# 订单服务接口
## 接口列表
| 接口 | 接口名称 | 开发环境 | 测试环境 | 线上环境 | 备注 |
| ---- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ---- |
| app.SpaceOrders.get |[订单列表](/orders.md#1)| Y | Y | Y | |
| app.SpaceOrders.getShareOrder |[晒单订单列表](#1)| Y | Y | Y | |
| app.SpaceOrders.info |[订单详情](/orders.md#2)| Y | Y | Y | 已废弃 |
| app.SpaceOrders.detail |[订单详情](/orders.md#2)| Y | Y | Y | |
| app.SpaceOrders.getQrByOrderCode |[获取电子票列表](#1)| Y | Y | N | |
| app.SpaceOrders.close |[取消订单](/orders.md#3)| Y | Y | Y | |
| app.SpaceOrders.delOrderByCode |[删除订单](/orders.md#4)| Y | Y | Y | |
| app.SpaceOrders.confirm |[确认订单](/orders.md#5)| Y | Y | Y | |
| app.SpaceOrders.updateOrdersPaymentByCode |[更新订单支付信息](#1)| Y | Y | Y | |
| app.SpaceOrders.payConfirm |[支付确认](#1)| Y | Y | Y | |
| app.SpaceOrders.history |[历史订单列表](/orders.md#10)| Y | Y | N | | |
\ No newline at end of file |
| 接口名称 | 接口描述 |
| --------| -------- |
## 接口描述
### 1、订单列表
#### 说明
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | string | true | app.SpaceOrders.get| 请求方法 不可变 |
| uid | int | true | 1 | |
| type | int | true | 1 | 订单类型 1:全部订单,2:待付款,3:待发货,4:待收货,5:待评论/成功订单,7:失败/取消 |
| page | int | false | 1 | 页数 |
| limit | int | false | 10 | 每页大小 |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"data": {
"order_list": [
"id": "5528982",
"order_code": "1519273880",
"parent_order_code": "0",
"order_type": 1,
"refund_status": 0,
"uid": "5772257",
"create_time": "1449633428",
"update_time": "1449633455",
"pay_expire": "2015-12-09 13:57:08",
"payment": "2",
"payment_status": "Y",
"payment_type": "1",
"payment_type_str": "在线支付",
"status": 1,
"status_str": "已付款",
"attribute": "5",
"is_cancel": "N",
"is_comment": "N",
"amount": "1.00",
"shipping_cost": "0.00",
"use_limit_code": "N",
"user_confirm_paid": "N",
"buy_total": 1,
"order_goods": [
"buy_number": 1,
"goods_id": 125106,
"goods_image": "http://img10.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2014/06/19/02/0118c2721e4f2219f69539dd389f4bacac.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"goods_price": "1.00",
"goods_type": "ordinary",
"goods_amount": "1.00",
"product_id": 84230,
"product_name": "004 满版龙纹迷彩七分休闲裤",
"product_skn": 51055461,
"refund_num": 0,
"size_name": "M",
"color_name": "彩色",
"cn_alphabet": "004QiFenBuKu004PA095",
"expect_arrival_time": ""
"page": 1,
"page_total": 27,
"total": 265
"message": "ok"
##### 响应内容描述
| Param Name | Param Type | Desc |
| ---------- | ---------- | ---- |
| page | int | 当前页数 |
| page_total | int | 总页数 |
| total | int | 总记录数 |
| order_list | json | 订单列表 |
| id | string | |
| order_code | string | |
| parent_order_code | string | |
| order_type | int | 订单类型 1:有货,3:iphone,4:android,5:淘宝,6:h5,7:是换货,9:渠道,20:ipad |
| refund_status | int | 退货状态(该字段基本不用了)0:正常订单,1:退货审核中,2:退货审核不通过,3:退货审核通过,4:退货商品寄回,5:退货库房入库,6:财务退款,7:完成 |
| uid | string | |
| create_time| string | 创建时间 |
| update_time| string | 更新时间 |
| pay_expire | string | 支付超期时间 |
| payment | string | 支付方式编号 |
| payment_status | string | 支付状态 Y:已支付,N:未支付 |
| payment_type | string | 支付方式 1:在线支付,2:货到付款,3:现金支付,4:抵消支付 |
| status | int | 状态 0:待付款,1-3:待发货,4-5:待收货(0:未付款,1:已付款,2:备货中,3:配货中,4:已发货,5:运输中,6:已完成)|
| status_str | string | 状态名称 |
| is_cancel | string | 是否取消 Y:已取消,N:未取消 |
| is_comment | string | 是否评论 Y:已评论,N:未评论 |
| amount | string | 订单金额 |
| shipping_cost | string | 运费 |
| use_limit_code | string | 使用限购码 Y:使用,N:未使用 |
| user_confirm_paid| string | 用户确认支付 Y:是,N:否 |
| buy_total | int | 购买商品数量 |
| order_goods| json | 购买商品 |
| buy_number | int | 购买商品数量 |
| goods_id | int | |
| goods_image| string | 商品默认图片 |
| goods_price| string | 商品价格 |
| goods_type | string | 商品类型 ordinary:普通商品 |
| goods_amount | string | 商品总价格 |
| product_id | int | |
| product_name | string | 商品名称 |
