Authored by liqingzhong

Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

# 七牛云图片上传辅助工具类
# 获取图片相对路径
> 方法名: `getImageRelativeUrl`
### 参数
### 返回
# 获取图片绝对路径
> 方法名: `getImageAbsoluteUrl`
### 参数
### 返回
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
|type | int | 1 | 1:"品牌款型";2:"品牌系列" | 是|
|page | int | 1 | 页码数,默认1 | 否|
|size | int | 10 | 记录数,默认10条 | 否|
|status | int | 1 | 状态 1:打开 0:关闭 | 否|
### 返回
... ...
# 限购商品管理接口服务定义
# 导出限购商品提醒接口
> 接口名: `/batch/export`
### 入参
... ...
... ... @@ -85,6 +85,123 @@
# 新增商品描述
> 接口名: `/product/saveProductDesc`
### 入参
{"productSkn":50000055, "productDesc":"商品描述信息"}
### 返回 (code为200代表成功,否则看message的失败原因)
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "save netSale product desc success."
# 保存网销的完整信息
> 接口名: `/product/saveNetSaleAllInfo`
### 入参
{"productSkn":50000056, "productName":"新的商品名称", "isNew":"N", "sellChannels":"1,2,3","phrase":"商品简评","outSaleTime":12, "shopIds":"1,23,3", "vedioUrl":"videoUrlvideoUrlvideoUrlvideoUrl"
, "recommend":"2213213","goodsImagesReq" : {"goodsImagesBoList":"[{'productSkc':7661 ,'productSkn':50000056, 'imageUrl':'imageUrl', 'orderBy':2, 'genderCover':2,'isDefault':'Y'}]", "productSkc":7661 ,"productSkn":50000056}
,"searchSortList": "[{'productSkn':50000055,'modelId':2,'intValue':22},{'productSkn':50000057,'modelId':3,'intValue':44}]",
"brandModel":"11", "brandSeries":"33", "makeCrafts":"122,122", "pattern":"1", "style":9,"wearSense":[{"wearSenseId":1,"value":"0"},{"wearSenseId":2,"value":"0"},{"wearSenseId":3,"value":"0"},{"wearSenseId":4,"value":"0"}]
,"salesPhrase":"促销短语","isHostsell":"N", "searchKeys":"搜索词1,搜索词2 以英文逗号分隔", "productDesc":"商品描述信息111111"
|isNew|string||是否新品|"Y" "N"|
|sellChannels|string||销售渠道|1网站 2手机 3 场地 多选则用逗号分隔|
|shopIds|string||展示店铺|店铺Id列表 多选则用逗号分隔|
|isHostsell|字符串||是否热卖 "Y" or "N"||
|wearSense|json字符串||风格|弹性 id 为1 厚度 2 柔软度 3 透气性 4 他们的值1-5|
|searchSortList|json字符串||productSkn必填 id 当此为修改的封面则必填否则认为为新增 modelId 品牌排序填“1”,奥莱排序填“2,”,搜索排序填“3”) projectId 填写1 |必填|
### 返回 (code为200代表成功,否则看message的失败原因)
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "保存成功."
# 新增上架前文本信息
> 接口名: `/product/saveNetSaleBaseInfo`
### 入参
{"productSkn":50000055, "productName":"新的商品名称", "isNew":"N", "sellChannels":"1,2,3","phrase":"商品简评","outSaleTime":12, "shopIds":"1,23,3"}
|isNew|string||是否新品|"Y" "N"|
|sellChannels|string||销售渠道|1网站 2手机 3 场地 多选则用逗号分隔|
|shopIds|string||展示店铺|店铺Id列表 多选则用逗号分隔|
### 返回 (code为200代表成功,否则看message的失败原因)
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "保存文本信息成功."
