'use strict';

const Promise = require('bluebird');
const co = Promise.coroutine;
const _ = require('lodash');
const moment = require('moment');
const helpers = global.yoho.helpers;

const pager = require('./pager').handlePagerData;
const OrderApi = require('./orders-api');
const ChannelConfig = require('./channel-config');

module.exports = class extends global.yoho.BaseModel {
    constructor(ctx) {

        this.ORDER_TYPE = {
            all: 1,                // 全部
            waitingForPay: 2,      // 待付款
            waitingForSend: 3,     // 待发货
            waitingForReceive: 4,  // 待收货
            completed: 5,          // 已完成
            canceled: 7            // 已取取消

        this.ORDER_EMPTY_DESC = {
            1: '您还没有任何订单',
            5: '您目前还没有成功的订单',
            7: '您还没有任何取消的订单'

        this.TABS = [
            {type: 1, name: '现有订单'},
            {type: 5, name: '成功订单'},
            {type: 7, name: '已取消订单'}

        this.ORDER_OP_ALL = [
                type: 'closeOrder',
                name: '取消订单',
                cancelOrder: true,
                hrefFun: () => 'javascript:void(0)' // eslint-disable-line
                type: 'buyNow',
                name: '立即付款',
                payNow: true,
                hrefFun: it => helpers.urlFormat('/shopping/newpay', {ordercode: it})
                type: 'getExpress',
                name: '查看物流',
                express: true,
                hrefFun: () => 'javascript:void(0)' // eslint-disable-line
                type: 'confirm',
                name: '确认订单',
                confirmReceived: true,
                hrefFun: () => 'javascript:void(0)' // eslint-disable-line
                type: 'delOrder',
                name: '删除订单',
                delOrder: true,
                hrefFun: () => ''
                type: 'lookQrcode',
                name: '查看二维码',
                qrcode: true,
                hrefFun: it => helpers.urlFormat('/home/qrcode', {orderCode: it})
                type: 'afterService',
                name: '售后服务',
                afterService: true,
                hrefFun: () => ''
                type: 'exchange',
                name: '申请换货',
                optDis: true,
                hrefFun: it => helpers.urlFormat('/home/returns/exchangerequest', {orderCode: it})
                type: 'refund',
                name: '申请退货',
                optDis: true,
                hrefFun: it => helpers.urlFormat('/home/returns/refundrequest', {orderCode: it})
                type: 'shareOrder',
                name: '晒单评价',
                comment: true,
                hrefFun: it => helpers.urlFormat('/home/comment/order', {orderId: it})
                type: 'readd',
                name: '再次购买',
                reBuy: true,
                hrefFun: () => ''
                type: 'showDetail',
                name: '查看订单',
                showDetail: true,
                hrefFun: it => helpers.urlFormat('/home/orders/detail', {orderCode: it})
                type: 'refundApply',
                name: '申请退款',
                refund: true,
                hrefFun: () => 'javascript:void(0)' // eslint-disable-line
                type: 'deposit',
                name: '定金预售商品只能在APP端操作',
                deposit: true,
                hrefFun: () => ''

     * 转换价格
     * @param float|string $price 价格
     * @return float|string 转换之后的价格
    transPrice(price) {
        return price ? (price * 1).toFixed(2) : '0.00';

    _getTabs(type) {
        type = type || 1;

        return this.TABS.map((tab) => {
            tab.active = tab.type === type;
            tab.url = helpers.urlFormat('/home/orders', {page: 1, type: tab.type});
            return tab;

    _getOrderStatus(isCancel, status, payType, payStatus, statusStr) {
        // 初始化:未取消,待付款
        let ret = {
            cancel: false,
            keyName: 'noPay'

        if (isCancel === 'Y') {
            ret = {cancel: true, statusStr: '已取消'};
        } else {
            switch (status) {
                case 0:
                    // '订单已成功,等待付款'
                    if (payType !== 2 && payStatus === 'N') {
                        ret.keyName = 'noPay';
                    } else if (payType !== 2 && payStatus === 'Y') {
                        // '订单已付款,等待备货中'
                        ret.keyName = 'paid';
                    } else if (payType === 2 && payStatus === 'N') {
                        // '订单已成功,等待备货中'-货到付款
                        ret.keyName = 'complete';
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                    // '订单已付款,等待备货中'
                    ret.keyName = 'paid';
                case 4:
                case 5:
                    // '订单已发货'
                    ret.keyName = 'shipped';
                case 6:
                    // '交易完成';
                    ret.keyName = 'reback';
                    ret.keyName = 'unknown';

        ret.statusStr = statusStr;

        return ret;

