• …n-disk image cache. (Fix #47)
    If a cache check is initiated, then canceled with cancelForDelegate: before a new cache check
    is started with a different URL but the same delegate, the ongoing disk cache check would still
    message the delegate despite being canceled by cancelForDelegate:. This is because it only
    checked to see if the delegate was in the cacheDelegates array; it had been removed by
    cancelForDelegate:, but added back by the new unrelated cache check. cacheURLs keeps track
    of which specific URLs are actually requested by the delegate. If the URL from a completed
    disk cache check does not match the delegate in cacheDelegates, the delegate is not messaged
    (since we know that request was canceled).
    by Adam Ernst
    Browse Files
  • by Olivier Poitrey
    Browse Files

  • As showing/hiding the network activity indicator could conflict with your own code (i.e. the lib may hide the indicator when your code would still do some network stuff), the show/hide of the indicator isn't performed by the lib directly but SDWebImageDownloadStartNotification and SDWebImageDownloadStopNotification notifications are posted instead.
    This lets you handle the indicator visiblity by yourself. If you're lazy, you can use the SDNetworkActivityIndicator library (http://github.com/rs/SDNetworkActivityIndicator) to handle it automatically. Once added to your project, all you have to do is to import this lib in addition to the SDWebImage lib.
    Note that you should then use SDNetworkActivityIndicator for all your network status indicator visibility changes in your code if you don't want conflicts to happen.
    by Olivier Poitrey
    Browse Files