# 获取单个商品搭配信息
> 接口名: `/collocation/selectCollocationById`
... ... @@ -254,13 +371,13 @@
> 接口名: `/product/saveNetSaleVideo`
### 入参 {"productSkn": 50018101, "videoUrl":"url"}
### 入参 {"productSkn": 50018101, "vedioUrl":"url"}
... ... @@ -431,3 +548,864 @@
# 保存网销的上架后文本信息
> 接口名: `/product/saveAfterSaleInfo`
### 入参
{"brandModel":"11", "brandSeries":"33", "makeCrafts":"122,122", "pattern":"1", "style":9,"wearSense":[{"wearSenseId":1,"value":"0"},{"wearSenseId":2,"value":"0"},{"wearSenseId":3,"value":"0"},{"wearSenseId":4,"value":"0"}]
|isHostsell|字符串||是否热卖 "Y" or "N"||
|wearSense|json字符串||风格|弹性 id 为1 厚度 2 柔软度 3 透气性 4 他们的值1-5|
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "保存上架后补全信息成功"
# 批量商品skn预处理
> 接口名: `/product/updateProductSknTimingInfo`
### 入参 {"productSknList":"[51001873, 51001874, 51001872]", "type":6, "outSaleTime":1, "advanceEndTime":"2016-12-13 12:12:12"}
|type|number||预处理类型1 : 上架2 : 上架上新 3 : 修改预上架时间4 : 修改预上架上新时间5 : 修改预售时间6 : 预下架7 : 立即下架|必填|
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "操作成功"
# 查询网销信息
> 接口名: `/product/queryNetSaleInforList`
### 入参 {"productSknList":"[51001873, 51001874, 51001872]", "type":6, "outSaleTime":1, "advanceEndTime":"2016-12-13 12:12:12"}
|isJit|枚举型(字符串)||是否jit商品|"Y" 或者 "N"|
|stock|枚举型(数字型)||是否有库存|0 或者 1|
|isScreen|枚举型||是否拍摄状态|"Y" 或者 "N"|
|isMeasure|枚举型||是否测量状态|"Y" 或者 "N"|
|gender|枚举型||性别|1男2女 3通用|
|isOutLets|枚举型||是否奥莱|"Y" 或者 "N"|
|productStatus|数字型||状态|1上架 0 下架 -1 待修改 2待审核 3 审核驳回|
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"list": [
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1523,
"brandName": "冬冬腔",
"gender": "2",
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"middleSortName": "连衣裙",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productSkn": 51198302,
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 495,
"smallSortId": 134,
"smallSortName": "连衣裙"
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1527,
"brandName": "SIP",
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"maxSortId": 3,
"maxSortName": "裤装",
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"middleSortName": "牛仔裤",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productName": "导入新货TX",
"productSkn": 51198298,
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 495,
"smallSortId": 130,
"smallSortName": "牛仔裤"
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1527,
"brandName": "SIP",
"editTime": "2016-03-03 16:27:00",
"gender": "1",
"maxSortId": 3,
"maxSortName": "裤装",
"middleSortId": 27,
"middleSortName": "牛仔裤",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productName": "导入新货XX",
"productSkn": 51198299,
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 495,
"smallSortId": 130,
"smallSortName": "牛仔裤"
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1527,
"brandName": "SIP",
"gender": "1",
"maxSortId": 3,
"maxSortName": "裤装",
"middleSortId": 27,
"middleSortName": "牛仔裤",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productName": "导入新货XY",
"productSkn": 51198300,
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 495,
"smallSortId": 130,
"smallSortName": "牛仔裤"
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1527,
"brandName": "SIP",
"gender": "2",
"maxSortId": 3,
"maxSortName": "裤装",
"middleSortId": 27,
"middleSortName": "牛仔裤",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productName": "裤装AAA",
"productSkn": 51198301,
"retailPrice": 789,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 607,
"smallSortId": 130,
"smallSortName": "牛仔裤"
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1422,
"brandName": "心飞扬",
"gender": "1",
"maxSortId": 3,
"maxSortName": "裤装",
"middleSortId": 27,
"middleSortName": "牛仔裤",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productName": "大衣",
"productSkn": 51198296,
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 495,
"smallSortId": 130,
"smallSortName": "牛仔裤"
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1422,
"brandName": "心飞扬",
"gender": "1",
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"middleSortId": 27,
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"picImgUrl": "",
"productName": "大衣",
"productSkn": 51198297,
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
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"smallSortId": 130,
"smallSortName": "牛仔裤"
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1422,
"brandName": "心飞扬",
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"middleSortId": 27,
"middleSortName": "牛仔裤",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productName": "长裤",
"productSkn": 51198287,
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 495,
"smallSortId": 130,
"smallSortName": "牛仔裤"
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1422,
"brandName": "心飞扬",
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"middleSortId": 27,
"middleSortName": "牛仔裤",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productName": "长裤",
"productSkn": 51198288,
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 495,
"smallSortId": 130,
"smallSortName": "牛仔裤"
"attribute": 1,
"brandId": 1422,
"brandName": "心飞扬",
"gender": "1",
"maxSortId": 3,
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"middleSortId": 27,
"middleSortName": "牛仔裤",
"picImgUrl": "",
"productName": "长裤",
"productSkn": 51198289,
"retailPrice": 495,
"returnCoin": 0,
"salesPrice": 495,
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"smallSortName": "牛仔裤"
"page": 1,
"size": 10,
"total": 223703,
"totalPage": 22371
"md5": "68e7e09515aec025162017290acf73d8",
"message": "NetSale Information List."
