Authored by hf

Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

Showing 36 changed files with 3868 additions and 202 deletions

Too many changes to show.

To preserve performance only 36 of 36+ files are displayed.

... ... @@ -838,6 +838,14 @@
defaultSizes: [
numZero: true,
name: 'X',
numStr: '0/10'
totalNum: 20
... ...
... ... @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class AbstractAction extends Controller_Abstract
return $udid;
* 设置网站SEO的标题
... ...
... ... @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class Yohobuy
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, implode(';', $cookie_str));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.122 YOHOWEB');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
// 销毁私钥参数
... ...
namespace LibModels\Web\Passport;
use Api\Sign;
use Api\Yohobuy;
* 登录的数据模型
* @name LoginData
* @package LibModels/Web/Passport
* @copyright
* @version 1.0 (2015-12-30 14:05:04)
* @author xiaowei <>
class LoginData extends \LibModels\Wap\Passport\LoginData
* 第三方登录接口(包括alipay,qq,sina)
* @param string $nickname 姓名
* @param string $openId 第三方唯一识别码
* @param string $sourceType 登录方式
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码, 默认为空
* @return array 登录返回结果
public static function signinByOpenID($nickname, $openId, $sourceType, $shoppingKey = null)
// 构建必传参数
$param = Yohobuy::param();
$param['v'] = '4';
$param['method'] = 'app.passport.signinByOpenID';
$param['openId'] = $openId;
$param['source_type'] = $sourceType;
$param['nickname'] = $nickname;
if (!empty($shoppingKey)) {
$param['shopping_key'] = $shoppingKey;
$param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
... ...
namespace LibModels\Web\Passport;
use Api\Yohobuy;
use Api\Sign;
use Plugin\Helpers;
class RegData extends \LibModels\Wap\Passport\RegData
* 根据手机号获取用户信息[TODO +cache]
* @param string $area
* @param string $mobile
* @return string
public static function getUserInfoByMobile($area, $mobile)
$param = Yohobuy::param();
$param['method'] = 'app.passport.userlist';
$param['mobile'] = Helpers::makeMobile($area, $mobile);
$param['debug'] = 'Y';
$param['screen_size'] = '320x568';
$param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
return Yohobuy::post(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ class BrandData
const URI_BRAND_TOPPOS = 'operations/api/v5/resource/get';
const URL_BRAND_LOGO = '/shops/service/v1/brand';
const URL_BRAND_FOLDER = '/cmsproduct/service/v1/brands';
const URL_BRAND_NODECONTENT = '/operations/service/v6/htmlcontent';
* 获取品牌介绍
* 获取品牌简介
* @param integer $brandId 品牌ID
* @param int 用户ID
* @return array 品牌介绍信息
* @param int 用户ID
* @return array 品牌介绍信息
public static function getBrandIntro($brandId, $uid)
... ... @@ -42,9 +44,9 @@ class BrandData
* 获取品牌banner数据
* 获取品牌banner
* @param integer $brandId 品牌ID
* @return array banner数据
* @return array banner
public static function getBrandBanner($brandId)
... ... @@ -58,17 +60,17 @@ class BrandData
* 获取品牌介绍信息
* 获取品牌介绍详情
* @param int $id 品牌id
* @return array
public static function getBrandLogo($id)
return Yohobuy::yarClient(Yohobuy::SERVICE_URL . self::URL_BRAND_LOGO, 'getBrandByids', array($id ));
public static function getBrandLogo($brandId)
return Yohobuy::yarClient(Yohobuy::SERVICE_URL . self::URL_BRAND_LOGO, 'getBrandByids', array($brandId ));
* 通过域名获取品牌LOGO信息
* @param int $domain 品牌domain
... ... @@ -78,5 +80,27 @@ class BrandData
return Yohobuy::yarClient(Yohobuy::SERVICE_URL . self::URL_BRAND_LOGO, 'getBrandByDomain', array($domain ));
* 通过品牌id获取品牌Folder
* @param int $brand_id 品牌id
* @param int $status 状态
* @return array
public static function getFolderByBrand($brand_id,$status = 1)
return Yohobuy::yarClient(Yohobuy::SERVICE_URL . self::URL_BRAND_FOLDER, 'getFolderByBrand', array($brand_id,$status ));
* 根据节点和运行模式选择静态内容
* @param $node 20141219-100447
* @param string $mode
* @return mixed
public static function getByNodeContent($node, $mode='release')
return Yohobuy::yarClient(Yohobuy::SERVICE_URL . self::URL_BRAND_NODECONTENT, 'getByNodeContent', array($node, $mode));
... ...
... ... @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ class SearchData extends \LibModels\Wap\Product\SearchData
case 'release':
if($type == 'sort'){
return '';
if($type == 'discount'){
}elseif($type == 'discount'){
return '';
if($type == 'recent'){
}elseif($type == 'recent'){
return '';
}elseif($type == 'review'){
return '';
case 'test':
... ... @@ -33,11 +33,13 @@ class SearchData extends \LibModels\Wap\Product\SearchData
if($type == 'sort'){
return '';
if($type == 'discount'){
elseif($type == 'discount'){
return '';
if($type == 'recent'){
elseif($type == 'recent'){
return '';
}elseif($type == 'review'){
return '';
return '';
... ... @@ -68,14 +70,48 @@ class SearchData extends \LibModels\Wap\Product\SearchData
* 获取品类数据
* @return array 品类数据
* 根据查询条件查询品类列表
* @param string $query 关键字
* @param bool $needAllSort 为1时返回全部分类
* @param bool needSmallSort 为1时返回小分类
* @param string $brand 品牌,查多个品牌以逗号分隔
* @param string $mosort 产品产品大分类ID,查多个大类以逗号分隔
* @param string $misort 产品产品中分类ID,查多个中类以逗号分隔
* @param string $sort 产品产品小分类ID,查多个小类以逗号分隔
* @param string $gender 性别,默认为null,"1"表示男, "2"表示女, "3"表示通用
* @param integer $color 颜色id
* @param integer $size 尺码id
* @param integer $price 价格
* @param integer $style 风格ID
* @param integer $parameter_xxx 属性类型ID与值ID 参数名称格式:parameter_{属性类型ID}={属性值ID},如查询厚度为中“parameter_875=4801”
* @param integer $stocknumber 库存量
* @param integer $shelve_time 时间区间
* @param integer $specialoffer 特价类型
* @param bool $sales 是否销售
* @param bool $promotion 是否为促销品
* @param integer $vdt 是否为促销品
* @param bool $vdt 折扣类型
* @param integer $p_d 促销浮点值
* @param integer $attribute 商品属性 1正常商品 2赠品
* @param integer $limited 是否限量 “N”或“Y”
* @param integer $new 是否新品 “N”或“Y”
* @param integer $status 是否上架
* @param integer $sell_channels 销售平台
* @param integer $p_d_int 促销折扣 int型如7
* @param integer $act_temp 活动模板
* @param integer $act_rec 活动模板是否推荐
* @param integer $act_status 活动模板商品状态
* @param integer $attribute_not 过滤商品属性,attribute_not=2过滤掉赠品
* @param integer $not_* not_字段名,过滤字段
* @return array 搜索到的数据
public static function getClassesData($condition = array(), $cache = false)
public static function getClassesData($classes = array(), $cache = false)
$param['brand'] = $condition;
return Yohobuy::get(self::getUrl('sort'),$param, $cache);
$classes['sales'] = 'Y'; //在销售商品分类
$classes['status'] = 1; //上架商品分类
$classes['stocknumber'] = 1; //过滤掉已售罄
return Yohobuy::get(self::getUrl('sort'),$classes, $cache);
... ... @@ -91,4 +127,14 @@ class SearchData extends \LibModels\Wap\Product\SearchData
public static function recentShelve(){
return Yohobuy::get(self::getUrl('recent'));
* 获取最近浏览记录
* @param int $limit
* @return json
public static function getRecentReview($limit = 0)
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -109,5 +109,45 @@ class Cache
return md5($prefix . '_' . $key);
* 累加
* @param string $key
* @param int $offset
* @param int $initialValue
* @param int $expiry
* @return boolean
public static function increment($key, $offset = 1, $initialValue = 0, $expiry = 0) {
return self::getMemcache('master')->increment(self::makeKey($key, 'master'), $offset, $initialValue, $expiry);
* 递减
* @param string $key
* @param int $offset
* @return boolean
public static function decrement($key, $offset = 1) {
return self::getMemcache('master')->decrement(self::makeKey($key, 'master'), $offset);
* 获取memcache
* @param string $host
* @return object
private static function getMemcache($host) {
$cache = new \stdClass();
$cache = HoodCache::Memcache($host);
else {
$cache = HoodCache::Memcached($host);
return $cache;
... ...
