Authored by uedxwg

Merge branch 'develop' of into feature/cart

Showing 19 changed files with 1515 additions and 649 deletions
... ... @@ -179,6 +179,41 @@ class CartData
* 增减购物车商品数量
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $sku 商品SKU
* @param int $increaseNum 增加的数目
* @param int $decreaseNum 减少的数目
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function modifyProductNum($uid, $sku, $increaseNum, $decreaseNum, $shoppingKey)
$param = Yohobuy::param();
$param['method'] = 'app.Shopping.increase';
$param['product_sku'] = $sku;
if (!empty($increaseNum)) {
$param['increase_number'] = $increaseNum;
if (!empty($decreaseNum)) {
$param['decrease_number'] = $decreaseNum;
if (!empty($uid)) {
$param['uid'] = $uid;
if ($shoppingKey !== null) {
$param['shopping_key'] = $shoppingKey;
$param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
* 修改购物车商品数据
* @param int $uid 用户ID
... ...
... ... @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
.cost {
margin-bottom: 100rem / $pxConvertRem; /*排除被固定底部遮挡的影响*/
// margin-bottom: 100rem / $pxConvertRem; /*排除被固定底部遮挡的影响*/
li {
font-size: 28rem / $pxConvertRem;
... ... @@ -104,10 +104,11 @@
.opt {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
// 测试反馈 底部不需要固定
// position: fixed;
// bottom: 0;
// left: 0;
// right: 0;
text-align: right;
border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
... ... @@ -130,4 +131,4 @@
background: #d0021b;
margin-left: 10rem / $pxConvertRem;
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<a class="logistics sub" href="{{logisticsUrl}}">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe630;</span>
<p class="beside-icon sub-content">
<span class="sub-title">物流信息</span>
<span class="sub-title">物流信息</span>
... ... @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
{{#if unreceived}}
{{#if logisticsUrl}}
<a href="{{logisticsUrl}}">
<span class="btn btn-check-logistics">查看物流</span>
... ... @@ -97,4 +97,4 @@
{{/ orderDetail}}
{{> layout/footer}}
\ No newline at end of file
{{> layout/footer}}
... ...
{{> layout/header}}
<div class="gift-advance-page yoho-page">
{{# shoppingCart}}
{{#if gift}}
{{# gift}}
{{> shopping-cart/gift-advance-good}}
{{/ gift}}
{{# advance}}
<div class="advance-block">
<p class="title">{{title}}</p>
{{# goods}}
{{> shopping-cart/gift-advance-good}}
{{/ goods}}
{{/ advance}}
{{/ shoppingCart}}
{{> layout/footer}}
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
{{> layout/header}}
<div id="mainCart" class="shopping-cart-page yoho-page">
{{# shoppingCart}}
{{#if cartNav}}
<ul class="cart-nav clearfix">
<li class="active">
{{#if showLoginInfo}}
<p class="login-info">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe628;</span>
<a class="btn btn-login">登录</a>
{{# commonCart}}
<div class="cart-content common">
{{> shopping-cart/cart-content}}
{{/ commonCart}}
{{# preSellCart}}
<div class="cart-content presell hide">
<p class="presell-info">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe61a;</span>
<span class="txt">预售商品全场包邮,到货后立即发货</span>
<span class="txt">预售商品不参加活动,不可使用优惠券</span>
{{> shopping-cart/cart-content}}
{{/ preSellCart}}
{{/ shoppingCart}}
<div id="advanceBuy" class="shopping-cart-page yoho-page hide">
{{# shoppingCart}}
{{# commonCart}}
{{# advanceBuy}}
{{# goods}}
{{> shopping-cart/gift-advance-good}}
{{/ goods}}
{{/ advanceBuy}}
{{/ commonCart}}
{{/ shoppingCart}}
<div class="shopping-cart-zero yoho-page hide">
<div class="cart-zero">
<i class="iconfont">&#xe62c</i>
<a href="">随便逛逛</a>
{{> product/recommend-for-you}}
{{> shopping-cart/chose-panel}}
{{> layout/footer}}
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
{{> layout/header}}
<div class="order-ensure-page yoho-page">
{{# orderEnsure}}
<a class="address-wrap block" data-id="{{addressId}}" href="/shoppingCart/selectAddress">
<p class="infos">
<span class="per-info">{{name}} {{phoneNum}}</span>
<span class="address">{{area}} {{address}}</span>
<span class="iconfont">&#xe614;</span>
<section class="dispatch block">
<div class="sub-block">
<h3 class="title">配送方式</h3>
<ul class="dispatch-mode clearfix">
{{#each dispatchMode}}
<li {{#if isSelected}}class="chosed"{{/if}} data-id="{{id}}">{{name}}</li>
<div class="sub-block">
<h3 class="title">送货时间</h3>
<ul class="dispatch-time clearfix">
{{#each dispatchTime}}
<li {{#if isSelected}}class="chosed"{{/if}} data-id="{{id}}">{{name}}</li>
<section class="block">
<h3 class="title">商品</h3>
<div class="goods">
{{#each goods}}
{{> me/order/good}}
<section class="block">
<ul class="sale-invoice">
{{# coupon}}
<li class="coupon">
<a href="/shoppingCart/selectCoupon">
<span class="title">优惠券</span>
{{#if count}}
<span class="coupon-count">
{{#if value}}
<span class="used coupon-use">
<i class="iconfont">&#xe614;</i>
<span class="not-used coupon-use">
<i class="iconfont">&#xe614;</i>
<li class="coin" data-yoho-coin="{{yohoCoin}}">
<span class="title">YOHO币</span>
<span class="desc">可抵用¥{{yohoCoin}}</span>
<span class="coin-check">
<em>- ¥ {{yohoCoin}}</em>
<i class="iconfont checkbox icon-cb-checked"></i>
{{#if invoice}}
<li class="invoice {{#if needInvoice}}focus{{/if}}">
<span class="title">发票</span>
<span class="iconfont checkbox {{#if needInvoice}}icon-cb-checked{{else}}icon-checkbox{{/if}}"></span>
<form id="invoice">
<input type="text" name="invoice-title" value="{{invoiceText}}" placeholder="发票抬头">
<select class="invoice-type" name="invoice-type">
{{# invoice}}
<option value="{{id}}" {{#if isSelected}}selected{{/if}}>{{name}}</option>
{{/ invoice}}
<form id="msg" action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="msg" value="{{msg}}" placeholder="留言">
<section class="price-cal block">
<ul class="total">
- ¥{{salePrice}}
+ {{freight}}
- ¥{{.}}
- ¥{{yohoCoin}}
<li class="cost">
应付金额: <em>¥{{price}}</em>
<ul class="pay-mode">
{{# paymentWay}}
<li class="{{#if default}}default{{/if}}" data-pay-type="{{paymentType}}" data-pay-id="{{id}}">
<span class="iconfont">
{{#if default}}
{{/ paymentWay}}
{{/ orderEnsure}}
<script id="tmpl-price" type="text/tmpl">
<ul class="total">
- ¥\{{salePrice}}
+ \{{freight}}
- ¥\{{.}}
- ¥\{{yohoCoin}}
<li class="cost">
应付金额: <em>¥\{{price}}</em>
{{> layout/footer}}
... ...
{{> layout/header}}
<div class="my-address-page select-address-page yoho-page">
<div class="page-wrap">
{{# address}}
<a class="address-item" data-address-id="{{address_id}}" href="/shoppingCart/orderEnsure">
<span class="name">{{consignee}}</span>
<span class="tel">{{mobile}}</span>
<p class="address-info">{{area}} {{address}}</p>
<div class="action iconfont">
<span class="edit" data-href="/home/addressAct?id={{address_id}}&refer=shopping">&#xe61e;</span>
<span class="del" data-id="{{address_id}}">&#xe621;</span>
{{/ address}}
<a class="add-address" data-href="/home/addressAct?refer=shopping">
<div class="confim-mask hide">
<div class="confim-box">
<div class="content">
<div class="action">
<span class="cancel">
<span class="confim">
{{> layout/footer}}
... ...
