Authored by hf

do product detail page

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"answerTime": "2012-05-02 15:10:08",
"ask": "请问 这件的灰色的L码还会不会补货?",
"askTime": "2012-05-02 14:23:09",
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"id": "2012-05-02 15:10:08",
"uid": "请问 这件的灰色的L码还会不会补货?",
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -26,8 +26,259 @@ class DetailData
* @param int $productId
* @return array
public function product($productId)
public static function baseInfo($productId, $uid)
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"phrase": "以品牌字首R字母為设计重点,环绕式轮廓线营造渐层视觉 ",
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"consultBoWrapper": {
"consultBoList": [
"answer": "您好,我们会联系品牌尽快补货,目前没有办法给您确切的答复,建议您进行到货通知的登记,补货到了,会第一时间短信联系您的。感谢您对yoho!有货的关注。",
"answerTime": "2012-05-02 15:10:08",
"ask": "请问 这件的灰色的L码还会不会补货?",
"askTime": "2012-05-02 14:23:09",
"id": 68252
"consultTotal": 5
"commentBoWrapper": {
"commentBoList": [
"productId": "您好,我们会联系品牌尽快补货,目前没有办法给您确切的答复,建议您进行到货通知的登记,补货到了,会第一时间短信联系您的。感谢您对yoho!有货的关注。",
"id": "2012-05-02 15:10:08",
"uid": "请问 这件的灰色的L码还会不会补货?",
"content": "2012-05-02 14:23:09",
"createTime": "2012-05-02 14:23:09",
"commentTotal": 5
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"shopId": 0,
"smallSortId": 114,
"sortId": 0,
"status": 1,
"storage": 0,
"style": "",
"supplierId": 0,
"vipDiscountType": 1
}', true);
return $data;
$result = array();
if (is_numeric($productId)) {
... ... @@ -38,53 +289,147 @@ class DetailData
* 商品小图
* 商品尺码信息
* @param int $goodsId
* @param int $productSkn
* @return array
public function goods($goodsId)
public static function sizeInfo($productSkn)
$result = array();
if (is_numeric($goodsId)) {
$result = Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL_PRODUCTDETAIL . self::PRODUCT_GOODS_INFO, array('goodsId' => $goodsId) );
$data = json_decode('{
"modelBos": [],
"null": false,
"productDescBo": {
"colorName": "灰色",
"erpProductId": "50002468",
"gender": 1,
"null": false,
"standardBos": []
"productExtra": {
"null": true
"productIntroBo": {
"productId": 10,
"productIntro": "<p>\r\n\t破壳小队长印花笔记本,夸张而卡通的设计,简单白皙的纸张,配有手缝带,味道十足。<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t&nbsp;</p>"
"productMaterialList": [],
"sizeImage": "",
"sizeInfoBo": {
"sizeAttributeBos": [
"attributeName": "后衣长",
"id": 49
"attributeName": "前衣长",
"id": 48
"attributeName": "袖长",
"id": 5
"attributeName": "胸围",
"id": 4
"attributeName": "肩宽",
"id": 3
"attributeName": "后中长",
"id": 1
return $result;
"sizeBoList": [
"id": 201,
"sizeName": "L",
"sortAttributes": [
"id": 49,
"sizeValue": ""
"id": 48,
"sizeValue": ""
"id": 5,
"sizeValue": "64"
"id": 4,
"sizeValue": "108"
"id": 3,
"sizeValue": "49"
"id": 1,
"sizeValue": "67"
* 品牌
* @param int $brandId
* @return array
public function brand($brandId)
"id": 203,
"sizeName": "M",
"sortAttributes": [
"id": 5,
"sizeValue": "62"
"id": 4,
"sizeValue": "102"
"id": 3,
"sizeValue": "46"
"id": 1,
"sizeValue": "64"
"id": 49,
"sizeValue": ""
"id": 48,
"sizeValue": ""
* 库存
* @param int $productId
* @return int
public function storage($productId)
"washTipsBoList": [
"caption": "不可转笼翻转干燥",
"img": ""
"caption": "30度水温弱速洗",
"img": ""
"caption": "分色洗涤",
"img": ""
}', true);
* 尺码
* @param int $productSkn
* @return array
public function size($productSkn)
return $data;
$result = array();
if (is_numeric($productSkn)) {
$result = Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL_PRODUCTDETAIL . self::PRODUCT_BASE_INFO, array('productSkn' => $productSkn) );
return $result;
... ...
