE95S11GeBenHaGen',
productSkn: 51160998,
shelveTime: 1455616165,
vip2Price: 359.1,
editTime: 1455616165,
isNew: 'N',
isLimited: 'N',
brandName: 'Alle nove',
maxSortId: 1,
productName: 'Alle nove 小方领长袖衬衫【哥本哈根】',
brandId: 1007,
defaultImages: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
stockNumber: 29,
storageNum: 29,
isSoonSoldOut: false,
middleSortId: 12,
salesPrice: 399,
isPromotion: 101,
marketPrice: 1299,
vipPrice: 0,
id: 51160998,
thumb: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
url: '',
brandUrl: '//',
orderNum: 1, // 购买数量
numIsValid: true, // 库存是否正常
isValid: true // 是否没有实效
// 获取普通商品
const getNormalProducts = () => {
return Promise.resolve({
commonPros: [{ gender: '1',
tags: '[Object]',
status: 1,
smallSortId: 115,
vip1Price: 284.05,
isGlobal: 'N',
vip3Price: 263.12,
isOutlets: 2,
isDiscount: 'Y',
brandDomain: 'allenove',
isSpecial: 'N',
goodsList: [Object],
isAdvance: 'N',
productId: 286141,
vipDiscountType: 1,
salesNum: 0,
cnAlphabet: 'ALLENOVE95S14WeiYeNa',
productSkn: 51161001,
shelveTime: 1455616165,
vip2Price: 269.1,
editTime: 1455616165,
isNew: 'N',
isLimited: 'N',
brandName: 'Alle nove',
maxSortId: 1,
productName: 'Alle nove 翼型领长袖衬衫【维也纳】',
brandId: 1007,
defaultImages: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
stockNumber: 21,
storageNum: 21,
isSoonSoldOut: false,
middleSortId: 12,
salesPrice: 299,
isPromotion: 101,
marketPrice: 1299,
vipPrice: 0,
id: 51161001,
thumb: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
url: '',
brandUrl: '//',
orderNum: 2, // 购买数量
numIsValid: true, // 库存是否正常
isValid: true, // 是否没有实效
selectColor: '蓝',
selectSize: 'M'
}, { gender: '1',
tags: '[Object]',
status: 1,
smallSortId: 115,
vip1Price: 379.04999999999995,
isGlobal: 'N',
vip3Price: 351.12,
isOutlets: 2,
isDiscount: 'Y',
brandDomain: 'allenove',
isSpecial: 'N',
goodsList: '[Object]',
isAdvance: 'N',
productId: 286143,
vipDiscountType: 1,
salesNum: 0,
cnAlphabet: 'ALLENOVE95S20BaSaiLuoNa',
productSkn: 51161002,
shelveTime: 1455616165,
vip2Price: 359.1,
editTime: 1455616165,
isNew: 'N',
isLimited: 'N',
brandName: 'Foobar',
maxSortId: 1,
productName: 'Foobar 纽扣领绅士长袖衬衫【巴塞罗那】',
brandId: 1007,
defaultImages: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
stockNumber: 25,
storageNum: 25,
isSoonSoldOut: false,
middleSortId: 12,
salesPrice: 399,
isPromotion: 101,
marketPrice: 1299,
vipPrice: 0,
id: 51161002,
thumb: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
url: '',
brandUrl: '//',
orderNum: 1, // 购买数量
numIsValid: false, // 库存是否正常
isValid: true // 是否没有实效
{ gender: '1',
tags: [Object],
status: 1,
smallSortId: 115,
vip1Price: 379.04999999999995,
isGlobal: 'N',
vip3Price: 351.12,
isOutlets: 2,
isDiscount: 'Y',
brandDomain: 'allenove',
isSpecial: 'N',
goodsList: [Object],
isAdvance: 'N',
productId: 286169,
vipDiscountType: 1,
salesNum: 0,
cnAlphabet: 'ALLENOVE95S09BiSa',
productSkn: 51161015,
shelveTime: 1455616145,
vip2Price: 359.1,
editTime: 1455616145,
isNew: 'N',
isLimited: 'N',