{{> layout/header}}
<div class="yoho-page select-coupon-page my-coupon-page">
<form id="new-coupon" method="POST" action="">
<input type="text" name="couponCode" value="" placeholder="输入优惠券码">
<button type="submit" class="submit">确定</button>
<div id="coupon-list" class="coupon-list"></div>
<div class="not-avaliable-coupon-line hide">不可使用的优惠券</div>
<div id="coupon-list-not" class="coupon-list"></div>
<script id="tmpl-coupon" type="text/tmpl">
\{{^ notAvailable}}
<a class="employ-main" data-coupon-code="\{{ couponCode}}" data-coupon-value="\{{ couponValue}}" href="/shoppingCart/orderEnsure">
<span>\{{ couponValue}}</span>
<p class="coupon-name">\{{ couponDetailInfomation}}</p>
<p>有效期:\{{ couponValidity}}</p>
\{{/ notAvailable}}
<script id="tmpl-coupon-not-avaliable" type="text/tmpl">
\{{# notAvailableCoupons}}
<div class="employ-main not-avaliable">
<span>\{{ couponValue}}</span>
<p class="coupon-name">\{{ couponDetailInfomation}}</p>
<p>有效期:\{{ couponValidity}}</p>
\{{/ notAvailableCoupons}}
<script id="tmpl-no-coupon" type="text/tmpl">
<div class="coupon-list">
<div class="null">
{{> layout/footer}}
... ...
... ... @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class CouponController extends HuodongAction
$urlGirls = Helpers::url('/cuxiao/coupon/girlsbrand');
$urlKids = Helpers::url('/cuxiao/coupon/kidsbrand');
$urlLifestyle = Helpers::url('/cuxiao/coupon/lifestylebrand');
$urlShare = Yohobuy::SERVICE_URL . '/operations/api/v5/webshare/getShare';
$urlShare = '\/operations\/api\/v5\/webshare\/getShare';
$urlEncode = strtr($urlBoys, array('/' => '\\/'));
$this->_view->display('boysbrand', array(
... ... @@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ class CouponController extends HuodongAction
'shareImg' => '',
'shareDesc' => '2015感恩季!品牌专属优惠券限时送!先领券,再购物,让你乐享整个冬季!',
'url_boys' => $urlBoys . '?yohobuy={"action":"go.h5","params":{"id":"364","share":"' . $urlShare . '","shareparam":{"share_id":"406"},"islogin":"N","type":0,"url":"' . $urlBoys . '","param":{}}}',
'url_girls' => $urlGirls . '?yohobuy={"action":"go.h5","params":{"id":"366","share":"' . $urlShare . '","shareparam":{"share_id":"408"},"islogin":"N","type":0,"url":"' . $urlGirls . '","param":{}}}',
'url_kids' => $urlKids . '?yohobuy={"action":"go.h5","params":{"id":"368","share":"' . $urlShare . '","shareparam":{"share_id":"410"},"islogin":"N","type":0,"url":"' . $urlKids . '","param":{}}}',
'url_lifestyle' => $urlLifestyle . '?yohobuy={"action":"go.h5","params":{"id":"370","share":"' . $urlShare . '","shareparam":{"share_id":"412"},"islogin":"N","type":0,"url":"' . $urlLifestyle . '","param":{}}}',
'url_boys' => $urlBoys . '?yohobuy={"action":"go.h5","params":{"id":"364","share":"' . $urlShare . '","shareparam":{"share_id":"406"},"islogin":"Y","type":0,"url":"' . $urlBoys . '","param":{}}}',
'url_girls' => $urlGirls . '?yohobuy={"action":"go.h5","params":{"id":"366","share":"' . $urlShare . '","shareparam":{"share_id":"408"},"islogin":"Y","type":0,"url":"' . $urlGirls . '","param":{}}}',
'url_kids' => $urlKids . '?yohobuy={"action":"go.h5","params":{"id":"368","share":"' . $urlShare . '","shareparam":{"share_id":"410"},"islogin":"Y","type":0,"url":"' . $urlKids . '","param":{}}}',
'url_lifestyle' => $urlLifestyle . '?yohobuy={"action":"go.h5","params":{"id":"370","share":"' . $urlShare . '","shareparam":{"share_id":"412"},"islogin":"Y","type":0,"url":"' . $urlLifestyle . '","param":{}}}',
'url_350' => ',3&brand=350&openby:yohobuy={"action":"go.list","params":{"gender":"1,3","brand":"350","title":"MACROPUS"}}',
'url_160' => ',3&brand=60&openby:yohobuy={"action":"go.list","params":{"gender":"1,3","brand":"60","title":"izzue"}}',
... ...
... ... @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ class HomeController extends AbstractAction
if (empty($orderDetail)) {
... ...
... ... @@ -8,8 +8,22 @@ use Plugin\Helpers;
* 购物车
class ShoppingCartController extends AbstractAction
class ShoppingcartController extends AbstractAction
* 通过当前用户审判是否跳到登录
* @param boolean $useSession (true:从服务端session中检查, false:从客户端cookie中检查)
* @return void
protected function auditJumpLogin($useSession = true)
$uid = $this->getUid($useSession);
if (!$uid) {
$this->go(Helpers::url('/signin.html', array('refer' => $this->server('HTTP_REFERER', SITE_MAIN))));
* 购物车首页
... ... @@ -122,11 +136,9 @@ class ShoppingCartController extends AbstractAction
$shoppingKey = Helpers::getShoppingKeyByCookie();
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$data = array(
'shoppingCartPage' => true,
'shoppingCart' => CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey, true)
$cartType = $this->get('cartType', 'ordinary');
$data = array('shoppingCartPage' => true);
$data += CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey, $cartType, true);
// 渲染模板
$this->_view->display('gift-advance-good', $data);
... ... @@ -142,12 +154,9 @@ class ShoppingCartController extends AbstractAction
$shoppingKey = Helpers::getShoppingKeyByCookie();
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$data = array(
'shoppingCartPage' => true,
'shoppingCart' => CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey, false, true)
$cartType = $this->get('cartType', 'ordinary');
$data = array('shoppingCartPage' => true);
$data += CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey, $cartType, false, true);
// 渲染模板
$this->_view->display('gift-advance-good', $data);
... ... @@ -196,6 +205,30 @@ class ShoppingCartController extends AbstractAction
* 修改购物车商品数量
public function modifyNumAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$shoppingKey = $this->getSession('shoppingKey');
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$sku= $this->post('sku', 0);
$increaseNum = $this->post('increaseNum', null);
$decreaseNum = $this->post('decreaseNum', null);
$result = CartModel::modifyProductNum($uid, $sku, $increaseNum, $decreaseNum, $shoppingKey);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 修改购物车商品数据
public function modifyAction()
... ... @@ -226,17 +259,28 @@ class ShoppingCartController extends AbstractAction
public function orderEnsureAction()
// 审判跳转登录页
$cartType = $this->post('cartType', 'ordinary');
// 购物车商品为空跳转到购物车页面
$shoppingKey = Helpers::getShoppingKeyByCookie();
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$cartGoods = CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey);
if (empty($cartGoods) || isset($cartGoods['isEmptyCart'])) {
$cartType = $this->get('cartType', 'ordinary');
$cookieData = $this->getCookie('order-info', null);
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$data = array(
'orderEnsurePage' => true,
'orderEnsure' => CartModel::cartPay($uid, $cartType, $cookieData)
// var_dump($data);
$this->_view->display('order-ensure', $data);
... ... @@ -293,7 +337,6 @@ class ShoppingCartController extends AbstractAction
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$page = $this->get('page', 1);
$result = CartModel::getCouponList($uid);
... ... @@ -309,6 +352,9 @@ class ShoppingCartController extends AbstractAction
public function selectAddressAction()
// 审判跳转登录页
// 设置网站标题
$this->setNavHeader('选择地址', Helpers::url('/shoppingCart/orderEnsure'));
... ... @@ -328,9 +374,13 @@ class ShoppingCartController extends AbstractAction
public function selectCouponAction()
// 审判跳转登录页
// 设置网站标题
$this->setNavHeader('选择优惠券', Helpers::url('/shoppingCart/orderEnsure'));
$this->_view->display('select-coupon', array(
'selectCouponPage' => true,
'pageFooter' => true
... ...
