Authored by 陈峰

Merge branch 'feature/reSeckill' into 'release/5.5'

Feature/re seckill

See merge request !377
... ... @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
$(window).trigger('seckill', [data]);
if (productId && (goodsId || productSkn)) {
... ...
// 调用秒杀js
$(window).on('seckill', function() {
$(window).on('seckill', function(event, detailData) {
* [秒抢页面js]
* author: 李靖<>
* date: 2016/09/08
var $ = require('yoho-jquery'),
tip = require('../plugin/tip');
var seckillObj = {};
var offsetTime = 0;
var nowTime = 0;
var startTime = 0;
var endTime = 0,
diffTime = 0; // 误差时间
var dateText = 0,
newDate = 0,
newMonth = 0,
newDay = 0,
newHour = 0,
newMinus = 0;
var skuFlag,
var oneIndex = 0,
twoIndex = 0,
secKillPrice = 0;
seckillObj = {
el: {
iScroll: null,
currentTick: null
startTick: function(status, offsetTime) {
var that = this,
$el = this.el,
day = parseInt(offsetTime / (60 * 60 * 24), 10),
hour = parseInt(offsetTime % (60 * 60 * 24) / (60 * 60), 10),
minute = parseInt(offsetTime % (60 * 60) / 60, 10),
second = offsetTime % 60;
var $elem = status === 0 ? $('.seckill-count-num') : $('.end-time');
if (offsetTime >= -1) {
if (day <= 0) {
$elem.find('').text(day < 0 ? '00' : (day < 10 ? ('0' + day) : day));
$elem.find('.tick.hour').text(hour < 0 ? '00' : (hour < 10 ? ('0' + hour) : hour));
$elem.find('.tick.minute').text(minute < 0 ? '00' : (minute < 10 ? ('0' + minute) : minute));
$elem.find('.tick.second').text(second < 0 ? '00' : (second < 10 ? ('0' + second) : second));
if (offsetTime <= -1) { // 结束倒计时刷新状态
} else {
$el.currentTick = setTimeout(function() {
that.startTick(status, --offsetTime);
}, 1000);
function() {
$('#goodsDiscount').hide(); // 隐藏折扣楼层
var ajaxUrl = '/product/seckillDetail/seckillData/' + $('#productSkn').val();
var timestamp = Date.parse(new Date());
type: 'GET',
url: ajaxUrl + '?tamp=' + timestamp,
success: function(data) {
// 秒杀是否结束
if (data == '' || data.status === 0 || data.status === 3) {
window.location.replace('/product/' + $('#productSkn').val() + '.html'); // 商品url改版
// $('.sold-out').hide();
// $('.cart-bar a:first').append('<a href="javascript:;" class="sold-out">已售罄</a>');
// $('.addto-cart').hide();
// $('.cart-bar').show();
// $('.current-price').show();
} else {
// 秒杀开始前
if (data.status === 1) {
'<div class="seckill-count">' +
'<div class="seckill-count-bg"></div>' +
'<div class="seckill-count-num">距秒杀开始:' +
'<span class="day-c"><i class="tick day">00</i>天</span>' +
'<i class="tick hour">00</i>时' +
'<i class="tick minute">00</i>分' +
'<i class="tick second">00</i>秒' +
'</div>' +
$('.current-price').text('¥' + data.secKillPrice).show();
'<div class="seckill-time notStart">' +
'<span class="seckill-time-pic">秒杀预告</span>' +
'<span class="seckill-time-c">月日</span>' +
$('.cart-bar a:first').after('<a href="javascript:;" class="sold-out">即将开抢</a>');
// 秒杀进行中
if (data.status === 2) {
var chosePanel = require('common/chose-panel-new');
var seckillData = data.secKillSku;
function (val) {
function(item) {
if (val.skuId === item.productSku) { = item.storageNum;
$('#addtoCart').on('touchstart', function() {
data: detailData,
disableNum: true
}).then(result => {
if (result && result.sku) {
window.location.href = '/cart/index/seckill?skn=' + $('#productSkn').val() + '&sku=' + result.sku.skuId;
}, () => {
$('.chose-items .num').find('.clearfix').append(
'<span class="limit-num-text">限购1件</span>'
$('.sale-price').text('¥' + secKillPrice).show();
return false;
// $('.chose-panel .size-list').find('li[data-skuid != \'\']').each(
