require('3party/'); let $ = require('yoho-jquery'), yoho = require('yoho-app'), tipDg = require('plugin/tip'), share = require('common/share'); let question = { $base: $('#qs-wrap'), init: function() { let that = this; this.$errTip = $('.error-tip'); this.$item = $('.qs-item, .sub-qs-item', this.$base); this.startTime = Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000; if (this.$base.length) { let data = this.$; this.shareInfo = { title: data.title, link: '' +, desc: data.desc, imgUrl: data.img }; // 设置分享信息 share(this.shareInfo); // 设置app页面信息及分享信息 if (yoho.isApp) { yoho.ready(function() { yoho.invokeMethod('get.pageType', { pageType: 'questionnaire' }); yoho.invokeMethod('set.shareInfo', that.shareInfo); }); } } this.bindEvent(); }, bindEvent: function() { let that = this; this.$base.on('click', '.radio-option', function() { let $this = $(this), $par = $this.parent(); let jid = $'jid'); if (!$this.hasClass('on')) { $this.siblings('.on').removeClass('on'); $this.addClass('on'); if ($par.hasClass('qs-item')) { that.setSubQuestion($'.sub-qs-wrap'), jid); } } }).on('click', '.check-option', function() { let $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass('on')) { $this.removeClass('on'); } else { $this.addClass('on'); } }).on('click', 'input', function(e) { if (e && e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } else { window.event.cancelBubble = true; } }); $('.submit-btn').click(function() { that.saveAnswers(that.packAnswersInfo()); }); }, setSubQuestion: function($wrap, ids) { if (!$wrap.length) { return; } $wrap.slideUp(); $wrap.children().addClass('hide'); if (typeof ids === 'string' || typeof ids === 'number') { ids = [ids]; } if (!Array.isArray(ids)) { return; } let i; for (i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (ids[i]) { $wrap.find('.sub-' + ids[i]).removeClass('hide'); } } $wrap.slideDown(); }, packAnswersInfo: function() { let that = this; let answer = []; let $errDom; this.$item.each(function() { let $this = $(this); if ($errDom || $this.hasClass('hide')) { return; } let data = $; let ans = []; let errText = ''; if (+data.type === 3) { $this.find('.text-input').each(function() { let val = $.trim($(this).val()); if (val) { ans.push({ questionIndex: data.index, answerIndex: ans.length, addon: val }); } if (val.length > 400) { errText = '输入内容过长'; } }); } else { $this.find('.on').each(function() { let $that = $(this), $input = $that.find('input'), a = { questionIndex: data.index, answerIndex: $'index') }; if ($input && $input.length) { a.addon = $input.val(); } ans.push(a); }); if (data.type === '1') { ans.length = 1; } } if (errText || !ans.length) { $errDom = $this; if (!errText) { errText = +data.type === 3 ? '请填写一条回答' : '请选择一个选项'; } that.showError(errText, $errDom); } else { answer = $.merge(answer, ans); } }); if ($errDom) { return []; } else { return answer; } }, showError: function(tip, $errDom) { let that = this; this.$errTip.html(tip); if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } this.timer = setTimeout(function() { that.$errTip.empty(); }, 5000); if ($errDom) { let offTop = $errDom.offset().top, errHeight = this.$errTip.outerHeight(); $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: offTop - errHeight}, 500); } }, saveAnswers: function(info) { var that = this; if (this.saving || !info || !info.length) { return; } this.saving = true; setTimeout(function() { that.saving = false; }, 5000); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/3party/questionnaire/submit', data: { id: this.$'id'), uid: this.$'cid'), startTime: this.startTime, endTime: Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000, frontAnswers: JSON.stringify(info) } }).then(function(data) { that.saving = false; if (data.code === 200 || data.code === 206) { let tip = '调查问卷已成功提交,感谢您的帮助!'; if (data.code === 206 && data.message) { tip = data.message; }; setTimeout(function() { if (yoho.isApp) { yoho.invokeMethod('go.back'); } else { window.history.go(-1); } }, 2000); } else { || '网络出了点问题~'); } }); } }; let tipDialog = { $base: $('#tip-dialog'), init: function() { var that = this; this.$base.on('click', '.close-btn', function() { that.hide(); }); this.$base.on('click', '.back-btn', function() { window.history.go(-1); }); }, show: function() { this.$base.removeClass('hide'); }, hide: function() { this.$base.addClass('hide'); } }; tipDialog.init(); question.init(); if (question.$base.length) { $('.nav-back').removeAttr('href').click(function() {; }); } else if (yoho.isApp) { $('.qs-err a').removeAttr('href').click(function() { yoho.invokeMethod('go.back'); }); }