@@ -292,39 +292,39 @@ |
limit 0,10
<select id="selectOrderList" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="com.yoho.service.model.union.request.UnionShareOrderReqBO">
<select id="selectOrderList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from union_share_orders
where promote_uid = #{uid,jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="tab1 != null and tab1 == 1 and tab2 == 0">
where promote_uid = #{params.uid,jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="params.tab1 != null and params.tab1 == 1 and params.tab2 == 0">
AND status != 100
<if test="tab1 != null and tab1 == 1 and tab2 == 1">
<if test="params.tab1 != null and params.tab1 == 1 and params.tab2 == 1">
AND status = 10
<if test="tab1 != null and tab1 == 1 and tab2 == 2">
<if test="params.tab1 != null and params.tab1 == 1 and params.tab2 == 2">
AND status = 20
<if test="tab1 != null and tab1 == 1 and tab2 == 3">
<if test="params.tab1 != null and params.tab1 == 1 and params.tab2 == 3">
AND status IN (30,40)
<if test="tab1 != null and tab1 == 2 and tab2 == 0">
<if test="params.tab1 != null and params.tab1 == 2 and params.tab2 == 0">
AND status IN (10,20,30,40)
<if test="tab1 != null and tab1 == 2 and tab2 == 1">
<if test="params.tab1 != null and params.tab1 == 2 and params.tab2 == 1">
AND status = 10
<if test="tab1 != null and tab1 == 2 and tab2 == 2">
<if test="params.tab1 != null and params.tab1 == 2 and params.tab2 == 2">
AND status = 20
<if test="tab1 != null and tab1 == 2 and tab2 == 3">
<if test="params.tab1 != null and params.tab1 == 2 and params.tab2 == 3">
AND status IN (30,40)
<if test="tab1 != null and tab1 == 3">
<if test="params.tab1 != null and params.tab1 == 3">
AND status IN (91,92,93)
order by order_time desc
limit #{start,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{size,jdbcType=INTEGER}
limit #{params.start,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{params.size,jdbcType=INTEGER}
</mapper> |
\ No newline at end of file |