Authored by xuqi

good detail data structure

... ... @@ -683,6 +683,265 @@
### 热销排行
hotrankPage: true, //引用hotrank.js
hotrank: [
slide: {
list: [
'href': '',
'img': ''
popular: { //人气单品
name: '', //楼层标题
list: [
href: '', //链接
img: '', //图片
title: '', //商品名称
price: '', //商品原价
sPrice: '', //商品现价
rank: '' //排行
hotBrands: { //同上logo品牌 ajax数据
name: '' //楼层标题
hotWeek: { //一周热卖
name: '' //楼层标题
nav: [ //一周热卖导航
textCn' => 'TOP100', //导航名称
'url' => '',
'sid' => 1 //对应ajax发送id
list: [ //同上面商品数据
### 商品详情页
detail: {
banner: {
bgColor: '',
bgImg: '',
homeUrl: '',
logo: '',
coled: true
pathNav: [...],
goodInfo: {
skn: '',
tags: [
isNew: true
isReNew: true
isSale: true
isNewFestival: true
isLimit: true
isYearEndPromotion: true
isYearMidPromotion: true
isFew: true
img: '',
name: '',
brandUrl: '',
brandName: '',
marketPrice: 999,
salePrice: 777,
activity: [
url: '',
activityImg: ''
type: '加价购',
des: ''
colors: [
focus: true,
disable: true,
title: '',
src: '',
thumbs: [
url: '',
img: '', //左侧缩略图
shower: '' //缩略图的大图显示
size: [
skn: '',
title: '',
name: ''
num: 20
coled: true,
goCartUrl: '' //去购物车结算
description: {
basic: [
key: '材质',
value: 'xxx'
comfort: [
name: '硬度',
minDes: '软',
blocks: [
cur: true
maxDes: ''
material: {
detail: [
img: '',
name: '',
enName: '',
text: ''
wash: [
img: '',
name: ''
size: {
thead: [
width: '130',
name: ''
tbody: [
... //每行数据
sizeImg: ''
reference: [
thead: [
width: '',
name: ''
tbody: [
'header-img-url', .., ..
details: '', //html
consultComment: {
consultNum: 0,
commentNum: 2,
comments: [
avatar: '',
userName: '',
color: '',
size: '',
date: '',
comment: ''
hasMoreComments: true,
commentUrl: '',
consults: [
avatar: '',
question: '',
date: '',
answer: ''
hasMoreConsults: true
recentView: [
url: '',
img: '',
name: '',
marketPrice: '',
salePrice: ''
## 逛
### 【公用】资讯
... ... @@ -930,64 +1189,4 @@
coverHref' => '/passport', //右侧封面跳转链接
coverImg' => '##', //右侧封面地址
## Product
### 热销排行
hotrankPage: true, //引用hotrank.js
hotrank: [
slide: {
list: [
'href': '',
'img': ''
popular: { //人气单品
name: '', //楼层标题
list: [
href: '', //链接
img: '', //图片
title: '', //商品名称
price: '', //商品原价
sPrice: '', //商品现价
rank: '' //排行
hotBrands: { //同上logo品牌 ajax数据
name: '' //楼层标题
hotWeek: { //一周热卖
name: '' //楼层标题
nav: [ //一周热卖导航
textCn' => 'TOP100', //导航名称
'url' => '',
'sid' => 1 //对应ajax发送id
list: [ //同上面商品数据
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<div class="brand-banner" style="background:{{bgColor}}{{#if bgImg}} url({{bgImg}}){{/if}}">
<div class="center-content clearfix">
<a class="pull-left" href="{{homeUrl}}">
<img src="{{logo}}" alt="{{alt}}">
<img src="{{logo}}">
<div class="opt pull-right">
... ... @@ -97,9 +97,9 @@
<ul class="activity">
{{#each activity}}
{{#if sizeImg}}
{{#if activityImg}}
<a class="img-link" href="{{url}}">
<img src="{{sizeImg}}">
<img src="{{activityImg}}">
<span class="ac-type">{{type}}</span>
... ...
... ... @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class ItemController extends AbstractAction
'activity' => array(
'url' => '',
'sizeImg' => ''
'activityImg' => ''
'type' => '加价购',
... ...