brandName: 'Alle nove',
maxSortId: 1,
productName: 'Alle nove 高支牛津休闲长袖衬衫【比萨】',
brandId: 1007,
defaultImages: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
stockNumber: 27,
storageNum: 27,
isSoonSoldOut: false,
middleSortId: 12,
salesPrice: 399,
isPromotion: 101,
marketPrice: 1299,
vipPrice: 0,
id: 51161015,
thumb: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
url: '',
brandUrl: '//',
orderNum: 2, // 购买数量
numIsValid: true, // 库存是否正常
isValid: true // 是否没有实效
// 获取失效商品
const getInvalidProducts = () => {
return Promise.resolve({
invalidPros: [{ gender: '1',
tags: ['Object'],
status: 1,
smallSortId: 115,
vip1Price: 379.04999999999995,
isGlobal: 'N',
vip3Price: 351.12,
isOutlets: 2,
isDiscount: 'Y',
brandDomain: 'allenove',
isSpecial: 'N',
goodsList: ['Object'],
isAdvance: 'N',
productId: 286139,
vipDiscountType: 1,
salesNum: 0,
cnAlphabet: 'ALLENOVE95S13PuLuoWangSi',
productSkn: 51161000,
shelveTime: 1455616165,
vip2Price: 359.1,
editTime: 1455616165,
isNew: 'N',
isLimited: 'N',
brandName: 'Alle nove',
maxSortId: 1,
productName: 'Alle nove 复古圆领长袖衬衫【普罗旺斯】',
brandId: 1007,
defaultImages: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
stockNumber: 12,
storageNum: 12,
isSoonSoldOut: false,
middleSortId: 12,
salesPrice: 399,
isPromotion: 101,
marketPrice: 1299,
vipPrice: 0,
id: 51161000,
thumb: '{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80',
url: '',
brandUrl: '//',
orderNum: 1, // 购买数量
numIsValid: true, // 库存是否正常
isValid: false // 是否没有实效
// 获取购物车信息
const getCartInfo = () => {
return Promise.all([
* 加入购物车
* @function addToCart
... ... @@ -382,9 +125,143 @@ const transferToFavorite = (uid, sku, hasPromotion) => {
return api.get('', params);
* 商品选择与取消选择
* @function toggleSelectGoods
* @param { Number } uid 用户UID
* @param { String } sku 商品sku列表
* @param { String } shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码,可以不传
* @return { Array }
const toggleSelectGoods = (params) => {
// BLK 没有促销, 新接口
let method = 'app.Shopping.selectedAndCart';
_.merge(params, {method});
return api.get('', params);
* 商品选择与取消选择
* @function toggleSelectGoods
* @param { Number } uid 用户UID
* @param { String } sku 商品sku列表
* @param { String } shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码,可以不传
* @return { Array }
const removeGoods = (params) => {
// BLK 没有促销, 新接口
let method = 'app.Shopping.removeAndCart';
_.merge(params, {method});
return api.get('', params);
* 每次操作处理购物车数据
* @function toggleSelectGoods
* @param { Object } result 购物车数据
* {
* advance_cart_data: { // 预售商品
* gift_list: [], // 赠品
* goods_list: [] // 商品列表
* off_shelves_goods_list: [], // 下架商品, 失效商品
* price_gift: [], // 加价购商品
* promotion_info: [], // 促销信息
* shopping_cart_data: [], // 商品价格计算相关信息
* sold_out_goods_list: [] // 售罄商品
* },
* ordinary_cart_data: { // 普通商品
* gift_list: [],
* goods_list: [],
* off_shelves_goods_list: [],
* price_gift: [],
* promotion_info: [],
* shopping_cart_data: [],
* sold_out_goods_list: []
* },
* md5: '...',
* message: '...'