    _getOperateInfo(orderCode, operators) {
        return _.flatten(operators.map(it => this.ORDER_OP_ALL.filter(op => op.type === it).map((op) => {
            return Object.assign({}, op, {
                href: op.hrefFun(orderCode)

    _getGoodsTag(attribute, goodsType) {
        let goodsTagName = '';

        switch (goodsType) {

            // 赠品
            case 'gift':
                goodsTagName = 'freebie';

            // 加价购
            case 'price_gift':
                goodsTagName = 'advanceBuy';

            // 预售
            case 'advance':
                goodsTagName = 'preSaleGood';

            // outlet
            case 'outlet':
                goodsTagName = '';

            // 免单
            case 'free':
                goodsTagName = '';

            // 电子
            case 'ticket':
                goodsTagName = 'virtualGood';

        // 虚拟
        if (attribute === 3) {
            goodsTagName = 'virtualGood';

        return goodsTagName;

    _getUrlSafe(url) {
        if (!url) {
            return '';

        const WhiteList = ['/special_', '/special/'];

        if (_.some(WhiteList, (val) => _.includes(url, val))) {
            return url;

        return url.replace('http://', '//');

    _getExpressInfo(orderCode, uid, paymentType, createTime, isDetail) {
        let that = this;

        return co(function * () {
            let result = {};

            isDetail = isDetail || false;

            result.logisticsUrl = '';
            result.logisticsImg = '';
            result.logisticsCompany = '';
            result.courierNumbe = '';
            result.logistics = [];

            if (paymentType === 1) {
                if (isDetail) {
                } else {
                    result.logistics.push(moment.unix(createTime).format('YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss') + ' 您的订单已提交,等待付款');
            if (paymentType === 2) {
                if (isDetail) {
                    result.logistics = result.logistics.concat([
                        moment.unix(createTime).format('YYYY-M-D H:m:s'),
                        ' ',
                } else {
                    result.logistics.push(moment.unix(createTime).format('YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss') + ' 您的订单已提交,等待审核');

            // 有物流
            if (orderCode) {
                let logistics = yield new OrderApi(that.ctx).getLogisticsData(orderCode, uid);

                if (_.has(logistics, 'data')) {
                    result.logisticsUrl = that._getUrlSafe(logistics.data.url);
                    result.logisticsImg = logistics.data.logo || '';
                    result.logisticsCompany = logistics.data.caption || '';
                    result.courierNumbe = logistics.data.express_number || '';
                    let expressDetail = logistics.data.express_detail || [];

                    if (!_.isEmpty(expressDetail)) {
                        let logisticsTmp = result.logistics[0]; // 暂存

                        result.logistics = [];
                        expressDetail.forEach((value) => {
                            let pos = value.accept_address.indexOf(' ');

                            pos = pos === -1 ? 0 : pos;

                            let city = value.accept_address.substr(0, pos);
                            let exInfo = value.accept_address.substr(pos);

                            if (isDetail) {
                                result.logistics.push([value.acceptTime, city, exInfo]);
                            } else {
                                result.logistics.push(value.acceptTime + city + exInfo);

                        // 把最初的处理放最后

            return result;

     * 获取我的订单列表数据
    getOrders(uid, page, limit, type, isPage) {
        let that = this;

        return co(function *() {
            isPage = isPage || false;

            let orderInfo = yield new OrderApi(that.ctx).getUserOrders(
                uid, page, limit, type
            ).then(res => _.get(res, 'data', {}));

            if (_.isEmpty(_.get(orderInfo, 'order_list', []))) {
                return {
                    empty: that.ORDER_EMPTY_DESC[type] || '',
                    list: []

            let result = {};

            const handleOrder = function(order) {
                order.payment_type = +order.payment_type;

                let newOrder = {};

                newOrder.orderNum = order.order_code; // 订单标识
                newOrder.orderTime = moment.unix(_.get(order, 'create_time')).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
                newOrder.time = _.get(order, 'create_time');
                newOrder.payType = _.get(order, 'payment_type');
                newOrder.title = _.get(order, 'order_title');

                if (order.is_cancel === 'Y' || order.status === 6) {
                    newOrder.canDelete = true; // 删除订单

                let statusInfo = that._getOrderStatus(order.is_cancel, order.status, order.payment_type,
                    order.payment_status, order.status_str

