OrderData.php 996 Bytes

namespace LibModels\Wap\Home;

use Api\Yohobuy;
use Api\Sign;
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 * Description of OrderData
 * @author Administrator
class OrderData
    * 获取订单数据
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    public function getOrderData($type,$page,$limit,$gender,$yh_channel,$uid){
        $param = Yohobuy::param();
        $param['gender'] = $gender;
        $param['limit'] = $limit;
        $param['method'] = 'app.SpaceOrders.get';
        $param['page'] = $page;
        $param['type'] = $type;
        $param['uid'] = $uid;
        $param['yh_channel'] = $yh_channel;
        $param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
        return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL,$param);