@@ -262,9 +262,64 @@ |
<if test="condition != null">
<trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and | or">
1 = 1
<!--<if test="condition.status != null">-->
<!--AND status = #{condition.status}-->
<if test="condition.channelSource != null">
AND channel_source = #{condition.channelSource}
<if test="condition.channelOrderCode != null">
AND channel_order_code like CONCAT('%', #{condition.channelOrderCode}, '%')
<if test="condition.beginChannelOrderTime != null">
AND channel_order_time >= #{condition.beginChannelOrderTime}
<if test="condition.endChannelOrderTime != null">
<![CDATA[ AND channel_order_time <= #{condition.endChannelOrderTime} ]]>
<if test="condition.uid != null">
AND uid = #{condition.uid}
<when test="condition.hasUid != null and condition.hasUid == 0">
and (uid = 0 or uid is null)
<when test="condition.hasUid != null and condition.hasUid == 1">
and uid > 0
<when test="condition.hasYHOrder != null and condition.hasYHOrder == 0">
and (yh_order_code = '' or yh_order_code is null)
<when test="condition.hasYHOrder != null and condition.hasYHOrder == 1">
and (yh_order_code != '' or yh_order_code is not null)
<if test="condition.yhOrderCode != null">
AND yh_order_code = like CONCAT('%', #{condition.yhOrderCode}, '%')
<if test="condition.beginYHOrderTime != null">
AND yh_order_time >= #{condition.beginYHOrderTime}
<if test="condition.endYHOrderTime != null">
<![CDATA[ AND yh_order_time <= #{condition.endYHOrderTime} ]]>
<if test="condition.unionCode != null">
AND union_code = #{condition.unionCode}
<if test="condition.userChannel != null">
AND user_channel = #{condition.userChannel}
<if test="condition.beginRegisterTime != null">
AND register_time >= #{condition.beginRegisterTime}
<if test="condition.endRegisterTime != null">
<![CDATA[ AND register_time <= #{condition.endRegisterTime} ]]>
<if test="condition.beginSmsTime != null">
AND sms_time >= #{condition.beginSmsTime}
<if test="condition.endSmsTime != null">
<![CDATA[ AND sms_time <= #{condition.endSmsTime} ]]>