diff --git a/docs/data-structure.md b/docs/data-structure.md
index 64bcb18..9ea532a 100644
--- a/docs/data-structure.md
+++ b/docs/data-structure.md
@@ -947,18 +947,20 @@
         order: {
             orders: [
-            ]
+            ],
+            //没有订单的情况不传orders
+            walkWayUrl: '' //随便逛逛url
+        detailUrl: '',
         orderNum: '',
-        tradingStatus: '',
+        orderStatus: '',
         goods: [
-                id: '',
                 thumb: '',
                 gift: true, //是否赠品
                 advanceBuy: true, //是否加价购
@@ -974,9 +976,52 @@
         sumCost: '199.00',
         completed: true, //已完成
+        canceled: true, //已取消
         unpaid: true, //or 未支付
-        unshipped: true, //or 未发货
-        unreceived: '', //or 未收货,查看物流URL
+        unreceived: '', //or 待收货(未发货/未收货),查看物流URL
+        //待收货时传递物流参数
+        logisticsUrl: ''
+    }
+### 订单详情页
+    {
+        orderDetail: {
+            orderNum: '', //订单号
+            name: '', //收货人姓名
+            phoneNum: '',
+            address: '',
+            orderStatus: '订单成功', //订单取消...等订单状态
+            orderNum: '',
+            orderTime: '',
+            //订单状态
+            canceled: true, //是否是取消的订单
+            completed: true, //是否是已完成订单
+            unpaid: true, //是否是未支付订单
+            unreceived: true, //是否是未收货订单
+            //如果是待收货(未发货和未收货),传物流信息参数
+            logisticsUrl: '',
+            logisticsCompany: '',
+            logisticsNum: '',
+            //end
+            goods: [
+                {
+                    ... //订单商品
+                }
+            ],
+            sumPrice: '',
+            salePrice: '',
+            freight: '',
+            yohoCoin: '',
+            price: ''
+        }
 ### YOHO币
diff --git a/framework b/framework
index 119c247..75bbc3b 160000
--- a/framework
+++ b/framework
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 119c247f5cf929aa1e059e40609bb16dd6b58f05
+Subproject commit 75bbc3b075de19f239532f60c5995d06c5f814e2
diff --git a/library/Api/Yohobuy.php b/library/Api/Yohobuy.php
index 7d6404f..dfd7131 100644
--- a/library/Api/Yohobuy.php
+++ b/library/Api/Yohobuy.php
@@ -18,14 +18,15 @@ class Yohobuy
    /* 正式环境 */
-   // const API_URL = 'http://api2.open.yohobuy.com/';
-   // const SERVICE_URL = 'http://service.api.yohobuy.com/';
-   // const YOHOBUY_URL = 'http://www.yohobuy.com/';
+    const API_URL = 'http://api2.open.yohobuy.com/';
+    const API_URL2 = 'http://api.open.yohobuy.com/';
+    const SERVICE_URL = 'http://service.api.yohobuy.com/';
+    const YOHOBUY_URL = 'http://www.yohobuy.com/';
    /* 测试环境 */
-   const API_URL = 'http://test2.open.yohobuy.com/';
-   const SERVICE_URL = 'http://test.service.api.yohobuy.com/';
-   const YOHOBUY_URL = 'http://www.yohobuy.com/';
+//   const API_URL = 'http://test2.open.yohobuy.com/';
+//   const SERVICE_URL = 'http://test.service.api.yohobuy.com/';
+//   const YOHOBUY_URL = 'http://www.yohobuy.com/';
      * 私钥列表
diff --git a/library/Configs/CacheConfig.php b/library/Configs/CacheConfig.php
index dd07be3..20fde0e 100644
--- a/library/Configs/CacheConfig.php
+++ b/library/Configs/CacheConfig.php
@@ -42,5 +42,6 @@ class CacheConfig
     const KEY_ACTION_HOME_PREFERENTIAL = 'key_action_home_preferential';//会员特权详情
     const KEY_ACTION_GUANG_PLUSTAR_DATA = 'key_action_guang_plustar_data'; // 逛PLUSTAR
     const KEY_ACTION_GUANG_DETAIL_DATA = 'key_action_guang_detail_data'; // 逛内容详情
+    const KEY_ACTION_HOME_ORDER_ORDER = 'key_action_home_order_order';//订单列表
diff --git a/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/GradeData.php b/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/GradeData.php
index 3d05f61..e358f1f 100644
--- a/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/GradeData.php
+++ b/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/GradeData.php
@@ -15,17 +15,30 @@ class GradeData
      * 获取会员等级数据
      * @param  string  $yh_channel   频道数据,1->男,2->女,3->潮童,4->创意生活,5->其他
+     * @param  strint  $gender       用户性别
      * @param  string  $uid          用户id
      * @return array                 接口返回的会员等级数据
-    public function getGradeData($channel, $uid) {
+    public function getGradeData($gender, $channel, $uid) {
+        $urlList = array();
+        //获取会员等级数据
         $param = Yohobuy::param();
         $param['yh_channel'] = $channel;
         $param['uid'] = $uid;
         $param['method'] = 'app.Passport.vip';
         $param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
-        return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
+        $urlList['grade'] = Yohobuy::httpBuildQuery(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
+        //获取用户基本信息数据(用来得到username)
+        $param = Yohobuy::param();
+        $param['gender'] = $gender;
+        $param['uid'] = $uid;
+        $param['yh_channel'] = $channel;
+        $param['method'] = 'app.passport.profile';
+        $param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
+        $urlList['userProfile'] = Yohobuy::httpBuildQuery(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
+        return Yohobuy::getMulti($urlList);
@@ -44,18 +57,4 @@ class GradeData
         return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
-    /**
-     * 获取用户基本信息数据
-     */
-    public function getUserProfileData($gender, $uid, $channel) {
-        $param = Yohobuy::param();
-        $param['gender'] = $gender;
-        $param['uid'] = $uid;
-        $param['yh_channel'] = $channel;
-        $param['method'] = 'app.passport.profile';
-        $param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
-        return Yohobuy::get("http://api.open.yohobuy.com/",$param);
-    }
diff --git a/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/OnlineData.php b/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/OnlineData.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03d2515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/OnlineData.php
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+namespace LibModels\Wap\Home;
+use Api\Sign;
+use Api\Yohobuy;
+ * 在线客服数据模型
+ *
+ * @name OnlineData
+ * @package LibModels/Wap/Home
+ * @copyright yoho.inc
+ * @version 1.0 (2015-11-13)
+ * @author xiaowei
+ */
+class OnlineData
+    const ONLINE_URI = 'operations/api/v1/help/';
+    //获取帮助列表(分类)
+    public static function getOnlineServiceInfo($clientType='iphone')
+    {
+        return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::SERVICE_URL .self::ONLINE_URI.'getCategory', array('client_type'=>$clientType));
+    }
+    //获取问题详情
+    public static function getOnlineServiceDetail($cateId, $clientType = 'iphone')
+    {
+        return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::SERVICE_URL .self::ONLINE_URI.'getHelp', array('category_id'=>$cateId,'client_type'=>$clientType));
+    }
diff --git a/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/OrderData.php b/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/OrderData.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ad1990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/OrderData.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+namespace LibModels\Wap\Home;
+use Api\Yohobuy;
+use Api\Sign;
+ * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
+ * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+ * Description of OrderData
+ *
+ * @author Administrator
+ */
+class OrderData
+    /*
+     * 获取订单数据
+     * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
+     * and open the template in the editor.