... ... @@ -17,632 +17,683 @@ use Plugin\Images;
class CartModel
* 加入购物车
* @param int $productSku 商品SKU
* @param int $buyNumber 购买数量
* @param int $goodsType 商品类型,0表示普通商品,1表示加价购商品
* @param int $isEdit 是否是编辑商品SKU,0表示不是编辑
* @param null|int $promotionId 促销id,默认null(加价购有关)
* @param null|int $uid 用户UID,可以不传
* @return array 加入购物车接口返回的数据
public static function addToCart($productSku, $buyNumber, $goodsType, $isEdit, $promotionId, $uid)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~~');
$addCart = CartData::addToCart($productSku, $buyNumber, $goodsType, $isEdit, $promotionId, $uid);
if ($addCart && isset($addCart['code'])) {
$result = $addCart;
return $result;
* @param integer $uid 用户ID
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @param bool $onlyGift 只获取赠品的商品数据
* @param bool $onlyAdvanceBuy 只获取加价购的商品数据
* @return array|mixed 处理之后的购物车数据
public static function getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey, $onlyGift = false, $onlyAdvanceBuy = false)
$result = array('cartNav' => true);
// 用户是否登录
if (empty($uid)) {
$result['showLoginInfo'] = true;
// 调用接口获取购物车的数据
$cartData = CartData::cartData($uid, $shoppingKey);
// 处理普通购物车和预售购物车的数据
if (isset($cartData['data']) && !empty($cartData['data'])) {
$cart = $cartData['data'];
/* 普通购物车 */
if(isset($cart['ordinary_cart_data'])) {
$result['commonGoodsCount'] = $cart['ordinary_cart_data']['shopping_cart_data']['goods_count'];
$result['commonCart'] = self::procCartData($cart['ordinary_cart_data'], $onlyGift, $onlyAdvanceBuy);
/* 预售购物车 */
if(isset($cart['advance_cart_data'])) {
$result['presellGoodsCount'] = $cart['advance_cart_data']['shopping_cart_data']['goods_count'];
$result['preSellCart'] = self::procCartData($cart['advance_cart_data'], $onlyGift, $onlyAdvanceBuy);
return $result;
* 购物车商品选择与取消接口返回的数据处理
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $sku 商品sku列表
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @return array 处理之后的数据的数据
public static function selectGoods($uid, $sku, $shoppingKey)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
// 处理sku
$sku_list = json_encode(array($sku => 1));
$select = CartData::selectGoods($uid, $sku_list, $shoppingKey);
if ($select && isset($select['code'])) {
$result['code'] = $select['code'];
$result['message'] = $select['message'];
return $result;
* 移出购物车
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $sku 商品sku列表
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function removeFromCart($uid, $sku, $shoppingKey)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
// 处理sku
$sku_list = json_encode(array($sku => 1));
$remove = CartData::removeFromCart($uid, $sku_list, $shoppingKey);
if ($remove && isset($remove['code'])) {
$result['code'] = $remove['code'];
$result['message'] = $remove['message'];
return $result;
* 移入收藏夹
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $sku 商品sku列表
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function addToFav($uid, $sku)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
if (empty($uid)) {
$result['code'] = 300;
$reult['message'] = '请先登录';
$result['data'] = '/signin.html';
return $result;
// 处理sku
$sku_list = json_encode(array($sku => 1));
$add = CartData::addToFav($uid, $sku_list);
if ($add && isset($add['code'])) {
$result['code'] = $add['code'];
$result['message'] = $add['message'];
return $result;
* 处理购物车商品数据
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param int $skn 商品skn
* @param int $num 购买数目
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function cartProductData($uid, $skn, $num)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
$product = CartData::cartProductData($uid, $skn);
if (isset($product['code']) && $product['code'] === 200) {
$result['code'] = 200;
$data = array();
$productData = $product['data'];
// 品牌信息
if (isset($productData['brand_info']) && !empty($productData['brand_info'])) {
$data['thumb'] = Helpers::getImageUrl($productData['brand_info']['brand_ico'], 120, 120);
$data['name'] = $productData['product_name'];
$data['price'] = $productData['market_price'];
$data['salePrice'] = $productData['sales_price'];
$data['storage'] = $productData['storage_sum'];
$data['num'] = $num;
// 商品选择
if (isset($productData['goods_list'])) {
$goodsList = $productData['goods_list'];
$colors = array();
$oneColor = array();
$sizes = array();
$oneSize = array();
foreach ($goodsList as $val) {
// 颜色
$oneColor = array();
$oneColor['id'] = $val['color_id'];
$oneColor['name'] = $val['color_name'];
// 尺码
foreach ($val['size_list'] as $one) {
$oneSize = array();
$oneSize['id'] = $one['size_id'];
$oneSize['name'] = $one['size_name'];
$sizes[] = $oneSize;
$oneColor['sizes'] = $sizes;
$colors[] = $oneColor;
$data['colors'] = $colors;
$result['data'] = $data;
return $result;
* 处理加价购商品数据
* @param int $skn 商品skn
* @param int $promotionId 加价购商品促销ID
* @return array
public static function giftProductData($skn, $promotionId)
$result = array();
$product = CartData::giftProductData($skn, $promotionId);
if (isset($product['code']) && $product['code'] === 200) {
$result['code'] = 200;
$data = array();
$productData = $product['data'];
// 品牌信息
if (isset($productData['brand_info']) && !empty($productData['brand_info'])) {
$data['thumb'] = Helpers::getImageUrl($productData['brand_info']['brand_ico'], 120, 120);
$data['name'] = $productData['product_name'];
$data['price'] = $productData['market_price'];
$data['salePrice'] = $productData['sales_price'];
$data['storage'] = $productData['storage_sum'];
// 商品选择
if (isset($productData['goods_list'])) {
$goodsList = $productData['goods_list'];
$colors = array();
$oneColor = array();
$sizes = array();
$oneSize = array();
foreach ($goodsList as $val) {
// 颜色
$oneColor = array();
$oneColor['id'] = $val['color_id'];
$oneColor['name'] = $val['color_name'];
// 尺码
foreach ($val['size_list'] as $one) {
$oneSize = array();
$oneSize['id'] = $one['size_id'];
$oneSize['name'] = $one['size_name'];
$sizes[] = $oneSize;
$oneColor['sizes'] = $sizes;
$colors[] = $oneColor;
$data['colors'] = $colors;
$result['data'] = $data;
return $result;
* 修改购物车商品数据
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $param 要更改的数据
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function modifyCartProduct($uid, $param, $shoppingKey)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
// 处理要更改的数据
$swapData = json_encode(array($param));
$modify = CartData::modifyCartProduct($uid, $swapData, $shoppingKey);
if ($modify && isset($modify['code'])) {
$result['code'] = $modify['code'];
$result['message'] = $modify['message'];
return $result;
* 调用购物车结算接口返回的数据处理
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $cartType 购物车类型,ordinary表示普通购物车
* @param null|string $cookieData cookie中记录的一些订单有关数据
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function cartPay($uid, $cartType, $cookieData)
$result = array();