namespace Plugin;
use Hood\Session;
class Captcha {
private static $V = array(
private static $VN = array(
private static $C = array(
private static $CN = array(
private $_width = 160;
private $_height = 60;
private $_fs = 28;
private $_dotNoiseLevel = 50;
private $_lineNoiseLevel = 5;
private $_wordLen = 6;
private $_useNumbers = true;
* Generate new random word
* @return string
protected function _generateWord() {
$word = '';
$wordLen = $this->getWordLen ();
$vowels = $this->_useNumbers ? self::$VN : self::$V;
$consonants = $this->_useNumbers ? self::$CN : self::$C;
for($i = 0; $i < $wordLen; $i = $i + 2) {
$consonant = $consonants [array_rand ( $consonants )];
$vowel = $vowels [array_rand ( $vowels )];
$word .= $consonant . $vowel;
if (strlen ( $word ) > $wordLen) {
$word = substr ( $word, 0, $wordLen );
return $word;
public function getWordLen() {
return $this->_wordLen;
* 设置验证码长度
* @param string $wordLen
* @return \Plugin\Captcha
public function setWordLen($wordLen) {
$this->_wordLen = $wordLen;
return $this;
* 获取图像宽度
* @return int
public function getWidth() {
return $this->_width;
* 获取图像高度
* @return int
public function getHeight() {
return $this->_height;
* 设置图像宽度
* @param int $width
* @return \Plugin\Captcha
public function setWidth($width) {
$this->_width = $width;
return $this;
* 设置图像高度
* @param int $height
* @return \Plugin\Captcha
public function setHeight($height) {
$this->_height = $height;
return $this;
public function getFontSize() {
return $this->_fs;
public function setFontSize($fs) {
$this->_fs = $fs;
return $this;
* 设置干扰点
* @param string $noise
* @return \Plugin\Captcha
public function setDotNoiseLevel($noise = 100) {
$this->_dotNoiseLevel = $noise;
return $this;
* 设置干扰线
* @param string $noise
* @return \Plugin\Captcha
public function setLineNoiseLevel($noise = 5) {
$this->_lineNoiseLevel = $noise;
return $this;
* 获取干扰点
* @return string
public function getDotNoiseLevel() {
return $this->_dotNoiseLevel;
* 获取干扰线
* @return string
public function getLineNoiseLevel() {
return $this->_lineNoiseLevel;
* Generate random frequency
* @return float
protected function _randomFreq() {
return mt_rand ( 700000, 1000000 ) / 15000000;
* Generate random phase
* @return float
protected function _randomPhase() {
// random phase from 0 to pi
return mt_rand ( 0, 3141592 ) / 1000000;
* Generate random character size
* @return int
protected function _randomSize() {
return 0;
return mt_rand ( 300, 700 ) / 100;
public function getFont() {
return dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/ttf/2.ttf';
* 将验证码存入Sessioin
* @param string $namespace
* @param string $code
* @return true
public static function setToSession($namespace, $code) {
self::getSessionObject($namespace)->captcha = $code;
return true;
* 从session中取出已经生成的验证码
* @param string $namespace
* @return string|false
public static function getFromSession($namespace) {
$code = self::getSessionObject($namespace)->captcha;
if (!empty( $code )) {
return $code;
} else {
return false;
* Constructor
* @param array $options
* @return void
public function __construct($options = null) {
if (isset ( $options )) {
foreach ( $options as $k => $v ) {
call_user_func ( array ($this, 'set' . ucfirst ( $k ) ), $v );
public function generate($namespace) {
$word = $this->_generateWord ();
self::setToSession ( $namespace, $word );
header ( "Content-type: image/png" );
$this->_generateImage ( $word );
return $word;
* 生成验证码
* @param string $word
protected function _generateImage($word) {
if (! extension_loaded("gd")) {
exit("Image CAPTCHA requires GD extension");
if (! function_exists("imagepng")) {
exit("Image CAPTCHA requires PNG support");
if (! function_exists("imageftbbox")) {
exit("Image CAPTCHA requires FT fonts support");
$font = $this->getFont();
if (empty($font)) {
exit("Image CAPTCHA requires font");
$w = $this->getWidth ();
$h = $this->getHeight ();
$fsize = $this->getFontSize ();
$img = imagecreatetruecolor ( $w, $h );
$text_color = imagecolorallocate ( $img, 0, 0, 0 );
$bg_color = imagecolorallocate ( $img, 255, 255, 255 );
imagefilledrectangle ( $img, 0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1, $bg_color );
$textbox = imageftbbox ( $fsize, 0, $font, $word );
$x = ($w - ($textbox [2] - $textbox [0])) / 2;
$y = ($h - ($textbox [7] - $textbox [1])) / 2;
imagefttext ( $img, $fsize, 0, $x, $y, $text_color, $font, $word );
// generate noise
for($i = 0; $i < $this->_dotNoiseLevel; $i ++) {
imagefilledellipse ( $img, mt_rand ( 0, $w ), mt_rand ( 0, $h ), 2, 2, $text_color );
for($i = 0; $i < $this->_lineNoiseLevel; $i ++) {
imageline ( $img, mt_rand ( 0, $w ), mt_rand ( 0, $h ), mt_rand ( 0, $w ), mt_rand ( 0, $h ), $text_color );
// transformed image
$img2 = imagecreatetruecolor ( $w, $h );
$bg_color = imagecolorallocate ( $img2, 255, 255, 255 );
imagefilledrectangle ( $img2, 0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1, $bg_color );
// apply wave transforms
$freq1 = $this->_randomFreq ();
$freq2 = $this->_randomFreq ();
$freq3 = $this->_randomFreq ();
$freq4 = $this->_randomFreq ();
$ph1 = $this->_randomPhase ();
$ph2 = $this->_randomPhase ();
$ph3 = $this->_randomPhase ();
$ph4 = $this->_randomPhase ();
$szx = $this->_randomSize ();
$szy = $this->_randomSize ();
for($x = 0; $x < $w; $x ++) {
for($y = 0; $y < $h; $y ++) {
$sx = $x + (sin ( $x * $freq1 + $ph1 ) + sin ( $y * $freq3 + $ph3 )) * $szx;
$sy = $y + (sin ( $x * $freq2 + $ph2 ) + sin ( $y * $freq4 + $ph4 )) * $szy;
if ($sx < 0 || $sy < 0 || $sx >= $w - 1 || $sy >= $h - 1) {
} else {
$color = (imagecolorat ( $img, $sx, $sy ) >> 16) & 0xFF;
$color_x = (imagecolorat ( $img, $sx + 1, $sy ) >> 16) & 0xFF;
$color_y = (imagecolorat ( $img, $sx, $sy + 1 ) >> 16) & 0xFF;
$color_xy = (imagecolorat ( $img, $sx + 1, $sy + 1 ) >> 16) & 0xFF;
if ($color == 255 && $color_x == 255 && $color_y == 255 && $color_xy == 255) {
// ignore background
} elseif ($color == 0 && $color_x == 0 && $color_y == 0 && $color_xy == 0) {
// transfer inside of the image as-is
$newcolor = 0;
} else {
// do antialiasing for border items
$frac_x = $sx - floor ( $sx );
$frac_y = $sy - floor ( $sy );
$frac_x1 = 1 - $frac_x;
$frac_y1 = 1 - $frac_y;
$newcolor = $color * $frac_x1 * $frac_y1 + $color_x * $frac_x * $frac_y1 + $color_y * $frac_x1 * $frac_y + $color_xy * $frac_x * $frac_y;
imagesetpixel ( $img2, $x, $y, imagecolorallocate ( $img2, $newcolor, $newcolor, $newcolor ) );
// generate noise
for($i = 0; $i < $this->_dotNoiseLevel; $i ++) {
imagefilledellipse ( $img2, mt_rand ( 0, $w ), mt_rand ( 0, $h ), 2, 2, $text_color );
for($i = 0; $i < $this->_lineNoiseLevel; $i ++) {
imageline ( $img2, mt_rand ( 0, $w ), mt_rand ( 0, $h ), mt_rand ( 0, $w ), mt_rand ( 0, $h ), $text_color );
imagepng ( $img2 );
imagedestroy ( $img );
imagedestroy ( $img2 );
* 获取session对象
* @param string $namespace
* @return object
public static function getSessionObject($namespace)
if(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)) === 'WIN')
return Session::fileStart($namespace);
return Session::start($namespace, null, '');
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ class Channel
public static function getFormat($channel, $data)
if(empty($data)) {
return array();
// 通用处理器
$result = Process::getContent($data, $channel);
$channelResult = array();
... ...
... ... @@ -322,11 +322,14 @@ class Process
'singlehot' => array(
'name' => '',
'imgHot' => array(),
'brands' => array()
'brands' => array(),
'navs'=> array(),
// text模版
$result['singlehot']['name'] = $title;
$result['singlehot']['navs'] = self::mergeNavProcess($source, $type);
// goods模版
$result['singlehot']['imgHot'] = self::mergeGoodsProcess($goods, $type);
// floor模版
... ... @@ -503,6 +506,7 @@ class Process
// text
$result['girlkids']['name'] = $data[$key]['data']['text'];
// goods
$result['girlkids']['imgHot'] = self::mergeGoodsProcess($data[$key + 2], $type);
unset($data[$key], $data[$key + 1], $data[$key + 2]);
... ... @@ -638,8 +642,12 @@ class Process
$result['category']['navs'] = self::mergeNavProcess($data[$key + 1], $type);
// floor模版
foreach ($data[$key + 2]['data'] as $val) {
$val['src'] = Images::getImageUrl($val['src'], 185, 510, 2);
foreach ($data[$key + 2]['data'] as $pos => $val) {
$width = 185; $height = 510;
if($pos == 1) {
$width = 377; $height = 504;
$val['src'] = Images::getImageUrl($val['src'], $width, $height, 2);
$val['url'] = Helpers::transUrl($val['url'], $type);
$result['category']['list'][] = array(
'href' => $val['url'],
... ... @@ -762,7 +770,7 @@ class Process
$skns = '';
foreach ($data['data'] as $val) {
$skns .= $val['id'] . ' ';
$params = array(
'query' => rtrim($skns),
'client_type' => 'web'
... ...