                // 订单状态
                if (statusInfo.cancel) {
                    newOrder.cancel = statusInfo.cancel;
                } else {
                    if (statusInfo.keyName) {
                        newOrder[statusInfo.keyName] = true;

                newOrder.statusStr = statusInfo.statusStr;

                newOrder.goods = _.get(order, 'order_goods', []).map((good) => {
                    let newGood = {};

                    newGood.href = helpers.getUrlBySkc(good.product_skn);
                    newGood.thumb = helpers.image(good.goods_image, 100, 100);
                    newGood.name = good.product_name;
                    newGood.color = good.factory_color_name;
                    newGood.size = good.size_name;
                    newGood.price = that.transPrice(good.sales_price);// 默认显示销售价
                    newGood.isVipPrice = good.discount_tag === 'V';
                    newGood.isStuPrice = good.discount_tag === 'S';

                    // 划线的价格
                    if (+good.real_pay_price < +good.sales_price) {
                        newGood.price = that.transPrice(good.real_pay_price);// 显示分摊价
                        newGood.linePrice = that.transPrice(good.sales_price); // 划线的价格

                    // 赠品、加价购
                    if (good.goods_type === 'gift' || good.goods_type === 'price_gift') {
                        newGood.price = that.transPrice(good.goods_price);// 显示成交价
                        newGood.linePrice = that.transPrice(good.sales_price); // 划线的价格

                    let buyNum = _.parseInt(good.buy_number);
                    let refundNum = _.parseInt(good.refund_num);

                    newGood.count = buyNum;
                    newGood.refundStatus = refundNum > 0;// 只要发生一件退换,退换过的标记
                    newGood.goRefundUrl = helpers.urlFormat('/home/returns');
                    newGood.arrivalDate = good.expect_arrival_time;

                    let goodsTagName = that._getGoodsTag(+order.attribute, good.goods_type);

                    if (goodsTagName) {
                        newGood[goodsTagName] = true;

                    return newGood;

                newOrder.pay = order.amount; // 付款数
                newOrder.fregit = order.shipping_cost; // 邮费

                // 操作
                let op = _.get(order, 'links', []);

                // 新增加一些操作

                if (_.get(order, 'is_support_exchange', 'N') === 'Y') {

                if (_.get(order, 'is_support_refund', 'N') === 'Y') {

                if (+order.attribute === 9 || +order.attribute === 11) {
                    op = ['deposit'];

                newOrder.operation = that._getOperateInfo(order.order_code, op);

                return newOrder;

            result.list = _.get(orderInfo, 'order_list', []).map(handleOrder);

            if (isPage) {
                result.pager = {
                    total: orderInfo.total,
                    pageTotal: orderInfo.page_total,
                    page: orderInfo.page

            return result;

    index(uid, page, limit, type) {
        let that = this;

        return co(function * () {
            let result = yield Promise.props({
                orders: that.getOrders(uid, page, limit, type, true),
                cancelReason: new OrderApi(that.ctx).closeReasons().then(res => _.get(res, 'data', ''))

            result.pager = pager(_.get(result, 'orders.pager.total', 0), {page, limit, type});

            return Object.assign(result, {
                tabs: that._getTabs(type)

    reBuy(...params) {
        let that = this;

        return co(function * () {
            let newOrder = yield new OrderApi(that.ctx).reBuy(...params);

            if (newOrder.code !== 200) {
                return {
                    code: 400,
                    message: '商品加入购物车失败'

            return {
                code: 200,
                message: '商品已重新加入购物车',
                data: newOrder.data

    del(...params) {
        return new OrderApi(this.ctx).del(...params).then(orderInfo => {

            if (!_.has(orderInfo, 'code')) {
                return {
                    code: 400,
                    message: '删除失败'

            return orderInfo;

