<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
<mapper namespace="com.yohobuy.ufo.dal.brand.BrandMapper">
<resultMap id="brandMap" type="com.yohobuy.ufo.model.brand.Brand">
<sql id="queryColumns">
id, brand_name, brand_name_en, brand_log, brand_search, status, create_time
<insert id="insertBrand" parameterType="com.yohobuy.ufo.model.brand.Brand">
insert into brand(id, brand_name, brand_name_en, brand_log, brand_search, status, create_time, edit_time, edit_pid)
values (#{id}, #{brandName}, #{brandNameEn}, #{brandLogo}, #{brandSearch}, #{status}, #{createTime}, #{editTime}, #{editPid})
<update id="updateBrandStatus">
update brand set status = #{status}, edit_time = #{editTime}, edit_pid = #{editPid} where id = #{id}
<update id="updateBrand">
update brand
<if test="brand.brandName != null and brand.brandName !=''">
brand_name = #{brand.brandName},
<if test="brand.brandNameEn != null and brand.brandNameEn != ''">
brand_name_en = #{brand.brandNameEn},
<if test="brand.brandLogo != null and brand.brandLogo != ''">
brand_log = #{brand.brandLogo},
<if test="brand.brandSearch != null and brand.brandSearch !=''">
brand_search = #{brand.brandSearch},
<if test="brand.status != null and brand.status != ''">
status = #{brand.status},
<if test="brand.createTime != null">
create_time = #{brand.createTime},
<if test="brand.editTime != null">
edit_time = #{brand.editTime},
<if test="brand.editPid != null">
edit_pid = #{brand.editPid}
where id = #{brand.id}
<select id="selectOneById" resultMap="brandMap">
select <include refid="queryColumns" />
from brand where id = #{id}
<select id="selectBrandCount" resultType="integer">
select count(*)
from brand
<if test="brand.brandName != null and brand.brandName != ''">
brand_name like concat('%', #{brand.brandName}, '%') or brand_name_en like concat('%', #{brand.brandName}, '%')
<if test="brand.status != null">
status = #{brand.status}
<select id="getBrandPageList" resultMap="brandMap">
select <include refid="queryColumns"/>
from brand
<if test="brand.brandName != null and brand.brandName != ''">
brand_name like concat('%', #{brand.brandName}, '%') or brand_name_en like concat('%', #{brand.brandName}, '%')
<if test="brand.status != null">
status = #{brand.status}
order by create_time desc
limit #{page.startIndex}, #{page.pageSize}
</mapper> |
\ No newline at end of file |