namespace Plugin;
use Plugin\Images;
use Plugin\Paging;
* 搜索辅助类
... ... @@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ class HelperSearch
* 请求时用的所有参数
private static $params = array();
public static $params = array();
private static $current_url = '';
private static $page = 1;
public static $page = 1;
* 选中的条件
... ... @@ -25,147 +24,141 @@ class HelperSearch
* list分类面包屑
* @var array
public static $listnav = array(
public static $listnav = array();
private static function setListNav($option = array())
$cookieChannel = isset($_COOKIE['_Channel']) ? $_COOKIE['_Channel'] : 'boys';
if (isset($option['brandName']) && !empty($option['brandName'])) {
$initNav = $option['brandName'];
$initNav = '列表';
self::$listnav[0] = array(
'href' => '',
'name' => '首页'
'name' => $cookieChannel
self::$listnav[1] = array(
'href' => '',
'name' => '列表'
'name' => $initNav
* 组织搜索模板数据
* @param array $data
* @param array $options
* @return array
public static function getList($data = array() , $options = array()) {
if (empty($data)) {
return array();
public static function getList($data = array() , $options = array())
$result = array();
self::$params = $_GET;
$result = array();
if (!isset($data['data']) || !isset($data['data']['product_list']) || !is_array($data['data']['product_list'])) {
return array();
$result['product_list'] = self::getProductList($data['data']['product_list'], $options['imgSize'], $options['minImgSize'], $options['gender']);
$filter = $data['data']['filter'];
$result['goods'] = self::getProductList($data['data']['product_list'], $options['imgSize']);
$result['page_total'] = $data['data']['page_total'];
$result['total'] = $data['data']['total'];
$result['page'] = $data['data']['page'];
self::$page = $result['page'];
if (isset($data['data']['filter']) && !empty($data['data']['filter'])) {
$filter = $data['data']['filter'];
$result['filter']['left_sort'] = isset($filter['minsort']) ? self::minsort($filter['minsort']) : array();
$result['filter']['group_sort'] = isset($filter['group_sort']) ? self::groupSort($filter['group_sort'], $options) : array();
$result['filter']['size'] = self::size($filter);
$result['filter']['color'] = self::color($filter);
$result['filter']['price'] = self::price($filter);
$result['filter']['brand'] = self::brand($filter);
$result['filter']['parameters'] = self::standard($filter);
$result['filter']['rowNum4'] = self::rowNum();
$result['filter']['rowNum6'] = self::rowNum(6);
$result['filter']['viewNum'] = self::viewNum();
$result['filter']['priceSubmit'] = self::priceSubmit();
$result['filter']['gender'] = self::gender($filter);
$result['filter']['selected'] = self::getSelected();
$result['filter']['checks'] = array(self::isnew(),self::specialoffer(),self::limited());
$result['filter']['sortType'] = array( self::orderDefault(),self::orderTime(),self::orderPrice(),self::orderDiscount());
$result['filter']['clear'] =self::current();
$result['filter']['next'] = self::next($data['data']['page_total'],$data['data']['filter']);
$result['filter']['listnav'] = self::$listnav;
$result['filter']['discount'] = self::getDiscount($filter['discount']);
$result['filter']['recent'] = self::recentShelve($filter['recent']);
$result['filter']['seniorChose'] = self::seniorChose($filter);
$result['filters']['checkedConditions']['clearUrl'] = self::current();
$result['filters']['channel'] = self::gender($filter);
$result['filters']['sort'] = array();
$result['filters']['brand'] = self::brand($filter, $options);
$result['filters']['price'] = self::price($filter);
$result['filters']['color'] = self::color($filter);
$result['filters']['size'] = self::size($filter);
$result['filters']['seniorChose'] = self::seniorChose($filter);
$result['opts']['sortType'] = array( self::orderDefault(),self::orderTime(),self::orderPrice(),self::orderDiscount());
$result['opts']['checks'] = array(self::isnew(),self::specialoffer(),self::limited());
$result['opts']['fivePerLine'] = true;
$result['opts']['sixPerLineHref'] = true;
$result['opts']['countPerPage'] = $options['viewNum'];
$result['opts']['pageCounts'] = self::viewNum();
$result['opts']['curPage'] = self::$page;
$result['opts']['pageCount'] = $data['data']['page_total'];
$result['opts']['nextHref'] = self::next($data['data']['page_total'],$data['data']['filter']);
$result['hasNextPage'] = array(
'href' => self::next($data['data']['page_total'],$data['data']['filter']),
'src' => ''
$result['leftContent'][]['allSort'] = isset($filter['group_sort']) ? self::groupSort($filter['group_sort'], $options) : array();
$result['leftContent'][]['newSales'] = isset($filter['recent']) ? self::recentShelve($filter['recent']) : array();
$result['leftContent'][]['allDiscount'] = isset($filter['discount']) ? self::getDiscount($filter['discount']) : array();
$result['totalCount'] = $data['data']['total'];
$result['pager'] = self::pager($result['totalCount'],$options['viewNum']);
$result['filters']['checkedConditions']['conditions'] = self::getSelected();
$result['pathNav'] = self::$listnav;
return $result;
* 组织列表模板数据
public static function getTemplateData($result, $options){
$data = array(
'brandBanner' => array(),
'pathNav' => $result['filter']['listnav'],
'shopEntry' => array(),
'filters' => array(
'checkedConditions' => array(
'conditions' => $result['filter']['selected'],
'clearUrl' => $result['filter']['clear']
'channel' => $result['filter']['gender'],
'sort' => array() ,
'brand' => $result['filter']['brand'],
'price' => $result['filter']['price'],
'color' => $result['filter']['color'],
'size' => $result['filter']['size'],
'seniorChose' => $result['filter']['seniorChose']
'opts' => array(
'sortType' => $result['filter']['sortType'],
'checks' => $result['filter']['checks'],
'fivePerLine' => true,
'sixPerLineHref' => '',
'countPerPage' => $options['viewNum'],
'pageCounts' => $result['filter']['viewNum'],
'curPage' => $result['page'],
'pageCount' => $result['page_total'],
'nextHref' => $result['filter']['next']
'goods' => $result['product_list'],
'allSort' => array(
'updateNum' => $result['filter']['group_sort']['all']['num'],
'list' => $result['filter']['group_sort']['list']
'advNav' => array(),
'advPic' => array(),
'newSales' => $result['filter']['recent'],
'allDiscount' => $result['filter']['discount']
return $data;
* TODO 组织商品列表信息
* @param $product 接口返回商品列表
* @author sefon 2015-12-21 17:24:04
* @return array
public static function getProductList($product,$imgSize){
$result = array();
$goods = array();
foreach($product as $key => $val){
$isNew = $val['is_new'] == 'Y' ? true : false;
$isFew = $val['is_soon_sold_out'] == 'Y' ? true : false;
$is_promotion = $val['is_promotion'];
$isLimit = isset($val['is_limited']) && $val['is_limited'] === 'Y';
$isFew = $val['is_soon_sold_out'] === 'Y' ? true : false;
// 年中大促
foreach($val['goods_list'] as $k => $v){
$goods_list[$k]['url'] = Helpers::getUrlBySkc($val['product_id'], $v['goods_id'], $val['cn_alphabet']);
if (!empty($val['default_images'])) {
$val['default_images'] = Images::getImageUrl($val['default_images'],$imgSize[0],$imgSize[1]);
$result[] = array(
$goods[] = array(
'tags' => array(
'isNew' => $isNew,
'isYearEndPromotion' => $is_promotion
'isLimit' => $isLimit
'url' => $goods_list[0]['url'],
'thumb' => $val['default_images'],
'name' => $val['product_name'],
'salePrice' => $val['sales_price'],
'isFew' => $isFew
'marketPrice' => $val['market_price'],
'isFew' => $isFew,
'skn' => $val['product_skn']
return $result;
return $goods;
* 版型等其它筛选项
... ... @@ -253,16 +246,11 @@ class HelperSearch
* 组织搜索列表页面的左侧分类
* @param array $sort
* @param array $params
* @return array
* 组织搜索列表页面的左侧分类
* @param array $sort
* @param array $params
* @param array $option
* @return array
public static function groupSort($sort, $option = array()) {
$params = self::$params;
$gender = isset($params['gender']) ? $params['gender'] : '';
... ... @@ -295,14 +283,15 @@ class HelperSearch
'sort_id' => 0,
'name' => '全部品类',
'href' => self::buildurl($query) ,
'num' => 0,
'selected' => ''
// 'num' => 0,
'active' => ''
) ,
'list' => array()
foreach ($sort as $val) {
if (isset($params['msort']) && $params['msort'] == $val['sort_id']) {
self::$listnav[1] = array(
$nav_index = isset($option['brandName']) && $option['brandName'] ? 2 : 1;
self::$listnav[$nav_index] = array(
'sort_id' => $val['sort_id'],
'name' => $val['sort_name'],
'href' => self::buildurl(array(
... ... @@ -311,12 +300,12 @@ class HelperSearch
$result['all']['num']+= $val['count'];
//$result['all']['num']+= $val['count'];
$msort = array(
'sort_id' => $val['sort_id'],
'name' => $val['sort_name'],
'num' => $val['count'],
'selected' => isset($params['msort']) && $params['msort'] == $val['sort_id'] ? true : false,
// 'num' => $val['count'],
'active' => isset($params['msort']) && $params['msort'] == $val['sort_id'] ? true : false,
'href' => self::buildurl(array_merge($query, array(
'msort' => $val['sort_id']
))) ,
... ... @@ -328,15 +317,16 @@ class HelperSearch
$sub[] = array(
'sort_id' => $val['sort_id'],
'name' => '全部' . $val['sort_name'],
'num' => $val['count'],
'selected' => !isset($params['misort']) && isset($params['msort']) && $params['msort'] == $val['sort_id'] ? true : false,
// 'num' => $val['count'],
'childActive' => !isset($params['misort']) && isset($params['msort']) && $params['msort'] == $val['sort_id'] ? true : false,
'href' => self::buildurl(array_merge($query, array(