+     */
+    public function getOrderData($type, $page, $limit, $gender, $yh_channel, $uid) {
+        //构建必传参数
+        $param = Yohobuy::param();
+        $param['gender'] = $gender;
+        $param['limit'] = $limit;
+        $param['method'] = 'app.SpaceOrders.get';
+        $param['page'] = $page;
+        $param['type'] = $type;
+        $param['uid'] = $uid;
+        $param['yh_channel'] = $yh_channel;
+        $param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
+        //调用接口获得数据
+        return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL2, $param);
+    }
diff --git a/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/UserData.php b/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/UserData.php
index 176509d..562466b 100644
--- a/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/UserData.php
+++ b/library/LibModels/Wap/Home/UserData.php
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class UserData
 	public static function couponData($uid, $status, $page = 1, $limit = 10)
 		$param = Yohobuy::param();
-		$param['method'] = 'app.yohocoin.lists';
+		$param['method'] = 'app.coupons.li';
 		$param['uid'] = $uid;
 		$param['status'] = $status;
 		$param['page'] = $page;
@@ -188,6 +188,76 @@ class UserData
+	 * 获取三级地址列表数据
+	 *
+	 * @param int $uid 用户ID
+	 * @return array 地址接口返回的数据
+	 */
+	public static function addressListData($uid)
+	{
+		$param = Yohobuy::param();
+		$param['method'] = 'app.address.getlist';
+		$param['uid'] = $uid;
+		$param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
+		return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 保存地址数据
+	 *
+	 * @param int $uid 用户ID
+	 * @param string $address 地址信息
+	 * @param int $area_code 城市码
+	 * @param string $consignee 收货人
+	 * @param string $email 邮箱地址
+	 * @param int $id 地址唯一标识符id
+	 * @param string $mobile 手机号码
+	 * @param string $zip_code 邮编
+	 * @return array 地址接口返回的数据
+	 */
+	public static function saveAddressData($uid, $address, $area_code, $consignee, $email, $id, $mobile, $zip_code)
+	{
+		$param = Yohobuy::param();
+		$param['address'] = $address;
+		$param['area_code'] = $area_code;
+		$param['consignee'] = $consignee;
+		$param['email'] = $email;
+		if ($id !== null) { // 修改
+			$param['id'] = $id;
+			$param['method'] = 'app.address.update';
+		} else { // 添加
+			$param['method'] = 'app.address.add';
+		}
+		$param['mobile'] = $mobile;
+		$param['zip_code'] = $zip_code;
+		$param['uid'] = $uid;
+		$param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
+		return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 设置默认地址
+	 *
+	 * @param int $uid 用户ID
+	 * @param int $id 地址唯一标识符id
+	 * @return array 接口返回的数据
+	 */
+	public static function setDefaultAddress($uid, $id)
+	{
+		$param = Yohobuy::param();
+		$param['id'] = $id;
+		$param['method'] = 'app.address.setdefault';
+		$param['uid'] = $uid;
+		$param['client_secret'] = Sign::getSign($param);
+		return Yohobuy::get(Yohobuy::API_URL, $param);
+	}
+	/**
 	 * 意见反馈数据
 	 * @param string $udid 客户端唯一标识
diff --git a/library/Plugin/DataProcess/FloorProcess.php b/library/Plugin/DataProcess/FloorProcess.php
index 40968d9..b789d27 100644
--- a/library/Plugin/DataProcess/FloorProcess.php
+++ b/library/Plugin/DataProcess/FloorProcess.php
@@ -298,7 +298,12 @@ class FloorProcess
             $one['img'] = Helpers::getImageUrl($one['src'], 640, 403);
-        $result['big_image']['list'] = $data['big_image'];
+	    // 区别多张图与一张图
+	    if (count($data['big_image']) > 1) {
+		    $result['big_image']['list'] = $data['big_image'];
+		    unset($data['big_image']);
+	    }
         foreach ($data['list'] as $kk => &$one) {
             if ($kk == 0) {
@@ -318,8 +323,6 @@ class FloorProcess
             $data['title']['more_url'] = Helpers::getFilterUrl($data['title']['more_url']);
-        unset($data['big_image']);
         $result['goodsCategory'] = $data;
         return $result;
diff --git a/library/Plugin/DataProcess/NewSaleProcess.php b/library/Plugin/DataProcess/NewSaleProcess.php
index dc940c4..b65c4e4 100644
--- a/library/Plugin/DataProcess/NewSaleProcess.php
+++ b/library/Plugin/DataProcess/NewSaleProcess.php
@@ -50,4 +50,47 @@ class NewSaleProcess
         return $result;
+	/**
+	 * 处理热销排行榜数据
+	 *
+	 * @param  array $products 接口传回的数据
+	 * @param  boolean $notab 是否传回tab数据
+	 * @param  int $limit 查询返回的最大限制数
+	 * @param  int $page 分页第几页
+	 * @return array       处理之后的数据
+	 */
+    public static function topData($products, $notab, $limit, $page)
+    {
+        $result = array();
+        // 处理Tabs
+        if (!$notab && isset($products['tabs'])) {
+            $result['tabs'] = array();
+            foreach ($products['tabs'] as $key => $one) {
+                $tabItem = array();
+                $tabItem['title'] = $one;
+                $tabItem['dataId'] = $key;
+                if ($key === 1) {
+                    $tabItem['focus'] = true;
+                }
+                $result['tabs'][] = $tabItem;
+            }
+        }
+        // 处理商品
+        if (isset($products['product_list'])) {
+	        $count = count($products['product_list']);
+	        $one = array();
+            foreach ($products['product_list'] as $key => $single) {
+                $one = Helpers::formatProduct($single, true, false, false, 75, 114);
+	            $one['rank'] = $limit * ($page -1) + $key + 1;
+	            $result['goods'][] = $one;
+            }
+        }
+        return $result;
+    }
diff --git a/static/config.rb b/static/config.rb
index 12701d9..8b7dd5b 100644
--- a/static/config.rb
+++ b/static/config.rb
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ fonts_dir = "font"
 output_style = :expanded
 # To enable relative paths to assets via compass helper functions. Uncomment:
 relative_assets = true
+sourcemap = true
 # To disable debugging comments that display the original location of your selectors. Uncomment:
 line_comments = false
diff --git a/static/font/iconfont.eot b/static/font/iconfont.eot
index b32ef4d..124de78 100644
Binary files a/static/font/iconfont.eot and b/static/font/iconfont.eot differ
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index a465f49..93c47af 100644
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+++ b/static/font/iconfont.svg
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+h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1
+h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1h-1l-1 1q-145 72 -277 204.5t-205 277.5q-55 113 -56.5 201t52.5 140q13 13 30 13
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-    lazyLoad = require('yoho.lazyload');
+    lazyLoad = require('yoho.lazyload'),
+    Swiper = require('yoho.iswiper');
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@@ -15,11 +17,15 @@ var $curContainer = $favContainer.children('.fav-type').first();//保存当前�
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+    swiperArray = [],
+    swiperObj = {};
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-    console.log(1);
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@@ -34,4 +40,20 @@ favTabHammer.on('tap', function(e) {
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  * @date: 2015/11/12
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-var recommendSwiper;
-recommendSwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-recommend', {
-    lazyLoading: true,
-    lazyLoadingInPrevNext: true,
-    slidesPerView: 'auto'
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+UploadiFive 1.2.2
+Copyright (c) 2012 Reactive Apps, Ronnie Garcia
+Released under the UploadiFive Standard License <http://www.uploadify.com/uploadifive-standard-license>
+var jQuery = require('jquery');
+;(function($) {
+    var methods = {
+        init : function(options) {
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+                                         cancelled  : 0  // Total number of files that have been cancelled or removed from the queue
+                                     },
+                        uploads    : {
+                                         current    : 0, // Number of files currently being uploaded
+                                         attempts   : 0, // Number of file uploads attempted in the last upload operation
+                                         successful : 0, // Number of files successfully uploaded in the last upload operation
+                                         errors     : 0, // Number of files returning errors in the last upload operation
+                                         count      : 0  // Total number of files uploaded successfully
+                                     }
+                    });
+                var $data = $this.data('uploadifive');
+                // Set the default options
+                var settings = $data.settings = $.extend({
+                    'auto'            : true,               // Automatically upload a file when it's added to the queue
+                    'buttonClass'     : false,              // A class to add to the UploadiFive button
+                    'buttonText'      : 'Select Files',     // The text that appears on the UploadiFive button
+                    'checkScript'     : false,              // Path to the script that checks for existing file names 
+                    'dnd'             : true,               // Allow drag and drop into the queue
+                    'dropTarget'      : false,              // Selector for the drop target
+                    'fileObjName'     : 'Filedata',         // The name of the file object to use in your server-side script
+                    'fileSizeLimit'   : 0,                  // Maximum allowed size of files to upload
+                    'fileType'        : false,              // Type of files allowed (image, etc), separate with a pipe character |
+                    'formData'        : {},                 // Additional data to send to the upload script
+                    'height'          : 30,                 // The height of the button
+                    'itemTemplate'    : false,              // The HTML markup for the item in the queue
+                    'method'          : 'post',             // The method to use when submitting the upload
+                    'multi'           : true,               // Set to true to allow multiple file selections
+                    'overrideEvents'  : [],                 // An array of events to override
+                    'queueID'         : false,              // The ID of the file queue
+                    'queueSizeLimit'  : 0,                  // The maximum number of files that can be in the queue
+                    'removeCompleted' : false,              // Set to true to remove files that have completed uploading
+                    'simUploadLimit'  : 0,                  // The maximum number of files to upload at once
+                    'truncateLength'  : 0,                  // The length to truncate the file names to
+                    'uploadLimit'     : 0,                  // The maximum number of files you can upload
+                    'uploadScript'    : 'uploadifive.php',  // The path to the upload script
+                    'width'           : 100                 // The width of the button
+                    /*
+                    // Events
+                    'onAddQueueItem'   : function(file) {},                        // Triggered for each file that is added to the queue
+                    'onCancel'         : function(file) {},                        // Triggered when a file is cancelled or removed from the queue