namespace Product;
use LibModels\Wap\Product\DetailData;
* 商品详情页模板相关的数据模型
* @name DetailModel
* @package Product
* @copyright
* @version 1.0 (2015-11-19 10:49:36)
* @author fei.hong <>
class DetailModel
* 商品基本信息
* @param int $productId 商品ID
* @param int $uid 当前登录用户ID, 未登录为0
* @return array
public static function getBaseInfo($productId, $uid)
$result = array();
if (is_numeric($productId)) {
// 调用接口
$baseInfo = DetailData::baseInfo($productId, $uid);
// 商品名称
if (isset($baseInfo['productName'])) {
$result['goodsName'] = $baseInfo['productName'];
// 商品价格
if (isset($baseInfo['productPriceBo'])) {
$result['goodsPrice'] = array();
$result['goodsPrice']['currentPrice'] = $baseInfo['productPriceBo']['formatSalesPrice'];
if ($baseInfo['productPriceBo']['formatMarketPrice'] !== $baseInfo['productPriceBo']['formatSalesPrice']) {
$result['goodsPrice']['previousPrice'] = $baseInfo['productPriceBo']['formatMarketPrice'];
// VIP商品价格
if (isset($baseInfo['productPriceBo']['vipPrices'])) {
$build = array();
foreach ($baseInfo['productPriceBo']['vipPrices'] as $value) {
$build['level'] = $value['vipLevel'];
$build['text'] = $value['vipPrice'];
$result['vipLevel']['list'][] = $build;
// 上市期
if (isset($baseInfo['expectArrivalTime'])) {
$result['periodOfMarket'] = date('n', $baseInfo['firstShelveTime']) . '月';
// 商品咨询和商品评价
$result['feedbacks'] = array();
if (isset($baseInfo['consultBoWrapper'])) {
$result['feedbacks']['consultTotal'] = $baseInfo['consultBoWrapper']['consultTotal'];
$result['feedbacks']['consults'] = array();
if (isset($baseInfo['commentBoWrapper'])) {
$result['feedbacks']['commentTotal'] = $baseInfo['commentBoWrapper']['commentTotal'];
$result['feedbacks']['comments'] = array();
$build = array();
foreach ($baseInfo['commentBoWrapper']['commentBoList'] as $value) {
$build['userName'] = $value['nickName'];
$build['desc'] = $value['colorName'] . $value['sizeName'];
$build['content'] = $value['content'];
$build['time'] = $value['createTime'];
$result['feedbacks']['comments'][] = $build;
if (!empty($baseInfo['goodsList'])) {
foreach ($baseInfo['goodsList'] as $value) {
foreach ($value['goodsImagesList'] as $image) {
foreach ($value['goodsSizeBoList'] as $size) {
// 多个
if (isset($baseInfo['goodsList'][1])) {
$result['bannerTop']['list'] = array();
foreach ($baseInfo['goodsList'][1] as $value) {
// 单个
else {
$result['bannerTop'] = array();
$result['bannerTop']['img'] = '';
return $result;
* 商品尺码信息
* @param int $productSkn
* @return array
public static function getSizeInfo($productSkn)
$sizeInfo = DetailData::sizeInfo($productSkn);
... ...
... ... @@ -13,6 +13,17 @@ class DetailController extends AbstractAction
public function indexAction()
$productId = $this->param('productId');
$goodsId = $this->param('goodsId');
$uid = $this->getUid();
$result = array();
$result['goodsDetailPage'] = true;
$baseInfo = \Product\DetailModel::getBaseInfo($productId, $uid);
$data = array (
'goodsDetailPage' => true,
'pageHeader' => array (
... ... @@ -65,8 +76,8 @@ SHOE BQT KEN BLOCK',
'goodsDiscount'=>'【summer final sale】满¥499立享6.8折',
'consultName' =>'购买咨询(2)',
'consultTotal' =>'2',
... ...
... ... @@ -4,3 +4,19 @@ routes.goodsfilter.match = "/search/filter"
routes.goodsfilter.route.module = Index
routes.goodsfilter.route.controller = Search
routes.goodsfilter.route.action = Filter
routes.product.type = "regex"
routes.product.match = "#/product/pro_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)/(.*)#"
routes.product.route.module = Product
routes.product.route.controller = Detail
routes.product.route.action = Index = product_id = goods_id = "regex" = "#/product/buy_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).html#" = Product = Detail = Index = product_id = goods_id
\ No newline at end of file
... ...