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* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* Gets build property from the main target build section
* It differs from the project.getBuildProperty exposed by xcode in the way that:
* - it only checks for build property in the main target `Debug` section
* - `xcode` library iterates over all build sections and because it misses
* an early return when property is found, it will return undefined/wrong value
* when there's another build section typically after the one you want to access
* without the property defined (e.g. CocoaPods sections appended to project
* miss INFOPLIST_FILE), see:
module.exports = function getBuildProperty(project, prop) {
const target = project.getFirstTarget().firstTarget;
const config = project.pbxXCConfigurationList()[target.buildConfigurationList];
const buildSection = project.pbxXCBuildConfigurationSection()[config.buildConfigurations[0].value];
return buildSection.buildSettings[prop];