/** * 个人中心--收藏 * @author: zxr * @date: 2016/8/16 */ require('scss/home/favorite.page.scss'); let $ = require('yoho-jquery'), Hammer = require('yoho-hammer'), Swiper = require('yoho-swiper'); let diaLog = require('js/plugin/dialog'); let tip = require('js/plugin/tip'); let $navLi = $('#fav-tab > li'), $favContainer = $('.fav-content > .fav-type'), swiperObj = {}, favTabHammer, favContentHammer, $loadMore = $('.fav-load-more'), $brandLoadMore = $('.fav-brand-load-more'), winH = $(window).height(), footerH = $('#yoho-footer').height(), $favProductList = $('.fav-product-list'), $favBrandList = $('.fav-brand-swiper-wrapper'), pageId = 1, brandPageId = 1, // 收藏品牌的当前页数 lockId = true, brandLockId = true, // 收藏品牌是否可下拉加载更多 brandTab = false; // 当前是否停留在收藏品牌页 require('js/common'); function showFavTab(index) { $navLi.filter('.active').removeClass('active'); $navLi.eq(index).addClass('active'); $favContainer.filter('.show').removeClass('show'); $favContainer.eq(index).addClass('show'); } // 初始化swiper function initSwiper(data) { let i, idStrReg = /container-(\d+)['"]{1}/gi, idReg = /\d+/, idArr = data.match(idStrReg), idArrLen = idArr && idArr.length || 0, containerId; // $swiperList = $('.swiper-container'); for (i = 0; i < idArrLen; i++) { /* id = $swiperList.eq(i).attr('data-id'); if (!!swiperObj[id]) { swiperObj[id].destroy(true, true); }*/ containerId = idArr[i].match(idReg)[0]; swiperObj[containerId] = new Swiper('#swiper-container-' + containerId, { slidesPerView: 'auto', grabCursor: true, slideElement: 'li', wrapperClass: 'swiper-wrapper-' + containerId, lazyLoading: true, watchSlidesVisibility: true }); } } // 上拉加载更多 function loadData($parent, url, page) { if (url === 'favBrand') { brandLockId = true; } else { lockId = true; } $.ajax({ method: 'get', url: '/home/' + url, data: { page: page }, success: function(data) { let $loadingMask = $parent.closest('.fav-type').find('.fav-content-loading'); if (url === 'favBrand') { $brandLoadMore.addClass('hide'); } else { $loadMore.addClass('hide'); } if (data.total === 0) { $loadingMask.addClass('hide'); $parent.closest('.fav-type').find('.fav-null-box').removeClass('hide').addClass('show'); window.rePosFooter(); } else if (data.more === true) { // 处理data等于end时如果loadingMask存在且没有hide样式的情况 if ($loadingMask && !$loadingMask.hasClass('hide')) { $loadingMask.addClass('hide'); // $parent.closest('.fav-type').find('.fav-null-box').removeClass('hide'); } $parent.closest('.fav-type').find('.fav-load-background') .removeClass('fav-load-background').html('没有更多了'); // hf: fixes bug to 修改没有数据还调接口,加载错误页面问题 brandLockId = true; lockId = true; } else if (data.length > 10) { $parent.append(data); // 如果有数据loadingMask会被remove掉 $loadingMask.remove(); if (url === 'favBrand') { initSwiper(data);// 如果是收藏品牌需要初始化swiper brandLockId = false;// 请求成功后解锁品牌收藏page++ } else { lockId = false;// 请求成功后解锁商品收藏page++ } } window.rePosFooter(); } }); } // 如果从品牌收藏入口进入 if ($('#fav-tab').hasClass('brand-tab')) { // showFavTab(1); // loadData($favBrandList, 'favBrand', 1); initSwiper($favBrandList.html()); brandTab = true; window.rePosFooter(); brandLockId = false;// 请求成功后解锁品牌收藏page++ } else { // showFavTab(0); // loadData($favProductList, 'favProduct', 1); brandTab = false; window.rePosFooter(); lockId = false;// 请求成功后解锁商品收藏page++ } favTabHammer = new Hammer(document.getElementById('fav-tab')); favTabHammer.on('tap', function(e) { let $cur = $(e.target).closest('li'), index; if ($cur.length === 0 || $cur.hasClass('active')) { return; } index = $cur.index(); if (index === 0) { brandTab = false; if ($favProductList.find('li').length === 0 && !$favProductList.closest('.fav-type').find('.fav-null-box').hasClass('show')) { loadData($favProductList, 'favProduct', 1); } } else { brandTab = true; if ($favBrandList.find('div').length === 0 && !$favBrandList.closest('.fav-type').find('.fav-null-box').hasClass('show')) { loadData($favBrandList, 'favBrand', 1); } } showFavTab(index); window.rePosFooter(); }); // 删除收藏的商品 favContentHammer = new Hammer(document.getElementById('fav-content')); favContentHammer.on('tap', function(e) { let id = ''; if (!$(e.target).hasClass('del-fav')) { return; } diaLog.showDialog({ dialogText: '您确定要取消收藏吗?', hasFooter: { leftBtnText: '取消', rightBtnText: '确定' } }, function() { id = $(e.target).closest('li').data('id'); $.ajax({ method: 'post', url: '/home/favoriteDel', data: { id: id } }).then(function(data) { if (data.code === 200) { diaLog.showDialog({ autoHide: true, fast: true, dialogText: '已经取消收藏' }); $(e.target).closest('li').remove(); location.reload(); } else if (data.code === 400) { diaLog.showDialog({ autoHide: true, fast: true, dialogText: data.message }); } else { diaLog.showDialog({ autoHide: true, fast: true, dialogText: '取消收藏失败' }); } }).fail(function() { // TODO diaLog.showDialog({ autoHide: true, dialogText: '网络错误~' }); }); }); }); function scrollHandler() { // 距离底部未1/4列表高度+底部高度的时候加载更多 if ($(window).scrollTop() + winH >= $(document).height() - 0.25 * $favBrandList.height() - footerH) { if (brandTab) { $brandLoadMore.filter('.hide').removeClass('hide'); if (!brandLockId) { brandPageId++; loadData($favBrandList, 'favBrand', brandPageId); } } else { $loadMore.filter('.hide').removeClass('hide'); if (!lockId) { pageId++; loadData($favProductList, 'favProduct', pageId); } } } } // srcoll to load more $(window).scroll(scrollHandler); $(document).on('touchend', '.swiper-header', function() { let url = $(this).find('.fav-more').attr('href'); if (url) { window.location.href = url; } }); $('.invalidGoods').on('touchstart touchend', function(e) { let $this = $(e.target).closest('span'); if ($this.hasClass('del-fav')) { return; } tip.show('商品已下架'); return false; });