# 页面数据结构说明

## 通用

### 商品信息

        id: 1,
        thumb: 'path/to/goods/img',
        url: '',
        name: '',
        salePrice: 500,
        price: 1000,
        tags: [
                is_new: true //NEW
                is_discount: true //SALE
                is_limited: false //限量商品
                is_yohood: // YOHOOD
                is_advance: true //再到着
        is_soon_sold_out: true //即将售罄

### 侧栏导航

                textCn: '',
                textEn: '',
                icon: '', //boys,girls,kids,life,new,guang 等图标的url地址
                url: '',
                subNav: {
                    list: [
                            textCn: '',
                            textEn: '',
                            back: true/false,
                            isSelect: true/false,
                            url: ''

### 站点头部和尾部

        pageHeader: {
            boys: true,
            girls: true,
            kids: true,
            lifeStyle: true,
            navBack: true,
            navTitle: '',
            navHome: ''

        pageFooter: true

### 筛选

        filter: {
            classify: [
                    title: '性别',
                    default: true/false,
                    name: '全部性别',
                    dataType: 'gender', //查询时字段名
                    subs: [
                            dataId: 0,
                            name: '全部性别',
                            chosed: true //是否当前选中

## 首页

        headerDownload: {
            img: '',
            url: ''
        homeHeader: {
            bgColor: '',
            searchUrl: ''
        content: [
                banner: {
                    list: [
                            url: '',
                            img: ''
                iconsEnter: {
                    list: [
                            url: '',
                            img: '',
                            text: ''
                hotCategory: {
                    img: '',
                    url: '',
                    list: [
                            img: '',
                            url: '',
                            textCn: ''
                hotBrands: {
                    img: '',
                    url: '',
                    list: [
                            name: '',
                            img: '',
                            url: ''
            colloaction: {
                name: '潮人 ▪ 搭配',
                more: '',
                imgs: [
                        img: '',
                        url: ''
                recos: [
                        img: '',
                        url: ''
            topic: {
                name: '潮品 ▪ 话题',
                more: '',
                list: [
                        url: '',
                        img: '',
                        title: '',
                        time: ''
            goodsCategory: {
                name: '经典裤装',
                more: '',
                banner: {
                    list: [
                            img: '',
                            url: ''
                list: [
                        img: '',
                        url: '',
                        textCn: ''
                plusStar: {
                    name: '',
                    url: '',
                    img: ''
                goods: [
                    {...}, //商品信息

## 逛
### 资讯(公用)

        id: 1,
        showTags: true/false, //是否显示标签
        img: '',
        url: '',
        title: '',
        text: '',
        publishTime: '',
        pageView: '',
        like: {
            isLiked: true,
            count: 1
        collect: {
            isCollected: true,
            url: ''
        share: false,
        isFashionMan: true, //标签分类:isTip、isCollocation、isFashionMan、isFashionGood、isTopic
        author: {
            url: '',
            avatar: '',
            name: ''

### 逛首页

        swiper: [
                url: '',
                img: ''
        navs: [
                typeId: 1,
                type: '最新',
                focus: true
        infos: [
                {...}, //资讯

### 逛列表页

            {...}, //标签

### 编辑页

        authorInfo: {
            avatar: '',
            name: '',
            info: ''
        infos: [
            {...}, //标签

### 逛详情页

        id: '',
        author: {
            id: 1,
            avatar: '',
            name: '',
            intro: '',
            url: ''
        detail: {
            title: '',
            publishTime: '',
            pageView: 3445,
            content: [
                    text: ''
                    bigImage: ''
                    smallImage: [
                            src: ''
                            src: ''
                    relatedReco: {
                        id: 1, //必须字段
                        thumb: '',
                        name: '',
                        salePrice: 123,
                        price: 213,
                        url: ''

                    relatedReco: [
                        {...}, //商品信息
                    collocation:  [
                            thumb: '',
                            type: 'pants',
                            goods: [
                                {...}, //商品信息
        relatedBrand: [
                thumb: '',
                name: '',
                url: ''
        relatedTag: [
                name: '',
                url: ''
        relatedInfo: [
                thumb: '',
                squareThumb: true, //是否为方图
                title: '',
                url: '',
                publishTime: ''


        ps: {
            sName: '',
            pName: '',
            star: [
                    deps: '',
                    url: '',
                    img: '',
                    imgs: [
                            url: '',
                            img: ''
            plus: [
        ps: {
            id: 1,
            banner: '',
            logo: '',
            name: '',
            isLike: '',
            likeUrl: '',
            intro: '',
            newArrival: {
                moreUrl: '',
                naList: [
                    {...}, //商品信息
            infos: [
                {...}, //资讯