// function() {
// skuFlag = 0;
// for (var i = 0; i < data.secKillSku.length; i++) {
// if (data.secKillSku[i].productSku === Number($(this).attr('data-skuid'))) {
// skuFlag++;
// // 如果秒杀库存为0
// if (data.secKillSku[i].storageNum === 0) {
// $(this).addClass('zero-stock');
// oneIndex = $(this).index() + 1;
// twoIndex = $(this).parent('ul').index() - 2;
// $('.chose-panel .color-list ul:eq(' + oneIndex + ') li:eq(' + twoIndex + ')').addClass('zero-stock');
// }
// } else {
// // alert("没有匹配");
// }
// }
// if (skuFlag === 0) {
// $(this).addClass('zero-stock').attr('data-num', '0').addClass('hide');
// oneIndex = $(this).index() + 1;
// twoIndex = $(this).parent('ul').index() - 2;
// $('.chose-panel .color-list ul:eq(' + oneIndex + ') li:eq(' + twoIndex + ')').addClass('zero-stock').addClass('hide');
// }
// }
// );
// seckHide(); // 非秒杀库存置灰
// 插入倒计时
secKillPrice = toDecimal2(data.secKillPrice);
$('.current-price').text('¥' + secKillPrice).show();
var seckillNum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.secKillSku.length; i++) {
seckillNum = seckillNum + data.secKillSku[i].storageNum;
if (seckillNum === 0) {
$('.cart-bar a:first').append('<a href="javascript:;" class="sold-out">已售罄</a>');
error: function() {'网络异常~');
// function seckHide() {
// $('.chose-panel .size-list ul').each(
// function() {
// hideNum = 0;
// $(this).find('li').each(
// function() {
// if ($(this).hasClass('hide')) {
// oneIndex = $(this).index() + 1;
// twoIndex = $(this).parent('ul').index() - 2;
// $('.color-list ul:eq(' + oneIndex + ') li:eq(' + twoIndex + ')').hide();
// } else {
// hideNum++;
// }
// }
// );
// if (hideNum === 0) {
// hideIndex = $(this).index() - 2;
// $('.color-list ul:first li:eq(' + hideIndex + ')').hide();
// }
// }
// );
// $('.chose-panel .color-list ul').each(
// function() {
// hideNum = 0;
// $(this).find('li').each(
// function() {
// if ($(this).hasClass('hide')) {
// oneIndex = $(this).index() + 1;
// twoIndex = $(this).parent('ul').index() - 2;
// $('.size-list ul:eq(' + oneIndex + ') li:eq(' + twoIndex + ')').hide();
// } else {
// hideNum++;
// }
// }
// );
// if (hideNum === 0) {
// hideIndex = $(this).index() - 2;
// $('.size-list ul:first li:eq(' + hideIndex + ')').hide();
// }
// }
// );
// }
function addTimeout(obj) {
'<div class="seckill-time seckill-time-border">' +
'<span>距结束&nbsp</span>' +
'<span class="end-time">' +
'<i class="tick day hide">00</i>' +
'<i class="tick hour">00</i>:' +
'<i class="tick minute">00</i>:' +
'<i class="tick second">00</i>' +
'</span>' +
// 强制保留2位小数点
function toDecimal2(num) {
var f = parseFloat(num);
if (isNaN(f)) {
return false;
var f = Math.round(num * 100) / 100;
var s = f.toString();
var rs = s.indexOf('.');
if (rs < 0) {
rs = s.length;
s += '.';
while (s.length <= rs + 2) {
s += '0';
return s;
function timeInit(data) {
var status = 0;
startTime = data.startTime;
endTime = data.endTime;
diffTime = data.currentTime;
nowTime = diffTime;
if (startTime > nowTime) {
offsetTime = startTime - nowTime;
} else if (nowTime > startTime && nowTime < endTime) {
offsetTime = endTime - nowTime;
status = 1;
dateText = Number(data.startTime * 1000);
newDate = new Date(dateText);
newMonth = newDate.getMonth() + 1;
newDay = newDate.getDate();
newHour = newDate.getHours();
newMinus = newDate.getMinutes();
if (newMinus === 0) {
newMinus = '00';
$('.notStart').find('.seckill-time-c').text(newMonth + '月' + newDay + '日' + newHour + ':' + newMinus);
seckillObj.startTick(status, offsetTime);
// 调用新商品详情页js
... ...