# 新增搭配信息
> 接口名: `/collocation/insertCollocation`
### 入参
{"productSkn":50000055, "imageUrl":"imageUrl","content":"content","orderBy":1,"infoStr":"[{"id":50017821,"width":"295","height":"394","top":"151","left":"230","label":"50017821"}]"}
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "insert collocation success."
# 修改搭配信息
> 接口名: `/collocation/insertCollocation`
### 入参
{"id":1 "productSkn":50000055, "imageUrl":"imageUrl","content":"content","orderBy":1,"infoStr":"[{"id":50017821,"width":"295","height":"394","top":"151","left":"230","label":"50017821"}]"}
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "update collocation success."
# 删除搭配信息
> 接口名: `/collocation/delCollocationById`
### 入参
{"param":28952 }
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "delete collocation success."
# 获取单个搭配信息
> 接口名: `/collocation/selectCollocationById`
### 入参
{"param":28952 }
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"content": "content1",
"createTime": 1457083379,
"id": 28952,
"imageUrl": "http:///goodsimgimageUrl1?imageView/1/w/150/h/150",
"info": [
"height": 394,
"id": 50017831,
"label": "50017821",
"left": 230,
"top": 151,
"width": 299
"orderBy": 1,
"productSkn": 50000055
"md5": "a375479b786f4c747d39c6066f4d147e",
"message": "query collocation success."
# 单独维护封面信息
> 接口名: `/product/manageProductImg`
### 入参
{"goodsImagesReq" : {"goodsImagesBoList":"[{'productSkc':7661 ,'productSkn':50000055, 'imageUrl':'imageUrl', 'orderBy':2, 'genderCover':2,'isDefault':'Y'}]", "productSkc":7661 ,"productSkn":50000055}}
|goodsImagesBoList|json字符串||封面信息genderCover(性别) 默认封面0 男1 女2 isDefault 是否是skc默认图片 id 当此为修改的封面则必填否则认为为新增 |必填|
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "维护封面信息成功."
# 单独排序信息
> 接口名: `/product/saveSearchSort`
### 入参
{"searchSortList": "[{'id':1333857,'productSkn':50000055,'modelId':2,'projectId':1,'intValue':22},{'productSkn':50000055,'modelId':3,'projectId':1,'intValue':44}]"}
|searchSortList|json字符串||productSkn必填 id 当此为修改的封面则必填否则认为为新增 modelId 品牌排序填“1”,奥莱排序填“2,”,搜索排序填“3”) projectId 填写1 |必填|
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"md5": "d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce",
"message": "保存排序信息成功"
# 网销信息详情
> 接口名: `/product/getNetSaleInfo`
### 入参
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {
"baseProductInfo": {
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"expectArrivalTime": 0,
"expectShelfTime": 0,
"factoryCode": "",
"gender": "3",
"goodsSeason": 0,
"goodsYears": 0,
"isAdvance": "N",
"isDown": "N",
"isJit": "N",
"isLimitbuy": "N",
"isLimited": "N",
"isPromotionalGifts": "N",
"isRetrieval": "N",
"isSales": "Y",
"isSpecial": "N",
"limitEndTime": 0,
"limitStartTime": 0,
"maxSortId": 10,
"middleSortId": 101,
"outletsSetting": "B",
"pattern": "1",
"productName": "新的商品名称",
"productSkn": 50000055,
"productStyle": "个性,原创,创意,办公,家居",
"salableTime": "0",
"seasons": "",
"seriesId": 0,
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"smallSortId": 111,
"sortId": 0,
"style": "9",
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"collocationList": [
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"phrase": "商品简评",
"productDesc": "商品描述信息111111",
"productSkn": 50000055,
"recommend": "2213213",
"salesPhrase": "促销短语",
"searchKeys": "搜索词1,搜索词2 以英文逗号分隔",
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"sellChannelsList": [
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"vedioUrl": "videoUrlvideoUrlvideoUrlvideoUrl"
"searchSortList": [
"createTime": 1457146662,
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"md5": "0715c67f137835dbffa419c66161be5f",
"message": "NetSale Info."
# 批量导入品牌款型系列
> 接口名: `/batch/import`
### 入参
{"type":"brandProperty", "file":"具体文件流"}
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {},
"message": "导入成功"
# 批量导入排序
> 接口名: `/batch/import`
### 入参
{"type":"searchSort", "file":"具体文件流"}
### 返回
``` json
"code": 200,
"data": {},
"message": "导入成功"
\ No newline at end of file
... ...