server.js 4.29 KB
 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
 * @flow

'use strict';

const path = require('path');
const runServer = require('./runServer');

import type {RNConfig} from '../core';
import type {ConfigT} from 'metro';
import type {Args as RunServerArgs} from './runServer';

 * Starts the React Native Packager Server.
function server(argv: mixed, config: RNConfig, allArgs: Object) {
  const {root, ...args} = allArgs;
  args.projectRoots = args.projectRoots.concat(root);

  const startedCallback = logReporter => {
      type: 'initialize_started',
      port: args.port,
      projectRoots: args.projectRoots,

    process.on('uncaughtException', error => {
        type: 'initialize_failed',
        port: args.port,


  const readyCallback = logReporter => {
      type: 'initialize_done',
  const runServerArgs: RunServerArgs = args;
  /* $FlowFixMe: ConfigT shouldn't be extendable. */
  const configT: ConfigT = config;
  runServer(runServerArgs, configT, startedCallback, readyCallback);

module.exports = {
  name: 'start',
  func: server,
  description: 'starts the webserver',
  options: [{
    command: '--port [number]',
    default: process.env.RCT_METRO_PORT || 8081,
    parse: (val: string) => Number(val),
  }, {
    command: '--host [string]',
    default: '',
  }, {
    command: '--root [list]',
    description: 'add another root(s) to be used by the packager in this project',
    parse: (val: string) => val.split(',').map(root => path.resolve(root)),
    default: [],
  }, {
    command: '--projectRoots [list]',
    description: 'override the root(s) to be used by the packager',
    parse: (val: string) => val.split(','),
    default: (config: ConfigT) => config.getProjectRoots(),
  }, {
    command: '--assetExts [list]',
    description: 'Specify any additional asset extensions to be used by the packager',
    parse: (val: string) => val.split(','),
    default: (config: ConfigT) => config.getAssetExts(),
  }, {
    command: '--sourceExts [list]',
    description: 'Specify any additional source extensions to be used by the packager',
    parse: (val: string) => val.split(','),
    default: (config: ConfigT) => config.getSourceExts(),
  }, {
    command: '--platforms [list]',
    description: 'Specify any additional platforms to be used by the packager',
    parse: (val: string) => val.split(','),
    default: (config: ConfigT) => config.getPlatforms(),
  }, {
    command: '--providesModuleNodeModules [list]',
    description: 'Specify any npm packages that import dependencies with providesModule',
    parse: (val: string) => val.split(','),
    default: (config: RNConfig) => {
      if (typeof config.getProvidesModuleNodeModules === 'function') {
        return config.getProvidesModuleNodeModules();
      return null;
  }, {
    command: '--max-workers [number]',
    description: 'Specifies the maximum number of workers the worker-pool ' +
      'will spawn for transforming files. This defaults to the number of the ' +
      'cores available on your machine.',
    parse: (workers: string) => Number(workers),
  }, {
    command: '--skipflow',
    description: 'Disable flow checks'
  }, {
    command: '--nonPersistent',
    description: 'Disable file watcher'
  }, {
    command: '--transformer [string]',
    description: 'Specify a custom transformer to be used'
  }, {
    command: '--reset-cache, --resetCache',
    description: 'Removes cached files',
  }, {
    command: '--custom-log-reporter-path, --customLogReporterPath [string]',
    description: 'Path to a JavaScript file that exports a log reporter as a replacement for TerminalReporter',
  }, {
    command: '--verbose',
    description: 'Enables logging',
  }, {
    command: '--https',
    description: 'Enables https connections to the server',
  }, {
    command: '--key [path]',
    description: 'Path to custom SSL key',
  }, {
    command: '--cert [path]',
    description: 'Path to custom SSL cert',