* [秒抢页面js]
* author: 陈峰<>
* date: 2016/09/08
var $ = require('yoho-jquery'),
tip = require('../plugin/tip');
var seckillObj = {};
var timeObj = '';
var offsetTime = 0;
var nowTime = 0;
var startTime = 0;
var endTime = 0,
diffTime = 0; // 误差时间
var dateText = 0,
newDate = 0,
newMonth = 0,
newDay = 0,
newHour = 0,
newMinus = 0;
var skuFlag,
var oneIndex = 0,
twoIndex = 0,
secKillPrice = 0;
seckillObj = {
el: {
iScroll: null,
currentTick: null
startTick: function(elem, offsetTime) {
var that = this,
$el = this.el,
day = parseInt(offsetTime / (60 * 60 * 24), 10),
hour = parseInt(offsetTime % (60 * 60 * 24) / (60 * 60), 10),
minute = parseInt(offsetTime % (60 * 60) / 60, 10),
second = offsetTime % 60;
if (offsetTime >= -1) {
if (day <= 0) {
$(elem).find('').text(day < 0 ? '00' : (day < 10 ? ('0' + day) : day));
$(elem).find('.tick.hour').text(hour < 0 ? '00' : (hour < 10 ? ('0' + hour) : hour));
$(elem).find('.tick.minute').text(minute < 0 ? '00' : (minute < 10 ? ('0' + minute) : minute));
$(elem).find('.tick.second').text(second < 0 ? '00' : (second < 10 ? ('0' + second) : second));
if (offsetTime <= -1) { // 结束倒计时刷新状态
} else {
$el.currentTick = setTimeout(function() {
that.startTick(elem, --offsetTime);
}, 1000);
function() {
$('#goodsDiscount').hide(); // 隐藏折扣楼层
var ajaxUrl = '/product/seckillDetail/seckillData/' + $('#productSkn').val();
var timestamp = Date.parse(new Date());
type: 'GET',
url: ajaxUrl + '?tamp=' + timestamp,
success: function(data) {
// 秒杀是否结束
if (data == '' || data.status === 0 || data.status === 3) {
window.location.replace('/product/' + $('#productSkn').val() + '.html'); // 商品url改版
// $('.sold-out').hide();
// $('.cart-bar a:first').append('<a href="javascript:;" class="sold-out">已售罄</a>');
// $('.addto-cart').hide();
// $('.cart-bar').show();
// $('.current-price').show();
} else {
// 秒杀开始前
if (data.status === 1) {
'<div class="seckill-count">' +
'<div class="seckill-count-bg"></div>' +
'<div class="seckill-count-num">距秒杀开始:' +
'<span class="day-c"><i class="tick day">00</i>天</span>' +
'<i class="tick hour">00</i>时' +
'<i class="tick minute">00</i>分' +
'<i class="tick second">00</i>秒' +
'</div>' +
$('.current-price').text('¥' + data.secKillPrice).show();
'<div class="seckill-time notStart">' +
'<span class="seckill-time-pic">秒杀预告</span>' +
'<span class="seckill-time-c">月日</span>' +
$('.cart-bar a:first').after('<a href="javascript:;" class="sold-out">即将开抢</a>');
// 秒杀进行中
if (data.status === 2) {
$('.chose-panel .size-list').find('li[data-skuid != \'\']').each(
function() {
skuFlag = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.secKillSku.length; i++) {
if (data.secKillSku[i].productSku === Number($(this).attr('data-skuid'))) {
// 如果秒杀库存为0
if (data.secKillSku[i].storageNum === 0) {
oneIndex = $(this).index() + 1;
twoIndex = $(this).parent('ul').index() - 2;
$('.chose-panel .color-list ul:eq(' + oneIndex + ') li:eq(' + twoIndex + ')').addClass('zero-stock');
} else {
// alert("没有匹配");
if (skuFlag === 0) {
$(this).addClass('zero-stock').attr('data-num', '0').addClass('hide');
oneIndex = $(this).index() + 1;
twoIndex = $(this).parent('ul').index() - 2;