### 模板页

        content: [
                img: {
                    src: '',
                    url: ''
                text: ''
                recommendation: {
                    recos: [
                        {...}, //商品信息
                brands: {
                    list: [
                            thumb: '',
                            name: '',
                            url: ''
                goods: {
                    classify: [
                            type: 'brand',
                            name: '品牌'
                    newPatterns: [
                        {...}, //商品信息


        headerBanner: {
            list: [
                    url: '',
                    img: ''
        saleSection: {
            list: [
                    img: '',
                    url: ''
        goodsContainer: {
            name: '最新降价',
            goodsNav: {
                newPatterns: true,
                price: true,
                salesVolume: true,
                screen: true
            goods: [
                {...}, //商品信息

## 登录、注册、找回密码

### TIP:登录注册找回密码页面body有特有样式,因为数据中需要传一个isPassportPage为body添加一个class

### 通用头部(包含在每个页面中)

        backUrl: '', //GO-BACK链接, 不显示则不传
        showHeaderImg: true/false, //显示头部图片
        headerText: '' //头部标题文字

### 区域列表

            areaCode: '+86', //区号
            selected: true/false,
            name: '中国'

### 登录

        account: '', //默认填入的用户名
        registerUrl: '', //免费注册地址
        aliLoginUrl: '',
        weiboLoginUrl: '',
        qqLoginUrl: '',
        internationalUrl: '',
        phoneRetriveUrl: '',
        emailRetriveUrl: ''

        countrys: [...], //区域列表
        countryCode: '',
        phoneNum: ''

### 注册

        countrys: [...], //区域列表
        countryCode: ''  //默认区号

        areaCode: '',
        phoneNum: ''

        ... //仅头部

### 绑定手机号

        countrys: [...],  //区域列表
        areaCode: '',  //默认区号
        sourceType: 'qq', //用户在登录页选择的第三方登录平台
        openId: ''        //第三方登录平台id,用于绑定手机号

        areaCode: '',
        phoneNum: ''

        ... //仅头部

### 找回密码

        ... //仅头部

        goEmail: '',
        resendUrl: ''

        countrys: [...],
        countryCode: ''

        areaCode: '',
        phoneNum: ''

## 分类

        searchUrl: '',
        class: [
                name: 'BOY',
                focus: true, //默认选中
                ca: [
                        name: '上衣',
                        sub: [
                                name: '全部分类',
                                url: ''

## 搜索

        hot: [
                name: '夹克',
                url: ''
        history: [
                name: '..',
                url: ''

## 品牌

        bannerTop: {
            list: [
                    url: '',
                    img: ''
        hotBrand: {
            list: [
                    url: '',
                    img: '',
                    name: ''
        brandList: [
             title: '',
             list: {
                    name: '',
                    url: '',
                    isHot: true/false,
                    isNew: true/false


## 商品列表页
        goodList: {
            search: {
                default: ''
            }, //是否显示搜索栏并指定初始值
            brandWay: { //品牌入口
                url: '',
                thumb: '',
                name: ''
            brandHome: {
                id: 0,
                banner: ''
                intro: '...',
                collected: true //是否已收藏
            new: [
                    ... //商品信息
            filter: {
                .. //筛选数据结构

## 购物车

        shoppingCart: {
            cartNav: true, //显示预售和普通switch导航
            commonGoodsCount: 2,
            presellGoodsCount: 2, //普通商品和预售商品数目,显示在导航中
            showLoginInfo: true, //是否显示登录提示
            commonCart: {
                goods: [
                freebieOrAdvanceBuy: true, //是否显示赠品和加价购
                freebie: {
                    url: '',
                    count: 2
                advanceBuy: {
                    url: '',
                    count: 1
                price: 322,
                activityPrice: 223, //活动价
                count: 8,
                sumPrice: 400
            preSellCart: {