* }
const filterCartData = (result, uid) => {
// 预售商品
let advancedGoods = [],
selectedAdvanceNum = 0,
// 普通商品
let ordinaryGoods = [],
selectedOrdinaryNum = 0,
// skn=0或者已下架的商品,定义为失效商品
let invalidGoods = [];
// 库存不足商品
let soldOutGoods = [];
// 商品总数量
let buyNumber;
let totalNum = 0;
// 返回值
let resData = {
loggedIn: uid
if ( && {
// 预售商品
advancedCartData =;
console.log('---------------advance------:', advancedCartData.goods_list.length);
advancedGoods = _.concat(advancedGoods, advancedCartData.goods_list);
invalidGoods = _.concat(invalidGoods, advancedCartData.off_shelves_goods_list);
soldOutGoods = _.concat(soldOutGoods, advancedCartData.sold_out_goods_list);
_.forEach(advancedGoods, function(good){
buyNumber = parseInt(good.buy_number, 10);
totalNum += buyNumber;
if (good.selected === 'Y') {
selectedAdvanceNum += buyNumber;
if ( && {
// 普通商品
ordinaryCartData =;
console.log('---------------ordinary------:', ordinaryCartData.goods_list.length);
ordinaryGoods = _.concat(ordinaryGoods, ordinaryCartData.goods_list);
invalidGoods = _.concat(invalidGoods, ordinaryCartData.off_shelves_goods_list);
soldOutGoods = _.concat(soldOutGoods, ordinaryCartData.sold_out_goods_list);
_.forEach(ordinaryGoods, function(good){
buyNumber = parseInt(good.buy_number, 10);
totalNum += buyNumber;
if (good.selected === 'Y') {
selectedOrdinaryNum += buyNumber;
// console.log('ordinaryGoods:', ordinaryGoods);
return _.merge(resData, {
hasGoods: advancedGoods.length || ordinaryGoods.length || invalidGoods.length,
preSalePros: advancedGoods.length ? _.groupBy(advancedGoods, 'brand_id') : [],
commonPros: ordinaryGoods.length ? _.groupBy(ordinaryGoods, 'brand_id') : [],
invalidPros: invalidGoods,
selectedNum: selectedAdvanceNum + selectedOrdinaryNum,
checkAll: totalNum === (selectedAdvanceNum + selectedOrdinaryNum)
module.exports = {
... ...
... ... @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ router.delete('/cart/product/:productId', cartCtrl.removeProduct);'/cart/product/:productId/send_to_favorite', cartCtrl.sendToFavorite);
router.get('/cart/product/:productId/edit', cartCtrl.editProduct);'/cart/add', cartCtrl.addToCart);'/cart/toggleSelectGoods', cartCtrl.toggleSelectGoods);
// 结算
router.get('/order', order.index);
... ...
{{> common/cart-list-header}}
{{> common/cart-list-body}}
{{> common/statement}}
\ No newline at end of file
<div id="cart_content">
{{> common/cart-list-header}}
{{> common/cart-list-body}}
{{> common/statement}}
<script id="cart-content-tpl" type="text/html">
<div class="cart-header">
<div class="titles">
<div class="item">
<label id="toggle_check" class="toggle-chk chk-all \{{#if checkAll}}chk-group\{{/if}}">
<span class="iconfont checkbox not-checked">&#xe601;</span>
<span class="iconfont checkbox checked">&#xe602;</span>
<div class="item product">货品</div>
<div class="item price">价格</div>
<div class="item num">数量</div>
<div class="item pro-total-price">总价</div>
<div class="item actions">操作</div>
\{{# if preSalePros}}
<div class="cart-pro-list pre-pros">
<div class="title">
<span class="main">预售商品</span>
<span class="note">不同上市期的商品我们将为您先到先发</span>
<div class="pro-list">
\{{#each preSalePros}}
<div class="pros-group">
\{{# each this}}
<li class="chk" data-product_info='{"goods_type": "advance", "buy_number": \{{buy_number}}, "selected": "\{{selected}}", "product_sku": "\{{product_sku}}", "promotion_id": 0}'>
<label class="toggle-chk-item \{{#isEqual selected 'Y'}}chk-group\{{/isEqual}}">
<span class="iconfont checkbox not-checked">&#xe601;</span>
<span class="iconfont checkbox checked">&#xe602;</span>
<input type="hidden" name="product_ids[]"/>
<img src="\{{image goods_images 100 134}}" alt="\{{product_name}}">
<li class="pro-info">
\{{!-- <div class="brand-name">\{{brand_name}}</div> --}}
<div class="pro-name">\{{product_name}}</div>
<div class="size">
\{{#if size_name}}
<span>尺寸: \{{size_name}}</span>
<div class="published-at">上市期: \{{expect_arrival_time}}</div>
<li class="price-num">
<span class="price sale-price">¥\{{sales_price}}</span>
<div class="stepper" data-productId=\{{productId}}>
<div class="minus action">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe621;</span>
<div class="num">