'msort' => $val['sort_id']
))) ,
foreach ($val['sub'] as $mval) {
if (isset($params['misort']) && $params['misort'] == $mval['sort_id']) {
self::$listnav[2] = array(
$nav_index = isset($option['brandName']) && $option['brandName'] ? 3 : 2;
self::$listnav[$nav_index] = array(
'sort_id' => $mval['sort_id'],
'name' => $mval['sort_name'],
'href' => ''
... ... @@ -346,8 +336,8 @@ class HelperSearch
$sub[] = array(
'sort_id' => $mval['sort_id'],
'name' => $mval['sort_name'],
'num' => $mval['count'],
'selected' => isset($params['misort']) && $params['misort'] == $mval['sort_id'] ? true : false,
// 'num' => $mval['count'],
'childActive' => isset($params['misort']) && $params['misort'] == $mval['sort_id'] ? true : false,
'href' => self::buildurl(array_merge($query, array(
'msort' => $val['sort_id'],
'misort' => $mval['sort_id']
... ... @@ -363,17 +353,19 @@ class HelperSearch
* 品牌,可以多选
* @param array $brand
* @param array $filter
* @param array $options
* @return array
public static function brand($filter) {
public static function brand($filter, $options = array()) {
if (isset($options['brandName'])) {
return array();
$params = self::$params;
$brand_ids = isset($params['brand']) && !empty($params['brand']) ? explode(',', $params['brand']) : array();
if (isset($params['brand'])) {
$result = array(
'default' => array() ,
'brandIndex' => array(
... ... @@ -391,14 +383,11 @@ class HelperSearch
'U~Z' => array() ,
$brand_keys = array_reverse(array_keys($result['list']));
if (isset($filter['brand']) && !empty($filter['brand'])) {
$brand = $filter['brand'];
foreach ($brand as $v) {
if (!isset($v['brand_alif']) && isset($v['brand_name_en'])) {
$v['brand_alif'] = substr($v['brand_name_en'], 0, 1);
... ... @@ -408,7 +397,6 @@ class HelperSearch
if (!isset($v['brand_domain'])) {
$v['brand_domain'] = '';
if (in_array($v['id'], $brand_ids)) {
$selected_brand = explode(',', self::$params['brand']);
... ... @@ -421,9 +409,7 @@ class HelperSearch
'href' => self::buildurl($selected_params)
$selected_brand = isset(self::$params['brand']) && !empty(self::$params['brand']) ? explode(',', self::$params['brand']) : array();
if (empty($selected_brand)) {
$url = self::buildurl(array_merge($params, array(
'brand' => $v['id']
... ... @@ -442,15 +428,13 @@ class HelperSearch
'brand' => implode(',', $selected_brand)
$this_brand = array(
'brand_id' => $v['id'],
'name' => $v['brand_name'],
'alif' => $v['brand_alif'],
'href' => $url,
'selected' => in_array($v['id'], $brand_ids) ? true : false
'active' => in_array($v['id'], $brand_ids) ? true : false
if (count($result['default']) < 10) {
$result['default'][] = $this_brand;
... ... @@ -472,11 +456,9 @@ class HelperSearch
else if (isset($filter['paramNames']) && isset($filter['paramNames']['brand'])) {
$brand = $filter['paramNames']['brand'];
foreach ($brand as $v) {
if (in_array($v['id'], $brand_ids)) {
$selected_brand = explode(',', self::$params['brand']);
... ... @@ -500,7 +482,7 @@ class HelperSearch
* 尺码的链接,不能多选
* @param array $size
* @param array $filter
* @return array
public static function size($filter) {
... ... @@ -544,7 +526,7 @@ class HelperSearch
* 颜色,不能多选
* @param array $color
* @param array $filter
* @return array
public static function color($filter) {
... ... @@ -599,7 +581,7 @@ class HelperSearch
* 获取价格,不能多选
* @param array $price
* @param array $filter
* @return array
public static function price($filter) {
... ... @@ -657,7 +639,7 @@ class HelperSearch
* 风格,可以多选
* @param array $style
* @param array $filter
* @return array
public static function style($filter) {
... ... @@ -743,7 +725,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 高级选项
public static function seniorChose($filter){
public static function seniorChose($filter)
$style = self::style($filter);
$other = self::standard($filter);
$result = array_merge($style,$other);
... ... @@ -753,9 +736,9 @@ class HelperSearch
* 每页显示数量
public static function viewNum() {
public static function viewNum()
$params = self::$params;
$view_num = array(
... ... @@ -776,8 +759,9 @@ class HelperSearch
* 显示行数
public static function rowNum($num = 5) {
$params = self::$params;
public static function rowNum($num = 5)
$params = self::$params;
$params['rowNum'] = $num;
... ... @@ -787,7 +771,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 是否特价
public static function specialoffer() {
public static function specialoffer()
$params = self::$params;
if (isset($params['specialoffer']) && !empty($params['specialoffer'])) {
... ... @@ -808,7 +793,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 是否限量
public static function limited() {
public static function limited()
$params = self::$params;
if (isset($params['limited']) && !empty($params['limited'])) {
... ... @@ -828,7 +814,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 是否新品
public static function isnew() {
public static function isnew()
$params = self::$params;
if (isset($params['isNew']) && !empty($params['isNew'])) {
... ... @@ -849,7 +836,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 排序是否最新
public static function orderTime() {
public static function orderTime()
$params = self::$params;
if (isset($params['order'])) {
... ... @@ -867,7 +855,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 排序是否默认
public static function orderDefault() {
public static function orderDefault()
$params = self::$params;
if (isset($params['order'])) {
... ... @@ -883,7 +872,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 价格排序
public static function orderPrice() {
public static function orderPrice()
$params = self::$params;
if (isset($params['order'])) {
... ... @@ -925,7 +915,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 折扣排序
public static function orderDiscount() {
public static function orderDiscount()
$params = self::$params;
if (isset($params['order'])) {
... ... @@ -967,7 +958,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 获取自定义价格要提交的地址
public static function priceSubmit() {
public static function priceSubmit()
$params = self::$params;
$price = array();
if (isset($params['price'])) {
... ... @@ -1009,7 +1001,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* @param array $params
* @return string
private static function buildurl($params) {
private static function buildurl($params)
if (empty($params)) {
return self::current();
... ... @@ -1033,7 +1026,8 @@ class HelperSearch
* 获取选中的条件
public static function getSelected() {
public static function getSelected()
$result = array();
$is_array_key = array(
... ... @@ -1057,7 +1051,10 @@ class HelperSearch
* @param array $list
* @return array
public static function getDiscount(array $list = array()) {
public static function getDiscount(array $list = array())
$params = self::$params;
if (empty($list)) {
return array();
... ... @@ -1077,12 +1074,12 @@ class HelperSearch
$total+= $v['count'];
$query['p_d'] = $k;
$list[$k]['href'] = self::buildurl($query);
$list[$k]['num'] = $total;
$list[$k]['selected'] = isset($params['p_d']) && $params['p_d'] == $k ? true : false;
//$list[$k]['num'] = $total;
$list[$k]['active'] = isset($params['p_d']) && $params['p_d'] == $k ? true : false;
$result = array(
'updateNum' => $total,
'list' => $list
//'updateNum' => $total,
'list' => array_values($list)
return $result;
... ... @@ -1090,11 +1087,12 @@ class HelperSearch
* 最新上架
public static function recentShelve($list = array()){
public static function recentShelve($list = array())
if (empty($list)) {
return array();
$params = $_GET;
$params = self::$params;
$query = array();
if (isset($params['gender'])) {
$query['gender'] = $params['gender'];
... ... @@ -1106,21 +1104,21 @@ class HelperSearch
$query['misort'] = $params['misort'];
$data = array();
$total = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
$total+= $v;
$star_time = strtotime($k);
$end_time = $star_time+60*60*24;
$query['shelve_time'] = '';
$query['shelve_time'] = $star_time.','.$end_time;
if (isset($params['shelve_time']) && $query['shelve_time'] == $params['shelve_time']) {
$data[$i]['active'] = true;
@$data[$i]['href'] = self::buildurl($query);
$data[$i]['num'] = $v;
$data[$i]['name'] = $k;
$result = array(
'updateNum' => $total,
//'updateNum' => $total,
'list' => $data
return $result;
... ... @@ -1130,11 +1128,7 @@ class HelperSearch
public static function current(){
$url = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
self::$current_url = $url[0];
self::$listnav[0] = array(
'href' => '$url[0]',
'name' => '首页'
self::$listnav[0]['href'] = $url[0];
return $url[0];
... ... @@ -1150,4 +1144,28 @@ class HelperSearch
return self::buildurl($param);
* 组织产品的图片
* @param $product
* @param $options
* @return array
public static function getProductPic($product, $options)
$result = array();
if (isset($product[0]['goods_list']) && !empty($product[0]['goods_list'])){
foreach ($product[0]['goods_list'] as $key => $val){
$result[$key]['coverImg'] = Images::getImageUrl($val['images_url'], $options['imgSize'][0], $options['imgSize'][1]);
$result[$key]['url'] = Helpers::getUrlBySkc($product[0]['product_id'], $val['goods_id'], $product[0]['cn_alphabet']);
$result[$key]['src'] = Images::getImageUrl($val['images_url'], $options['imgSize'][0], $options['imgSize'][1]);
return $result;
public static function pager($total,$view_num){
$Paging = new Paging('Yoho');
return $Paging->setTotal($total)->setSize($view_num)->view(0);
... ...
