@@ -442,12 +442,11 @@ |
- (void)zoomByFactor: (float) zoomFactor near:(CGPoint) pivot animated:(BOOL) animated withCallback:(id<RMMapContentsAnimationCallback>)callback
zoomFactor = [self adjustZoomForBoundingMask:zoomFactor];
float zoomDelta = log2f(zoomFactor);
float targetZoom = zoomDelta + [self zoom];
if (animated)
float zoomDelta = log2f(zoomFactor);
float targetZoom = zoomDelta + [self zoom];
// goal is to complete the animation in animTime seconds
static const float stepTime = kZoomAnimationStepTime;
static const float animTime = kZoomAnimationAnimationTime;
@@ -470,6 +469,14 @@ |
if (targetZoom == [self zoom]){
// clamp zoom to remain below or equal to maxZoom after zoomAfter will be applied
if(targetZoom > [self maxZoom]){
zoomFactor = exp2f([self maxZoom] - [self zoom]);
//bools for syntactical sugar to understand the logic in the if statement below
BOOL zoomAtMax = ([self zoom] == [self maxZoom]);
BOOL zoomAtMin = ([self zoom] == [self minZoom]);