/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
   PHP4代码版XDB - (XTreeDB.class.php)
   作者: 马明练(hightman) (MSN: MingL_Mar@msn.com) (php-QQ群: 17708754)
   网站: http://www.hi-php.com
   时间: 2007/05/01 (update: 2007/05/29)
   版本: 0.1
   目的: 取代 cdb/gdbm 快速存取分词词典, 因大部分用户缺少这些基础配件和知识
		 xdb 改自前身 hdb 为了更好的和C版兼容, 故修改. 目前此版产生了机器字
		 节序依赖, 故打开词典时会自做检查
         这是一个类似于 cdb/gdbm 的 PHP 代码级数据类库, 通过 key, value 的方
		 式存取数据, 使用非常简单.


         1. 效率高(20万记录以上比php内建的cdb还要快), 经过优化后 35万记录时
		    树的最大深度为5, 查找效率高,单个文件
		 2. 文件小(缺省设置下, 基础数据约 100KB, 之后每条记录为 key, value的
		 4. PHP 代码级, 修改维护方便
		 5. 提供内建二叉树优化函数, 提供存取结构图绘制接口, 提供遍历接口
		 6. 数据可快速更新, 而 cdb 是只读的或只写的

         1. 对于unique key来说, 一经增加不可清除 (可以将value设为空值)
		 2. 当更新 value 时, 如果新 value 较长则旧的记录直接作废, 长期修改
		    可能会导致文件有一些无用的膨胀, 这类情况可以调用遍历接口完全重
		 3. 由于是 php 代码级的引擎, 性能上比 gdbm 没有什么优势
		 4. IO操作, 可以考虑将数据文件放到 memfs 上 (linux/bsd)
		 5. key 最大长度为 240bytes, value 最大长度为 65279 bytes, 整个文件最大为 4G
		 6. 不可排序和随机分页读取

   用法: (主要的方法)

   1. 建立类操作句柄, 构造函数: XTreeDB([int mask [, int base ]])
	  可选参数(仅针对新建数据有效): mask, base 均为整型数, 其中
	    mask 是 hash 求模的基数, 建议选一个质数, 大约为总记录数的 1/10 即可.
		base 是 hash 数据计算的基数, 建议使用默认值. ``h = ((h << 5) + h) ^ c''

      $XDB = new XTreeDB;

   2. 打开数据文件, Bool Open(string fpath [, string mode])
      必要参数 fpath 为数据文件的路径, 可选参数 mode 的值为 r 或 w, 分别表示只
	  读或读写方式打开数据库. 成功返回 true, 失败返回 false.

      缺省情况下是以只读方式打开, 即 mode 的缺省值为 'r'

	  或以读写方式打开(新建数据时必须), mode 值为 'w', 此时数据库可读可写, 并锁定写
	  $XDB->Open('/path/to/dict.xdb', 'w');

   3. 根据 key 读取数据 mixed Get(string key [, bool verbose])
      成功查找到 key 所对应的数据时返回数据内容, 类型为 string
	  当 key 不存在于数据库中时或产生错误直接返回 false
	  (*注* 当 verbose 被设为 true 时, 则返回一个完整的记录数组, 含 key&value, 仅用于调试目的)

      $value = $XDB->Get($key);
	  $debug = $XDB->Get($key, true); print_r($debug);

   4. 存入数据 bool Put(string key [, string value])
      成功返回 true, 失败或出错返回 false , 必须以读写方式打开才可调用
	  注意存入的数据目前只支持 string 类型, 有特殊需要可以使用 php 内建的 serialize 将 array 转换
	  成 string 取出时再用 unserialize() 还原

	  $result = $XDB->Put($key, $value);

   5. 关闭数据库, void Close()

   6. 查询文件版本号, string Version()
      返回类似 XDB/0.1 之类的格式, 是当前文件的版本号

   7. 记录遍历, mixed Next()
      返回一条记录key, value 组成的数组, 并将内部指针往后移一位, 可调用 Reset() 重置指针
	  当没有记录时会返回 false, 典型应用如下

	  while ($tmp = $XDB->Next())
		  echo "$tmp[key] => $tmp[value]\n";
	  也可用于导出数据库重建新的数据库, 以清理过多的重写导致的文件空档.

