@@ -104,20 +104,6 @@ |
tileSource = newTileSource;
/* Untested.
-(BOOL) hasTile: (Tile) tile
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [images objectEnumerator];
TileImage *object;
while ((object = [enumerator nextObject])) {
if (TilesEqual(tile, [object tile]))
return YES;
return NO;
-(void) addTile: (RMTile) tile WithImage: (RMTileImage *)image At: (CGRect) screenLocation
BOOL tileNeeded;
@@ -136,7 +122,6 @@ |
if (!tileNeeded) {
//NSLog (@"In %s, not adding tile after all.", __FUNCTION__);
@@ -201,11 +186,13 @@ |
newLoadedBounds.size.height = tileRegionHeight * pixelsPerTile;
alternateMinimum = zoom - tileDepth - 1;
if (minimumZoom < alternateMinimum) {
if (minimumZoom < alternateMinimum)
minimumZoom = alternateMinimum;
for (;;) {
for (;;)
CGRect screenLocation;
screenLocation.size.width = pixelsPerTile;
screenLocation.size.height = pixelsPerTile;
@@ -213,28 +200,28 @@ |
for (t.x = roundedRect.origin.tile.x; t.x < roundedRect.origin.tile.x + tileRegionWidth; t.x++)
for (t.y = (roundedRect.origin.tile.y); t.y <= roundedRect.origin.tile.y + tileRegionHeight; t.y++)
for (t.y = roundedRect.origin.tile.y; t.y < roundedRect.origin.tile.y + tileRegionHeight; t.y++)
RMTile normalisedTile = [proj normaliseTile: t];
if (RMTileIsDummy(normalisedTile))
screenLocation.origin.x = bounds.origin.x + (t.x - (rect.origin.offset.x + rect.origin.tile.x)) * pixelsPerTile;
screenLocation.origin.y = bounds.origin.y + (t.y - (rect.origin.offset.y + rect.origin.tile.y)) * pixelsPerTile;
// this regrouping of terms is better for calculation precision (issue 128)
screenLocation.origin.x = bounds.origin.x + (t.x - rect.origin.tile.x - rect.origin.offset.x) * pixelsPerTile;
screenLocation.origin.y = bounds.origin.y + (t.y - rect.origin.tile.y - rect.origin.offset.y) * pixelsPerTile;
[self addTile:normalisedTile At:screenLocation];
// adjust rect for next zoom level down until we're at minimum
if (--rect.origin.tile.zoom <= minimumZoom)
if (rect.origin.tile.x & 1)
rect.origin.offset.x += 1.0;
if (rect.origin.tile.y & 1)
rect.origin.offset.y += 1.0;
rect.origin.tile.x /= 2;
rect.origin.tile.y /= 2;
rect.size.width *= 0.5;
@@ -338,11 +325,13 @@ |
return [images anyObject];
- (short)zoom {
- (short)zoom
return zoom;
- (void)setZoom:(short)value {
- (void)setZoom:(short)value
if (zoom == value) {
// no need to act
@@ -358,11 +347,14 @@ |
- (BOOL)fullyLoaded {
- (BOOL)fullyLoaded
BOOL fullyLoaded = YES;
for (RMTileImage *image in images) {
if (![image isLoaded]) {
for (RMTileImage *image in images)
if (![image isLoaded])
fullyLoaded = NO;
@@ -370,10 +362,12 @@ |
return fullyLoaded;
- (void)tileImageLoaded:(NSNotification *)notification {
- (void)tileImageLoaded:(NSNotification *)notification
RMTileImage *img = (RMTileImage *)[notification object];
if (!img || img != [images member:img]) {
if (!img || img != [images member:img])
// i don't contain img, it may be already removed or in another set
@@ -389,104 +383,149 @@ |
for (RMTileImage *oldImage in [images allObjects]) {
for (RMTileImage *oldImage in [images allObjects])
RMTile oldTile = oldImage.tile;
if (oldImage == newImage) {
if (oldImage == newImage)
if ([self isTile:oldTile worseThanTile:newTile]) {
if ([self isTile:oldTile worseThanTile:newTile])
[oldImage cancelLoading];
[self removeTile:oldTile];
- (BOOL)isTile:(RMTile)subject worseThanTile:(RMTile)object {
uint32_t subjX = subject.x, subjY = subject.y;
