Authored by 梁志锋


define("index", ["jquery","swiper","index"], function(require, exports, module){
var yohobuy;
module.exports = yohobuy;
define("js/product/entry", ["jquery","swiper","index"], function(require, exports, module){
* 产品打包入口
* @author: liangzhifeng<>
* @date: 2015/10/12
define("js/product/detail/detail-app", ["jquery","swiper","index"], function(require, exports, module){
* 商品详情 --for app web view
* @author: 赵彪<>
* @date: 2015/12/19
var $ = require("jquery"),
loading = require("js/plugin/loading"),
Swiper = require("swiper");
var sizeSwiper,
function hiddenTips($ele) {
var offsetContainer,
if ($ele.length > 0) {
offsetContainer = $ele[0].getBoundingClientRect().right;
offsetLastColumn = $ele.find('.swiper-slide:last-child')[0].getBoundingClientRect().right;
if (offsetLastColumn - offsetContainer < 0) {
$'.tips').css('display', 'none');
} else {
$'.tips').css('display', 'block');
function wrapElements(selector, count) {
var elArr = null;
$(selector).each(function(idx, el) {
elArr = $(selector).slice(idx, idx + count);
if (elArr.length === count && idx % count === 0) {
$(elArr).wrapAll($('<div class="js-wraper"></div>'));
//function showRecommend() {
// var recommendSwiper,
// $recommendForYou = $('.recommend-for-you'),
// $recommndEl = $('#swiper-recommend a');
// if ($recommndEl.length === 0){
// $recommendForYou.hide();
// return;
// }
// $;
// if ($('#swiper-recommend').length) {
// recommendSwiper = new Swiper('#swiper-recommend', {
// slidesPerView: 'auto',
// grabCursor: true,
// slideElement: 'a',
// lazyLoading: true,
// watchSlidesVisibility: true
// });
// }
function hideHeaderFooter() {
function initPage() {
var $page = $('#app-detail');
sizeSwiper = new Swiper('#size-swiper-container',{
slidesPerView: 'auto'
refSwiper = new Swiper('#reference-swiper-container',{
slidesPerView: 'auto'
wrapElements('.detail .column', 2);
define("js/plugin/loading", ["jquery"], function(require, exports, module){
* Loading mask
* @author: xuqi<>
* @date: 2015/10/29
var $ = require("jquery");
var $page = $('.yoho-page');
var $loading,
hasInit = false;
/** modify by liangzhifeng at 2015.11.2 */
// 初始化
function init($container) {
var html = '<div class="loading-mask hide">' +
'<div class="loading">' +
'<div></div><div></div><div></div>' +
'</div>' +
hasInit = true;
if ($container === undefined) {
$container = $page;
$loading = $container.children('.loading-mask');
function showLoadingMask() {
if (!hasInit) {
hasInit = true;
function hideLoadingMask() {
exports.init = init;
exports.showLoadingMask = showLoadingMask;
exports.hideLoadingMask = hideLoadingMask;
define("js/product/recommend-for-you-product-desc", ["swiper","jquery","index"], function(require, exports, module){
* 为您优选
* @author: liangzhifeng<>
* @date: 2015/11/16
var Swiper = require("swiper"),
$ = require("jquery");
var recommendSwiper,
$recommendForYou = $('.recommend-for-you'),
preferenceUrl = $('#preferenceUrl').val();
if (preferenceUrl) {
$.get(preferenceUrl).then(function(html) {
if (html.length < 5) {
$recommendForYou.css('display', 'none');
} else {
if ($('#swiper-recommend').length) {
recommendSwiper = new Swiper('#swiper-recommend', {
slidesPerView: 'auto',
grabCursor: true,
slideElement: 'a',
lazyLoading: true,
watchSlidesVisibility: true
}).fail(function() {
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This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
define("index",["jquery","swiper","index"],function(e,i,n){var d;e("js/product/entry"),n.exports=d}),define("js/product/entry",["jquery","swiper","index"],function(e,i,n){e("js/product/detail/detail-app")}),define("js/product/detail/detail-app",["jquery","swiper","index"],function(e,i,n){function d(e){var i,n;e.length>0&&(i=e[0].getBoundingClientRect().right,n=e.find(".swiper-slide:last-child")[0].getBoundingClientRect().right,0>n-i?".tips").css("display","none")".tips").css("display","block"))}function r(e,i){var n=null;c(e).each(function(d,r){n=c(e).slice(d,d+i),n.length===i&&d%i===0&&c(n).wrapAll(c('<div class="js-wraper"></div>'))})}function o(){c("#yoho-header").hide(),c("#yoho-footer").hide()}function s(){var e=c("#app-detail");e.removeClass("hide"),l.hideLoadingMask(),o(),t=new u("#size-swiper-container",{slidesPerView:"auto"}),a=new u("#reference-swiper-container",{slidesPerView:"auto"}),d(c("#size-swiper-container")),d(c("#reference-swiper-container")),r(".detail .column",2)}var t,a,c=e("jquery"),l=e("js/plugin/loading"),u=e("swiper");l.showLoadingMask(),e("js/product/recommend-for-you-product-desc"),c(document).ready(s)}),define("js/plugin/loading",["jquery"],function(e,i,n){function d(e){var i='<div class="loading-mask hide"><div class="loading"><div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div>';c=!0,void 0===e&&(e=a),e.append(i),s=e.children(".loading-mask")}function r(){c||(d(),c=!0),s.removeClass("hide")}function o(){s.addClass("hide")}var s,t=e("jquery"),a=t(".yoho-page"),c=!1;i.init=d,i.showLoadingMask=r,i.hideLoadingMask=o}),define("js/product/recommend-for-you-product-desc",["swiper","jquery","index"],function(e,i,n){var d,r=e("swiper"),o=e("jquery"),s=o(".recommend-for-you"),t=o("#preferenceUrl").val();t&&o.get(t).then(function(e){e.length<5?s.css("display","none"):(s.html(e).show(),o("#swiper-recommend").length&&(d=new r("#swiper-recommend",{slidesPerView:"auto",grabCursor:!0,slideElement:"a",lazyLoading:!0,watchSlidesVisibility:!0})))}).fail(function(){s.hide()})});
\ No newline at end of file
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<span class="method">方式一</span>
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<div class="intro-img"></div>
<div class="intro-img"></div>
<span class="method">方式二</span>
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<div class="intro-img"></div>
<div class="intro-img"></div>
<div class="intro-img"></div>
<ul class="how">
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... ...
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<ul class="how">
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<p> 1.当稀缺商品上架,同一用户账号在一定时间段内,仅支持购买1件该商品。 </p>
<p> 2.可通过分享或其他活动获得该商品的限购码,每个商品仅可获得1次限购码。 </p>
<p> 3.若下单未付款导致交易取消,不会扣限购额度。已付款状态下,无论是否退款则扣除限购额度。 </p>
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<p> 1.当稀缺商品上架,同一用户账号在一定时间段内,仅支持购买1件该商品。 </p>
<p> 2.可通过分享或其他活动获得该商品的限购码,每个商品仅可获得1次限购码。 </p>
<p> 3.若下单未付款导致交易取消,不会扣限购额度。已付款状态下,无论是否退款则扣除限购额度。 </p>
<div class="block">
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