+                    'onCheck'          : function(file, exists) {},                // Triggered when the server is checked for an existing file
+                    'onClearQueue'     : function(queue) {},                       // Triggered during the clearQueue function
+                    'onDestroy'        : function() {}                             // Triggered during the destroy function
+                    'onDrop'           : function(files, numberOfFilesDropped) {}, // Triggered when files are dropped into the file queue
+                    'onError'          : function(file, fileType, data) {},        // Triggered when an error occurs
+                    'onFallback'       : function() {},                            // Triggered if the HTML5 File API is not supported by the browser
+                    'onInit'           : function() {},                            // Triggered when UploadiFive if initialized
+                    'onQueueComplete'  : function() {},                            // Triggered once when an upload queue is done
+                    'onProgress'       : function(file, event) {},                 // Triggered during each progress update of an upload
+                    'onSelect'         : function() {},                            // Triggered once when files are selected from a dialog box
+                    'onUpload'         : function(file) {},                        // Triggered when an upload queue is started
+                    'onUploadComplete' : function(file, data) {},                  // Triggered when a file is successfully uploaded
+                    'onUploadFile'     : function(file) {},                        // Triggered for each file being uploaded
+                    */
+                }, options);
+                // Calculate the file size limit
+                if (isNaN(settings.fileSizeLimit)) {
+                    var fileSizeLimitBytes = parseInt(settings.fileSizeLimit) * 1.024
+                    if (settings.fileSizeLimit.indexOf('KB') > -1) {
+                        settings.fileSizeLimit = fileSizeLimitBytes * 1000;
+                    } else if (settings.fileSizeLimit.indexOf('MB') > -1) {
+                        settings.fileSizeLimit = fileSizeLimitBytes * 1000000;
+                    } else if (settings.fileSizeLimit.indexOf('GB') > -1) {
+                        settings.fileSizeLimit = fileSizeLimitBytes * 1000000000;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    settings.fileSizeLimit = settings.fileSizeLimit * 1024;
+                }
+                // Create a template for a file input
+                $data.inputTemplate = $('<input type="file">')
+                .css({
+                    'font-size' : settings.height + 'px',
+                    'opacity'   : 0,
+                    'position'  : 'absolute',
+                    'right'     : '-3px',
+                    'top'       : '-3px',
+                    'z-index'   : 999 
+                });
+                // Create a new input
+                $data.createInput = function() {
+                    // Create a clone of the file input
+                    var input     = $data.inputTemplate.clone();
+                    // Create a unique name for the input item
+                    var inputName = input.name = 'input' + $data.inputCount++;
+                    // Set the multiple attribute
+                    if (settings.multi) {
+                        input.attr('multiple', true);
+                    }
+                    // Set the accept attribute on the input
+                    if (settings.fileType) {
+                        input.attr('accept', settings.fileType);
+                    }
+                    // Set the onchange event for the input
+                    input.bind('change', function() {
+                        $data.queue.selected = 0;
+                        $data.queue.replaced = 0;
+                        $data.queue.errors   = 0;
+                        $data.queue.queued   = 0;
+                        // Add a queue item to the queue for each file
+                        var limit = this.files.length;
+                        $data.queue.selected = limit;
+                        if (($data.queue.count + limit) > settings.queueSizeLimit && settings.queueSizeLimit !== 0) {
+                            if ($.inArray('onError', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
+                                alert('The maximum number of queue items has been reached (' + settings.queueSizeLimit + ').  Please select fewer files.');
+                            }
+                            // Trigger the error event
+                            if (typeof settings.onError === 'function') {
+                                settings.onError.call($this, 'QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED');
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
+                                file = this.files[n];
+                                $data.addQueueItem(file);
+                            }
+                            $data.inputs[inputName] = this;
+                            $data.createInput();
+                        }
+                        // Upload the file if auto-uploads are enabled
+                        if (settings.auto) {
+                            methods.upload.call($this);
+                        }
+                        // Trigger the select event
+                        if (typeof settings.onSelect === 'function') {
+                            settings.onSelect.call($this, $data.queue);
+                        }
+                    });
+                    // Hide the existing current item and add the new one
+                    if ($data.currentInput) {
+                        $data.currentInput.hide();
+                    }
+                    $data.button.append(input);
+                    $data.currentInput = input;
+                }
+                // Remove an input
+                $data.destroyInput = function(key) {
+                    $($data.inputs[key]).remove();
+                    delete $data.inputs[key];
+                    $data.inputCount--;
+                }
+                // Drop a file into the queue
+                $data.drop = function(e) {
+                    $data.queue.selected = 0;
+                    $data.queue.replaced = 0;
+                    $data.queue.errors   = 0;
+                    $data.queue.queued   = 0;
+                    var fileData = e.dataTransfer;
+                    var inputName = fileData.name = 'input' + $data.inputCount++;
+                    // Add a queue item to the queue for each file
+                    var limit = fileData.files.length;
+                    $data.queue.selected = limit;
+                    if (($data.queue.count + limit) > settings.queueSizeLimit && settings.queueSizeLimit !== 0) {
+                        // Check if the queueSizeLimit was reached
+                        if ($.inArray('onError', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
+                            alert('The maximum number of queue items has been reached (' + settings.queueSizeLimit + ').  Please select fewer files.');
+                        }
+                        // Trigger the onError event
+                        if (typeof settings.onError === 'function') {
+                            settings.onError.call($this, 'QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED');
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // Add a queue item for each file
+                        for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
+                            file = fileData.files[n];
+                            $data.addQueueItem(file);
+                        }
+                        // Save the data to the inputs object
+                        $data.inputs[inputName] = fileData;
+                    }
+                    // Upload the file if auto-uploads are enabled
+                    if (settings.auto) {
+                        methods.upload.call($this);
+                    }
+                    // Trigger the onDrop event
+                    if (typeof settings.onDrop === 'function') {
+                        settings.onDrop.call($this, fileData.files, fileData.files.length);
+                    }
+                    // Stop FireFox from opening the dropped file(s)
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                    e.stopPropagation();
+                }
+                // Check if a filename exists in the queue
+                $data.fileExistsInQueue = function(file) {
+                    for (var key in $data.inputs) {
+                        input = $data.inputs[key];
+                        limit = input.files.length;
+                        for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
+                            existingFile = input.files[n];
+                            // Check if the filename matches
+                            if (existingFile.name == file.name && !existingFile.complete) {
+                                return true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+                // Remove an existing file in the queue
+                $data.removeExistingFile = function(file) {
+                    for (var key in $data.inputs) {
+                        input = $data.inputs[key];
+                        limit = input.files.length;
+                        for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
+                            existingFile = input.files[n];
+                            // Check if the filename matches
+                            if (existingFile.name == file.name && !existingFile.complete) {
+                                $data.queue.replaced++;
+                                methods.cancel.call($this, existingFile, true);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // Create the file item template
+                if (settings.itemTemplate == false) {
+                    $data.queueItem = $('<div class="uploadifive-queue-item">\
+                        <a class="close" href="#">X</a>\
+                        <div><span class="filename"></span><span class="fileinfo"></span></div>\
+                        <div class="progress">\
+                            <div class="progress-bar"></div>\
+                        </div>\
+                    </div>');
+                } else {
+                    $data.queueItem = $(settings.itemTemplate);
+                }
+                // Add an item to the queue
+                $data.addQueueItem = function(file) {
+                    if ($.inArray('onAddQueueItem', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
+                        // Check if the filename already exists in the queue
+                        $data.removeExistingFile(file);
+                        // Create a clone of the queue item template
+                        file.queueItem = $data.queueItem.clone();
+                        // Add an ID to the queue item
+                        file.queueItem.attr('id', settings.id + '-file-' + $data.fileID++);
+                        // Bind the close event to the close button
+                        file.queueItem.find('.close').bind('click', function() {
+                           methods.cancel.call($this, file);
+                           return false;