<input type="text" class="input" value=\{{buy_number}} />
<div class="plus action">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe61f;</span>
<li class="total-price-action">
<span class="price item-total-price">¥\{{multiple sales_price buy_number}}</span>
<div class="actions">
<div class="remove-item action" data-product_id=\{{product_id}}><span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span> &nbsp;删&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;除</div>
<div class="send-to-favorite action" data-product_id=\{{product_id}}>移入收藏夹</div>
\{{/ if}}
\{{# if commonPros }}
<div class="cart-pro-list common-pros">
<div class="title">
<span class="main">普通商品</span>
<div class="pro-list">
\{{#each commonPros}}
<div class="pros-group">
\{{# each this}}
<li class="chk" data-product_info='{"goods_type": "ordinary", "buy_number": \{{buy_number}}, "selected": "\{{selected}}", "product_sku": "\{{product_sku}}", "promotion_id": 0}'>
<label class="toggle-chk-item \{{#isEqual selected 'Y'}}chk-group\{{/isEqual}}">
<span class="iconfont checkbox not-checked">&#xe601;</span>
<span class="iconfont checkbox checked">&#xe602;</span>
<input type="hidden" name="product_ids[]"/>
<img src="\{{image goods_images 100 134}}" alt="\{{product_name}}">
<li class="pro-info">
\{{!-- <div class="brand-name">\{{brandName}}</div> --}}
<div class="pro-name">\{{product_name}}</div>
<div class="color-size editable" data-product_id=\{{product_id}} id="edit_\{{product_id}}">
\{{#if color_name}}
<span class="mr20">颜色: \{{color_name}}</span>
\{{#if size_name}}
<span>尺寸: \{{size_name}}</span>
<span class="iconfont">&#xe63c;</span>
<li class="price-num">
<span class="price sale-price">¥\{{sales_price}}</span>
<div class="stepper" data-productId=\{{productId}}>
<div class="minus action">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe621;</span>
<div class="num">
<input type="text" class="input" value=\{{buy_number}} />
<div class="plus action">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe61f;</span>
<li class="total-price-action">
<span class="price item-total-price">¥\{{multiple sales_price buy_number}}</span>
<div class="actions">
<div class="remove-item action" data-product_id=\{{product_id}}><span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span> &nbsp;删&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;除</div>
<div class="send-to-favorite action" data-product_id=\{{product_id}}>移入收藏夹</div>
\{{/ if}}
\{{# if invalidPros}}
<div class="cart-pro-list invalid-pros">
<div class="pro-list">
\{{#each invalidPros}}
<li class="chk">
<span class="iconfont warning">&#xe625;</span>
<img src="\{{image defaultImages 100 134}}" alt="\{{productName}}">
<li class="pro-info">
<div class="brand-name">\{{brandName}}</div>
<div class="pro-name">\{{productName}}</div>
<div class="size">尺寸: USB</div>
<div class="published-at">上市期: 2016年8月</div>
<li class="price-num">
<span class="price sale-price">¥\{{salesPrice}}</span>
<div class="stepper" data-productId=\{{productId}}>
<div class="minus action">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe621;</span>
<div class="num">
<input type="text" class="input" value=\{{buy_number}} />
<div class="plus action">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe61f;</span>
<li class="total-price-action">
<span class="price item-total-price">¥1289.00</span>
<div class="actions">
<div class="remove-item action" data-product_id=\{{product_id}}><span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span> &nbsp;删&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;除</div>
<div class="send-to-favorite action" data-product_id=\{{product_id}}>移入收藏夹</div>
\{{/ if}}
<div class="cart-statement">
<div class="actions">
<div class="action">
<label id="toggle_check" class="toggle-chk chk-all \{{#if checkAll}}chk-group\{{/if}}">
<span class="iconfont checkbox not-checked">&#xe601;</span>
<span class="iconfont checkbox checked">&#xe602;</span>
<div id="remove_selected" class="action hoverable">删除选中的商品</div>
<div id="send_favorite" class="action hoverable">移入收藏夹</div>
<div id="clear_invalid" class="action hoverable">清除实效商品</div>
<div class="selected-num">已选<span>\{{selectedNum}}</span>件</div>