$pay = CartData::cartPay($uid, $cartType);
if ($pay && isset($pay['code']) && $pay['code'] === 200) {
$payReturn = $pay['data'];
$orderInfo = array();
$address = array();
$orderCompute = array();
// cookie保存的数据
if (!empty($cookieData)) {
$orderInfo = json_decode($cookieData, true);
$orderCompute = self::orderCompute($uid, $cartType, $orderInfo['deliveryId'], $orderInfo['paymentTypeId'], $orderInfo['couponCode'], $orderInfo['yohoCoin']);
// 根据地址id查询地址信息
if (isset($orderInfo['addressId'])) {
$address = UserModel::getAddressDataById($uid, $orderInfo['addressId']);
// 收货人有关信息
if (isset($payReturn['delivery_address']) && !empty($payReturn['delivery_address'])) {
$result['addressId'] = isset($address['address_id']) ? $address['address_id'] : $payReturn['delivery_address']['address_id'];
$result['name'] = isset($address['consignee']) ? $address['consignee'] : $payReturn['delivery_address']['consignee'];
$result['phoneNum'] = isset($address['mobile']) ? $address['mobile'] : $payReturn['delivery_address']['mobile'];
* 加入购物车
* @param int $productSku 商品SKU
* @param int $buyNumber 购买数量
* @param int $goodsType 商品类型,0表示普通商品,1表示加价购商品
* @param int $isEdit 是否是编辑商品SKU,0表示不是编辑
* @param null|int $promotionId 促销id,默认null(加价购有关)
* @param null|int $uid 用户UID,可以不传
* @return array 加入购物车接口返回的数据
public static function addToCart($productSku, $buyNumber, $goodsType, $isEdit, $promotionId, $uid)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~~');
$addCart = CartData::addToCart($productSku, $buyNumber, $goodsType, $isEdit, $promotionId, $uid);
if ($addCart && isset($addCart['code'])) {
$result = $addCart;
return $result;
* @param integer $uid 用户ID
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @param string $cartType 购物车类型
* @param bool $onlyGift 只获取赠品的商品数据
* @param bool $onlyAdvanceBuy 只获取加价购的商品数据
* @return array|mixed 处理之后的购物车数据
public static function getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey, $cartType = 'all', $onlyGift = false, $onlyAdvanceBuy = false)
$result = array('cartNav' => true);
// 用户是否登录
if (empty($uid)) {
$result['showLoginInfo'] = true;
// 调用接口获取购物车的数据
$cartData = CartData::cartData($uid, $shoppingKey);
// 处理普通购物车和预售购物车的数据
do {
if (!isset($cartData['data']) || empty($cartData['data'])) {
$cart = $cartData['data'];
if ($cartType !== 'all') { // 加价购或者赠品数据
$result = self::procCartData($cart['ordinary_cart_data'], $onlyGift, $onlyAdvanceBuy);
$ordinaryCount = intval($cart['ordinary_cart_data']['shopping_cart_data']['goods_count']);
$advanceCount = intval($cart['advance_cart_data']['shopping_cart_data']['goods_count']);
// 普通购物车和预售购物车都为空
if ($ordinaryCount === 0 && $advanceCount === 0) {
$result['isEmptyCart'] = true;
/* 普通购物车 */
$result['commonGoodsCount'] = $ordinaryCount;
$result['commonCart'] = self::procCartData($cart['ordinary_cart_data'], $onlyGift, $onlyAdvanceBuy);
/* 预售购物车 */
$result['presellGoodsCount'] = $advanceCount;
$result['preSellCart'] = self::procCartData($cart['advance_cart_data'], $onlyGift, $onlyAdvanceBuy);
return $result;
* 购物车商品选择与取消接口返回的数据处理
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $sku 商品sku列表
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @return array 处理之后的数据的数据
public static function selectGoods($uid, $sku, $shoppingKey)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
// 处理sku
$sku_list = json_encode(array($sku => 1));
$select = CartData::selectGoods($uid, $sku_list, $shoppingKey);
if ($select && isset($select['code'])) {
$result['code'] = $select['code'];
$result['message'] = $select['message'];
return $result;
* 移出购物车
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $sku 商品sku列表
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function removeFromCart($uid, $sku, $shoppingKey)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
// 处理sku
$sku_list = json_encode(array($sku => 1));
$remove = CartData::removeFromCart($uid, $sku_list, $shoppingKey);
if ($remove && isset($remove['code'])) {
$result['code'] = $remove['code'];
$result['message'] = $remove['message'];
return $result;
* 移入收藏夹
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $sku 商品sku列表
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function addToFav($uid, $sku)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
if (empty($uid)) {
$result['code'] = 300;
$reult['message'] = '请先登录';
$result['data'] = '/signin.html';
return $result;
// 处理sku
$sku_list = json_encode(array($sku => 1));
$add = CartData::addToFav($uid, $sku_list);
if ($add && isset($add['code'])) {
$result['code'] = $add['code'];
$result['message'] = $add['message'];
return $result;
* 处理购物车商品数据
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param int $skn 商品skn
* @param int $num 购买数目
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function cartProductData($uid, $skn, $num)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
$product = CartData::cartProductData($uid, $skn);
if (isset($product['code']) && $product['code'] === 200) {
$result['code'] = 200;
$data = array();
$productData = $product['data'];
// 品牌信息
if (isset($productData['brand_info']) && !empty($productData['brand_info'])) {
$data['thumb'] = Helpers::getImageUrl($productData['brand_info']['brand_ico'], 120, 120);
$data['name'] = $productData['product_name'];
$data['price'] = $productData['market_price'];
$data['salePrice'] = $productData['sales_price'];
$data['storage'] = $productData['storage_sum'];
$data['num'] = $num;
// 商品选择
if (isset($productData['goods_list'])) {
$goodsList = $productData['goods_list'];
$colors = array();
$oneColor = array();
$sizes = array();
$oneSize = array();
foreach ($goodsList as $val) {
// 颜色
$oneColor = array();
$oneColor['id'] = $val['color_id'];
$oneColor['name'] = $val['color_name'];
// 尺码
foreach ($val['size_list'] as $one) {
$oneSize = array();
$oneSize['id'] = $one['size_id'];
$oneSize['name'] = $one['size_name'];
$sizes[] = $oneSize;
$oneColor['sizes'] = $sizes;
$colors[] = $oneColor;
$data['colors'] = $colors;
$result['data'] = $data;
return $result;
* 处理加价购商品数据
* @param int $skn 商品skn
* @param int $promotionId 加价购商品促销ID
* @return array
public static function giftProductData($skn, $promotionId)
$result = array();
$product = CartData::giftProductData($skn, $promotionId);
if (isset($product['code']) && $product['code'] === 200) {
$result['code'] = 200;
$data = array();
$productData = $product['data'];
// 品牌信息
if (isset($productData['brand_info']) && !empty($productData['brand_info'])) {
$data['thumb'] = Helpers::getImageUrl($productData['brand_info']['brand_ico'], 120, 120);
$data['name'] = $productData['product_name'];
$data['price'] = $productData['market_price'];
$data['salePrice'] = $productData['sales_price'];
$data['storage'] = $productData['storage_sum'];
// 商品选择
if (isset($productData['goods_list'])) {
$goodsList = $productData['goods_list'];
$colors = array();
$oneColor = array();
$sizes = array();