+                        });
+                        var fileName = file.name;
+                        if (fileName.length > settings.truncateLength && settings.truncateLength != 0) {
+                            fileName = fileName.substring(0, settings.truncateLength) + '...';
+                        }
+                        file.queueItem.find('.filename').html(fileName);
+                        // Add a reference to the file
+                        file.queueItem.data('file', file);
+                        $data.queueEl.append(file.queueItem);
+                    }
+                    // Trigger the addQueueItem event
+                    if (typeof settings.onAddQueueItem === 'function') {
+                        settings.onAddQueueItem.call($this, file);
+                    }
+                    // Check the filesize
+                    if (file.size > settings.fileSizeLimit && settings.fileSizeLimit != 0) {
+                        $data.error('FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED', file);
+                    } else {
+                        $data.queue.queued++;
+                        $data.queue.count++;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Remove an item from the queue
+                $data.removeQueueItem = function(file, instant, delay) {
+                    // Set the default delay
+                    if (!delay) delay = 0;
+                    var fadeTime = instant ? 0 : 500;
+                    if (file.queueItem) {
+                        if (file.queueItem.find('.fileinfo').html() != ' - Completed') {
+                            file.queueItem.find('.fileinfo').html(' - Cancelled');
+                        }
+                        file.queueItem.find('.progress-bar').width(0);
+                        file.queueItem.delay(delay).fadeOut(fadeTime, function() {
+                           $(this).remove();
+                        });
+                        delete file.queueItem;
+                        $data.queue.count--;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Count the number of files that need to be uploaded
+                $data.filesToUpload = function() {
+                    var filesToUpload = 0;
+                    for (var key in $data.inputs) {
+                        input = $data.inputs[key];
+                        limit = input.files.length;
+                        for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
+                            file = input.files[n];
+                            if (!file.skip && !file.complete) {
+                                filesToUpload++;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return filesToUpload;
+                }
+                // Check if a file exists
+                $data.checkExists = function(file) {
+                    if ($.inArray('onCheck', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
+                        // This request needs to be synchronous
+                        $.ajaxSetup({
+                            'async' : false
+                        });
+                        // Send the filename to the check script
+                        var checkData = $.extend(settings.formData, {filename: file.name});
+                        $.post(settings.checkScript, checkData, function(fileExists) {
+                            file.exists = parseInt(fileExists);
+                        });
+                        if (file.exists) {
+                            if (!confirm('A file named ' + file.name + ' already exists in the upload folder.\nWould you like to replace it?')) {
+                                // If not replacing the file, cancel the upload
+                                methods.cancel.call($this, file);
+                                return true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // Trigger the check event
+                    if (typeof settings.onCheck === 'function') {
+                        settings.onCheck.call($this, file, file.exists);
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+                // Upload a single file
+                $data.uploadFile = function(file, uploadAll) {
+                    if (!file.skip && !file.complete && !file.uploading) {
+                        file.uploading = true;
+                        $data.uploads.current++;
+                        $data.uploads.attempted++;
+                        // Create a new AJAX request
+                        xhr = file.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+                        // Start the upload
+                        // Use the faster FormData if it exists
+                        if (typeof FormData === 'function' || typeof FormData === 'object') {
+                            // Create a new FormData object
+                            var formData = new FormData();
+                            // Add the form data
+                            formData.append(settings.fileObjName, file);
+                            // Add the rest of the formData
+                            for (i in settings.formData) {
+                                formData.append(i, settings.formData[i]);
+                            }
+                            // Open the AJAX call
+                            xhr.open(settings.method, settings.uploadScript, true);
+                            // On progress function
+                            xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
+                                if (e.lengthComputable) {
+                                    $data.progress(e, file);
+                                }
+                            }, false);
+                            // On complete function
+                            xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
+                                if (this.readyState == 4) {
+                                    file.uploading = false;
+                                    if (this.status == 200) {
+                                        if (file.xhr.responseText !== 'Invalid file type.') {
+                                            $data.uploadComplete(e, file, uploadAll);
+                                        } else {
+                                            $data.error(file.xhr.responseText, file, uploadAll);
+                                        }
+                                    } else if (this.status == 404) {
+                                        $data.error('404_FILE_NOT_FOUND', file, uploadAll);
+                                    } else if (this.status == 403) {
+                                        $data.error('403_FORBIDDEN', file, uploadAll);
+                                    } else {
+                                        $data.error('Unknown Error', file, uploadAll);
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            });
+                            // Send the form data (multipart/form-data)
+                            xhr.send(formData);
+                        } else {
+                            // Send as binary
+                            var reader = new FileReader();
+                            reader.onload = function(e) {
+                                // Set some file builder variables
+                                var boundary = '-------------------------' + (new Date).getTime(),
+                                    dashes   = '--',
+                                    eol      = '\r\n',
+                                    binFile  = '';
+                                // Build an RFC2388 String 
+                                binFile += dashes + boundary + eol;
+                                // Generate the headers
+                                binFile += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + settings.fileObjName + '"';
+                                if (file.name) {
+                                    binFile += '; filename="' + file.name + '"';
+                                }
+                                binFile += eol;
+                                binFile += 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' + eol + eol;
+                                binFile += e.target.result + eol;
+                                for (key in settings.formData) {
+                                    binFile += dashes + boundary + eol;
+                                    binFile += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + key + '"' + eol + eol;
+                                    binFile += settings.formData[key] + eol;
+                                }
+                                binFile += dashes + boundary + dashes + eol;
+                                // On progress function
+                                xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
+                                    $data.progress(e, file);
+                                }, false);
+                                // On complete function
+                                xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
+                                    file.uploading = false;
+                                    var status = this.status;
+                                    if (status == 404) {
+                                        $data.error('404_FILE_NOT_FOUND', file, uploadAll);
+                                    } else {
+                                        if (file.xhr.responseText != 'Invalid file type.') {    
+                                            $data.uploadComplete(e, file, uploadAll);
+                                        } else {
+                                            $data.error(file.xhr.responseText, file, uploadAll);
+                                        } 
+                                    }
+                                }, false);
+                                // Open the ajax request
+                                var url = settings.uploadScript;
+                                if (settings.method == 'get') {
+                                    var params = $(settings.formData).param();
+                                    url += params;
+                                }
+                                xhr.open(settings.method, settings.uploadScript, true);
+                                xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);
+                                // Trigger the uploadFile event
+                                if (typeof settings.onUploadFile === 'function') {
+                                    settings.onUploadFile.call($this, file);
+                                }
+                                // Send the file for upload
+                                xhr.sendAsBinary(binFile);
+                            }
+                            reader.readAsBinaryString(file);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // Update a file upload's progress
+                $data.progress = function(e, file) {
+                    if ($.inArray('onProgress', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
+                        if (e.lengthComputable) {
+                            var percent = Math.round((e.loaded / e.total) * 100);
+                        }
+                        file.queueItem.find('.fileinfo').html(' - ' + percent + '%');
+                        file.queueItem.find('.progress-bar').css('width', percent + '%');
+                    }
+                    // Trigger the progress event