    _getVirtualPro(isCancel, status, createTime) {
        let progress = {
            middleStatus: [
                    name: '1. 提交订单',
                    date: moment.unix(createTime).format('YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss')
                    name: '2. 已发货'
                    name: '3. 交易完成'

        if (isCancel === 'N') {
            if (status === 0) {
                progress.percent = '30%';
                progress.middleStatus[0].cur = true;
            } else if (status > 0 && status < 6) {
                progress.percent = '80%';
                progress.middleStatus[1].cur = true;
            } else if (status === 6) {
                progress.percent = '100%';
                progress.middleStatus[2].cur = true;

        return progress;

    _getNormalPro(isCancel, status, createTime) {
        let progress = {
            middleStatus: [
                    name: '1. 提交订单',
                    date: moment.unix(createTime).format('YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss')
                    name: '2. 商品出库'
                    name: '3. 等待收货'
                    name: '4. 交易完成'

        if (isCancel === 'N') {
            if (status === 0) {
                progress.percent = '25%';
                progress.middleStatus[0].cur = true;
            } else if (status > 0 && status < 4) {
                progress.percent = '50%';
                progress.middleStatus[1].cur = true;
            } else if (status >= 4 && status < 6) {
                progress.percent = '75%';
                progress.middleStatus[2].cur = true;
            } else if (status === 6) {
                progress.percent = '100%';
                progress.middleStatus[3].cur = true;

        return progress;

    _getOfflineBySelf(isCancel, status, createTime) {
        let progress = {
            middleStatus: [
                    name: '1. 提交订单',
                    date: moment.unix(createTime).format('YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss')
                    name: '2. 交易完成'

        if (isCancel === 'N') {
            if (status === 0) {
                progress.percent = '50%';
                progress.middleStatus[0].cur = true;
            } else if (status === 6) {
                progress.percent = '100%';
                progress.middleStatus[1].cur = true;

        return progress;

    _getOrderDetailOp(orderId, payment, status,
       isCancel, paymentStatus, paymentType,
       orderType, attribute, refundStatus, links) {
        let operation = {};

        if (attribute === 9 || attribute === 11) {
            Object.assign(operation, {
                deposit: true
            return operation;

        // 立刻付款
        if (_.includes(links, 'buyNow')) {
            Object.assign(operation, {
                goPay: helpers.urlFormat('/shopping/newpay', {ordercode: orderId})

        // 取消订单
        if (_.includes(links, 'closeOrder')) {
            Object.assign(operation, {
                cancelOrder: true

        // 订单已支付
        if (paymentType === 1 && paymentStatus === 'Y' && status < 6) {
            Object.assign(operation, {
                paid: true

        // 确认收货
        if (status >= 4 && status < 6 && refundStatus === 0 && attribute !== 3 && isCancel === 'N') {
            Object.assign(operation, {
                shipped: true

        // 订单已取消
        if (isCancel === 'Y') {
            Object.assign(operation, {
                cancel: true

        // 虚拟查看二维码
        if (attribute === 3) {
            Object.assign(operation, {
                checkQrCode: helpers.urlFormat('/home/orders/ticket', {orderCode: orderId})

        return operation;

    _getPackageInfo(cartInfo) {
        // 是否拆单
        if (cartInfo.is_multi_package !== 'Y') {
            return [];

        return _.get(cartInfo, 'package_list', []).map((pack) => {
            let newPack = {
                supplierId: pack.supplier_id,
                fee: pack.shopping_cost === '0.00' ? '' : pack.shopping_cost,
                orign: pack.shopping_orig_cost,
                count: pack.shopping_cut_cost

            newPack.goodlist = _.get(pack, 'goods_list', []).map((good) => {
                let tagInfo = ChannelConfig.orderTagArr[good.goods_type] || '';

                return {
                    src: helpers.image(good.goods_images, 90, 90),
                    goodsType: tagInfo.name || '',
                    classname: tagInfo.classname || '',
                    link: 'javascritp:void(0)'

            return newPack;

    isOfflineBySelf(orderDetail) {
        return orderDetail.is_offlineshops === 'Y' && orderDetail.is_delivery_offline === 'Y';