<div class="checkout-total">
<div class="total-title">商品金额:</div>
<div class="total-money">¥<span>58999.00</span></div>
<div class="calculate">
<div class="checkout-total pay-total">
<div class="pay-title">应付金额(不含运费):</div>
<div class="total-money">¥<span>58999.00</span></div>
<div class="checkout">
<a href="/" class="go-to-checkout">
<span class="btn disable" id="checkout_btn">去结算</span>
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
<div class="pros-group">
{{# each this}}
<li class="chk" data-productId={{productId}}>
<label class="toggle-chk-item {{#if numIsValid}}chk-group{{/if}}">
<li class="chk" data-product_info='{"goods_type": "advance", "buy_number": {{buy_number}}, "selected": "{{selected}}", "product_sku": "{{product_sku}}", "promotion_id": 0}'>
<label class="toggle-chk-item {{#isEqual selected 'Y'}}chk-group{{/isEqual}}">
<span class="iconfont checkbox not-checked">&#xe601;</span>
<span class="iconfont checkbox checked">&#xe602;</span>
<input type="hidden" name="productIds[]"/>
<input type="hidden" name="product_ids[]"/>
<img src="{{image goods_images 100 134}}" alt="{{product_name}}">
... ... @@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
<span>尺寸: {{size_name}}</span>
<div class="published-at">上市期: 2016年8月1日</div>
<div class="published-at">上市期: {{expect_arrival_time}}</div>
<li class="price-num">
<span class="price sale-price">¥{{sales_price}}</span>
... ... @@ -36,8 +38,8 @@
<li class="total-price-action">
<span class="price item-total-price">¥{{multiple sales_price buy_number}}</span>
<div class="actions">
<div class="remove-item action" data-productId={{productId}}><span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
<div class="send-to-favorite action" data-productId={{productId}}>移入收藏夹</div>
<div class="remove-item action" data-product_id={{product_id}}><span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
<div class="send-to-favorite action" data-product_id={{product_id}}>移入收藏夹</div>
... ... @@ -58,12 +60,12 @@
<div class="pros-group">
{{# each this}}
<li class="chk" data-productId={{productId}}>
<label class="toggle-chk-item {{#if numIsValid}}chk-group{{/if}}">
<li class="chk" data-product_info='{"goods_type": "ordinary", "buy_number": {{buy_number}}, "selected": "{{selected}}", "product_sku": "{{product_sku}}", "promotion_id": 0}'>
<label class="toggle-chk-item {{#isEqual selected 'Y'}}chk-group{{/isEqual}}">
<span class="iconfont checkbox not-checked">&#xe601;</span>
<span class="iconfont checkbox checked">&#xe602;</span>
<input type="hidden" name="productIds[]"/>
<input type="hidden" name="product_ids[]"/>
<img src="{{image goods_images 100 134}}" alt="{{product_name}}">
... ... @@ -71,7 +73,7 @@
<li class="pro-info">
{{!-- <div class="brand-name">{{brandName}}</div> --}}
<div class="pro-name">{{product_name}}</div>
<div class="color-size editable" data-productId={{productId}} id="edit_{{productId}}">
<div class="color-size editable" data-product_id={{product_id}} id="edit_{{product_id}}">
{{#if color_name}}
<span class="mr20">颜色: {{color_name}}</span>
... ... @@ -88,8 +90,8 @@
<li class="total-price-action">
<span class="price item-total-price">¥{{multiple sales_price buy_number}}</span>
<div class="actions">
<div class="remove-item action" data-productId={{productId}}><span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
<div class="send-to-favorite action" data-productId={{productId}}>移入收藏夹</div>
<div class="remove-item action" data-product_id={{product_id}}><span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
<div class="send-to-favorite action" data-product_id={{product_id}}>移入收藏夹</div>
... ... @@ -124,8 +126,8 @@
<li class="total-price-action">
<span class="price item-total-price">¥1289.00</span>
<div class="actions">
<div class="remove-item action" data-productId={{productId}}><span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
<div class="send-to-favorite action" data-productId={{productId}}>移入收藏夹</div>
<div class="remove-item action" data-product_id={{product_id}}><span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
<div class="send-to-favorite action" data-product_id={{product_id}}>移入收藏夹</div>
... ...