$oneSize = array();
foreach ($goodsList as $val) {
// 颜色
$oneColor = array();
$oneColor['id'] = $val['color_id'];
$oneColor['name'] = $val['color_name'];
// 尺码
foreach ($val['size_list'] as $one) {
$oneSize = array();
$oneSize['id'] = $one['size_id'];
$oneSize['name'] = $one['size_name'];
$sizes[] = $oneSize;
$oneColor['sizes'] = $sizes;
$colors[] = $oneColor;
$data['colors'] = $colors;
$result['data'] = $data;
return $result;
* 修改购物车商品数量
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $sku 商品SKU
* @param int $increaseNum 增加的数目
* @param int $decreaseNum 减少的数目
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function modifyProductNum($uid, $sku, $increaseNum, $decreaseNum, $shoppingKey)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
$modify = CartData::modifyProductNum($uid, $sku, $increaseNum, $decreaseNum, $shoppingKey);
if ($modify && isset($modify['code'])) {
$result['code'] = $modify['code'];
$result['message'] = $modify['message'];
return $result;
* 修改购物车商品数据
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $param 要更改的数据
* @param string $shoppingKey 未登录用户唯一识别码
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function modifyCartProduct($uid, $param, $shoppingKey)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
// 处理要更改的数据
$swapData = json_encode(array($param));
$modify = CartData::modifyCartProduct($uid, $swapData, $shoppingKey);
if ($modify && isset($modify['code'])) {
$result['code'] = $modify['code'];
$result['message'] = $modify['message'];
return $result;
* 调用购物车结算接口返回的数据处理
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $cartType 购物车类型,ordinary表示普通购物车
* @param null|string $cookieData cookie中记录的一些订单有关数据
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function cartPay($uid, $cartType, $cookieData)
$result = array();
$pay = CartData::cartPay($uid, $cartType);
if ($pay && isset($pay['code']) && $pay['code'] === 200) {
$payReturn = $pay['data'];
$orderInfo = array();
$address = array();
$orderCompute = array();
// cookie保存的数据
if (!empty($cookieData)) {
$orderInfo = json_decode($cookieData, true);
$orderCompute = self::orderCompute($uid, $cartType, $orderInfo['deliveryId'], $orderInfo['paymentTypeId'], $orderInfo['couponCode'], $orderInfo['yohoCoin']);
// 根据地址id查询地址信息
if (isset($orderInfo['addressId'])) {
$address = UserModel::getAddressDataById($uid, $orderInfo['addressId']);
// 收货人有关信息
if (isset($payReturn['delivery_address']) && !empty($payReturn['delivery_address'])) {
$result['addressId'] = isset($address['address_id']) ? $address['address_id'] : $payReturn['delivery_address']['address_id'];
$result['name'] = isset($address['consignee']) ? $address['consignee'] : $payReturn['delivery_address']['consignee'];
$result['phoneNum'] = isset($address['mobile']) ? $address['mobile'] : $payReturn['delivery_address']['mobile'];
$result['area'] = isset($address['area']) ? $address['area'] : $payReturn['delivery_address']['area'];
$result['address'] = isset($address['address']) ? $address['address'] : $payReturn['delivery_address']['address'];
$result['isSupport'] = ($payReturn['delivery_address']['is_support'] === 'Y');
// 配送方式
if (isset($payReturn['delivery_way'])) {
$idArr = array();
$defaultKey = 0;
$oneDeliv = array();
foreach ($payReturn['delivery_way'] as $key => $val) {
$oneDeliv = array();
$oneDeliv['id'] = $val['delivery_way_id'];
$oneDeliv['name'] = $val['delivery_way_name'];
($val['default'] === 'Y') && $defaultKey = $key;
$idArr[$key] = $oneDeliv['id'];
$result['dispatchMode'][$key] = $oneDeliv;
if (isset($orderInfo['deliveryId'])) {
$flag = array_search($orderInfo['deliveryId'], $idArr);
$flag !== false && $result['dispatchMode'][$flag]['isSelected'] = true;
} else {
$result['dispatchMode'][$defaultKey]['isSelected'] = true;
// 配送时间
if (isset($payReturn['delivery_time'])) {
$idArr = array();
$defaultKey = 0;
$oneDelivTime = array();
foreach ($payReturn['delivery_time'] as $key => $one) {
$oneDelivTime = array();
$oneDelivTime['id'] = $one['delivery_time_id'];
$oneDelivTime['name'] = $one['delivery_time_string'];
($one['default'] === 'Y') && $defaultKey = $key;
$idArr[$key] = $oneDelivTime['id'];
$result['dispatchTime'][] = $oneDelivTime;
if (isset($orderInfo['deliveryTimeId'])) {
$flag = array_search($orderInfo['deliveryTimeId'], $idArr);
$flag !== false && $result['dispatchTime'][$flag]['isSelected'] = true;
} else {
$result['dispatchTime'][$defaultKey]['isSelected'] = true;
// 订单商品
if (isset($payReturn['goods_list'])) {
$oneGoods = array();
foreach ($payReturn['goods_list'] as $single) {
$oneGoods = array();
$oneGoods['id'] = $single['product_sku']; // TODO 未确定用哪个
$oneGoods['thumb'] = Images::getImageUrl($single['goods_images'], 120, 120);
$oneGoods['name'] = $single['product_name'];
$oneGoods['color'] = $single['color_name'];
$oneGoods['size'] = $single['size_name'];
$oneGoods['price'] = Helpers::transPrice($single['sales_price']);
$oneGoods['count'] = $single['buy_number'];
$result['goods'][] = $oneGoods;
// 支付方式
if (isset($payReturn['payment_way'])) {
$onePay = array();
foreach ($payReturn['payment_way'] as $pay) {
$onePay = array();
$onePay['id'] = $pay['payment_id'];
$onePay['paymentType'] = $pay['payment_type'];
$onePay['name'] = $pay['payment_type_name'];
$onePay['default'] = ($pay['default'] === 'Y');
$result['paymentWay'][] = $onePay;
// 有货币
$result['yohoCoin'] = (isset($orderCompute['use_yoho_coin']) && !empty($orderCompute['use_yoho_coin'])) ? $orderCompute['use_yoho_coin'] : $payReturn['yoho_coin'];
// 订单数据
if (isset($payReturn['shopping_cart_data']) && !empty($payReturn['shopping_cart_data'])) {
$sumPrice = isset($orderCompute['order_amount']) ? $orderCompute['order_amount'] : $payReturn['shopping_cart_data']['order_amount'];
$freight = isset($orderCompute['promotion_formula_list']['promotion_amount']) ? $orderCompute['promotion_formula_list'][1]['promotion_amount'] : $payReturn['shopping_cart_data']['promotion_formula_list'][1]['promotion_amount'];
$couponPrice = isset($orderCompute['coupon_amount']) ? $orderCompute['coupon_amount'] : false;
$salePrice = isset($orderCompute['discount_amount']) ? $orderCompute['discount_amount'] : $payReturn['shopping_cart_data']['promotion_formula_list'][3]['promotion_amount'];
$price = isset($orderCompute['last_order_amount']) ? $orderCompute['last_order_amount'] : $payReturn['shopping_cart_data']['last_order_amount'];
$result['sumPrice'] = Helpers::transPrice($sumPrice);
$result['salePrice'] = Helpers::transPrice($salePrice);
$result['price'] = Helpers::transPrice($price);
$result['freight'] = $freight;
$result['couponPrice'] = $couponPrice;
// 发票有关数据
if (isset($payReturn['invoices']) && !empty($payReturn['invoices'])) {
$one = array();
foreach ($payReturn['invoices']['invoices_type_list'] as $inv) {
$one = array();
$one['id'] = $inv['invoices_type_id'];
$one['name'] = $inv['invoices_type_name'];