$('.chose-panel .color-list ul:eq(' + oneIndex + ') li:eq(' + twoIndex + ')').addClass('zero-stock').addClass('hide');
seckHide(); // 非秒杀库存置灰
// 插入倒计时
secKillPrice = toDecimal2(data.secKillPrice);
$('.current-price').text('¥' + secKillPrice).show();
$('.sale-price').text('¥' + secKillPrice).show();
$('.chose-items .num').find('.clearfix').append(
'<span class="limit-num-text">限购1件</span>'
var seckillNum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.secKillSku.length; i++) {
seckillNum = seckillNum + data.secKillSku[i].storageNum;
if (seckillNum === 0) {
$('.cart-bar a:first').append('<a href="javascript:;" class="sold-out">已售罄</a>');
startTime = data.startTime;
endTime = data.endTime;
diffTime = data.currentTime;
// nowTime = Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000;
nowTime = diffTime; // 使用请求服务器时间作为当前时间
if (startTime > nowTime) {
offsetTime = startTime - nowTime;
timeObj = $('.seckill-count-num');
} else if (nowTime > startTime && nowTime < endTime) {
offsetTime = endTime - nowTime;
timeObj = $('.end-time');
dateText = Number(data.startTime * 1000);
newDate = new Date(dateText);
newMonth = newDate.getMonth() + 1;
newDay = newDate.getDate();
newHour = newDate.getHours();
newMinus = newDate.getMinutes();
if (newMinus === 0) {
newMinus = '00';
$('.notStart').find('.seckill-time-c').text(newMonth + '月' + newDay + '日' + newHour + ':' + newMinus);
seckillObj.startTick(timeObj, offsetTime);
error: function() {'网络异常~');
function seckHide() {
$('.chose-panel .size-list ul').each(
function() {
hideNum = 0;
function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('hide')) {
oneIndex = $(this).index() + 1;
twoIndex = $(this).parent('ul').index() - 2;
$('.color-list ul:eq(' + oneIndex + ') li:eq(' + twoIndex + ')').hide();
} else {
if (hideNum === 0) {
hideIndex = $(this).index() - 2;
$('.color-list ul:first li:eq(' + hideIndex + ')').hide();
$('.chose-panel .color-list ul').each(
function() {
hideNum = 0;
function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('hide')) {
oneIndex = $(this).index() + 1;
twoIndex = $(this).parent('ul').index() - 2;
$('.size-list ul:eq(' + oneIndex + ') li:eq(' + twoIndex + ')').hide();
} else {
if (hideNum === 0) {
hideIndex = $(this).index() - 2;
$('.size-list ul:first li:eq(' + hideIndex + ')').hide();
function addTimeout(obj) {
'<div class="seckill-time seckill-time-border">' +
'<span>距结束&nbsp</span>' +
'<span class="end-time">' +
'<i class="tick day hide">00</i>' +
'<i class="tick hour">00</i>:' +
'<i class="tick minute">00</i>:' +
'<i class="tick second">00</i>' +
'</span>' +
// 强制保留2位小数点
function toDecimal2(num) {
var f = parseFloat(num);
if (isNaN(f)) {
return false;
var f = Math.round(num * 100) / 100;
var s = f.toString();
var rs = s.indexOf('.');
if (rs < 0) {
rs = s.length;
s += '.';
while (s.length <= rs + 2) {
s += '0';
return s;
... ... @@ -578,6 +578,8 @@ $basicBtnC: #eb0313;
font-size: 18px;
padding: 0 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-right: 5px;
vertical-align: middle;
... ... @@ -594,6 +596,8 @@ $basicBtnC: #eb0313;
position: absolute;
left: 380px;
bottom: 0;
background: #fff;
z-index: 1;
.seckill-time-border {
... ...