   8. 遍历指针复位, void Reset()
      此函数仅为街拍 Next() 使用

   9. 优化数据库, 将数据库中的 btree 转换成完全二叉树. void Optimize([int index])
      由于数据库针对 key 进行 hash 分散到 mask 颗二叉树中, 故这里的 index 为 0~[mask-1]
	  缺省情况下 index 值为 -1 会优化整个数据库, 必须以读写方式打开的数据库才能用该方法


  10. 打印分析树, 绘出存贮结构的树状图, void Draw([int index])
      参数 index 同 Optimize() 的参数, 本函数无返回值, 直接将结果 echo 出来, 仅用于调试和观看


\* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// Constant Define
define ('XDB_FLOAT_CHECK',	3.14);
define ('XDB_HASH_BASE',	0xf422f);
define ('XDB_HASH_PRIME',	2047);
define ('XDB_VERSION',		34);
define ('XDB_TAGNAME',		'XDB');
define ('XDB_MAXKLEN',		0xf0);

// Class object Declare
class Util_Utils_XTreeDB
	// Public var
	var $fd = false;
	var $mode = 'r';
	var $hash_base = XDB_HASH_BASE;
	var $hash_prime = XDB_HASH_PRIME;
	var $version = XDB_VERSION;
	var $fsize = 0;

	// Private
	var $trave_stack = array();
	var $trave_index = -1;

	// Debug test
	var $_io_times = 0;

	// Constructor Function
	function Util_Utils_XTreeDB($base = 0, $prime = 0)
		if (0 != $base) $this->hash_base = $base;
		if (0 != $prime) $this->hash_prime = $prime;

	// Open the database: read | write
	function Open($fpath, $mode = 'r')
		// open the file

		$newdb = false;
		if ($mode == 'w')
			// write & read only
			if (!($fd = @fopen($fpath, 'rb+')))
				if (!($fd = @fopen($fpath, 'wb+')))
					trigger_error("XDB::Open(" . basename($fpath) . ",w) failed.", E_USER_WARNING);
					return false;
				// create the header

				// 32 = header, 8 = Pointer
				$this->fsize = 32 + 8 * $this->hash_prime;	
				$newdb = true;
			// read only
			if (!($fd = @fopen($fpath, 'rb')))
				trigger_error("XDB::Open(" . basename($fpath) . ",r) failed.", E_USER_WARNING);
				return false;

		// check the header
		if (!$newdb && !$this->_check_header($fd))
			trigger_error("XDB::Open(" . basename($fpath) . "), invalid xdb format.", E_USER_WARNING);
			return false;

		// set the variable
		$this->fd = $fd;
		$this->mode = $mode;

		// lock the file description until close
		if ($mode == 'w')
			flock($this->fd, LOCK_EX);

		return true;

	// Insert Or Update the value
	function Put($key, $value)
		// check the file description
		if (!$this->fd || $this->mode != 'w')
			trigger_error("XDB::Put(), null db handler or readonly.", E_USER_WARNING);
			return false;

		// check the length
		$klen = strlen($key);
		$vlen = strlen($value);
		if (!$klen || $klen > XDB_MAXKLEN)
			return false;

		// try to find the old data
		$rec = $this->_get_record($key);
		if (isset($rec['vlen']) && ($vlen <= $rec['vlen']))
			// update the old value & length
			if ($vlen > 0)
				fseek($this->fd, $rec['voff'], SEEK_SET);
				fwrite($this->fd, $value, $vlen);

			if ($vlen < $rec['vlen'])
				$newlen = $rec['len'] + $vlen - $rec['vlen'];
				$newbuf = pack('I', $newlen);
				fseek($this->fd, $rec['poff'] + 4, SEEK_SET);
				fwrite($this->fd, $newbuf, 4);
			return true;

		// 构造数据
		$new = array('loff' => 0, 'llen' => 0, 'roff' => 0, 'rlen' => 0);
		if (isset($rec['vlen']))
			$new['loff'] = $rec['loff'];
			$new['llen'] = $rec['llen'];
			$new['roff'] = $rec['roff'];
			$new['rlen'] = $rec['rlen'];
		$buf  = pack('IIIIC', $new['loff'], $new['llen'], $new['roff'], $new['rlen'], $klen);
		$buf .= $key . $value;
		$len  = $klen + $vlen + 17;

		$off  = $this->fsize;
		fseek($this->fd, $off, SEEK_SET);
		fwrite($this->fd, $buf, $len);
		$this->fsize += $len;

		$pbuf = pack('II', $off, $len);
		fseek($this->fd, $rec['poff'], SEEK_SET);
		fwrite($this->fd, $pbuf, 8);
		return true;

	// Read the value by key
	function Get($key, $debug = false)
		// check the file description
		if (!$this->fd)
			trigger_error("XDB::Get(), null db handler.", E_USER_WARNING);
			return false;

		$klen = strlen($key);
		if ($klen == 0 || $klen > XDB_MAXKLEN)
			return false;

		// get the data?
		$rec = $this->_get_record($key);
		if ($debug) 
			return $rec;

		if (!isset($rec['vlen']) || $rec['vlen'] == 0)
			return false;
		return $rec['value'];

	// Read the each key & value
	// return array(key => xxx, value => xxx)
	function Next()
		// check the file description
		if (!$this->fd)
			trigger_error("XDB::Next(), null db handler.", E_USER_WARNING);
			return false;