$result['isSupport'] = ($payReturn['delivery_address']['is_support'] === 'Y');
// 配送方式
if (isset($payReturn['delivery_way'])) {
$idArr = array();
$defaultKey = 0;
$oneDeliv = array();
foreach ($payReturn['delivery_way'] as $key => $val) {
$oneDeliv = array();
$oneDeliv['id'] = $val['delivery_way_id'];
$oneDeliv['name'] = $val['delivery_way_name'];
($val['default'] === 'Y') && $defaultKey = $key;
$idArr[$key] = $oneDeliv['id'];
$result['dispatchMode'][$key] = $oneDeliv;
if (isset($orderInfo['deliveryId'])) {
$flag = array_search($orderInfo['deliveryId'], $idArr);
$flag !== false && $result['dispatchMode'][$flag]['isSelected'] = true;
} else {
$result['dispatchMode'][$defaultKey]['isSelected'] = true;
// 配送时间
if (isset($payReturn['delivery_time'])) {
$idArr = array();
$defaultKey = 0;
$oneDelivTime = array();
foreach ($payReturn['delivery_time'] as $key => $one) {
$oneDelivTime = array();
$oneDelivTime['id'] = $one['delivery_time_id'];
$oneDelivTime['name'] = $one['delivery_time_string'];
($one['default'] === 'Y') && $defaultKey = $key;
$idArr[$key] = $oneDelivTime['id'];
$result['dispatchTime'][] = $oneDelivTime;
if (isset($orderInfo['deliveryTimeId'])) {
$flag = array_search($orderInfo['deliveryTimeId'], $idArr);
$flag !== false && $result['dispatchTime'][$flag]['isSelected'] = true;
} else {
$result['dispatchTime'][$defaultKey]['isSelected'] = true;
// 订单商品
if (isset($payReturn['goods_list'])) {
$oneGoods = array();
foreach ($payReturn['goods_list'] as $single) {
$oneGoods = array();
$oneGoods['id'] = $single['product_sku']; // TODO 未确定用哪个
$oneGoods['thumb'] = Images::getImageUrl($single['goods_images'], 120, 120);
$oneGoods['name'] = $single['product_name'];
$oneGoods['color'] = $single['color_name'];
$oneGoods['size'] = $single['size_name'];
$oneGoods['price'] = Helpers::transPrice($single['sales_price']);
$oneGoods['count'] = $single['buy_number'];
$result['goods'][] = $oneGoods;
// 支付方式
if (isset($payReturn['payment_way'])) {
$onePay = array();
foreach ($payReturn['payment_way'] as $pay) {
$onePay = array();
$onePay['id'] = $pay['payment_id'];
$onePay['paymentType'] = $pay['payment_type'];
$onePay['name'] = $pay['payment_type_name'];
$onePay['default'] = ($pay['default'] === 'Y');
$result['paymentWay'][] = $onePay;
// 有货币
$result['yohoCoin'] = (isset($orderCompute['use_yoho_coin']) && !empty($orderCompute['use_yoho_coin'])) ? $orderCompute['use_yoho_coin'] : $payReturn['yoho_coin'];
// 订单数据
if (isset($payReturn['shopping_cart_data']) && !empty($payReturn['shopping_cart_data'])) {
$sumPrice = isset($orderCompute['order_amount']) ? $orderCompute['order_amount'] : $payReturn['shopping_cart_data']['order_amount'];
$freight = isset($orderCompute['promotion_formula_list']['promotion_amount']) ? $orderCompute['promotion_formula_list'][1]['promotion_amount'] : $payReturn['shopping_cart_data']['promotion_formula_list'][1]['promotion_amount'];
$couponPrice = isset($orderCompute['coupon_amount']) ? $orderCompute['coupon_amount'] : false;
$salePrice = isset($orderCompute['discount_amount']) ? $orderCompute['discount_amount'] : $payReturn['shopping_cart_data']['promotion_formula_list'][3]['promotion_amount'];
$price = isset($orderCompute['last_order_amount']) ? $orderCompute['last_order_amount'] : $payReturn['shopping_cart_data']['last_order_amount'];
$result['sumPrice'] = Helpers::transPrice($sumPrice);
$result['salePrice'] = Helpers::transPrice($salePrice);
$result['price'] = Helpers::transPrice($price);
$result['freight'] = $freight;
$result['couponPrice'] = $couponPrice;
// 发票有关数据
if (isset($payReturn['invoices']) && !empty($payReturn['invoices'])) {
$one = array();
foreach ($payReturn['invoices']['invoices_type_list'] as $inv) {
$one = array();
$one['id'] = $inv['invoices_type_id'];
$one['name'] = $inv['invoices_type_name'];
isset($orderInfo['invoiceType']) && $one['id'] == $orderInfo['invoiceType'] && $one['isSelected'] = true;
$result['invoice'][] = $one;
$result['invoice'][] = $one;
// 发票信息需要记录
if (isset($orderInfo['invoice'])) {
$result['needInvoice'] = $orderInfo['invoice'];
$result['invoiceText'] = $orderInfo['invoiceText'];
if (isset($orderInfo['invoice'])) {
$result['needInvoice'] = $orderInfo['invoice'];
$result['invoiceText'] = $orderInfo['invoiceText'];
// 留言
isset($orderInfo['msg']) && $result['msg'] = $orderInfo['msg'];
// 优惠券数据
$coupons = array();
!empty($orderCompute['coupon_amount']) && $coupons['value'] = $orderInfo['couponValue'];
$coupons += self::getCouponList($uid, true);
$result['coupon'] = $coupons;
return $result;
* 购物车结算--支付方式和配送方式选择以及是否使用YOHO币接口返回的数据处理
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $cartType 购物车类型,ordinary表示普通购物车
* @param int $deliveryWay 配送方式,1表示普通快递,2表示顺丰速运
* @param int $paymentType 支付方式,1表示在线支付,2表示货到付款
* @param string $couponCode 优惠券码
* @param mixed $yohoCoin 使用的YOHO币数量
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function orderCompute($uid, $cartType, $deliveryWay, $paymentType, $couponCode, $yohoCoin)
$result = array();
$compute = CartData::orderCompute($uid, $cartType, $deliveryWay, $paymentType, $couponCode, $yohoCoin);
if ($compute && isset($compute['code']) && $compute['code'] === 200) {
$result = $compute['data'];
return $result;
* 购物车结算--输入优惠券代码返回的结果处理
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $couponCode 优惠券代码
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function searchCoupon($uid, $couponCode)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
$coupon = CartData::searchCoupon($uid, $couponCode);
if ($coupon && isset($coupon['code'])) {
$result = $coupon;
return $result;
* 处理优惠券列表数据
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param boolean $onlyTotal 只返回总数
* @return array|mixed 处理之后的优惠券数据
public static function getCouponList($uid, $onlyTotal = false)
$result = array();
// 调用接口获取优惠券数据
$coupons = CartData::getCouponList($uid);
// 处理优惠券数据
if (isset($coupons['data'])) {
if ($onlyTotal) {
$result['count'] = count($coupons['data']['couponList']);
} else {
$couponArr = array();
isset($coupons['data']['couponList']) && $couponArr = $coupons['data']['couponList'];
foreach ($couponArr as &$val) {
$notAvailableRes = self::searchCoupon($uid, $val['couponCode']);
// 处理可用的优惠券
if (isset($notAvailableRes['code']) && $notAvailableRes['code'] !== 200) {
$val['notAvailable'] = true;
!empty($couponArr) && $result = $couponArr;
return $result;
* 购物车结算--提交结算信息
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param int $addressId 地址ID
* @param int $cartType 购物车类型ID
* @param int $deliveryTime 寄送时间ID
* @param int $deliveryWay 寄送方式ID
* @param string $invoiceTitle 发票说明
* @param int $invoiceId 发票类型ID
* @param int $paymentId 支付方式ID
* @param int $paymentType 支付类型ID
* @param string $remark 留言
* @param string $couponCode 优惠券码
* @param mixed $yohoCoin 使用的YOHO币数量或为空
