Authored by wangqing

Merge branch 'feature/header-footer' of into …

... ... @@ -13,37 +13,26 @@
<div id="foot-services">
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<a href="javascript:void(0);">
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<p class="item-nav center" id="button-services">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" key="0">
<span class="iconfont cur">O</span>
<p class="item-nav center">
<span class="iconfont cur" key="0">&#xe619;</span>
<div id="feedbackBoxList" class="foot-panel">
<div id="feed-back-box-list" class="foot-panel">
<div class="title">
<div class="title-line"></div>
<div class="text">
... ... @@ -51,73 +40,77 @@
<ul class="vote clearfix">
<li style="display:block" key="0">
<form action="#" id="feedbackForm">
<input type="hidden" name="question_id" id="question_id" value="38">
<input type="hidden" name="feedback_id" id="feedback_id" value="5">
<li key="0">
<form class="feed-back-form" action="#">
<div class="vote-item clearfix">
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="33">非常喜欢</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="33">非常喜欢
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="34">喜欢</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="34">喜欢
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="35">一般般</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="35">一般般
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="36">不喜欢</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="36">不喜欢
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="37">非常不喜欢</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="37">非常不喜欢
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="feedbackBtn" class="button">提交</a>
<span class="feed-back-btn button">提交</span>
<input class="question-id" type="hidden" name="question_id" value="38">
<input class="feedback-id" type="hidden" name="feedback_id" value="5">
<li style="display:none" key="1">
<form action="#" id="feedbackForm">
<input type="hidden" name="question_id" id="question_id" value="39">
<input type="hidden" name="feedback_id" id="feedback_id" value="5">
<li class="hide" key="1">
<form class="feed-back-form" action="#">
<div class="vote-item clearfix">
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="38">非常方便</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="38">非常方便
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="39">方便</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="39">方便
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="40">一般般</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="40">一般般
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="41">不方便</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="41">不方便
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="42">非常不方便</p>
<input type="radio" name="solution" value="42">非常不方便
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="feedbackBtn" class="button">提交</a>
<span class="feed-back-btn button">提交</span>
<input class="question-id" type="hidden" value="39">
<input class="feedback-id" type="hidden" value="5">
<li style="display:none" key="2">
<form action="#" id="feedbackForm">
<input type="hidden" name="question_id" id="question_id" value="37">
<input type="hidden" name="feedback_id" id="feedback_id" value="5">
<li class="hide" key="2">
<form class="feed-back-form" action="#">
<textarea name="answer" id="feedback_answer"></textarea>
<textarea name="answer" id="feedback-answer"></textarea>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="feedbackBtn" class="button">提交</a>
<span class="feed-back-btn button">提交</span>
<input class="question-id" type="hidden" value="37">
<input class="feedback-id" type="hidden" value="5">
<p id="feedbackPage" class="item-nav center">
<a href="javascript:void(0);">
<span class="iconfont cur">O</span>
<a href="javascript:void(0);">
<span class="iconfont ">o</span>
<a href="javascript:void(0);">
<span class="iconfont ">o</span>
<p id="feed-back-page" class="item-nav center">
<span class="iconfont cur">&#xe619;</span>
<span class="iconfont ">&#xe619;</span>
<span class="iconfont ">&#xe619;</span>
<dd class="last">
... ... @@ -148,10 +141,8 @@
<p class="item-nav center" id="button-mobile">
<a href="javascript:void(0);">
<span class="iconfont cur">O</span>
<p class="item-nav center">
<span class="iconfont cur">&#xe619;</span>
... ... @@ -182,8 +173,8 @@
<div class="right subscribe footer-right">
<input class="rgb6 top" name="subscriberBox" id="subscriberBox" value="订阅我们的邮件">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="subscriberBtn" class="ifont rgbf">m</a>
<input id="subscriber-box" class="rgb6 top" name="subscriberBox"value="订阅我们的邮件">
<a id="subscriber-btn" href="javascript:void(0);" class="ifont rgbf">m</a>
... ...
seajs.use('js/footer',function(footer) {
if(footer) {
{{!-- 首页 --}}
{{#if boysHomePage}}
/*seajs.use('js/home/entrey', function(h) {
... ...