| product_skn| int | 商品skn |
| refund_num | int | 退货数量 |
| size_name | string | 商品尺寸 |
| color_name | string | 商品颜色 |
| cn_alphabet| string | |
| expect_arrival_time | string | 预期到货时间 |
### 3、取消订单
#### 说明
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Value | Desc|
| :-------- | --------------:|----:|
| method | app.SpaceOrders.close| 请求方法 |
| order_code | 1061003682 | 订单号 |
#### 响应内容
### 5、确认订单
#### 说明
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Value | Desc|
| :-------- | --------------:|----:|
| method | app.SpaceOrders.confirm| 请求方法 |
| order_code | 1061003682 | 订单号 |
#### 响应内容
### 6、获取电子票列表
#### 说明
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Value | Desc|
| :-------- | --------------:|----:|
| method | app.SpaceOrders.getQrByOrderCode| 请求方法 |
| order_code | 1061003682 | 订单号 |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"data": {
"ticks": [{
"title": "FURY ANIMALS Normal迷彩系列BUNNY短袖TEE"
"md5": "24aff7ba505dccb63a14b5d78ae22821",
"message": "ok"
##### 响应内容描述
| Param Name | Param Type | Desc |
| ---------- | ---------- | ---- |
| title | string | 商品名称 |
| ticks | json | 电子票 |
| ticket_code| string | 电子票code |
| qr_image | string | 电子票code二维码图片路径 |
| passkit | string | |
### 7、获取YOHO赠品
#### 说明
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Value | Desc|
| :-------- | --------------:|----:|
| method | web.Shopping.yohoGift| 请求方法 |
| skn_list | [50001829,50002280]| skn列表 |
#### 响应内容
"alg": "SALT_MD5",
"code": 200,
"default_pic": "http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2012/03/02/17/019a0794f1eb1ad77ce5d8a2c2b2cf2e50.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"id": 3,
"sales_price": 250,
"yoho_coin_num": 0
"product_name": "OVERKILL 天使山羊TEE",
"storage": 0,
"erp_sku_id": 102009,
"goods_dimension_id": 201,
"goods_id": 3,
"product_id": 3,
"size_name": "L"
"storage_num": 0
"erp_sku_id": 102010,
"goods_dimension_id": 203,
"goods_id": 3,
"product_id": 3,
"size_name": "M"
"storage_num": 0
"erp_sku_id": 102012,
"goods_dimension_id": 211,
"goods_id": 3,
"product_id": 3,
"size_name": "XL"
"storage_num": 0
"url": "http://www.yohobuy.com/product/pro_3_3/OVERKILL TianShiShanYangTEE.html"
"default_pic": "http://img10.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2011/06/23/04/0158a984a768a351328138ea3671e270de.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"id": 5,
"sales_price": 138,
"yoho_coin_num": 0
"product_name": "MANIA TAKI X 圆领印花短袖TEE",
"storage": 0,
"erp_sku_id": 102015,
"goods_dimension_id": 213,
"goods_id": 5,
"product_id": 5,
"size_name": "XS"
"storage_num": 0
"url": "http://www.yohobuy.com/product/pro_5_5/MANIA TAKI X YuanLingYinHuaDuanXiuTEE.html"
"md5": "d6e4c90434e98a90555d864cf4798679",
"message": "操作成功"
### 8、购物车列表
#### 说明
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Value | Desc|
| :-------- | --------------:|----:|
| method | app.Shopping.cart| 请求方法 |
| shopping_key | 9c101f734768105aafc792d460d12206 | |
| uid | 10166061 | |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"data": {
"advance_cart_data": {
"gift_list": [],
"goods_list": [],
"price_gift": [],
"promotion_info": [],
"shopping_cart_data": {
"discount_amount": 0,
"fast_shopping_cost": 0,
"gain_yoho_coin": 0,
"goods_count": 0,
"last_order_amount": 0,
"order_amount": 0,
"promotion_formula": "总计¥0.00=商品金额¥0.00",
"promotion_formula_list": [
"promotion": "商品金额",
"promotion_amount": "¥0.00"
"selected_goods_count": 0,
"shipping_cost": 0,
"str_discount_amount": "¥0.00",
"str_order_amount": "¥0.00"
"sold_out_goods_list": []
"ordinary_cart_data": {
"gift_list": [],
"goods_list": [
"attribute": "1",
"brand_id": "350",
"buy_limit": 0,
"buy_number": "1",
"color_id": "7",