    _getOrderDetail(uid, orderId) {
        let that = this;

        return co(function * () {
            let orderInfo = yield new OrderApi(that.ctx).getOrderDetail(uid, orderId);
            let detail = {};

            if (orderInfo.code === 400) {
                return orderInfo;

            if (orderInfo.data) {
                let orderDetail = orderInfo.data;

                orderDetail.payment_type = +orderDetail.payment_type;

                detail.orderNum = orderDetail.order_code;

                // 订单状态
                let statusInfo = that._getOrderStatus(
                    orderDetail.is_cancel, +orderDetail.status,
                    orderDetail.payment_type, orderDetail.payment_status, orderDetail.status_str

                detail.statusStr = statusInfo.statusStr;

                // 订单是否已完成
                detail.complete = +orderDetail.status === 6;

                detail.progress = statusInfo.cancel ? false : (function() {
                    // 未取消订单,进度
                    if (+orderDetail.attribute === 3) {
                        return that._getVirtualPro(orderDetail.is_cancel, +orderDetail.status, orderDetail.create_time);
                    } else {
                        if (that.isOfflineBySelf(orderDetail)) {
                            return that._getOfflineBySelf(
                                orderDetail.is_cancel, +orderDetail.status, orderDetail.create_time

                        return that._getNormalPro(orderDetail.is_cancel, +orderDetail.status, orderDetail.create_time);

                // 物流信息
                detail.traceOrder = {};
                detail.traceOrder.orderDate = moment.unix(orderDetail.create_time).format('YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss');
                let expressInfo = yield that._getExpressInfo(
                    orderId, uid, +orderDetail.payment_type, orderDetail.create_time, true

                detail.traceOrder.logistics = expressInfo.logistics;

                if (_.get(expressInfo, 'logistics[0]')) {
                    detail.hastrace = true;
                } else {
                    detail.hastrace = false;

                detail.traceOrder.logisticsCompany = expressInfo.logisticsCompany;
                detail.traceOrder.courierNumbe = expressInfo.courierNumbe;

                // 虚拟商品
                if (+orderDetail.attribute === 3) {
                    detail.virtualGood = true;
                    detail.virtualPayMode = {
                        payMode: ChannelConfig.payType[orderDetail.payment_type],
                        phone: _.fill(orderDetail.mobile.split(''), '*', 3, 4).join('')
                } else {
                    detail.virtualGood = false;
                    detail.noramlPayMode = {
                        payMode: ChannelConfig.payType[orderDetail.payment_type],
                        payWay: orderDetail.payment_name,
                        deliverTime: orderDetail.delivery_time || ''

                    // 配送信息
                    detail.orderInfo = {
                        receiver: orderDetail.user_name,
                        address: orderDetail.area + orderDetail.address,
                        phone: _.fill(orderDetail.mobile.split(''), '*', 3, 4).join('') +
                            (orderDetail.phone ? ',' + _.fill(orderDetail.phone.split(''), '*', 3, 5).join('') : '')

                    if (_.get(orderDetail, 'is_offlineshops') === 'Y') {
                        if (_.get(orderDetail, 'is_delivery_offline') === 'Y') {
                            detail.orderInfo.offlineBySelf = true;
                            detail.offlineBySelf = true; // 进度条的处理
                        } else {
                            detail.orderInfo.offlineByExpress = true;

                        detail.offline = true;
                        detail.orderInfo.offlineStore = _.get(orderDetail, 'offline_store', '');
                    } else {
                        detail.orderInfo.normal = true;

                    detail.editInfo = {
                        userName: orderDetail.user_name,
                        address: orderDetail.address,
                        areaCode: orderDetail.area_code,
                        mobile: orderDetail.mobile,
                        phoneNum: _.nth(_.split(orderDetail.phone), 0) || '',
                        phoneCode: _.nth(_.split(orderDetail.phone), 1) || ''