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function orderSub($uid, $addressId, $cartType, $deliveryTime, $deliveryWay, $invoiceTitle, $invoiceId, $paymentId, $paymentType, $remark, $couponCode, $yohoCoin)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦');
if (empty($addressId)) {
$result['code'] = 401;
$result['message'] = '配送地址不能为空';
} elseif (empty($deliveryTime)) {
$result['code'] = 402;
$result['message'] = '请选择配送时间';
} elseif (empty($deliveryWay)) {
$result['code'] = 403;
$result['message'] = '请选择配送方式';
} else {
$orderSubRes = CartData::orderSub($uid, $addressId, $cartType, $deliveryTime, $deliveryWay, $invoiceTitle, $invoiceId, $paymentId, $paymentType, $remark, $couponCode, $yohoCoin);
// 优惠券数据
$coupons = array();
!empty($orderCompute['coupon_amount']) && $coupons['value'] = $orderInfo['couponValue'];
$coupons += self::getCouponList($uid, true);
$result['coupon'] = $coupons;
return $result;
* 购物车结算--支付方式和配送方式选择以及是否使用YOHO币接口返回的数据处理
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $cartType 购物车类型,ordinary表示普通购物车
* @param int $deliveryWay 配送方式,1表示普通快递,2表示顺丰速运
* @param int $paymentType 支付方式,1表示在线支付,2表示货到付款
* @param string $couponCode 优惠券码
* @param mixed $yohoCoin 使用的YOHO币数量
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function orderCompute($uid, $cartType, $deliveryWay, $paymentType, $couponCode, $yohoCoin)
$result = array();
$compute = CartData::orderCompute($uid, $cartType, $deliveryWay, $paymentType, $couponCode, $yohoCoin);
if ($compute && isset($compute['code']) && $compute['code'] === 200) {
$result = $compute['data'];
return $result;
* 购物车结算--输入优惠券代码返回的结果处理
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param string $couponCode 优惠券代码
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function searchCoupon($uid, $couponCode)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦~');
$coupon = CartData::searchCoupon($uid, $couponCode);
if ($coupon && isset($coupon['code'])) {
$result = $coupon;
return $result;
* 处理优惠券列表数据
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param boolean $onlyTotal 只返回总数
* @return array|mixed 处理之后的优惠券数据
public static function getCouponList($uid, $onlyTotal = false)
$result = array();
// 调用接口获取优惠券数据
$coupons = CartData::getCouponList($uid);
// 处理优惠券数据
if (isset($coupons['data'])) {
if ($onlyTotal) {
$result['count'] = count($coupons['data']['couponList']);
} else {
$couponArr = array();
isset($coupons['data']['couponList']) && $couponArr = $coupons['data']['couponList'];
foreach ($couponArr as &$val) {
$notAvailableRes = self::searchCoupon($uid, $val['couponCode']);
// 处理可用的优惠券
if (isset($notAvailableRes['code']) && $notAvailableRes['code'] !== 200) {
$val['notAvailable'] = true;
!empty($couponArr) && $result = $couponArr;
return $result;
* 购物车结算--提交结算信息
* @param int $uid 用户ID
* @param int $addressId 地址ID
* @param int $cartType 购物车类型ID
* @param int $deliveryTime 寄送时间ID
* @param int $deliveryWay 寄送方式ID
* @param string $invoiceTitle 发票说明
* @param int $invoiceId 发票类型ID
* @param int $paymentId 支付方式ID
* @param int $paymentType 支付类型ID
* @param string $remark 留言
* @param string $couponCode 优惠券码
* @param mixed $yohoCoin 使用的YOHO币数量或为空
* @return array 接口返回的数据
public static function orderSub($uid, $addressId, $cartType, $deliveryTime, $deliveryWay, $invoiceTitle, $invoiceId, $paymentId, $paymentType, $remark, $couponCode, $yohoCoin)
$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '出错啦');
if (empty($addressId)) {
$result['code'] = 401;
$result['message'] = '配送地址不能为空';
} elseif (empty($deliveryTime)) {
$result['code'] = 402;
$result['message'] = '请选择配送时间';
} elseif (empty($deliveryWay)) {
$result['code'] = 403;
$result['message'] = '请选择配送方式';
} else {
$orderSubRes = CartData::orderSub($uid, $addressId, $cartType, $deliveryTime, $deliveryWay, $invoiceTitle, $invoiceId, $paymentId, $paymentType, $remark, $couponCode, $yohoCoin);
if ($orderSubRes && isset($orderSubRes['code'])) {
$result = $orderSubRes;
return $result;
* 处理不同类型的购物车数据
* @param array $data 不同类型购物车数据
* @param bool $onlyGift 只获取赠品的商品数据
* @param bool $onlyAdvanceBuy 只获取加价购的商品数据
* @return array $result 处理之后的不同类型购物车数据
private static function procCartData($data, $onlyGift = false, $onlyAdvanceBuy = false)
$result = array();
if (!$onlyAdvanceBuy) {
// 赠品
$result['giftCount'] = 0;
$result['freebie'] = Helpers::formatAdvanceGoods($data['gift_list'], $result['giftCount']);
if (!$onlyGift) {
// 加价购
$result['advanceBuyCount'] = 0;
$result['advanceBuy'] = Helpers::formatAdvanceGoods($data['price_gift'], $result['advanceBuyCount']);
if (!$onlyGift && !$onlyAdvanceBuy) {
// 购买的可用商品列表
$validGoods = Helpers::formatCartGoods($data['goods_list']);
!empty($validGoods) && $result['goods'] = $validGoods;
// 失效商品列表
$notValidGoods = Helpers::formatCartGoods($data['sold_out_goods_list']);
!empty($notValidGoods) && $result['$notValidGoods'] = $notValidGoods;
// 赠品和加价购商品
(count($data['gift_list']) || count($data['price_gift'])) && $result['freebieOrAdvanceBuy'] = true;
// 结算数据
$result['price'] = Helpers::transPrice($data['shopping_cart_data']['order_amount']);
$result['activityPrice'] = Helpers::transPrice($data['shopping_cart_data']['discount_amount']);
$result['count'] = $data['shopping_cart_data']['goods_count'];
$result['sumPrice'] = Helpers::transPrice($data['shopping_cart_data']['order_amount']);
return $result;
$result = $orderSubRes;
return $result;
* 处理不同类型的购物车数据
* @param array $data 不同类型购物车数据
* @param bool $onlyGift 只获取赠品的商品数据
* @param bool $onlyAdvanceBuy 只获取加价购的商品数据
* @return array $result 处理之后的不同类型购物车数据
private static function procCartData($data, $onlyGift = false, $onlyAdvanceBuy = false)
$result = array();
do {
// 数据为空时返回空的标志
if (empty($data)) {
if ($onlyAdvanceBuy) {
// 赠品
$result['freebie'] = Helpers::formatAdvanceGoods($data['gift_list']);
if ($onlyGift) {
// 加价购
$result['advanceBuy'] = Helpers::formatAdvanceGoods($data['price_gift']);
// 购买的可用商品列表
$validGoods = Helpers::formatCartGoods($data['goods_list']);
if (!empty($validGoods)) {
$result['goods'] = $validGoods;
// 失效商品列表
$notValidGoods = Helpers::formatCartGoods($data['sold_out_goods_list']);
if (!empty($notValidGoods)) {
$result['$notValidGoods'] = $notValidGoods;
// 赠品和加价购商品
if (count($data['gift_list']) || count($data['price_gift'])) {
$result['freebieOrAdvanceBuy'] = true;
// 赠品
$result['giftCount'] = 0;
$result['freebie'] = Helpers::formatAdvanceGoods($data['gift_list'], $result['giftCount']);
// 加价购
$result['advanceBuyCount'] = 0;
$result['advanceBuy'] = Helpers::formatAdvanceGoods($data['price_gift'], $result['advanceBuyCount']);
// 结算数据
$result['price'] = Helpers::transPrice($data['shopping_cart_data']['order_amount']);
$result['activityPrice'] = Helpers::transPrice($data['shopping_cart_data']['discount_amount']);
$result['count'] = $data['shopping_cart_data']['goods_count'];
$result['sumPrice'] = Helpers::transPrice($data['shopping_cart_data']['order_amount']);
return $result;
... ...