"color_name": "蓝色",
"expect_arrival_time": "",
"fit_promotions": [
"get_yoho_coin": "0",
"goods_id": "404795",
"goods_images": "http://....jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"goods_type": "ordinary",
"is_advance": "N",
"is_jit": "N",
"is_limited": "N",
"is_outlets": "N",
"is_special": "N",
"last_price": "319.0",
"last_vip_price": 369,
"market_price": 369,
"max_sort_id": "7",
"middle_sort_id": "49",
"product_id": 314449,
"product_name": "MACROPUS 复古帆布系列 双肩包(男女通用)",
"product_skc": "306652",
"product_skn": "51174830",
"product_sku": "967008",
"promotion_flag": "103",
"promotion_id": "0",
"real_price": 319,
"real_vip_price": 0,
"sale_price": 0,
"sales_price": 369,
"selected": "Y",
"shop_id": 0,
"shopping_cart_goods_id": "94305847",
"shopping_cart_id": "130769237",
"size_id": "199",
"size_name": "F",
"small_sort_id": "152",
"storage_number": "99",
"str_subtotal": "¥369.00",
"subtotal": 369,
"supplier_id": 0,
"uid": "10166061",
"vip1_price": "350.55",
"vip2_price": "332.10",
"vip3_price": "324.72",
"vip_discount": 1,
"vip_discount_money": 0,
"vip_discount_type": "1",
"vip_price": 0,
"yoho_coin_num": "0"
"price_gift": [
"gift_price": 39,
"goods_list": [
"goods_images": "http://...jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/80",
"last_price": 39,
"market_price": 90,
"product_id": 269401,
"product_name": "VOCHIC 欧式多用抗菌艺术砧板",
"product_skn": 51150012,
"sales_price": 49,
"storage_number": 150
"max_select_number": "1",
"promotion_id": 8475,
"promotion_title": "【全场39元加价购】",
"promotion_type": "Needpaygift"
"promotion_info": [
"cutdown_amount": 50,
"promotion_id": 8579,
"promotion_title": "【包配随行】满¥299减¥50",
"promotion_type": "Cashreduce"
"shopping_cart_data": {
"discount_amount": 50,
"fast_shopping_cost": 15,
"gain_yoho_coin": 0,
"goods_count": 1,
"last_order_amount": 319,
"order_amount": 369,
"promotion_formula": "总计¥319.00=商品金额¥369.00-活动金额¥50.00",
"promotion_formula_list": [
"promotion": "商品金额",
"promotion_amount": "¥369.00"
"selected_goods_count": 1,
"shipping_cost": 10,
"str_discount_amount": "¥50.00",
"str_order_amount": "¥369.00"
"sold_out_goods_list": []
"md5": "d222cf08c9d43d0c5f3ab31d278cabd8",
"message": "cart goods list."
### 9、获取待处理订单总数
#### 说明
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Value | Desc |
| ---------- | ----------- | ---- |
| method | web.SpaceOrders.getPendingOrderCount| 请求方法 |
| uid | 5772257 | |
#### 响应内容
"code": 200,
"message": "操作成功"
"data": {
"count": 100
### 10、历史订单列表
#### 说明
#### 请求参数
| Param Name | Param Type | Required | Param Value | Desc |
| :-- | --: | --: | --: | --: |
| method | string | true | app.SpaceOrders.history| 请求方法 不可变 |
| uid | int | true | 1 |用户编号 |
| page | int | false | 1 | 页数 |
| limit | int | false | 10 | 每页大小 |
#### 响应内容
"alg": "SALT_MD5",
"code": 200,
"amount": "257.00",
"goods_data": "["\u7070\u8272V\u9886\u706f\u82af\u7ed2\u62fc\u8d34\u9488\u7ec7\u523a\u7ee3LOGO\u5f00\u80f8\u7ebf\u886b","L-HOUSE\u53cc\u9762\u62fc\u63a5\u9ed1\u767d\u671d\u9633\u683c\u56f4\u5dfe"]",
"order_code": "10380864",
"order_time": "1292069832",
"payment": "支付宝"
"amount": "237.00",
"goods_data": "["Jasonwood\u5f69\u8272\u978b\u5e26\u5b54\u725b\u4ed4\u4f11\u95f2\u978b"]",
"order_code": "68971578",
"order_time": "1310435462",
"payment": "支付宝"
"page": 1,
"total": 2,
"total_page": 1
"md5": "684313284330ddc5e2951f7e979d5712",
"message": "ok"
##### 响应内容描述
| Param Name | Param Type | Desc |
| ---------- | ---------- | ---- |
| page | int | 当前页数 |
| total_page | int | 总页数 |
| total | int | 总记录数 |
| list | json | 订单列表 |
| order_code | string |订单编号 |
| order_time | string |下单时间 |
| amount | string | 订单金额 |
| payment | string | 支付方式 |
| goods_data | string | 订单商品 | |
\ No newline at end of file |