... ... @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
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By Ads
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... ...
... ... @@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
var $ = require('yoho.jquery');
function cookie(name) {
var cookies = document.cookie,
... ...
... ... @@ -6,26 +6,36 @@
var $ = require('yoho.jquery');
var apiDomain;
* 订阅
* @return {[type]} [description]
function actionSubscription() {
var $subscriberBox = $('#subscriberBox'),
$subscriberBtn = $('#subscriberBtn'),
var $subscriberBox = $('#subscriber-box'),
$subscriberBtn = $('#subscriber-btn'),
emailReg = /^[.\-_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-_a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9]/;
var subscribeParam = {
method: 'open.subscriber.subscriber',
v: 1,
return_type: 'jsonp',
open_key: '12345'
var iconCode = {
mail: '&#xe61b;',
tick: '&#xe61a'
var email = $.trim($subscriberBox.val());
var params = {};
$subscriberBox.focus(function() {
$(this).val('').css('color', '');
$ {
... ... @@ -39,7 +49,7 @@ function actionSubscription() {
$.getJSON('' + '/?callback=?', params, function(data) {
if ( === 1) {
$subscriberBox.val('已订阅到:' + email);
} else {
$subscriberBox.css('color', 'red');
... ... @@ -53,91 +63,69 @@ function actionSubscription() {
function change(now, icon, box) {
var obj = now;
var index = icon.index(this);
var offset = index * 3;
var i;
box.each(function() {
for (i = offset; i < offset + 3; i++) {
now.each(function() {
function actionhomeFootChange() {
var $vote = $('.vote'),
$feedBackPage = $('#feed-back-page'),
count = $vote.children('li').length;
$('#button-services a').click(function() {
change($(this), $('#button-services a'), $('#foot-services ul li'));
$feedBackPage.on('click', 'span', function() {
var $this = $(this);
$('#button-mobile a').click(function() {
change($(this), $('#button-mobile a'), $('#foot-mobile ul li'));
if ($this.hasClass('cur')) {
$('#feedbackPage a').click(function() {
var indexNum;
indexNum = $('#feedbackPage a').index(this);
$('.vote li').hide();
$('.vote li').eq(indexNum).show();
$('.vote li').each(function() {
var obj = this;
var index = $(this).index();
$vote.on('click', '.feed-back-btn', function() {
var $this = $(this),
$li = $this.closest('li'),
index = $li.index(),
params = {},
_solution = [];
$(this).find('#feedbackBtn').click(function() {
var params = {};
var _solution = [];
var _answer = $(obj).find('#feedback_answer').val();
var _feedback = $(obj).find('#feedback_id').val();
var _question = $(obj).find('#question_id').val();
var _answer = $li.find('.feedback-answer').val(),
_feedback = $li.find('.feedback-id').val(),
_question = $li.find('.question-id').val();
$(obj).find('input').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('checked') === true || $(this).attr('checked') === 'checked') {
params.method = '';
params.feedback_id = _feedback || 0;
params.question_id = _question || 0;
params.answer = _answer || '';
params.solution = _solution.join(',');
$.getData(window.apiDomain, params, function(reData) {
var voteCount;
var Next;
if (reData.result === 1) {
voteCount = $('.vote li').length - 1;
if (index === voteCount) {
return false;
Next = index + 1;
$('.vote li').eq(index).hide();
$('.vote li').eq(Next).show();
$li.find(':checked').each(function() {
params = {
method: '',
feedback: _feedback || 0,
question: _question || 0,
answer: _answer || '',
solution: _solution.join(',')
$.getData(apiDomain, params, function(data) {
var next = index + 1;
if (data.result === 1) {
if (index === count - 1) {
return false;
$vote.eq(index + 1).removeClass('hide');
exports.init = function() {
actionSubscription(); //执行订阅
actionhomeFootChange(); //底部事件
\ No newline at end of file
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