... ... @@ -776,5 +776,34 @@ class Helpers
return '' . $product_id . '_' . $goods_id . '/' . $cn_alphabet. '.html';
* 获取真实IP
* @return string
public static function getClientIp()
$ip = '';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] != '')
elseif (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '')
return $ip;
* 组合国际手机号
* @param $area
* @param $mobile
* @return string
public static function makeMobile($area, $mobile){
if(empty($area) || $area == 86){
return $mobile;
return $area.'-'.$mobile;
... ...
namespace Plugin;
use \Hood\Paging as HPage;
class Paging extends HPage
* 路径
* @var String
private $path = '';
* 查询参数
* String or Array
* @var mixed
private $query;
* 分页集尺寸
* @var Integer
private $pageSetSize = 11;
* 子串
* @var String
private $substring = '?';
* 连接符号
* @var String
private $sign = '=';
* 对符
* @var String
private $pairs = '&';
* 模板路径
* @var String
private $templatePath = '';
* jsName
* @var String
private $jsFName = '';
* 废弃参数
* @var String
private $disuse = null;
* 设置分页链接中的关键字
* @var String
private $keyword = 'page';
* 是否开启rewrite url
* @var bool
private $rewrite = false;
* 附加参数
* @var string
private $appendParam = '';
* 分页中代码当前页码的常量
public function __construct($file)
$this->templatePath = __DIR__ . '/Paging/' . ucfirst($file) . '.php';
* 新的获取当前偏移
* @return Integer
public function getNewCurrent()
if ($this->currentPage > 1) {
return min($this->currentPage, $this->getPageNum());
$pageNo = !isset($_GET[$this->keyword]) ? 0 : (int)(intval($_GET[$this->keyword]) * $this->getSize()) - $this->getSize();
return (int)($pageNo < 0 ? 0 : $pageNo);
* 重载当前页方法
* @return Integer
public function getCurrent()
if ($this->currentPage > 1) {
return min($this->currentPage, $this->getPageNum());
$pageNo = isset($_GET[$this->keyword]) ? (int)intval($_GET[$this->keyword]) : 1;
if ($pageNo <= 0) {
$pageNo = 1;
$this->currentPage = min($pageNo, $this->getPageNum());
return $this->currentPage;
* 获取关键词
* @return String
public function getKeyword()
return $this->keyword;
* 设置关键词
* @param String $keyword
* @return QLib_Paging
public function setKeyword($keyword)
if (!empty($keyword)) {
$this->keyword = $keyword;
return $this;
* 设置js名字
* @param String $name
* @return Q_Page_Abstract
public function setFJs($name)
if (!empty($name)) {
$this->jsFName = $name;
return $this;
* 设置附加参数
* @param string $param
* @return Q_Page_Abstract
public function setAppendParam($param)
$this->appendParam = $param;
return $this;
* 获取附加参数
* @return string
public function getAppendParam()
return $this->appendParam;
* 获取分页js名字
* @return String
public function getFJs()
return $this->jsFName;
* 设置链接的路径
* @param String $path
* @return QLib_Paging
public function setPath($path)
if (!empty($path)) {
$this->path = trim($path);
return $this;
* 设置连续Url
* @param bool $seo
* @return QLib_Paging
public function rewrite($rw = true)
if ($rw == true) {
$this->substring = '';
$this->sign = '/';
$this->pairs = '/';
$this->rewrite = true;
return $this;
* 取得程序路径
* @return String
public function getPath()
return $this->path;
* 设置分页集尺寸
* @param integer $num 大于1
* @return QLib_Paging
public function setPageSetSize($num)
$this->pageSetSize = (int)intval($num);
return $this;
* 取得分页集尺寸
* @return integer
public function getPageSetSize()
return (int)$this->pageSetSize;
* 获取查询参数
* @return String
public function getQuery()
$query = $this->query;
if (empty($this->query)) {
$this->query = $this->autoUrl();
if (is_array($this->query) && count($this->query) > 0) {
$_query = array();
foreach ($this->query as $key => $value) {
if($key == '_pjax'){
if ($key == $this->getKeyword()) {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $k => $val) {
$_query[] = "{$key}[]" . $this->sign . $val;
} else {
$_query[] = "{$key}" . $this->sign . $value;
$this->query = $this->pairs . implode($this->pairs, $_query);
return $this->query ? $this->query : '';
* 获取URL
* @param Integer $pageNo
* @return String
public function getUrl($pageNo)
$query = $this->getQuery();
if (strstr($query, self::PAGER_VARIABLE_STRING) && is_string($query)) {
$query = str_replace(self::PAGER_VARIABLE_STRING, $pageNo, $query);
} else {
if (empty($query)) {
$query = $this->getKeyword() . $this->sign . $pageNo;
} else {
$query = $this->getKeyword() . $this->sign . $pageNo . $query;
$url = $this->getPath() . $this->substring . $query;
if ($this->getFJs()) {
$url = $query;
return $url;
* 设置查询参数
* @param mixed $query String or Array
* @return QLib_Paging
public function setQuery($query)
$this->query = $query;
return $this;
* 设置模板路径
* @param String $path
* @return QLib_Paging
public function setTemplate($path)
$this->templatePath = $path;
return $this;
* 输出模板
public function view($print = true)
if ($this->getTotal() > 0) {
print $html;
return $html;
return '';
* 自动组织 URL
* @return Array
private function autoUrl()
$queryOpt = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$queryArg = parse_url($queryOpt);
$queryOpt = isset($queryArg['query']) ? explode('&', $queryArg['query']) : array();
$query = array();
foreach ($queryOpt as $key => $val) {
$strTmp = explode('=', $val);
if (count($strTmp) < 2 || empty($strTmp[0]) || $strTmp[1] == '' || $strTmp[0] == $this->getKeyword()) {
if (is_array($this->disuse)) {
if (in_array($strTmp[1], $this->disuse) || in_array($strTmp[0], $this->disuse)) {
} else {
if ($strTmp[1] == $this->disuse || $strTmp[0] == $this->disuse) {
$query[$strTmp[0]] = $strTmp[1];
return $query;
* set废弃参数
* @param mixed $disuse
* @return QLib_Paging
public function setDisuse($disuse = null)
$this->disuse = $disuse;
return $this;
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
$pages = array();
$pageNum = $this->getPageNum(); #总分页数
$current = $this->getCurrent(); #当前页
$size = $this->getSize(); #每页显示数
$total = $this->getTotal(); #获取总数
$pageSetNum = $this->getPageSetSize(); #分页集数
$start = $end = 0;
if($current <= 4){
$start = 1;
$end = $start + 4;
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$start = $current - 2 < 1 ? 1 : $current - 2;
$end = $current + 2;
$start = $current - 2;
$end = $pageNum;
if($end > $pageNum)
$end = $pageNum;
$startNum = $size * ($current - 1) + 1;
$endNum = min($size * $current, $total);
$html = '';
if($current > 1)
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($current - 1) . '" title="上一页"><span class="ifont10"><</span></a>';
if ($pageNum > 1) {
if($pageNum > 5 && $current > 4){
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl(1) . '"><span>' . 1 . '</span></a>';
$html .= '<a><span>...</span></a>';
$start = $current - 2;
$end = $pageNum - $current <= 3 ? $pageNum : $current + 2;
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; ++$i) {
$_start = $size * ($i - 1) + 1;
$_end = min($size * $i, $total);
if ($i != $current) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($i) . '"><span>' . $i . '</span></a>';
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$html .= '<a href="'. $this->getUrl($i) .'" class="cur"><span>' . $i . '</span></a>';
if($pageNum > 5 && $pageNum - $current > 3){
$html .= '<a><span>...</span></a>';
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($pageNum) . '"><span>' . $pageNum . '</span></a>';
if ($current < $pageNum) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($current + 1) . '" class="page_next" title="下一页"><span class="ifont10">></span></a>';
... ...
$pages = array();
$pageNum = $this->getPageNum(); #总分页数
$current = $this->getCurrent(); #当前页
$size = $this->getSize(); #每页显示数
$total = $this->getTotal(); #获取总数
$pageSetNum = $this->getPageSetSize(); #分页集数
$start = $end = 0;
if($current <= 4){
$start = 1;
$end = $start + 4;
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$start = $current - 2 < 1 ? 1 : $current - 2;
$end = $current + 2;
$start = $current - 2;
$end = $pageNum;
if($end > $pageNum)
$end = $pageNum;
$startNum = $size * ($current - 1) + 1;
$endNum = min($size * $current, $total);
$html = '<div class="left"><span class="rgb9">'.$startNum.' - '.$endNum.' / 共'.$total.'件商品</span></div><div class="goods-page right">';
if ($current > 1) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($current - 1) . '" class="page_pre" title="上一页"><span class="ifont10"><</span>上一页</a>';
if ($pageNum > 1) {
if($pageNum > 5 && $current > 4){
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl(1) . '"><span>' . 1 . '</span></a>';
$html .= '<a><span>...</span></a>';
$start = $current - 2;
$end = $pageNum - $current <= 3 ? $pageNum : $current + 2;
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; ++$i) {
$_start = $size * ($i - 1) + 1;
$_end = min($size * $i, $total);
if ($i != $current) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($i) . '"><span>' . $i . '</span></a>';
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$html .= '<a href="'. $this->getUrl($i) .'" class="cur"><span>' . $i . '</span></a>';
if($pageNum > 5 && $pageNum - $current > 3){
$html .= '<a><span>...</span></a>';
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($pageNum) . '"><span>' . $pageNum . '</span></a>';
if ($current < $pageNum) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($current + 1) . '" title="下一页">下一页<span class="ifont10">></span></a>';
$html .= '</div>';
... ...