<div class="cart-header">
<div class="titles">
<div class="item">
<label id="toggle_check" class="toggle-chk chk-all chk-group">
<label id="toggle_check" class="toggle-chk chk-all {{#if checkAll}}chk-group{{/if}}">
<span class="iconfont checkbox not-checked">&#xe601;</span>
<span class="iconfont checkbox checked">&#xe602;</span>
... ...
<div class="cart-statement">
<div class="actions">
<div class="action">
<label id="toggle_check" class="toggle-chk chk-all chk-group">
<label id="toggle_check" class="toggle-chk chk-all {{#if checkAll}}chk-group{{/if}}">
<span class="iconfont checkbox not-checked">&#xe601;</span>
<span class="iconfont checkbox checked">&#xe602;</span>
... ... @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
<div id="remove_selected" class="action hoverable">删除选中的商品</div>
<div id="send_favorite" class="action hoverable">移入收藏夹</div>
<div id="clear_invalid" class="action hoverable">清除实效商品</div>
<div class="selected-num">已选<span>4</span></div>
<div class="selected-num">已选<span>{{selectedNum}}</span></div>
<div class="checkout-total">
<div class="total-title">商品金额:</div>
<div class="total-money">¥<span>58999.00</span></div>
<div class="total-money">¥<span></span></div>
<div class="calculate">
... ...
... ... @@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
"yoho-jquery-nanoscroller": "0.0.1",
"yoho-jquery-placeholder": "^2.3.1",
"yoho-jquery-qrcode": "0.0.3",
"yoho-json2": "^1.0.0",
"yoho-slider": "0.0.2"
... ...
var $ = require('yoho-jquery');
var Cart = require('./cart');
var Stepper = require('./stepper');
var Cart = require('./cart/cart');
var Stepper = require('./cart/stepper');
$(function() {
... ... @@ -9,105 +9,54 @@ $(function() {
// 全选和单选
$('.toggle-chk, .toggle-chk-item').on('click', function() {
var $this = $(this),
$checkoutBtn = $('#checkout_btn'),
checkAll = $this.hasClass('chk-all'),
checkProId = [];
var data;
if ($this.hasClass('chk-group')) {
// 取消选择
if (checkAll) {
} else {
} else {
if (checkAll) {
data = { productId: 'ALL' };
} else {
checkProId = $this.parent().attr('data-productId');
data = { productId: checkProId};
// 检查库存
type: 'GET',
url: '/shopping/cart/product/check_inventory',
data: data,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(res) {
if (res.valid) {
if (checkAll) {
} else {
// 判断是否需要全选
} else {
if (checkAll) {
// 全选商品中存在库存不足
// 如果有有效商品
if ($('.toggle-chk-item').length) {
Cart.toggleNotEnough($this, 'ALL');
} else {
// 单选商品库存不足
}).fail(function() {
// 通用处理错误
$('#cart_content').delegate('.toggle-chk, .toggle-chk-item', 'click', function() {
// 全选和单选, this);
}).delegate('.remove-item', 'click', function() {
// 删除商品
}).delegate('.send-to-favorite', 'click', function() {
// 移入收藏夹
}).delegate('.editable', 'click', function() {
// 编辑商品颜色和属性
// // 全选和单选
// $('.toggle-chk, .toggle-chk-item').on('click', function() {
//, this);
// });
// 变动商品数量
// 删除商品
$('.remove-item').on('click', function() {
// // 删除商品
// $('.remove-item').on('click', function() {
// Cart.removePro($(this).attr('data-productId'));
// });
// 移入收藏夹
$('.send-to-favorite').on('click', function() {
// // 移入收藏夹
// $('.send-to-favorite').on('click', function() {
// Cart.sendToFavorite($(this).attr('data-productId'));
// });
// 编辑商品颜色和属性
$('.editable').on('click', function() {
// // 编辑商品颜色和属性
// $('.editable').on('click', function() {
// Cart.editColorOrSize($(this).attr('data-productId'));
// });
// TODO=>
$('#add_to_cart1').on('click', function() {
productSku: '980874',
productSku: '870896',
buyNumber: 1
$('#add_to_cart2').on('click', function() {
productSku: '980870',
productSku: '972201',
buyNumber: 2
... ...