### 选择尺码、数目、颜色面板

        thumb: '',
        name: '',
        price: '',
        salePrice: '',
        /**colors: [
                id: 1,
                chosed: true,
                name: '黄色',
        colors: [
                                 id: 1,
                                 name: '黄色',
                                 id: 2,
                                 name: '红色',
                                  id: 1,
                                  name: '黄色',
                                  id: 2,
                                  name: '红色',
        sizes: [
                         id: 1,
                         name: 'M',
                         sizeNum: 2
                        id: 2,
                        name: 'X',
                        sizeNum: 2
                         id: 3,
                         name: 'M',
                         sizeNum: 2
                        id: 4,
                        name: 'X',
                        sizeNum: 2
        /**defaultSizes: [
                numZero: true,
                name: 'X',
                numStr: '0/10'

        totalNum: 20**/

### 购物车商品

        id: 1,
        inValid: true, //是否是失效商品,

        showCheckbox: true, //是否显示checkbox【赠品和加价购不显示】
        checked: true, //是否选中

        thumb: '',

        isAdvanceBuy: true, //是否是加价购商品
        isGift: ture, //是否是赠品

        name: '',
        color: '黄色',
        size: 'L',
        appearDate: '12月', //上市期
        price: 200,
        count: 2,
        soldOut: true, //售罄
        lowStocks: true, //库存不足

### 赠品和加价购

        shoppingCart: {
            gift: [
            advance: [
                    title: '',
                    goods: [

### 赠品和加价购商品

        id: 1,
        thumb: '',
        name: '',
        color: '黄色',
        size: 'L', //颜色和尺寸需要显示就传,不显示不传
        price: 562,
        count: 3

### 订单确认

        orderEnsure: {
            name: '',
            phoneName: '',
            address: '',
            dispatchMode: [
                    id: 1,
                    name: '普通快递'
            dispatchTime: [
                    id: 1,
                    name: '只工作日配送'
            goods: [
                    ... //订单商品
            coupon: {
                count: 3, //N张优惠券可用
                notUsed: true,
                value: 10 //使用优惠券后优惠额,notUsed为true的情况下可不传
            yohoCoin: '0', //String
            invoice: true, //发票
            sumPrice: 900,
            salePrice: 90,
            freight: 0,
            price: 800

## 个人中心

### 会员等级

        vipGrade: {
            vip3: true, //vip等级(3,2,1,0),对应等级传true;
            name: '', //user name
            costOfThisYear: 3000,
            percent: 80, //当前消费等级进度条
            costGap: 300, //距离升级所需消费金额(白金会员不传)
            sumCost: 600,

            privilege: [
                    pic: '',
                    title: '',
                    description: ''

### 我的订单
        order: {
            navs: [
                    name: '',
                    active: true,
                    typeId: 1,
                    url: ''

        orders: [
        walkWayUrl: ''

        detailUrl: '',
        orderNum: '',
        orderStatus: '',
        goods: [
                thumb: '',
                gift: true, //是否赠品
                advanceBuy: true, //是否加价购
                name: '',
                color: '黄色',
                size: 'X',
                price: '588',
                count: 2
        count: 1,
        sumCost: '199.00',
        completed: true, //已完成
        canceled: true, //已取消
        unpaid: true, //or 未支付
        unreceived: '', //or 待收货(未发货/未收货),查看物流URL

        logisticsUrl: ''


### 订单详情页

        orderDetail: {
            orderNum: '', //订单号

            name: '', //收货人姓名
            phoneNum: '',
            address: '',

            orderStatus: '订单成功', //订单取消...等订单状态
            orderNum: '',
            orderTime: '',

            canceled: true, //是否是取消的订单
            completed: true, //是否是已完成订单
            unpaid: true, //是否是未支付订单
            unreceived: true, //是否是未收货订单

            logisticsUrl: '',
            logisticsCompany: '',
            logisticsNum: '',

            goods: [
                    ... //订单商品
            sumPrice: '',
            salePrice: '',
            freight: '',
            yohoCoin: '',
            price: ''

### YOHO币

        yohoCoin: {
            coinNum: 10

### 我的逛

        myGuang: {
            infos: [
                {...} //逛资讯

### 商品详情页
            'goodsDetailPage': true,
            'pageHeader': {
                'navBack': 'sss ',
                'navHome': 'sss ',
                'navTitle': '商品详情'

            'bannerTop': {
               'list': [
                        'img' : ''

            tags: [
                is_new: true //NEW
                is_discount: true //SALE
                is_limited: false //限量商品
                is_yohood: // YOHOOD
                is_advance: true //再到着
                is_soon_sold_out: true //即将售罄

            'goodsName' : 'Stussy No. 4 BOX TEE  ',
            'goodsSubtitle' : '【全民拼抢购】经典印花T恤,满4件免一件!',