$pages = array();
$pageNum = $this->getPageNum(); #总分页数
$current = $this->getCurrent(); #当前页
$size = $this->getSize(); #每页显示数
$total = $this->getTotal(); #获取总数
$pageSetNum = $this->getPageSetSize(); #分页集数
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$start = 1;
$end = $start + 4;
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$start = $current - 2 < 1 ? 1 : $current - 2;
$end = $current + 2;
$start = $current - 2;
$end = $pageNum;
if($end > $pageNum)
$end = $pageNum;
$startNum = $size * ($current - 1) + 1;
$endNum = min($size * $current, $total);
$html = '<div class="left"></div><div class="list-page right">';
if ($current > 1) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($current - 1) . '" class="page_pre" title="上一页"><span class="ifont10"><</span>上一页</a>';
if ($pageNum > 1) {
if($pageNum >= 5 && $current > 4){
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl(1) . '"><span>' . 1 . '</span></a>';
$html .= '<a><span>...</span></a>';
$start = $current - 2;
$end = $pageNum - $current <= 3 ? $pageNum : $current + 2;
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; ++$i) {
$_start = $size * ($i - 1) + 1;
$_end = min($size * $i, $total);
if ($i != $current) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($i) . '"><span>' . $i . '</span></a>';
}else {
$html .= '<a href="'. $this->getUrl($i) .'" class="cur"><span>' . $i . '</span></a>';
if($pageNum > 5 && $pageNum - $current > 3){
$html .= '<a><span>...</span></a>';
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($pageNum) . '"><span>' . $pageNum . '</span></a>';
if ($current < $pageNum) {
$html .= '<a href="' . $this->getUrl($current + 1) . '" title="下一页">下一页<span class="ifont10">></span></a>';
$html .= '</div>';
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
namespace Plugin\Partner\douban;
use Plugin\Partner\Factory;
define('DB_CLASS_PATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/class/');
require DB_CLASS_PATH . 'DoubanClient.class.php';
* 豆瓣的调用接口
* @name Call
* @package lib/partner/douban
* @copyright
* @version 5.0 (2015-12-31 10:54:54)
* @author xiaowei <>
class Call extends Factory
protected $douban;
* 初始化
protected function init()
$this->douban = new \DoubanClient($this->apiConfig['appId'], $this->apiConfig['appKey'], $this->apiConfig['callback'], $this->apiConfig['scope']);
* 获取授权URL
* @return string
public function getAuthorizeUrl()
return $this->douban->getAuthorizeURL();
* 获取授权的TOKEN
* @return array
public function getAccessToken()
$token = array();
if (isset($_GET['code']))
// 设置authorizeCode
// 通过authorizeCode获取accessToken,至此完成用户授权
$token = (array) $this->douban->getToken();
catch (Exception $e)
// do nothing
return $token;
* 获取当前用户的基本资料
* @param array $token 授权成功的TOKEN, 默认为NULL
* @return array
public function getUserInfo($token)
$userInfo = array();
if (is_array($token) && isset($token['access_token']))
// 获得保存的token
// 获得当前登录用户信息
$userInfo = $this->douban->api('/v2/user/~me', 'GET', null, true);
return $userInfo;
* 获取当前用户的偶像(关注)列表
* 此接口暂未开放
* @return array
public function getFriends($token, $params)
return array();
* 同步分享
* @param String $image 新鲜事图片地址
* @param String $content 新鲜事主体内容 注意:最多200个字符。
* @param String $link 新鲜事标题和图片指向的链接
* @return Long 发布新鲜事的ID
public function syncShare($token, $content, $image, $link)
$result = false;
if (is_array($token) && isset($token['access_token']))
// 获得保存的token
// 发表一篇说说
$param = array('source' => $this->apiConfig['appKey'], 'text' => $content, 'rec_image' => $image, 'rec_url' => $link,);
$result = $this->douban->api('/shuo/v2/statuses', 'POST', $param, true);
return $result;
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
defined('DOMAIN') || define('DOMAIN', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
return array(
'appId' => '09f4fa0661be14ec1ddeee13253a3ec4',
'appKey' => 'b4204e2055d63102',
'callback' => DOMAIN . '/passport/login/doubanback',
'scope' => 'douban_basic_common',
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
class DoubanClient {
* @brief 豆瓣Oauth类词头
const PREFIX = 'Douban';
* @brief authorizeCode请求链接
protected $authorizeUri = '';
* @brief accessToken请求链接
protected $accessUri = '';
* @brief api请求链接
protected $apiUri = '';
* @brief 豆瓣应用public key
protected $clientId;
* @brief 豆瓣应用secret key
protected $secret;
* @brief callback链接
protected $redirectUri;
* @brief Api权限
protected $scope;
* @brief 返回类型,默认使用code
protected $responseType;
* @brief 用户授权码
protected $authorizeCode;
* @brief 储存返回的令牌(accessToken,refreshToken)
protected $tokens;
* @brief 通过authorizeCode获得的访问令牌
protected $accessToken;
* @brief 用于刷新accessToken
protected $refreshToken;
* @var 默认请求头信息
protected $defaultHeader = array(
'Content_type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
* @var 需授权的请求头
protected $authorizeHeader;
* @var curl默认设置
protected $CURL_OPTS = array(
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'simple-douban-oauth2-0.4',
* @brief 初始化豆瓣OAUTH,设置相关参数
* @param string $client_id
* @param string $secret
* @param string $redirect_uri
* @param string $scope
* @param string $responseType
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId, $secret, $redirectUri, $scope ='douban_basic_common', $responseType = 'code')
$this->clientId = $clientId;
$this->secret = $secret;
$this->redirectUri = $redirectUri;
$this->scope = $scope;
$this->responseType = $responseType;
// // API基类路径
// $basePath = dirname(__FILE__).'/api/DoubanBase.php';
// // 载入API基类
// try {
// $this->fileLoader($basePath);
// } catch(Exception $e) {
// echo 'Baseloader error:'.$e->getMessage();
// }
* @brief 跳转到豆瓣用户授权页面,获取AuthorizeCode
* @return redirect
public function requestAuthorizeCode()
// 获取AuthorizeCode请求链接
$authorizeUrl = $this->getAuthorizeUrl();
* @brief 设置AuthorizeCode
* @param string $authorizeCode
* @return void
public function setAuthorizeCode($authorizeCode)
$this->authorizeCode = $authorizeCode;
* @brief 通过AuthorizeCode获取accessToken
* @return string
public function requestAccessToken()
// 获取accessToken请求链接
$accessUrl = $this->getAccessUrl();
$header = $this->defaultHeader;
$result = $this->curl($accessUrl, 'POST', $header);
$this->tokens = json_decode($result);
$this->refreshToken = $this->tokens->refresh_token;
$this->accessToken = $this->tokens->access_token;
* @brief 获取token
* @return string
public function getToken()
return $this->tokens;
* @brief 获取accessToken
* @return string
public function getAccessToken()
return $this->accessToken;
* @brief 设置token
* @return string
public function setAccessToken($token)
if (is_array($token) && isset($token['access_token'])) {
$this->accessToken = $token['access_token'];
* @brief 生成豆瓣用户授权页面完整地址
* @return string
public function getAuthorizeUrl()
$params = array(
'client_id' => $this->clientId,
'redirect_uri' => $this->redirectUri,
'response_type' => $this->responseType,
'scope' => $this->scope
return $this->authorizeUri.'?'.http_build_query($params);
* @brief 生成豆瓣access_token完整获取链接
* @return string
public function getAccessUrl()
$params = array(
'client_id' => $this->clientId,
'client_secret' => $this->secret,
'redirect_uri' => $this->redirectUri,
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'code' => $this->authorizeCode,
return $this->accessUri.'?'.http_build_query($params);
* @brief 请求豆瓣API,返回包含相关数据的对象
* @param object $API
* @param array $data
* @param boolean 为true时会在header中发送accessToken
* @return object
public function api($api, $type = 'POST', $data = null, $authorization = false)
// API的完整URL
$url = $this->apiUri.$api;
$header = $authorization ? $this->getAuthorizeHeader() : $this->defaultHeader;
$response = $this->curl($url, $type, $header, $data);
$result = json_decode($response, true);
return $result;
* @brief 请求豆瓣API,返回包含相关数据的对象
* @param object $API
* @param array $data
* @param boolean 为true时会在header中发送accessToken
* @return object
public function makeRequest($api, $data = null, $authorization = false)
// API的完整URL
$url = $this->apiUri.$api->uri;
$header = $authorization ? $this->getAuthorizeHeader() : $this->defaultHeader;
$type = $api->type;
return $this->curl($url, $type, $header, $data);
* @brief 豆瓣API实例注册函数
* @param string $api
* @return object
public function apiRegister($api)
$doubanApi = self::PREFIX.ucfirst(strtolower($api));
// 需要注册的API路径
$apiPath = dirname(__FILE__).'/api/'.$doubanApi.'.php';
try {
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'Apiloader error:'.$e->getMessage();
return new $doubanApi($this->clientId);
* @brief 获取Authorization header
* @return array
protected function getAuthorizeHeader()
return $this->authorizeHeader = array('Authorization: Bearer '.$this->accessToken);
* @brief 使用CURL模拟请求,并返回取得的数据
* @param string $url
* @param string $type
* @param array $header
* @param array $data
* @return object
protected function curl($url, $type, $header, $data = null)
$opts = $this->CURL_OPTS;
$opts[CURLOPT_URL] = $url;
$header[] = 'Expect:';
$opts[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $header;
if ($type == 'POST' || $type =='PUT') {
$opts[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $data;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, $opts);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
// if (curl_errno($ch)) {
// die('CURL error: '.curl_error($ch));
// }
return $result;
* @brief 文件加载类
* @param string $path
* @return void
protected function fileLoader($path)
// 文件路径错误时抛出异常
if ( ! file_exists($path)) {
throw new Exception('The file you wanted to load does not exists.');
require $path;
... ...