                // 商品信息
                if (orderDetail.order_goods) {
                    detail.goods = _.get(orderDetail, 'order_goods', []).map((good) => {
                        let newGood = {
                            url: helpers.getUrlBySkc(good.product_skn),
                            img: helpers.image(good.goods_image, 60, 60),
                            name: good.product_name,
                            color: good.factory_color_name,
                            size: good.size_name,
                            price: that.transPrice(good.sales_price), // 默认显示销售价
                            isVipPrice: good.discount_tag === 'V',
                            isStuPrice: good.discount_tag === 'S',
                            coin: good.yoho_give_coin,
                            num: good.buy_number,
                            sum: good.goods_amount,
                            sku: good.product_sku,
                            [that._getGoodsTag(+orderDetail.attribute, good.goods_type)]: true

                        // 划线的价格
                        if (+good.real_pay_price < +good.sales_price) {
                            newGood.price = that.transPrice(good.real_pay_price);// 显示分摊价
                            newGood.linePrice = that.transPrice(good.sales_price); // 划线的价格

                        // 赠品、加价购
                        if (good.goods_type === 'gift' || good.goods_type === 'price_gift') {
                            newGood.price = that.transPrice(good.goods_price);// 显示成交价
                            newGood.linePrice = that.transPrice(good.sales_price); // 划线的价格

                        return newGood;

                // 详情页-订单付费详情
                if (orderDetail.promotion_formulas) {
                    detail.orderBalance = _.get(orderDetail, 'promotion_formulas', []).map((promotion) => {
                        return {
                            promotion: promotion.promotion,
                            account: promotion.promotion_amount

                        promotion: '实际应支付',
                        account: orderDetail.amount

                // 发票
                if (orderDetail.invoice) {
                    detail.invoiceMode = true;
                    detail.invoiceType = (+_.get(orderDetail, 'invoice.type', 0)) === 2 ? '电子发票' : '纸质发票';
                    detail.showInvoice = _.get(orderDetail, 'invoice.showInvoice');
                    detail.pdfUrl = detail.showInvoice ? _.get(orderDetail, 'invoice.pdfUrl') : '';
                    detail.title = _.get(orderDetail, 'invoice.title') || '';
                    detail.contentValue = _.get(orderDetail, 'invoice.contentValue') || '个人';

                detail.totalYoho = orderDetail.yoho_give_coin;
                detail.yohoCoinUrl = helpers.urlFormat('/help/detail', {id: 105}); // 有货币介绍
                detail.remark = orderDetail.remark;
                detail.operation = that._getOrderDetailOp(
                    orderDetail.order_code, +orderDetail.payment, +orderDetail.status,
                    orderDetail.is_cancel, orderDetail.payment_status, orderDetail.payment_type,
                    +orderDetail.order_type, +orderDetail.attribute, +orderDetail.refund_status,

                detail.packageTitle = orderDetail.package_title;
                detail.packages = that._getPackageInfo(orderDetail);

                if (+orderDetail.attribute === 9 || +orderDetail.attribute === 11) {
                    // 定金预售不能操作
                } else {
                    // 判断是否可以修改地址
                    if (orderDetail.can_update_delivery_address === 'Y') {
                        detail.changeable = true;

                    // 判断是否可以修改省份
                    if (orderDetail.is_support_change_province === 'N') {
                        detail.changeProvince = true;

                return detail;

    closeReason() {
        return new OrderApi(this.ctx).closeReasons().then((result) => {
            return _.get(result, 'data', []);

    refundReason() {
        return new OrderApi(this.ctx).refundReason().then((result) => {
            return _.get(result, 'data', []);

    detail(uid, orderId) {
        let that = this;

        return co(function * () {
            let apiData = yield Promise.props({
                detailData: that._getOrderDetail(uid, orderId),
                reason: that.closeReason()

            if (apiData.detailData.code === 400) {
                return {};

            return {
                detail: apiData.detailData,
                package: apiData.detailData.package,
                cancelReason: apiData.reason

    updateDeliveryAddress(...params) {
        return new OrderApi(this.ctx).updateDeliveryAddress(...params);

    confirm(...params) {
        return new OrderApi(this.ctx).confirmUserOrder(...params);

    cancel(...params) {
        return new OrderApi(this.ctx).cancelUserOrder(...params);

    refund(...params) {
        return new OrderApi(this.ctx).refund(...params);

    express(orderCode, uid, paymentType, createTime) {
        return this._getExpressInfo(orderCode, uid, paymentType, createTime, true);