... ... @@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
* @module shopping/cart
var Dialog = require('../plugins/dialog');
var Dialog = require('../../plugins/dialog');
var JSON = require('yoho-json2');
var _confirm = Dialog.Confirm;
var _alert = Dialog.Alert;
var Util = require('./util');
var hbs = require('yoho-handlebars');
var common = require('../common');
var common = require('../../common');
var Stepper = require('./cart/stepper');
var Cart = {
... ... @@ -21,6 +23,8 @@ var Cart = {
* @params { Function } callback 购买结果回调
addToCart: function(params, callback) {
common.setCookie('uid', '20000058');
url: '/shopping/cart/add',
type: 'POST',
... ... @@ -108,11 +112,114 @@ var Cart = {
* 根据服务端JSON,刷新购物车信息
* @function [refreshCart]
refreshCart: function(data) {
var template;
hbs.registerHelper('multiple', function(num1, num2) {
num1 = typeof num1 === 'number' ? num1 : parseFloat(num1, 10);
num2 = typeof num2 === 'number' ? num2 : parseFloat(num2, 10);
if (num1 && num2) {
return num1 * num2;
} else {
console.error('multiplication needs two number parameters');
hbs.registerHelper('isEqual', function(v1, v2, options) {
if (v1 === v2) {
return options.fn(this);
return options.inverse(this);
hbs.registerHelper('image', function(url, width, height, mode) {
mode = parseInt(mode, 10) ? mode : 2;
url = url || '';
return url.replace(/{width}/g, width).replace(/{height}/g, height).replace(/{mode}/g, mode);
template = hbs.compile($('#cart-content-tpl').html());
* 选择与取消选择
* @function [toggleSelectGoods]
toggleSelectGoods: function(data) {
type: 'POST',
url: '/shopping/cart/toggleSelectGoods',
data: {skuList: JSON.stringify(data)},
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(res) {
if (res.code === 200) {
} else {
}).fail(function() {
* 单选每一个商品判断是否需要全选
* @function [toggleCheckAll]
toggleCheckAll: function() {
toggleCheck: function(target) {
var $this = $(target),
$checkoutBtn = $('#checkout_btn'),
checkAll = $this.hasClass('chk-all');
var goodInfo;
var data = [];
if ($this.hasClass('chk-group')) {
// 取消选择
if (checkAll) {
} else {
// $'');
// data.push($this.parent().attr('data-product_info'));
// console.log($.parseJSON($this.parent().attr('data-product_info')))
goodInfo = $.parseJSON($this.parent().attr('data-product_info'));
goodInfo.selected = 'N';
} else {
// 选择
if (checkAll) {
data = { productId: 'ALL' };
} else {
// console.log($.parseJSON($this.parent().attr('data-product_info')))
goodInfo = $.parseJSON($this.parent().attr('data-product_info'));
goodInfo.selected = 'Y';
... ...
... ... @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* @date: 2016/07/11
* @module shopping/util
var dialog = require('../plugins/dialog');
var dialog = require('../../plugins/dialog');
var _alert = dialog.Alert;
var Util = {
... ...