* @file DoubanBase.php
* @brief 豆瓣api的Base类
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-11-27
class DoubanBase {
* @brief 豆瓣API uri
protected $uri;
* @brief API请求方式
protected $type;
* @brief 豆瓣应用public key
protected $clientId;
* @brief 使用魔术方法获取类属性
* @param mixed $name
* @return mixed
public function __get($name)
if (property_exists($this, $name)) {
return $this->$name;
... ...
* @file DoubanBook.php
* @brief 豆瓣图书API
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-11-27
class DoubanBook extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
* @brief 获取指定书籍
* @param int $id
* @return object
public function getBook($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取Isbn对应书籍
* @param string $name
* @return object
public function isbn($name)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/isbn/'.$name;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 图书搜素接口(未测试),q和tag必选其一。
* @param string $q
* @param string $tag
* @param int $start
* @param int $count
* @return object
public function search($q, $tag, $start = 0, $count = 20)
$params = array(
'q' => $q,
'tag' => $tag,
'start' => $start,
'count' => $count
$this->uri = '/v2/book/search?'.http_build_query($params);
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取某个图书中标记最多的标签(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function bookTags($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/'.$id.'/tags';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取用户对图书的所有标签(未测试)
* @param string $name
* @return object
public function userTags($name)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/user/'.$name.'/tags';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取某个用户的所有图书收藏信息(未测试)
* @param string $name
* @return object
public function collections($name)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/user/'.$name.'/collections';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取用户对某本图书的收藏信息(为测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function getCollection($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/'.$id.'/collection';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 用户收藏某本图书(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function addCollection($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/'.$id.'/collection';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
* @brief 用户修改对某本图书的收藏(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function editCollection($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/'.$id.'/collection';
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
* @brief 用户删除对某本图书的收藏(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function deleteCollection($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/'.$id.'/collection';
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
* @brief 获取某个用户的所有笔记(未测试)
* @param string $name
* @return object
public function userAnnotations($name)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/user/'.$name.'/annotations';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取某本图书的所有笔记(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function bookAnnotations($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/user/'.$id.'/annotations';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取某篇笔记的信息(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function getAnnotation($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/annotation/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 用户给某本图书写笔记(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function addAnnotation($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/'.$id.'/annotations';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
* @brief 用户修改某篇笔记(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function editAnnotation($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/annotation/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
* @brief 用户删除某篇笔记(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function deleteAnnotation($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/annotation/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
* @brief 添加书评
* @return object
public function addReview()
$this->uri = '/v2/book/reviews';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
* @brief 修改书评
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function editReview($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/review/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
* @brief 删除书评
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function deleteReview($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/book/review/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DuobanComment.php
* @brief 豆瓣回复API接口
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-05
class DoubanComment extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
public function getCommentsList($target, $id)
$this->uri = '/v2/'.$target.'/'.$id.'/comments';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function addComment($target, $id)
$this->uri = '/v2/'.$target.'/'.$id.'/comments';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function getComment($target, $targetId, $commentId)
$this->uri = '/v2/'.$target.'/'.$targetId.'/comment/'.$commentId;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function deleteComment($target, $targetId, $commentId)
$this->uri = '/v2/'.$target.'/'.$targetId.'/comment/'.$commentId;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanDiscussion.php
* @brief 豆瓣论坛API接口
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-05
class DoubanDiscussion extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
public function getDiscussion($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/discussion/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function editDiscussion($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/discussion/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
public function deleteDiscussion($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/discussion/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function addDiscussion($target, $id)
$this->uri = '/v2/'.$target.'/'.$id.'/discussions';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function getDiscussionsList($target, $id)
$this->uri = '/v2/'.$target.'/'.$id.'/discussions';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanDoumail.php
* @brief 豆邮API接口
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-05
class DoubanDoumail extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
* @brief 获取一封豆邮
* @param string $id 豆邮id
* @return object
public function get($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/doumail/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取用户收件箱
* @return object
public function inbox()
$this->uri = '/v2/doumail/inbox';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function outbox()
$this->uri = '/v2/doumail/outbox';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function unread()
$this->uri = '/v2/doumail/inbox/unread';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function read($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/doumail/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
public function mutilRead()
$this->uri = '/v2/doumail/read';
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
public function delete($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/doumail/'.$id;
$this->type = "DELETE";
return $this;
public function mutilDelete()
$this->uri = '/v2/doumail/delete';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function add()
$this->uri = '/v2/doumails';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanEvent.php
* @brief 豆瓣同城API接口
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-05
class DoubanEvent extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
public function get($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function participants($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/'.$id.'/participants';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function wishers($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/'.$id.'/wishers';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function userCreated($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/user_created/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function userParticipated($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/user_participated/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function userWished($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/user_wished/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function eventList()
$this->uri = '/v2/event/list';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function loc($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/loc/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function locList()
$this->uri = '/v2/loc/list';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function join($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/'.$id.'/participants';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function quit($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/'.$id.'/participants';
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function wish($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/'.$id.'/wishers';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function unwish($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/event/'.$id.'/wishers';
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanMiniblog.php
* @brief 豆瓣广播API
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-03
class DoubanMiniblog extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
* @brief 发送一条豆瓣广播
* @return object
public function addMiniblog()
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
* @brief 读取一条广播
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function getMiniblog($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 删除一条广播
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function deleteMiniblog($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
* @brief 获取一条广播的回复列表(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @param int $start
* @param int $count
* @return object
public function getCommentsList($id, $start = 0, $count = 20)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/'.$id.'/comments?start='.$start.'&count='.$count;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 回复某条广播(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function addComment($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/'.$id.'/comments';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
* @brief 获取广播的单条回复(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function getComment($id)
$this->uri ='/shuo/v2/statuses/comment/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 删除广播的单条回复
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function deleleComment($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/comment/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
* @brief 获取一条广播的转发相关信息(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function getReshare($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/'.$id.'/reshare';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 转发一条广播
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function reshare($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/'.$id.'/reshare';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
* @brief 获取一条广播的赞相关信息(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function getLikers($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 赞一条广播
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function like($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
* @brief 取消赞(未测试)
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function dislike($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function following($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/users/'.$id.'/following';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function followers($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/users/'.$id.'/followers';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function followInCommon($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/users/'.$id.'/follow_in_common';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function suggestions($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/users/'.$id.'/following_followers_of';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function block($id)
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/users/'.$id.'/block';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function unfollow()
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/friendships/destroy';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function show($source, $sourceId, $targetId)
$params = array(
'source' => $source,
'source_id' => $sourceId,
'target_id' => $targetId
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/friendships/show?'.http_build_query($params);
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取当前登录用户及其所关注用户的最新广播(友邻广播)
* @param string $sinceId
* @param string $untilId
* @param string $count
* @param string $start
* @return object
public function homeTimeline($sinceId = null, $untilId = null, $count = null, $start = null )
$params = array(
'since_id' => $sinceId,
'until_id' => $untilId,
'count' => $count,
'start' => $start
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/home_timeline?'.http_build_query($params);
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取用户发布的广播列表
* @param string $user
* @param string $sinceId
* @param string $untilId
* @return object
public function userTimeline($user, $sinceId = null, $untilId = null)
$params = array(
'since_id' => $sinceId,
'until_id' => $untilId
$this->uri = '/shuo/v2/statuses/user_timeline/'.$user.'?'.http_build_query($params);
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanMovie.php
* @brief 豆瓣电影API接口
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-05
class DoubanMovie extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
* @brief 获取电影信息
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function get($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/movie/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 根据imdb号获取电影信息
* @param string $name
* @return object
public function imdb($name)
$this->uri = '/v2/movie/imdb/'.$name;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function search($q, $tag, $start = 0, $count = 20)
$params = array(
'q' => $q,
'tag' => $tag,
'start' => $start,
'count' => $count
$this->uri = '/v2/movie/search?'.http_build_query($params);
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function movieTags($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/movie/'.$id.'/tags';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function userTags($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/movie/user_tags/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function addReview()
$this->uri = '/v2/movie/reviews';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function editReview($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/movie/review/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
public function deleteReview($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/movie/review/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanMusic.php
* @brief 豆瓣音乐API接口
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-05
class DoubanMusic extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
* @brief 获取音乐信息
* @param $id
* @return object
public function get($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/music/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 搜索音乐
* @param $q
* @param $tag
* @param $start
* @param $count
* @return object
public function search($q, $tag = null, $start = 0, $count = 20)
$params = array(
'q' => $q,
'tag' => $tag,
'start' => $start,
'count' => $count
$this->uri = '/v2/music/search?'.http_build_query($params);
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 某个音乐中标记最多的标签
* @param $id
* @return object
public function musicTags($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/music/'.$id.'/tags';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function addReview()
$this->uri = '/v2/music/reviews';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function editReview($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/music/review/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
public function deleteReview($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/music/review/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
* @brief 用户对音乐的所有标签
* @param $id
* @return object
public function userTags($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/music/user_tags/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanNote.php
* @brief 豆瓣日记API接口
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-05
class DoubanNote extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
* @brief 获取一条日记
* @param $id
* @param $format
* @return object
public function getNote($id, $format = 'text')
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$id.'?format='.$format;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function addNote()
$this->uri = '/v2/notes';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function editNote($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
public function deleteNote($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function like($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function dislike($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function image($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$id;
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function getCommentsList($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$id.'/comments';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function reply($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$id.'/comments';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function getComment($noteId, $commentId)
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$noteId.'/comment/'.$commentId;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function deleteComment($noteId, $commentId)
$this->uri = '/v2/note/'.$noteId.'/comment/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanOnline.php
* @brief 豆瓣线上活动API接口
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-05
class DoubanOnline extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->client = $clientId;
public function getOnline($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function participants($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id.'/participants';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function getDiscussionsList($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id.'/discussions';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function getOnlinesList($cate)
$this->uri = '/v2/onlines?cate='.$cate;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function addOnline()
$this->uri = '/v2/onlines';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function editOnline($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/onlines/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
public function deleteOnline($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/onlines/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function join($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id.'/participants';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function quit($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id.'/participants';
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function like($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function dislike($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function getPhoto($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id.'/photos';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function addPhoto($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id.'/photos';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function replyDiscussion($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/'.$id.'/discussions';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function userParticipated($id, $excludeExpired = true)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/user_participated/'.$id.'?exclude_expired='.$excludeExpired;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function userCreated($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/online/user_created/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanPhoto.php
* @brief 豆瓣相册API接口
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-05
class DoubanPhoto extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId和accessToken
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
public function getAlbum($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function addAlbum()
$this->uri = '/v2/albums';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function editAlbum($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
public function deleteAlbum($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function getPhotosList($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/'.$id.'/photos';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function getPhoto($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/photo/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function likeAlbum($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function dislikeAlbum($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function getUserAlbumList($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/user_created/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function userLiked($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/user_liked/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
public function addPhoto($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/'.$id;
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function editPhoto($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/'.$id;
$this->type = 'PUT';
return $this;
public function deletePhoto($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/album/'.$id;
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
public function likePhoto($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/photo/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'POST';
return $this;
public function dislikePhoto($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/photo/'.$id.'/like';
$this->type = 'DELETE';
return $this;
... ...
