messageReducer.js 910 Bytes
 * # guideReducer.js
 * The reducer for all the actions from the various log states
'use strict';
 * ## Imports
 * InitialState
import InitialState from './messageInitialState';

const initialState = new InitialState;
const {
} = require('../../constants/actionTypes').default;
 * ## guideReducer function
 * @param {Object} state - initialState
 * @param {Object} action - type and payload
export default function messageReducer(state = initialState, action) {
    if (!(state instanceof InitialState)) return initialState.merge(state);

    switch (action.type) {
			let nextState =  state.setIn(['messageDetail', 'title'], action.payload.title)
								.setIn(['messageDetail', 'content'], action.payload.content)
								.setIn(['messageDetail', 'time'], action.payload.time);
			return nextState;


    return state;