uint32_t objX = object.x, objY = object.y;
short subjZ = subject.zoom, objZ = object.zoom;
int subjDz, objDz, dz = subjZ - objZ;
- (BOOL)isTile:(RMTile)subject worseThanTile:(RMTile)object
short subjZ, objZ;
uint32_t sx, sy, ox, oy;
if (objZ > zoom) {
objZ = object.zoom;
if (objZ > zoom)
// can't be worse than this tile, it's too detailed to keep long-term
return NO;
if (subjZ + tileDepth >= zoom && subjZ <= zoom) {
subjZ = subject.zoom;
if (subjZ + tileDepth >= zoom && subjZ <= zoom)
// this tile isn't bad, it's within zoom limits
return NO;
if(dz < 0) {
sx = subject.x;
sy = subject.y;
ox = object.x;
oy = object.y;
if (subjZ < objZ)
// old tile is larger & blurrier
objDz = -dz;
subjDz = 0;
} else {
unsigned int dz = objZ - subjZ;
ox >>= dz;
oy >>= dz;
else if (objZ < subjZ)
// old tile is smaller & more detailed
objDz = 0;
subjDz = dz;
unsigned int dz = subjZ - objZ;
sx >>= dz;
sy >>= dz;
if (
subjX >> subjDz != objX >> objDz || subjY >> subjDz != objY >> objDz
) {
if (sx != ox || sy != oy)
// Tiles don't overlap
return NO;
subjDz = abs (zoom - subjZ);
objDz = abs (zoom - objZ);
return subjDz >= objDz;
if (abs(zoom - subjZ) < abs(zoom - objZ))
// subject is closer to desired zoom level than object, so it's not worse
return NO;
return YES;
-(void) removeTilesOutsideOf: (RMTileRect)rect
uint32_t minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
float min;
uint32_t minX, maxX, minY, maxY, span;
short currentZoom = rect.origin.tile.zoom;
RMTile wrappedTile;
id<RMMercatorToTileProjection> proj = [tileSource mercatorToTileProjection];
min = rect.origin.tile.x + rect.origin.offset.x;
minx = floorf(min);
maxx = floorf(min + rect.size.width);
min = rect.origin.tile.y + rect.origin.offset.y;
miny = floorf(min);
maxy = floorf(min + rect.size.height);
rect = RMTileRectRound(rect);
minX = rect.origin.tile.x;
span = rect.size.width > 1.0f ? (uint32_t)rect.size.width - 1 : 0;
maxX = rect.origin.tile.x + span;
minY = rect.origin.tile.y;
span = rect.size.height > 1.0f ? (uint32_t)rect.size.height - 1 : 0;
maxY = rect.origin.tile.y + span;
wrappedTile.x = maxX;
wrappedTile.y = maxY;
wrappedTile.zoom = rect.origin.tile.zoom;
wrappedTile = [proj normaliseTile:wrappedTile];
if (!RMTileIsDummy(wrappedTile))
maxX = wrappedTile.x;
for(RMTileImage *img in [images allObjects])
RMTile tile = img.tile;
short tileZoom = tile.zoom;
uint32_t x, y;
int dz, imgDz, rectDz;
if (tileZoom > currentZoom) {
[self removeTile:tile];
uint32_t x, y, zoomedMinX, zoomedMaxX, zoomedMinY, zoomedMaxY;
x = tile.x;
y = tile.y;
dz = tileZoom - currentZoom;
if(dz < 0)
zoomedMinX = minX;
zoomedMaxX = maxX;
zoomedMinY = minY;
zoomedMaxY = maxY;
if (tileZoom < currentZoom)
// Tile is too large for current zoom level
imgDz = 0;
rectDz = -dz;
unsigned int dz = currentZoom - tileZoom;
zoomedMinX >>= dz;
zoomedMaxX >>= dz;
zoomedMinY >>= dz;
zoomedMaxY >>= dz;
// Tile is too small & detailed for current zoom level
imgDz = dz;
rectDz = 0;
unsigned int dz = tileZoom - currentZoom;
x >>= dz;
y >>= dz;
x >> imgDz > maxx >> rectDz || x >> imgDz < minx >> rectDz ||
y >> imgDz > maxy >> rectDz || y >> imgDz < miny >> rectDz
) {
[self removeTile:tile];
if (y >= zoomedMinY && y <= zoomedMaxY)
if (zoomedMinX <= zoomedMinY)
if (x >= zoomedMinX && x <= zoomedMaxX)
if (x >= zoomedMinX || x <= zoomedMaxX)
// if haven't continued, tile is outside of rect
[self removeTile:tile];