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public/js/common/common-address.js 5.35 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6
 * 个人中心页-地址管理
 * @author: wsl<>
 * @date: 2016/02/24
wenjiekong authored
7 8 9 10 11
var $ = require('yoho-jquery');

var dialog = require('./dialog');

var Alert = dialog.Alert;
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var address = {

    // 省的控件ID
    provinceDomId: 'province',

    // 城市的控件ID
    cityDomId: 'city',

    // 地区的控件ID
    areaDomId: 'areaCode',

    initDomIds: function(domOptions) {
        var the = this;
wenjiekong authored
        if (domOptions.provinceDomId) {
28 29
            the.provinceDomId = domOptions.provinceDomId;
wenjiekong authored
        if (domOptions.cityDomId) {
31 32
            the.cityDomId = domOptions.cityDomId;
wenjiekong authored
        if (domOptions.areaDomId) {
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
            the.areaDomId = domOptions.areaDomId;

    // 初始化地址数据
    loadAreaData: function(pCode, toDomId, defaultValue, allCode) {
        var the = this,
            $toDom = $('#' + toDomId),
            i = 0,
            point = '';

        var active,


        if (pCode < 91) {
            $('#' + the.areaDomId).empty();
            $('#county').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

            type: 'GET',
            url: '/home/address/area',
            data: 'id=' + pCode,

            success: function(jsonData) {
                jsonData.code = 200;

                if (jsonData.code !== 200) {
                    active = new Alert('暂无数据');
                    return false;

                $toDom.append('<option value="0">' + defaultValue + '</option>');
                for (i in jsonData.options) {
                    if (jsonData.options[i]) {
                        val = jsonData.options[i];
                        point = (toDomId === the.areaDomId && val.is_support === 'Y') ? '*' : '';
                        nId = val.value;
                        selecter = '';

                        if (typeof (allCode) !== 'undefined' && allCode !== 0 &&
                            nId === allCode.substr(0, nId.length)) {
                            selecter = 'selected';
                        $toDom.append('<option value="' + nId + '" ' + selecter + '>' + point + val.text + '</option>');
    bindAreaChange: function(domOptions) {
        var the = this;
wenjiekong authored
        if ($('#' + the.provinceDomId).data('events')) {
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        // 初始化
        $('#' + the.provinceDomId).change(function() {
            var pCode = $('#' + the.provinceDomId).val();

            if (pCode === '0') {

            the.loadAreaData(pCode, the.cityDomId, '请选择城市', pCode);
            $('#' + the.areaDomId).hide();

        $('#' + this.cityDomId).change(function() {
            var pCode = $('#' + the.cityDomId).val();

            if (pCode === '0') {

            the.loadAreaData(pCode, the.areaDomId, '请选择区县', pCode);
            $('#' + the.areaDomId).show();

        $('#' + the.areaDomId).change(function() {


     * 显示地区选择
    showAreaSel: function(dispDomId) {
        var the = this,
            strAddr = '',
            strProvince = $('#' + the.provinceDomId).find('option:selected').text(),
            strCity = $('#' + the.cityDomId).find('option:selected').text(),
            strArea = $('#' + the.areaDomId).find('option:selected').text();
wenjiekong authored
        if (dispDomId && dispDomId !== '') {
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
            if (strProvince.indexOf('选择') < 0) {
                strAddr = strProvince;

            if (strCity !== '' && strCity.indexOf('选择') < 0) {
                strAddr += ',' + strCity;

            if (strArea !== '' && strArea.indexOf('选择') < 0) {
                strAddr += ',' + strArea;
            $('#' + dispDomId).html(strAddr);

    loadAllData: function(areaCode, domOptions) {
        var the = this;

        areaCode += '';

        if (areaCode < 91) {
            the.loadAreaData(0, the.provinceDomId, '请选择省份', '');
            $('#' + the.areaDomId).hide();
            $('#' + the.cityDomId).html('<option value="0">请选择市</option>');
        } else if (areaCode.length === 4) {
            the.loadAreaData(0, the.provinceDomId, '请选择省份', areaCode);
            the.loadAreaData(areaCode.substr(0, 2), the.cityDomId, '请选择城市', areaCode);
            the.loadAreaData(areaCode, the.areaDomId, '请选择区县', areaCode);
            $('#' + the.areaDomId).show();
        } else if (areaCode.length === 6) {
            the.loadAreaData(0, the.provinceDomId, '请选择省份', areaCode);
            the.loadAreaData(areaCode.substr(0, 2), the.cityDomId, '请选择城市', areaCode);
            the.loadAreaData(areaCode.substr(0, 4), the.areaDomId, '请选择区县', areaCode);
            $('#' + this.areaDomId).show();

module.exports = address;