+                    if (typeof settings.onProgress === 'function') {
+                        settings.onProgress.call($this, file, e);
+                    }
+                }
+                // Trigger an error
+                $data.error = function(errorType, file, uploadAll) {
+                    if ($.inArray('onError', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
+                        // Get the error message
+                        switch(errorType) {
+                            case '404_FILE_NOT_FOUND':
+                                errorMsg = '404 Error';
+                                break;
+                            case '403_FORBIDDEN':
+                                errorMsg = '403 Forbidden';
+                                break;
+                            case 'FORBIDDEN_FILE_TYPE':
+                                errorMsg = 'Forbidden File Type';
+                                break;
+                            case 'FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED':
+                                errorMsg = 'File Too Large';
+                                break;
+                            default:
+                                errorMsg = 'Unknown Error';
+                                break;
+                        }
+                        // Add the error class to the queue item
+                        file.queueItem.addClass('error')
+                        // Output the error in the queue item
+                        .find('.fileinfo').html(' - ' + errorMsg);
+                        // Hide the 
+                        file.queueItem.find('.progress').remove();
+                    }
+                    // Trigger the error event
+                    if (typeof settings.onError === 'function') {
+                        settings.onError.call($this, errorType, file);
+                    }
+                    file.skip = true;
+                    if (errorType == '404_FILE_NOT_FOUND') {
+                        $data.uploads.errors++;
+                    } else {
+                        $data.queue.errors++;
+                    }
+                    if (uploadAll) {
+                        methods.upload.call($this, null, true);
+                    }
+                }
+                // Trigger when a single file upload is complete
+                $data.uploadComplete = function(e, file, uploadAll) {
+                    if ($.inArray('onUploadComplete', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
+                        file.queueItem.find('.progress-bar').css('width', '100%');
+                        file.queueItem.find('.fileinfo').html(' - Completed');
+                        file.queueItem.find('.progress').slideUp(250);
+                        file.queueItem.addClass('complete');
+                    }
+                    // Trigger the complete event
+                    if (typeof settings.onUploadComplete === 'function') {
+                        settings.onUploadComplete.call($this, file, file.xhr.responseText);
+                    }
+                    if (settings.removeCompleted) {
+                        setTimeout(function() { methods.cancel.call($this, file); }, 3000);
+                    }
+                    file.complete = true;
+                    $data.uploads.successful++;
+                    $data.uploads.count++;
+                    $data.uploads.current--;
+                    delete file.xhr;
+                    if (uploadAll) {
+                        methods.upload.call($this, null, true);
+                    }
+                }
+                // Trigger when all the files are done uploading
+                $data.queueComplete = function() {
+                    // Trigger the queueComplete event
+                    if (typeof settings.onQueueComplete === 'function') {
+                        settings.onQueueComplete.call($this, $data.uploads);
+                    }
+                }
+                // ----------------------
+                // Initialize UploadiFive
+                // ----------------------
+                // Check if HTML5 is available
+                if (window.File && window.FileList && window.Blob && (window.FileReader || window.FormData)) {
+                    // Assign an ID to the object
+                    settings.id = 'uploadifive-' + $this.attr('id');
+                    // Wrap the file input in a div with overflow set to hidden
+                    $data.button = $('<div id="' + settings.id + '" class="uploadifive-button">' + settings.buttonText + '</div>');
+                    if (settings.buttonClass) $data.button.addClass(settings.buttonClass);
+                    // Style the button wrapper
+                    $data.button.css({
+                        'height'      : settings.height,
+                        'line-height' : settings.height + 'px', 
+                        'overflow'    : 'hidden',
+                        'position'    : 'relative',
+                        'text-align'  : 'center', 
+                        'width'       : settings.width
+                    });
+                    // Insert the button above the file input
+                    $this.before($data.button)
+                    // Add the file input to the button
+                    .appendTo($data.button)
+                    // Modify the styles of the file input
+                    .hide();
+                    // Create a new input
+                    $data.createInput.call($this);
+                    // Create the queue container
+                    if (!settings.queueID) {
+                        settings.queueID = settings.id + '-queue';
+                        $data.queueEl = $('<div id="' + settings.queueID + '" class="uploadifive-queue" />');
+                        $data.button.after($data.queueEl);
+                    } else {
+                        $data.queueEl = $('#' + settings.queueID);
+                    }
+                    // Add drag and drop functionality
+                    if (settings.dnd) {
+                        var $dropTarget = settings.dropTarget ? $(settings.dropTarget) : $data.queueEl.get(0);
+                        $dropTarget.addEventListener('dragleave', function(e) {
+                            // Stop FireFox from opening the dropped file(s)
+                            e.preventDefault();
+                            e.stopPropagation();
+                        }, false);
+                        $dropTarget.addEventListener('dragenter', function(e) {
+                            // Stop FireFox from opening the dropped file(s)
+                            e.preventDefault();
+                            e.stopPropagation();
+                        }, false);
+                        $dropTarget.addEventListener('dragover', function(e) {
+                            // Stop FireFox from opening the dropped file(s)
+                            e.preventDefault();
+                            e.stopPropagation();
+                        }, false);
+                        $dropTarget.addEventListener('drop', $data.drop, false);
+                    }
+                    // Send as binary workaround for Chrome
+                    if (!XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary) {
+                        XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary = function(datastr) {
+                            function byteValue(x) {
+                                return x.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff;
+                            }
+                            var ords = Array.prototype.map.call(datastr, byteValue);
+                            var ui8a = new Uint8Array(ords);
+                            this.send(ui8a.buffer);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // Trigger the oninit event
+                    if (typeof settings.onInit === 'function') {
+                        settings.onInit.call($this);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Trigger the fallback event
+                    if (typeof settings.onFallback === 'function') {
+                        settings.onFallback.call($this);
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        // Write some data to the console
+        debug : function() {
+            return this.each(function() {
+                console.log($(this).data('uploadifive'));
+            });
+        },
+        // Clear all the items from the queue
+        clearQueue : function() {
+            this.each(function() {
+                var $this    = $(this),
+                    $data    = $this.data('uploadifive'),
+                    settings = $data.settings;
+                for (var key in $data.inputs) {
+                    input = $data.inputs[key];
+                    limit = input.files.length;
+                    for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
+                        file = input.files[i];
+                        methods.cancel.call($this, file);
+                    }
+                }
+                // Trigger the onClearQueue event
+                if (typeof settings.onClearQueue === 'function') {
+                    settings.onClearQueue.call($this, $('#' + $data.settings.queueID));
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        // Cancel a file upload in progress or remove a file from the queue
+        cancel : function(file, fast) {
+            this.each(function() {
+                var $this    = $(this),
+                    $data    = $this.data('uploadifive'),
+                    settings = $data.settings;
+                // If user passed a queue item ID instead of file...
+                if (typeof file === 'string') {
+                    if (!isNaN(file)) {
+                        fileID = 'uploadifive-' + $(this).attr('id') + '-file-' + file;
+                    }
+                    file = $('#' + fileID).data('file');
+                }
+                file.skip = true;
+                $data.filesCancelled++;
+                if (file.uploading) {
+                    $data.uploads.current--;
+                    file.uploading = false;
+                    file.xhr.abort();
+                    delete file.xhr;
+                    methods.upload.call($this);
+                }
+                if ($.inArray('onCancel', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
+                    $data.removeQueueItem(file, fast);
+                }
+                // Trigger the cancel event
+                if (typeof settings.onCancel === 'function') {
+                    settings.onCancel.call($this, file);
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        // Upload the files in the queue
+        upload : function(file, keepVars) {
+            this.each(function() {
+                var $this    = $(this),
+                    $data    = $this.data('uploadifive'),
+                    settings = $data.settings;
+                if (file) {
+                    $data.uploadFile.call($this, file);
+                } else {
+                    // Check if the upload limit was reached
+                    if (($data.uploads.count + $data.uploads.current) < settings.uploadLimit || settings.uploadLimit == 0) {
+                        if (!keepVars) {
+                            $data.uploads.attempted   = 0;
+                            $data.uploads.successsful = 0;
