############################################################ # Dockerfile to build hystrix + turbin Installed Containers # Based on centos 6.7 # How to build new image: docker build -t yoho-hystrix-qcloud . # the hystrix alert need to post events to influxdb.yohoops.org. # nginx version: 1.12.0 ############################################################ #base image : ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/yoho-base/nodejs FROM ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/yoho-base/node:10.4.1-alpine-fix MAINTAINER feng.chen <feng.chen@yoho.cn> ENV NODE_ENV=production \ NODE_HOME=/home RUN cd /home && \ mkdir -p /home/yoho-activity-platform && \ mkdir -p /Data/log/yoho-activity-platform COPY . /home/yoho-activity-platform WORKDIR /home/yoho-activity-platform #expose port EXPOSE 6006 CMD ["node","/home/yoho-activity-platform/app.js"]