            'goodsPrice' : {
                    'currentPrice' : '¥298.00',
                    'previousPrice' : '¥598.00'
            'periodOfMarket' : '11月',
            'goodsTitle' : '¥298.00',
            'vipLevel' : {
                'list' : [
                        'text' : '¥284.00',
           'goodsDiscount' : {
                    'list' : [
                                'text' : '【BACK TO SCHOOL】满¥499赠送Paul Franke帽子一个,多买多送!'
            'feedbacks' : {
                 'commentsNum' : 0,
                 'consultsNum' : 1,
                 'commentsUrl' : '',
                 'consultsUrl' : '',
                 'comments' : [
                        'userName' : 'Lynnic',
                        'desc' : '购买了白色Mate7',
                        'content' : '活动时买的',
                        'time' : '2014-08-12 10:24:26'
                'consults' : [
                        'question'  : '您好 我一米七七 140斤 穿M的行吗',
                        'time' : '2014-08-12 10:24:26',
                        'answer' : ''

            'enterStore' : {
                'img' : '',
                'storeName' : 'Stussy',
                'url' : 'http://stussy.m.yohobuy.com/'

            'goodsDescription' : {
                  'title'  : '商品描述',
                  'enTitle' : 'DESCRIPTON',
                  'detail' : {
                                'param' : '编号: 51018059'
                   'desc': 'balabala'

            'sizeInfo' : {
                  'title' : '尺码信息',
                  'enTitle' : '',

                  'detail' : {
                     'list' : [
                             'params' : [
                                       'param' : '尺寸'

            'measurementMethod' : {
                  'title': '测量方式',
                  'enTitle': 'MEASUREMENT METHOD',
                  'img' : '',

            'reference' : {
                  'title' : '模特试穿',
                  'enTitle'  : '',

                  'detail' : {
                     'list' : [
                                  'param' =>'头像'

                 'materials' : {
                                'title' : '商品材质',
                                'enTitle' : '',
                                        'img' : '',
                                        'desc' : '用各种洗涤剂',//remark

                 'washTips' : {
                        'list' : [

            'productDetail' : {
                    'title' : '商品详情',
                    'enTitle' : '',
                    'desc' : 'Married to the MOB是由Leah McSweeney创立的女装品牌,一向标榜不羁、大胆的女性streetwear设计',
                    'list' : [

            'cartInfo' : {

                    thumbs: [
                        img : ''
                    name: '',
                    price: '',
                    salePrice: '',
                    colors: [
                            id: 1,
                            chosed: true,
                            name: '黄色',
                            sizeNumStr:'10/20/30'  //对应的商品尺码数目,用斜杠分割

                    sizes: [
                            id: 2,
                            chosed: true,
                            name: 'X',
                            sizeNum: 2,
                            colorNumStr:'10/20/30' //对应的商品颜色数目用斜杠分割
            'introUrl' : '',
            'id' : '',
            'preferenceUrl' :'',
### 评价列表页面
                'list' : [
### 咨询列表页面
            'link' : '咨询表单跳转url',
                'list' : [
### 支付中心

        'payAppInfo' : [
                    'appIcon' : 'http://static.yohobuy.com/images/icon.png',
                    'payLink' : '/weixin/pay/',
                    'appId': 'weixin',
                    'app' : '微信支付',
                    'hint' : '需下载微信客户端',
                    'subHint' : '推荐使用'
                    'appIcon' : 'http://static.yohobuy.com/images/icon.png',
                    'payLink' : '/weixin/pay/',
                    'appId': 'alipay',
                    'app' : '支付宝支付',
                    'hint' : '需下载支付宝客户端',
                    'subHint' : '推荐使用'

### 物流详情

        'logisticImg' : 'http://static.yohobuy.com/images/icon.png',
        'logisticUrl' : 'http://www.shunfeng.com',
        'logisticCompany' : '顺丰',
        'logisticNumber' : '1231231231',
        'logisticDetail' : [
                    'status' : '南京市 派送中',
                    'date' : '2015-12-03'
                }, {
                    'status' : '南京市 准备中',
                    'date' : '2015-12-03'

### 频道选择页
        'background' : 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/yhb-img01/2015/12/14/03/0189f7499bcb98cbeb4d18d61275606716.png?imageView/2/w/640/h/800',
        'searchUrl' : 'http://search.dev.yohobuy.com',
        'channelList' : [
                    'href' : '/boys',
                    'title' : '男生',
                    'entitle' : 'BOYS',
                }, {
                    'href' : '/girls',
                    'title' : ' 女生',
                    'entitle' : 'GIRLS',
                }, {
                    'href' : '/kids',
                    'title' : '潮童',
                    'entitle' : KIDS'',
                }, {
                    'href' : '/lifestyle',
                    'title' : '创意生活',
                    'entitle' : 'LIFESTYLE',
        'showYohood' : true/false,
        'yohoodHref' : '/yohood'