+                            $data.uploads.errors      = 0;
+                            var filesToUpload = $data.filesToUpload();
+                            // Trigger the onUpload event
+                            if (typeof settings.onUpload === 'function') {
+                                settings.onUpload.call($this, filesToUpload);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        // Loop through the files
+                        $('#' + settings.queueID).find('.uploadifive-queue-item').not('.error, .complete').each(function() {
+                            _file = $(this).data('file');
+                            // Check if the simUpload limit was reached
+                            if (($data.uploads.current >= settings.simUploadLimit && settings.simUploadLimit !== 0) || ($data.uploads.current >= settings.uploadLimit && settings.uploadLimit !== 0) || ($data.uploads.count >= settings.uploadLimit && settings.uploadLimit !== 0)) {
+                                return false;
+                            }
+                            if (settings.checkScript) {
+                                // Let the loop know that we're already processing this file
+                                _file.checking = true;
+                                skipFile = $data.checkExists(_file);
+                                _file.checking = false;
+                                if (!skipFile) {
+                                    $data.uploadFile(_file, true);
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                $data.uploadFile(_file, true);
+                            }
+                        });
+                        if ($('#' + settings.queueID).find('.uploadifive-queue-item').not('.error, .complete').size() == 0) {
+                            $data.queueComplete();
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        if ($data.uploads.current == 0) {
+                            if ($.inArray('onError', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
+                                if ($data.filesToUpload() > 0 && settings.uploadLimit != 0) {
+                                    alert('The maximum upload limit has been reached.');
+                                }
+                            }
+                            // Trigger the onError event
+                            if (typeof settings.onError === 'function') {
+                                settings.onError.call($this, 'UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED', $data.filesToUpload());
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        // Destroy an instance of UploadiFive
+        destroy : function() {
+            this.each(function() {
+                var $this    = $(this),
+                    $data    = $this.data('uploadifive'),
+                    settings = $data.settings;
+                // Clear the queue
+                methods.clearQueue.call($this);
+                // Destroy the queue if it was created
+                if (!settings.queueID) $('#' + settings.queueID).remove();
+                // Remove extra inputs
+                $this.siblings('input').remove();
+                // Show the original file input
+                $this.show()
+                // Move the file input out of the button
+                .insertBefore($data.button);
+                // Delete the button
+                $data.button.remove();
+                // Trigger the destroy event
+                if (typeof settings.onDestroy === 'function') {
+                    settings.onDestroy.call($this);
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    $.fn.uploadifive = function(method) {
+        if (methods[method]) {
+            return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
+        } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
+            return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
+        } else {
+            $.error('The method ' + method + ' does not exist in $.uploadify');
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/js/me/online-service.js b/static/js/me/online-service.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e6dc95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/js/me/online-service.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * 在线客服
+ * @author: bikai<kai.bi@yoho.cn>
+ * @date: 2015/11/16
+ */
+var $ = require('jquery');
+var $questionTab = $('.question-tab .tab-item');
+$questionTab.on('touchend', function() {
+    var clickTab = $(this).data('tab');
+    clickTab = '[data-tab-name="' + clickTab + '"]';
+    $questionTab.removeClass('current');
+    $(this).addClass('current');
+    $('.question-list').removeClass('current');
+    $(clickTab).addClass('current');
diff --git a/static/js/me/order-detail.js b/static/js/me/order-detail.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80510d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/js/me/order-detail.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * 订单详情页
+ * @author: xuqi<qi.xu@yoho.cn>
+ * @date: 2015/11/16
+ */
+var $ = require('jquery'),
+    lazyLoad = require('yoho.lazyload'),
+    Hammer = require('yoho.hammer');
+var orderId = $('#order-detail').data('id');
+var optHammer;
+optHammer = new Hammer(document.getElementsByClassName('opt')[0]);
+optHammer.on('tap', function(e) {
+    var $cur = $(e.target);
+    if ($cur.hasClass('btn-del')) {
+        //删除订单
+        if (confirm('确定删除订单吗?')) {
+            $.ajax({
+                type: 'GET',
+                url: '/home/delOrder',
+                data: {
+                    id: orderId
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    } else if ($cur.hasClass('btn-cancel')) {
+        //取消订单
+        if (confirm('确定取消订单吗?')) {
+            $.ajax({
+                type: 'GET',
+                url: '/home/cancelOrder',
+                data: {
+                    id: orderId
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/js/me/order.js b/static/js/me/order.js
index 3220035..ca240cc 100644
--- a/static/js/me/order.js
+++ b/static/js/me/order.js
@@ -13,24 +13,125 @@ var $navLi = $('#order-nav > li'),
 var $curContainer = $orderContainer.children('.orders').first();//保存当前显示的order-container
-var navHammer;
+var winH = $(window).height();
+var activeIndex = 0; //当前active的项的index
+var orderPage = [1, 0, 0, 0];
+var loading = false;
+var navHammer, orderHammer;
+function getOrders() {
+    var opt = {
+        type: activeIndex + 1,
+        page: orderPage[activeIndex] + 1
+    },
+    num;
+    if (loading) {
+        return;
+    }
+    $.ajax({
+        type: 'GET',
+        url: '/home/getOrders',
+        data: opt,
+        success: function(data) {
+            if (data.code === 200) {
+                orderPage[opt.type] = opt.page;
+                if (opt.page === 1) {
+                    $curContainer.html(data.data);
+                    lazyLoad($curContainer.find('.lazy'));
+                } else {
+                    num = $curContainer.children('.order').length;
+                    $curContainer.append(data.data);
+                    //lazyload
+                    lazyLoad($curContainer.children('.order:gt(' + (num - 1) + ') .lazy'));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    });
 navHammer = new Hammer(document.getElementById('order-nav'));
 navHammer.on('tap', function(e) {
-    var $cur = $(e.target).closest('li'),
-        index;
+    var $cur = $(e.target).closest('li');
     if ($cur.length === 0 || $cur.hasClass('active')) {
-    index = $cur.index();
+    activeIndex = +$cur.index();
-    $curContainer = $orderContainer.children(':eq(' + index + ')').removeClass('hide');
+    $curContainer = $orderContainer.children(':eq(' + activeIndex + ')').removeClass('hide');
+    if (orderPage[activeIndex] > 0) {
+        return;
+    } else {
+        getOrders();
+    }
+orderHammer = new Hammer(document.getElementById('order-container'));
+orderHammer.on('tap', function(e) {
+    var $cur = $(e.target),
+        $order,
+        id,
+        url;
+    if ($cur.closest('.locHref').length > 0) {
+        return;
+    }
+    $order = $cur.closest('.order');
+    id = $order.data('id');
+    if ($cur.closest('.del').length > 0) {
+        //Order delete
+        $.ajax({
+            type: 'GET',
+            url: '/home/delOrder',
+            data: {
+                id: id
+            }
+        });
+    } else if ($cur.closest('.cancel').length > 0) {
+        //Order cancel
+        $.ajax({
+            type: 'GET',
+            url: '/home/cancelOrder',
+            data: {
+                id: id
+            }
+        });
+    } else {
+        //Location to order detail
+        url = $order.data('href');
+        location.href = url;
+    }
+$(window).scroll(function() {
+    if ($(window).scrollTop() + winH >
+        $(document).height() - 0.25 * $orderContainer.height()) {
+        getOrders();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/js/me/suggest.js b/static/js/me/suggest.js
index 30ce9cb..b526ce7 100644
--- a/static/js/me/suggest.js
+++ b/static/js/me/suggest.js
@@ -4,34 +4,28 @@
  * @date: 2015/11/12
 var $ = require('jquery'),
     Hammer = require('yoho.hammer'),
     lazyLoad = require('yoho.lazyload');
-var $navLi = $('#fav-tab > li'),
-    $favContainer = $('.fav-content');
-var $curContainer = $favContainer.children('.fav-type').first();//保存当前显示的$favContainer
-var favTabHammer;
+    'auto': false,
+    'buttonClass': 'nav-btn',
+    'formData': {
-favTabHammer = new Hammer(document.getElementById('fav-tab'));
-favTabHammer.on('tap', function(e) {
-    console.log(1);
-    var $cur = $(e.target).closest('li'),
-        index;
+    },
+    'fileType': 'image/*',
+    'uploadScript': 'url',
+    'fileObjName': 'imgName',
+    'fileSizeLimit': 1024,
+    'onAddQueueItem': function (file) {
+        console.log(file);
+        alert(1);
+    },
+    'onQueueComplete': function (file) {
-    if ($cur.length === 0 || $cur.hasClass('active')) {
-        return;
-    index = $cur.index();
-    $navLi.filter('.active').removeClass('active');
-    $cur.addClass('active');
-    $curContainer.addClass('hide');
-    $curContainer = $favContainer.children(':eq(' + index + ')').removeClass('hide');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/js/product/newsale/hot-rank.js b/static/js/product/newsale/hot-rank.js
index 9f74932..dff408f 100644
--- a/static/js/product/newsale/hot-rank.js
+++ b/static/js/product/newsale/hot-rank.js
@@ -1,32 +1,35 @@
 var $ = require('jquery'),
-    Hammer = require('yoho.hammer');
-Swiper = require('yoho.iswiper'),
-lazyLoad = require('yoho.lazyload');
+    Hammer = require('yoho.hammer'),
+    Swiper = require('yoho.iswiper'),
+    lazyLoad = require('yoho.lazyload');
 var page = 1,
+    listTop,
+    navSwiper,
+    notab = 0,
     sort = '',
     id = '';
-function hotrank(page, sort, tab_id) {
+function hotrank(page, sort, tabId, notab) {
         type: 'GET',
-        url: '/product/newsale/selectHotrank',
+        url: '/product/newsale/selectHotrank?' + sort,
         dataType: 'html',
         data: {
             page: page,
-            sort: sort,
-            tab_id: tab_id
+            tab_id: tabId,
+            notab: notab
         success: function(data) {
             if (page === 1) {
-                $('#hotRank').html('');
+                $('.rank-main').remove();
             $('#yoho-footer').css('position', 'static');
+            $('.rank-main ul li:gt(2)').find('.item-content i').removeClass('top');