		// Traversal the all tree
		if (!($ptr = array_pop($this->trave_stack)))
				if ($this->trave_index >= $this->hash_prime)

				$poff = $this->trave_index * 8 + 32;
				fseek($this->fd, $poff, SEEK_SET);
				$buf = fread($this->fd, 8);
				if (strlen($buf) != 8) 
					$ptr = false;

				$ptr = unpack('Ioff/Ilen', $buf);
			while ($ptr['len'] == 0);

		// end the all records?
		if (!$ptr || $ptr['len'] == 0)
			return false;

		// read the record
		$rec = $this->_tree_get_record($ptr['off'], $ptr['len']);

		// push the left & right
		if ($rec['llen'] != 0)
			$left = array('off' => $rec['loff'], 'len' => $rec['llen']);
			array_push($this->trave_stack, $left);
		if ($rec['rlen'] != 0)
			$right = array('off' => $rec['roff'], 'len' => $rec['rlen']);
			array_push($this->trave_stack, $right);

		// return value
		return $rec;

	// Traversal every tree... & debug to test
	function Draw($i = -1)
		if ($i < 0 || $i >= $this->hash_prime)
			$i = 0;
			$j = $this->hash_prime;
			$j = $i + 1;

		echo "Draw the XDB data [$i ~ $j]. (" . trim($this->Version()) . ")\n\n";
		while ($i < $j)
			$poff = $i * 8 + 32;
			fseek($this->fd, $poff, SEEK_SET);
			$buf = fread($this->fd, 8);
			if (strlen($buf) != 8) break;
			$ptr = unpack('Ioff/Ilen', $buf);
			$this->_cur_depth = 0;
			$this->_node_num = 0;
			$this->_draw_node($ptr['off'], $ptr['len']);
			echo "-------------------------------------------\n";
			echo "Tree(xdb) [$i] max_depth: {$this->_cur_depth} nodes_num: {$this->_node_num}\n";			

	// Reset the inner pointer
	function Reset()
		$this->trave_stack = array();
		$this->trave_index = -1;

	// Show the version
	function Version()
		$ver = (is_null($this) ? XDB_VERSION : $this->version);
		$str = sprintf("%s/%d.%d", XDB_TAGNAME, ($ver >> 5), ($ver & 0x1f));
		if (!is_null($this)) $str .= " <base={$this->hash_base}, prime={$this->hash_prime}>";
		return $str;

	// Close the DB
	function Close()
		if (!$this->fd)
		if ($this->mode == 'w')
			$buf = pack('I', $this->fsize);
			fseek($this->fd, 12, SEEK_SET);
			fwrite($this->fd, $buf, 4);
			flock($this->fd, LOCK_UN);
		$this->fd = false;		

	// Optimize the tree
	function Optimize($i = -1)
		// check the file description
		if (!$this->fd || $this->mode != 'w')
			trigger_error("XDB::Optimize(), null db handler or readonly.", E_USER_WARNING);
			return false;

		// get the index zone:
		if ($i < 0 || $i >= $this->hash_prime)
			$i = 0;
			$j = $this->hash_prime;
			$j = $i + 1;

		// optimize every index
		while ($i < $j)

	// optimize a node
	function _optimize_index($index)
		static $cmp = false;
		$poff = $index * 8 + 32;

		// save all nodes into array()
		$this->_sync_nodes = array();

		$count = count($this->_sync_nodes);
		if ($count < 3) return;

		// sync the nodes, sort by key first
		if ($cmp == false) $cmp = create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcmp($a[key],$b[key]);');
		usort($this->_sync_nodes, $cmp);
		$this->_reset_tree_nodes($poff, 0, $count - 1);

	// load tree nodes
	function _load_tree_nodes($poff)
		fseek($this->fd, $poff, SEEK_SET);
		$buf = fread($this->fd, 8);
		if (strlen($buf) != 8) return;

		$tmp = unpack('Ioff/Ilen', $buf);
		if ($tmp['len'] == 0) return;
		fseek($this->fd, $tmp['off'], SEEK_SET);

		$rlen = XDB_MAXKLEN + 17;
		if ($rlen > $tmp['len']) $rlen = $tmp['len'];
		$buf = fread($this->fd, $rlen);

		$rec = unpack('Iloff/Illen/Iroff/Irlen/Cklen', substr($buf, 0, 17));
		$rec['off'] = $tmp['off'];
		$rec['len'] = $tmp['len'];
		$rec['key'] = substr($buf, 17, $rec['klen']);
		$this->_sync_nodes[] = $rec;

		// left
		if ($rec['llen'] != 0) $this->_load_tree_nodes($tmp['off']);
		// right
		if ($rec['rlen'] != 0) $this->_load_tree_nodes($tmp['off'] + 8);

