orderaction.js 4.21 KB
// src/components/order/orderaction.js
// import event from '../../utils/event.js';
import { formatTimeByMin } from '../../utils/index.js';
import { showDialog } from './orderActionUtil.js';
// import OrderActionService from './orderActionService.js';
// const DEL_ORDER = 'del_order';
const BUY_AGAIN = 'buy_again';
// const CANCEL_ORDER = 'cancel_order';
const NOW_BUY = 'now_buy';
// const CONFIRM_ORDER = 'confirm_order';//确认收货
// //订单操作接口
// const UFO_BUYER_DELETE_ORDER = 'ufo.buyer.delete';//删除订单
// const UFO_BUYER_CANCEL_ORDER = 'ufo.buyer.cancel';//取消订单
// const UFO_BUYER_CONFIRM_ORDER = 'ufo.buyer.confirm';//确认收货
// const api = new OrderActionService();

// var interval;

   * 组件的属性列表
  properties: {
    buttons: Array,
    // fromPage: Number,
    timer: String,
    realPrice: String,

   * 组件的初始数据
  data: {
    lastIndex: 0,

  lifetimes: {

attached: function () {

  let that = this;
  if (that.data.buttons){
    let lastIndex = that.data.buttons.length - 1;
    console.log("lastIndex===" + lastIndex);
    that.setData({ lastIndex: lastIndex });
  if (that.data.timer) {
    let leftTime = that.data.lefttime;
    let timer = that.data.timer;
    // if (interval){
    //   clearInterval(interval);
    // }
    if(timer > 0){
      let interval = setInterval(() => {
        timer = timer - 1;
        leftTime = formatTimeByMin(timer, '00:00');
          lefttime: leftTime,
          timer: timer
      }, 1000);
      that.setData({ interval: interval});

detached: function () {
  let interval = this.interval;
  if (interval){


   * 组件的方法列表
  methods: {

    onButtonClick: function(e){
      let actionCode = e.currentTarget.dataset.buttonCode;
      let orderCode = e.currentTarget.dataset.orderCode;
      let productId = e.currentTarget.dataset.productId;
      if (actionCode == BUY_AGAIN) {
          url: '/pages/productDetail/index?id=' + productId,
      } else if (actionCode == NOW_BUY){
        console.log("== 去支付页面===")
          //url: '/pages/productDetail/index?id=' + productId,
      }else {
        showDialog(orderCode, actionCode, 0);
   * 订单操作
    // actionOrder: function (orderCode, method) {
    //   let that = this;
    //   wx.showLoading({
    //     title: '加载中...',
    //   })
    //   let params = {
    //     uid: '500031132',
    //     method: method,
    //     orderCode: orderCode,
    //     debug: 'XYZ',
    //   }
    //   api.actionOrder(params, () => {
    //     wx.hideLoading();
    //   }).then(data => {
    //     event.emit('refresh-order');
    //   });
    // },
     * 确认Dialog
    // showDialog: function (orderCode, actionType, ) {
    //   let that = this;
    //   let content = '';
    //   let method = '';
    //   if (actionType == DEL_ORDER) {
    //     content = '您确定删除订单?';
    //     method = UFO_BUYER_DELETE_ORDER;
    //   } else if (actionType == CANCEL_ORDER) {
    //     content = '您确定取消订单?';
    //     method = UFO_BUYER_CANCEL_ORDER;
    //   } else if (actionType == CONFIRM_ORDER) {
    //     content = '您确定收货?';
    //     method = UFO_BUYER_CONFIRM_ORDER;

    //   }
    //   wx.showModal({
    //     // title: title,
    //     content: content,
    //     showCancel: true,
    //     cancelText: "确定",
    //     cancelColor: '#000000',
    //     confirmText: "取消",
    //     confirmColor: '#E0E0E0',
    //     success: function (res) {
    //       if (res.cancel) {
    //         that.actionOrder(orderCode, method);
    //       } else {
    //         //点击取消,默认隐藏弹框
    //       }
    //     },
    //     fail: function (res) { },
    //     complete: function (res) { },
    //   })
    // }