             navSwiper = new Swiper('.s-goods-nav', {
                 grabCursor: true,
                 slidesPerView: 'auto',
@@ -38,9 +41,13 @@ function hotrank(page, sort, tab_id) {
             $('.s-goods-nav .nav-item').each(function(index) {
                 hotnav = new Hammer($('.s-goods-nav .nav-item')[index]);
                 hotnav.on('tap', function(e) {
-                    id = $('.s-goods-nav .nav-item').eq(index).data('id'),
-                    sort = parseInt($('.s-goods-nav .nav-item').eq(index).data('sort').split('=')[1]);
-                    hotrank(page, sort, id);
+                    var navItme = $('.s-goods-nav .nav-item').eq(index);
+                    id = navItme.data('id') ? navItme.data('id') : '';
+                    sort = navItme.data('sort') ? navItme.data('sort') : '';
+                    page = 1;
+                    notab = 1;
+                    hotrank(page, sort, id, notab);
@@ -55,7 +62,8 @@ $(window).scroll(function () {
     page = 2;
-    hotrank(page, sort, id);
+    notab = 1;
+    hotrank(page, sort, id, notab);
-hotrank(page, sort, id);
+hotrank(page, sort, id, notab);
diff --git a/static/js/product/recommend-for-you.js b/static/js/product/recommend-for-you.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d0510d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/js/product/recommend-for-you.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ * 为您优选
+ * @author: bikai<kai.bi@yoho.cn>
+ * @date: 2015/11/16
+ */
+var Swiper = require('yoho.iswiper');
+var recommendSwiper;
+recommendSwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-recommend', {
+    // lazyLoading: true,
+    // lazyLoadingInPrevNext: true,
+    slidesPerView: 'auto'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/sass/layout/_header.scss b/static/sass/layout/_header.scss
index 3e97370..89dda0b 100644
--- a/static/sass/layout/_header.scss
+++ b/static/sass/layout/_header.scss
@@ -62,4 +62,15 @@
         text-overflow: ellipsis;
         text-align: center;
+    .nav-btn {
+        display: block;
+        height: 100%;
+        position: absolute;
+        top: 0;
+        right: 0;
+        font-size: pxToRem(26px);
+        color: #b0b0b0;
+        padding-right: pxToRem(32px);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/sass/me/_fav.scss b/static/sass/me/_fav.scss
index 22d251d..5f97be9 100644
--- a/static/sass/me/_fav.scss
+++ b/static/sass/me/_fav.scss
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ $fav: sprite-map("me/fav/*.png",$spacing: 5px);
     .fav-content {
-        padding: 0 pxToRem(30px);
+        //padding: 0 pxToRem(30px);
         .fav-null {
             font-size: pxToRem(22px);
@@ -74,5 +74,185 @@ $fav: sprite-map("me/fav/*.png",$spacing: 5px);
             display: block;
             font-size: pxToRem(26px);
+        .fav-product-list {
+            list-style: none;
+            margin-left: pxToRem(30px);
+            li {
+                height: auto;
+                overflow: hidden;
+                margin-top: pxToRem(20px);
+            }
+            .fav-img-box {
+                width: pxToRem(90px);
+                height: pxToRem(120px);
+                float: left;
+                margin-right: pxToRem(24px);
+                img {
+                    display: block;
+                    overflow: hidden;
+                    width: 100%;
+                    height: 100%;
+                }
+            }
+            .fav-info-list {
+                color: #444;
+                font-size: pxToRem(24px);
+                border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+                padding-bottom: pxToRem(20px);
+                height: pxToRem(120px);
+                overflow: hidden;
+                position: relative;
+                h2 {
+                    width: pxToRem(430px);
+                    @include ellipsis();
+                }
+                .fav-price {
+                    .new-price {
+                        color: #d1021c;
+                    }
+                    .price-underline {
+                        text-decoration: line-through;
+                    }
+                }
+                .save-price {
+                    $width: pxToRem(image_width(sprite-file($fav, save-price)));
+                    $height: pxToRem(image_height(sprite-file($fav, save-price)));
+                    position: absolute;
+                    bottom: pxToRem(20px);
+                    left: 0;
+                    width: 100%;
+                    &.save-price-number {
+                        text-indent: $width + pxToRem(10px);
+                        &:before {
+                            content: '';
+                            display: block;
+                            @include rem-sprite($fav, save-price);
+                            width: $width;
+                            height: $height;
+                            position: absolute;
+                            top: 50%;
+                            left: 0;
+                            margin-top: -$height / 2;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    span {
+                        color: #d1021c;
+                        &.sell-out {
+                            padding: pxToRem(5px) pxToRem(18px);
+                            color: #fffefe;
+                            @include border-radius(pxToRem(20px));
+                            background: #7f7f7f;
+                            font-size: pxToRem(22px);
+                        }
+                        &.del-fav {
+                            $width: pxToRem(image_width(sprite-file($fav, fav-del)));
+                            $height: pxToRem(image_height(sprite-file($fav, fav-del)));
+                            @include rem-sprite($fav, fav-del);
+                            width: $width;
+                            height: $height;
+                            position: absolute;
+                            top: 50%;
+                            right: pxToRem(30px);
+                            margin-top: -$height / 2;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //品牌收藏
+        .fav-brand-swiper {
+            .swiper-header {
+                height: pxToRem(60px);
+                padding: pxToRem(20px) pxToRem(30px);
+                display: inline-block;
+                .swiper-logo {
+                    height: 100%;
+                    display: inline-block;
+                    float: left;
+                    margin-right: pxToRem(45px);
+                    > img {
+                        max-height: 100%;
+                        vertical-align: middle;
+                    }
+                }
+                .brand-info {
+                    float: left;
+                    .brand-name {
+                        font-size: pxToRem(28px);
+                        b {
+                            color: #b0b0b0;
+                            font-weight: normal;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    .brand-update {
+                        font-size: pxToRem(22px);
+                        b {
+                            color: #b0b0b0;
+                            font-weight: normal;
+                        }
+                        .brand-new {
+                            color: #86bf4a;
+                            margin-right: pxToRem(24px);
+                        }
+                        .brand-discount {
+                            color: #d1021c;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            .swiper-container {
+                height: pxToRem(300px);
+                margin: 0 pxToRem(30px);
+                .swiper-slide {
+                    width: pxToRem(225px);
+                    //width: (225/580)*100%;
+                    height: 100%;
+                    float: left;
+                    padding-right: pxToRem(30px);
+                    &:nth-last-of-type(1) {
+                        padding-right: 0;
+                    }
+                    img {
+                        display: block;
+                        width: 100%;
+                        height: 100%;
+                        overflow: hidden;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/sass/me/_index.scss b/static/sass/me/_index.scss
index caac9e4..a950115 100644
--- a/static/sass/me/_index.scss
+++ b/static/sass/me/_index.scss
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-@import "home", "vip-grade", "order", "coupons", "personal-details", "yoho-coin", "recommend-for-you", "fav", "suggest", "address";
\ No newline at end of file
+@import "home", "vip-grade", "order", "order-detail", "coupons", "personal-details", "yoho-coin", "fav", "suggest", "address", "online-service";
diff --git a/static/sass/me/_online-service.scss b/static/sass/me/_online-service.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..320435a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/sass/me/_online-service.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+@function rem($n) {
+    @return $n / 40 * 1rem;
+    background: #f0f0f0;
+    .question {
+        background: #fff;
+    }
+    .question-title {
+        padding: rem(20) rem(30);
+        font-size: rem(28);
+        line-height: 1;
+        color: #b0b0b0;
+    }
+    .question-tab {
+        padding: rem(10) rem(30) rem(30);
+        font-size: rem(32);
+        line-height: rem(58);
+        text-align: center;
+        color: #b0b0b0;
+        .current {
+            color: #444;
+        }
+        .line {
+            margin: 0 rem(32);
+            border-left: 1px solid #b0b0b0;
+        }
+    }
+    .question-list {
+        display: none;
+        border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+        border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
+        &.current {
+            display: block;
+        }
+        li {
+            margin-left: rem(30);
+            width: rem(610);
+            font-size: rem(28);
+            line-height: rem(90);
+            border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
+            a {
+                display: block;
+                color: #444;
+            }
+            .iconfont {
+                float: right;
+                margin-right: rem(30);
+                color: #ccc;
+            }
+            &:last-child {
+                border-bottom: none;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    .connect-info {
+        margin-top: 30px;
+        font-size: rem(28);
+        line-height: rem(50);
+        background: #fff;
+        border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+        border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
+        p {
+            margin-top: rem(25);
+            margin-left: rem(-72);
+            line-height: 1.5;
+        }
+        .iconfont {
+            font-size: rem(46);
+        }
+        .icon-yoho-enter {
+            color: #ccc;
+            float: right;
+        }
+        .connect-item {
+            position: relative;
+            a {
+                display: block;
+                padding: rem(20) rem(30) rem(20) rem(94);
+                color: #444;
+            }
+            &:after {
+                content: '';
+                position: absolute;
+                right: 0;
+                bottom: 0;
+                width: rem(548);
+                height: 1px;
+                background: #ccc;
+            }
+            &:last-child {