	// sync the tree
	function _reset_tree_nodes($poff, $low, $high)
		if ($low <= $high)
			$mid = ($low+$high)>>1;
			$node = $this->_sync_nodes[$mid];
			$buf = pack('II', $node['off'], $node['len']);

			// left
			$this->_reset_tree_nodes($node['off'], $low, $mid - 1);
			// right
			$this->_reset_tree_nodes($node['off'] + 8, $mid + 1, $high);
			$buf = pack('II', 0, 0);

		fseek($this->fd, $poff, SEEK_SET);
		fwrite($this->fd, $buf, 8);

	// Privated Function
	function _get_index($key)
		$l = strlen($key);
		$h = $this->hash_base;
		while ($l--)
			$h += ($h << 5);
			$h ^= ord($key[$l]);
			$h &= 0x7fffffff;
		return ($h % $this->hash_prime);

	// draw the tree nodes by off & len
	function _draw_node($off, $len, $rl = 'T', $icon = '', $depth = 0)
		if ($rl == 'T')	echo '(T) ';
			echo $icon;
			if ($rl == 'L')
				$icon .= ' ┃';
				echo ' ┟(L) ';
				$icon .= '  ';
				echo ' └(R) ';
		if ($len == 0)
			echo "<NULL>\n";

		$rec = $this->_tree_get_record($off, $len);
		echo "{$rec[key]} (vlen={$rec[vlen]}, voff={$rec[voff]})\n";
		unset($rec['key'], $rec['value']);

		// debug used
		if ($depth >= $this->_cur_depth)
			$this->_cur_depth = $depth;		

		// Left node & Right Node
		$this->_draw_node($rec['loff'], $rec['llen'], 'L', $icon, $depth);
		$this->_draw_node($rec['roff'], $rec['rlen'], 'R', $icon, $depth);

	// Check XDB Header
	function _check_header($fd)
		fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
		$buf = fread($fd, 32);
		if (strlen($buf) !== 32) return false;
		$hdr = unpack('a3tag/Cver/Ibase/Iprime/Ifsize/fcheck/a12reversed', $buf);
		if ($hdr['tag'] != XDB_TAGNAME) return false;

		// check the fsize
		$fstat = fstat($fd);
		if ($fstat['size'] != $hdr['fsize'])
			return false;

		// check float?
		$this->hash_base = $hdr['base'];
		$this->hash_prime = $hdr['prime'];
		$this->version = $hdr['ver'];
		$this->fsize = $hdr['fsize'];
		return true;

	// Write XDB Header
	function _write_header($fd)
		$buf = pack('a3CiiIfa12', XDB_TAGNAME, $this->version,
			$this->hash_base, $this->hash_prime, 0, XDB_FLOAT_CHECK, '');

		fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
		fwrite($fd, $buf, 32);

	// get the record by first key
	function _get_record($key)
		$this->_io_times = 1;
		$index = ($this->hash_prime > 1 ? $this->_get_index($key) : 0);
		$poff = $index * 8 + 32;
		fseek($this->fd, $poff, SEEK_SET);
		$buf = fread($this->fd, 8);

		if (strlen($buf) == 8) $tmp = unpack('Ioff/Ilen', $buf);
		else $tmp = array('off' => 0, 'len' => 0);
		return $this->_tree_get_record($tmp['off'], $tmp['len'], $poff, $key);

	// get the record by tree
	function _tree_get_record($off, $len, $poff = 0, $key = '')
		if ($len == 0)
			return (array('poff' => $poff));
		// get the data & compare the key data
		fseek($this->fd, $off, SEEK_SET);
		$rlen = XDB_MAXKLEN + 17;
		if ($rlen > $len) $rlen = $len;
		$buf = fread($this->fd, $rlen);
		$rec = unpack('Iloff/Illen/Iroff/Irlen/Cklen', substr($buf, 0, 17));		
		$fkey = substr($buf, 17, $rec['klen']);
		$cmp = ($key ? strcmp($key, $fkey) : 0);
		if ($cmp > 0)
			// --> right
			return $this->_tree_get_record($rec['roff'], $rec['rlen'], $off + 8, $key);
		else if ($cmp < 0)
			// <-- left
			return $this->_tree_get_record($rec['loff'], $rec['llen'], $off, $key);
		else {
			// found!!
			$rec['poff'] = $poff;
			$rec['off'] = $off;
			$rec['len'] = $len;
			$rec['voff'] = $off + 17 + $rec['klen'];
			$rec['vlen'] = $len - 17 - $rec['klen'];
			$rec['key'] = $fkey;
			fseek($this->fd, $rec['voff'], SEEK_SET);
			$rec['value'] = fread($this->fd, $rec['vlen']);
			return $rec;