... ... @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class DetailModel
if (is_numeric($productId) && is_numeric($goodsId)) {
// 调用服务
$baseInfo = DetailData::baseInfo($productId, $uid);
// 判断商品是否在架
if (empty($baseInfo['status'])) {
... ...
use Action\AbstractAction;
use Index\CartModel;
use Index\UserModel;
use Plugin\Helpers;
* 购物车相关的控制器
... ... @@ -8,14 +11,394 @@ use Action\AbstractAction;
* @name IndexController
* @package Cart
* @copyright
* @version 1.0 (2015-10-28 16:34:17)
* @author fei.hong <>
* @version 1.0 (2015-12-16 11:47:20)
* @author gtskk <>
class IndexController extends AbstractAction
* 通过当前用户审判是否跳到登录
* @param boolean $useSession (true:从服务端session中检查, false:从客户端cookie中检查)
* @return void
protected function auditJumpLogin($useSession = true)
$uid = $this->getUid($useSession);
if (!$uid) {
$this->go(Helpers::url('/signin.html', array('refer' => $this->server('HTTP_REFERER', SITE_MAIN))));
* 购物车首页
public function indexAction()
// 跳转到老版
// $this->go(OLD_MAIN . '/cart/index/index');
$shoppingKey = Helpers::getShoppingKeyByCookie();
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$data = array(
'shoppingCartPage' => true,
'shoppingCart' => CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey)
// 渲染模板
$this->_view->display('index', $data);
* 异步获取购物车数据
public function getCartDataAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$shoppingKey = Helpers::getShoppingKeyByCookie();
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$result = CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 购物车商品选择与取消
public function selectAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$productId = $this->post('id', 0);
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$shoppingKey = $this->getSession('shoppingKey');
$result = CartModel::selectGoods($uid, $productId, $shoppingKey);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 移出购物车
public function delAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$productId = $this->post('id', 0);
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$shoppingKey = $this->getSession('shoppingKey');
$result = CartModel::removeFromCart($uid, $productId, $shoppingKey);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 移入收藏夹
public function colAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$productId = $this->post('id', 0);
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$result = CartModel::addToFav($uid, $productId);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 赠品页面
public function giftAction()
$shoppingKey = Helpers::getShoppingKeyByCookie();
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$cartType = $this->get('cartType', 'ordinary');
$data = array('shoppingCartPage' => true);
$data += CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey, $cartType, true);
// 渲染模板
$this->_view->display('gift-advance-good', $data);
* 加价购页面
public function advanceBuyAction()
$shoppingKey = Helpers::getShoppingKeyByCookie();
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$cartType = $this->get('cartType', 'ordinary');
$data = array('shoppingCartPage' => true);
$data += CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey, $cartType, false, true);
// 渲染模板
$this->_view->display('gift-advance-good', $data);
* 获取购物车商品数据
public function goodinfoAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$num = $this->get('buy_num', 1);
$skn = $this->get('id', 1);
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$result = CartModel::cartProductData($uid, $skn, $num); // 测试skn的ID为51172055
$result['num'] = $num;
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 获取购物车加价购商品数据
public function giftinfoAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$skn = $this->get('skn', null);
$promotionId = $this->get('promotionId', null);
$result = CartModel::giftProductData($skn, $promotionId);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 修改购物车商品数据
public function modifyAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$shoppingKey = $this->getSession('shoppingKey');
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$params = array();
$params['old_product_sku']= $this->post('old_product_sku', 0);
$params['new_product_sku']= $this->post('new_product_sku', 0);
$params['buy_number']= $this->post('buy_number', 0);
$params['selected']= $this->post('selected', null);
$result = CartModel::modifyCartProduct($uid, $params, $shoppingKey);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 购物车结算请求
public function orderEnsureAction()
// 审判跳转登录页
// 购物车商品为空跳转到购物车页面
$shoppingKey = Helpers::getShoppingKeyByCookie();
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$cartGoods = CartModel::getCartData($uid, $shoppingKey);
if (empty($cartGoods) || isset($cartGoods['isEmptyCart'])) {
$cartType = $this->get('cartType', 'ordinary');
$cookieData = $this->getCookie('order-info', null);
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$data = array(
'orderEnsurePage' => true,
'orderEnsure' => CartModel::cartPay($uid, $cartType, $cookieData)
$this->_view->display('order-ensure', $data);
* 购物车选择改变字段,重新运算订单数据
public function orderComputeAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$cartType = $this->post('cartType', 'ordinary');
$deliveryWay = $this->post('deliveryId', 1);
$paymentType = $this->post('paymentTypeId', 1);
$couponCode = $this->post('couponCode', null);
$yohoCoin = $this->post('yohoCoin', null);
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$result = CartModel::orderCompute($uid, $cartType, $deliveryWay, $paymentType, $couponCode, $yohoCoin);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 购物车输入优惠券码使用优惠券
public function couponSearchAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$couponCode = $this->get('couponCode', '');
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$result = CartModel::searchCoupon($uid, $couponCode);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 购物车结算--获取优惠券列表
public function couponListAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$result = CartModel::getCouponList($uid);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
* 下单流程 选择地址
public function selectAddressAction()
// 审判跳转登录页
// 设置网站标题
$this->setNavHeader('选择地址', Helpers::url('/shoppingCart/orderEnsure'));
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$address = UserModel::getAddressData($uid);
$this->_view->display('select-address', array(
'selectAddressPage' => true,
'pageFooter' => true,
'address' => $address
* 下单流程 选择优惠券
public function selectCouponAction()
// 审判跳转登录页
// 设置网站标题
$this->setNavHeader('选择优惠券', Helpers::url('/shoppingCart/orderEnsure'));
$this->_view->display('select-coupon', array(
'selectCouponPage' => true,
'pageFooter' => true
* 确认结算订单
public function orderSubAction()
$result = array();
if ($this->isAjax()) {
$uid = $this->getUid(true);
$addressId = $this->post('addressId', null);
$cartType = $this->post('cartType', 'ordinary'); // 默认普通购物车
$deliveryTime = $this->post('deliveryTimeId', 1); // 默认只工作日配送
$deliveryWay = $this->post('deliveryId', 1); // 默认普通快递
$invoiceTitle = $this->post('invoiceText', null);
$invoiceId = $this->post('invoiceType', null);
$paymentId = $this->post('paymentTypeId', 15);
$paymentType = $this->post('paymentType', 1); // 默认在线支付
$remark = $this->post('msg', null);
$couponCode = $this->post('couponCode', null);
$yohoCoin = $this->post('yohoCoin', 1);
$result = CartModel::orderSub($uid, $addressId, $cartType, $deliveryTime, $deliveryWay, $invoiceTitle, $invoiceId, $paymentId, $paymentType, $remark, $couponCode, $yohoCoin);
if (empty($result)) {
echo ' ';
} else {
// 提交成功清除Cookie
$this->setCookie('order-info', null);
... ...