* @file DoubanUser.php
* @brief 豆瓣用户API
* @author JonChou <>
* @date 2012-12-03
class DoubanUser extends DoubanBase {
* @brief 构造函数,初始设置clientId
* @param string $clientId
* @return void
public function __construct($clientId)
$this->clientId = $clientId;
* @brief 获取当前授权用户信息
* @return object
public function me()
$this->uri = '/v2/user/~me';
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 获取指定ID用户信息
* @param string $id
* @return object
public function get($id)
$this->uri = '/v2/user/'.$id;
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
* @brief 搜索用户
* @param string $q
* @param int $start
* @param int $count
* @return object
public function search($q, $start = null, $count = null)
$params = array(
'q' => $q,
'start' => $start,
'count' => $count
$this->uri = '/v2/user?'.http_build_query($params);
$this->type = 'GET';
return $this;
... ...
namespace Plugin\Partner\renren;
use Plugin\Partner\Factory;
define('RENREN_CLASS_PATH', dirname (__FILE__) . '/class/');
require RENREN_CLASS_PATH . 'RennClientBase.class.php';
* 人人网的调用接口
* @name Call
* @package lib/partner/renren
* @copyright
* @version 5.0 (2015-12-31 10:54:54)
* @author xiaowei <>
class Call extends Factory
protected $renn;
* 初始化
protected function init()
$this->renn = new \RennClientBase($this->apiConfig['appId'], $this->apiConfig['appKey']);
* 获取授权URL
* @return string
public function getAuthorizeUrl()
return $this->renn->getAuthorizeURL($this->apiConfig['callback'], 'code', null, null, true, $this->apiConfig['scope']);
* 获取授权的TOKEN
* @return array
public function getAccessToken()
$token = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST['code']))
$keys = array();
$keys['code'] = $_REQUEST['code'];
$keys['redirect_uri'] = $this->apiConfig['callback'];
$token = $this->renn->getTokenFromTokenEndpoint('code', $keys, TokenType::Bearer);
// 返回数组格式的信息
$token = $this->renn->getTokens();
catch (Exception $e)
// do nothing
return $token;
* 获取当前用户的基本资料
* @see
* @param object $token 授权成功的TOKEN, 默认为NULL
* @return array
public function getUserInfo($token)
$userInfo = array();
if (!empty($token))
if (is_array($token))
$token = new AccessToken(isset($token['type']) ? $token['type'] : TokenType::Bearer, $token['accessToken'], isset($token['refreshToken']) ? $token['refreshToken'] : null, isset($token['macKey']) ? $token['macKey'] : null, isset($token['macAlgorithm']) ? $token['macAlgorithm'] : null);
// 获得保存的token
// 获得当前登录用户
if (isset($token->accessToken))
$parts = explode('-', $token->accessToken);
if (isset($parts[1]))
$params = array('userId' => $parts[1]);
$userInfo = $this->renn->execute('/v2/user/login/get', 'GET', $params, array(), array());
catch (Exception $e)
// do nothing
return $userInfo;
* 获取当前用户的偶像(关注)列表
* @see
* @param object $token 访问令牌
* @param array $params 参数列表
* Long $userId 用户ID。该字段默认为当前用户
* Integer $pageSize 页面大小。默认大小500。
* Integer $pageNumber 页码。取值大于零,默认值为1
* @return array
public function getFriends($token, $params)
$friends = array();
if (!empty($token))
if (is_array($token))
$token = new AccessToken(isset($token['type']) ? $token['type'] : TokenType::Bearer, $token['accessToken'], isset($token['refreshToken']) ? $token['refreshToken'] : null, isset($token['macKey']) ? $token['macKey'] : null, isset($token['macAlgorithm']) ? $token['macAlgorithm'] : null);
// 获得保存的token
// 获取当前登录用户的好友列表
if (!isset($params['userId']) && isset($token->accessToken))
$parts = explode('-', $token->accessToken);
if (isset($parts[1]))
$params['userId'] = $parts[1];
$friends = $this->renn->execute('/v2/user/friend/list', 'GET', $params, array(), array());
catch (Exception $e)
// do nothing
return $friends;
* 同步分享
* 发送自定义新鲜事。新鲜事会发布用户的个人动态信息到用户人人网主页,同时会出现在好友的新鲜事中
* @see
* @param object $token 访问令牌
* @param String $image 新鲜事图片地址
* @param String $content 新鲜事主体内容 注意:最多200个字符。
* @param String $link 新鲜事标题和图片指向的链接
* @return Long 发布新鲜事的ID
public function syncShare($token, $content, $image, $link)
$result = false;
if (!empty($token))
if (is_array($token))
$token = new AccessToken(isset($token['type']) ? $token['type'] : TokenType::Bearer, $token['accessToken'], isset($token['refreshToken']) ? $token['refreshToken'] : null, isset($token['macKey']) ? $token['macKey'] : null, isset($token['macAlgorithm']) ? $token['macAlgorithm'] : null);
// 获得保存的token
$params = array('title' => '来自YOHO的分享', 'message' => $content, 'actionTargetUrl' => $link,
'imageUrl' => $image, 'description' => $content, 'targetUrl' => $link,);
$result = $this->renn->execute('/v2/feed/put', 'POST', $params, array(), array());
catch (Exception $e)
// do nothing
return $result;
* 返回token的所有信息(包括user)
* 备注:所有此方法必须先调用 getAccessToken()
* @return array
public function getTokens()
return $this->renn->getTokens();
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
defined('DOMAIN') || define('DOMAIN', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
return array(
'appId' => '783130c654c94a77ace97054ae266019',
'appKey' => '05e430de8c1e40d3a1f39ca8d3f8252c',
'callback' => DOMAIN . '/passport/login/renrenback',
'scope' => 'publish_feed,photo_upload',
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
include_once ('RennClientBase.class.php');
include_once ('service/RennServiceBase.php');
include_once ('service/AlbumService.php');
include_once ('service/BlogService.php');
include_once ('service/ShareService.php');
include_once ('service/UbbService.php');
include_once ('service/NotificationService.php');
include_once ('service/FeedService.php');
include_once ('service/InvitationService.php');
include_once ('service/ProfileService.php');
include_once ('service/AppService.php');
include_once ('service/StatusService.php');
include_once ('service/LikeService.php');
include_once ('service/PhotoService.php');
include_once ('service/CommentService.php');
include_once ('service/UserService.php');
include_once ('service/FriendService.php');
class RennClient extends RennClientBase {
private $albumService;
private $blogService;
private $shareService;
private $ubbService;
private $notificationService;
private $feedService;
private $invitationService;
private $profileService;
private $appService;
private $statusService;
private $likeService;
private $photoService;
private $commentService;
private $userService;
private $friendService;
function getAlbumService() {
if (empty ($this -> albumService )) {
$this->albumService = new AlbumService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->albumService;
function getBlogService() {
if (empty ($this -> blogService )) {
$this->blogService = new BlogService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->blogService;
function getShareService() {
if (empty ($this -> shareService )) {
$this->shareService = new ShareService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->shareService;
function getUbbService() {
if (empty ($this -> ubbService )) {
$this->ubbService = new UbbService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->ubbService;
function getNotificationService() {
if (empty ($this -> notificationService )) {
$this->notificationService = new NotificationService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->notificationService;
function getFeedService() {
if (empty ($this -> feedService )) {
$this->feedService = new FeedService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->feedService;
function getInvitationService() {
if (empty ($this -> invitationService )) {
$this->invitationService = new InvitationService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->invitationService;
function getProfileService() {
if (empty ($this -> profileService )) {
$this->profileService = new ProfileService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->profileService;
function getAppService() {
if (empty ($this -> appService )) {
$this->appService = new AppService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->appService;
function getStatusService() {
if (empty ($this -> statusService )) {
$this->statusService = new StatusService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->statusService;
function getLikeService() {
if (empty ($this -> likeService )) {
$this->likeService = new LikeService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->likeService;
function getPhotoService() {
if (empty ($this -> photoService )) {
$this->photoService = new PhotoService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->photoService;
function getCommentService() {
if (empty ($this -> commentService )) {
$this->commentService = new CommentService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->commentService;
function getUserService() {
if (empty ($this -> userService )) {
$this->userService = new UserService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->userService;
function getFriendService() {
if (empty ($this -> friendService )) {
$this->friendService = new FriendService ( $this, $this->accessToken );
return $this->friendService;
... ...