+                &:after {
+                    content: none;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        .icon {
+            display: inline-block;
+            margin-right: rem(28);
+            margin-left: rem(-70);
+            vertical-align:middle;
+        }
+    }
+.online-service-detail-page {
+    background: #f0f0f0;
+    .qa-list {
+        .question-item {
+            margin-bottom: rem(32);
+            border-top: 1px solid #c8c7cc;
+            border-bottom: 1px solid #c8c7cc;
+            color: #444;
+            background: #fff;
+            &:last-child {
+                margin-bottom: 0;
+            }
+        }
+        %qa {
+            margin-left: rem(30);
+            padding: 0 rem(40) 0 rem(10);
+            font-size: rem(30);
+            line-height: rem(76);
+            font-weight: bold;
+        }
+        .question {
+            @extend %qa;
+            position: relative;
+            &:after {
+                content: '';
+                position: absolute;
+                left: 0;
+                bottom: 0;
+                width: 100%;
+                border-top: 1px solid #c8c7cc;
+            }
+        }
+        .answer {
+            @extend %qa;
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/sass/me/_order-detail.scss b/static/sass/me/_order-detail.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..154ac9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/sass/me/_order-detail.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+.order-detail-page {
+    background: #f0f0f0;
+    .block {
+        position: relative;
+        background: #fff;
+        padding: 20rem / $pxConvertRem 30rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        .iconfont {
+            position: absolute;
+            left: 30rem / $pxConvertRem;
+            top: 50%;
+            font-size: 40rem / $pxConvertRem;
+            margin-top: -30rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        }
+    }
+    .sub {
+        position: relative;
+        .iconfont {
+            left: 0;
+        }
+    }
+    .logistics {
+        display: block;
+        .icon-right {
+            right: 25rem / $pxConvertRem;
+            left: auto;
+            color: #b0b0b0;
+        }
+        .sub-content {
+            border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+            margin-top: 20rem / $pxConvertRem;
+            padding-top: 20rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        }
+    }
+    .owner-info {
+        border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+        line-height: 1.5;
+    }
+    .beside-icon {
+        margin-left: 60rem / $pxConvertRem;
+    }
+    .name-phone {
+        font-size: 30rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        span {
+            float: right;
+        }
+    }
+    .address {
+        font-size: 24rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        margin-top: 10rem / $pxConvertRem;
+    }
+    .order-status {
+        margin: 20rem / $pxConvertRem 0;
+        border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+        border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+        padding-right: 0;
+    }
+    .sub-content span {
+        display: block;
+        color: #b0b0b0;
+        font-size: 24rem / $pxConvertRem;
+    }
+    .sub-content .sub-title {
+        display: block;
+        color: #000;
+        font-size: 26rem / $pxConvertRem;
+    }
+    .goods {
+        padding: 0;
+        margin-top: 20rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+        border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+    }
+    .cost {
+        margin-bottom: 100rem / $pxConvertRem; /*排除被固定底部遮挡的影响*/
+        li {
+            font-size: 28rem / $pxConvertRem;
+            span {
+                float: right;
+            }
+            &:last-child span {
+                color: #f00;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    .opt {
+        position: fixed;
+        bottom: 0;
+        left: 0;
+        right: 0;
+        text-align: right;
+        border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+    }
+    .btn {
+        display: inline-block;
+        box-sizing: border-box;
+        width: 140rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        height: 60rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        line-height: 60rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        @include border-radius(5px);
+        font-size: 26rem / $pxConvertRem;
+        text-align: center;
+        border: 1px solid #000;
+    }
+    .btn-pay {
+        color: #fff;
+        border: none;
+        background: #d0021b;
+        margin-left: 10rem / $pxConvertRem;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/sass/me/_order.scss b/static/sass/me/_order.scss
index 93d97ab..2757110 100644
--- a/static/sass/me/_order.scss
+++ b/static/sass/me/_order.scss
@@ -2,11 +2,16 @@
     background: #f0f0f0;
     .order {
+        display: block;
         background: #fff;
         margin: 30rem / $pxConvertRem 0;
         border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
         border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+        &:last-child {
+            margin-bottom: 0;
+        }
         .header, .footer {
             height: 90rem / $pxConvertRem;
             line-height: 90rem / $pxConvertRem;
@@ -18,7 +23,7 @@
             border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
-        .trading-status {
+        .order-status {
             float: right;
@@ -37,7 +42,7 @@
             border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
             text-align: right;
-            > .btn {
+            .btn {
                 display: inline-block;
                 box-sizing: border-box;
                 height: 60rem / $pxConvertRem;
@@ -45,19 +50,34 @@
                 width: 140rem / $pxConvertRem;
                 font-size: 24rem / $pxConvertRem;
                 text-align: center;
-            }
-            .cancel {
                 border: 1px solid #000;
+                @include border-radius(5px);
             .pay {
                 background: #d0021b;
                 color: #fff;
+                border: none;
                 margin-left: 20rem / $pxConvertRem;
+    .no-order {
+        text-align: center;
+        color: #f0f0f0;
+        .iconfont {
+            font-size: 50px;
+        }
+        .walk-way {
+            display: block;
+            color: #fff;
+            background: #fff;
+            @include border-radius(5px);
+        }
+    }
 .order-nav {
diff --git a/static/sass/me/_personal-details.scss b/static/sass/me/_personal-details.scss
index 5e9f739..03489c7 100644
--- a/static/sass/me/_personal-details.scss
+++ b/static/sass/me/_personal-details.scss
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 	width: 100%;
 	height: auto;
 	overflow: hidden;
+	margin-top: 20rem / $pxConvertRem;
 	border-bottom:1px solid #e0e0e0;
diff --git a/static/sass/me/_suggest.scss b/static/sass/me/_suggest.scss
index 2698909..4d581ee 100644
--- a/static/sass/me/_suggest.scss
+++ b/static/sass/me/_suggest.scss
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+@import "compass/layout";
 $suggest: sprite-map("me/suggest/*.png",$spacing: 5px);
 .yoho-suggest-page {
@@ -102,4 +104,97 @@ $suggest: sprite-map("me/suggest/*.png",$spacing: 5px);
+    //发表意见
+    .create-new-suggest {
+        display: block;
+        color: #444;
+        width: 100%;
+        height: pxToRem(88px);
+        line-height: pxToRem(88px);
+        text-align: center;
+        font-size: pxToRem(30px);
+        border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+        border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+        > span {
+            color: #b0b0b0;
+            font-size: pxToRem(26px);
+        }
+    }
+// 提交页面
+.yoho-suggest-sub-page {
+    width: 100%;
+    //height: 100%;
+    background: #f0f0f0;
+    .suggest-sub-form {
+        background: #fff;
+        width: 100%;
+        #suggest-textarea {
+            @include box-sizing();
+            width: 100%;
+            max-width: 100%;
+            min-width: 100%;
+            height: pxToRem(255px);
+            max-height: pxToRem(255px);
+            min-height: pxToRem(255px);
+            padding: pxToRem(30px);
+            font-size: pxToRem(26px);
+            line-height: pxToRem(48px);
+            //color: #b0b0b0;
+            color: #000;
+            display: block;
+            background: #fff;
+            border: none;
+            outline: none;
+        }
+        .img-form {
+            padding: 0 pxToRem(30px);
+            .img-add {
+                display: block;
+                width: pxToRem(130px);
+                height: pxToRem(130px);
+                border: 1px dashed #e0e0e0;
+                position: relative;
+                &:after {
+                    $width: pxToRem(image_width(sprite-file($suggest, suggest-add)));
+                    $height: pxToRem(image_height(sprite-file($suggest, suggest-add)));
+                    content: '';
+                    display: block;
+                    @include rem-sprite($suggest, suggest-add);
+                    width: $width;
+                    height: $height;
+                    position: absolute;
+                    top: 50%;
+                    left: 50%;
+                    margin-top: -$height / 2;
+                    margin-left: -$width / 2;
+                }
+                > input[type="file"] {
+                    position: absolute;
+                    //@include stretch();
+                    @include opacity(0.2);
+                    border: none;
+                    outline: none;
+                    display: block;
+                    width: pxToRem(130px);
+                    height: pxToRem(130px);
+                    top: 0;
+                    left: 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/sass/product/_detail.scss b/static/sass/product/_detail.scss
index 8cc764c..c92a489 100644
--- a/static/sass/product/_detail.scss
+++ b/static/sass/product/_detail.scss
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ $borderC:#e0e0e0;
 .good-detail-page {
 /* basic component */
@@ -213,7 +212,9 @@ $basicBtnC:#eb0313;
     font-size: pxToRem(28px);
     color: $mainFontC;
     line-height: pxToRem(88px);
-    border-bottom: 1px solid $borderC;
+    border-bottom: 2px solid $borderC;
         // padding-right:28rem/$pxConvertRem;
         font-size: inherit;
@@ -263,6 +264,20 @@ $basicBtnC:#eb0313;
         background-color: #fff;
         border-bottom: 1px solid $borderC;
+            font-size: px2rem(24);
+            line-height: px2rem(62);
+            color:$mainFontC;
+            padding-left: px2rem(28);
+            padding-right: px2rem(18);
+        }
+        .goods-spec,
+        .comment-time{
+            font-size: px2rem(24);
+            line-height: px2rem(62);
+        }
+        .detail-content{
+            font-size: px2rem(28);
+            line-height: px2rem(36);
             font-size: pxToRem(24px);
             line-height: pxToRem(62px);
@@ -284,6 +299,11 @@ $basicBtnC:#eb0313;
+            padding-left: px2rem(28);
+        }
+        .detail-content{
+            padding-right: px2rem(28);
             padding-left: pxToRem(28px);
@@ -297,20 +317,23 @@ $basicBtnC:#eb0313;
-     min-height: pxToRem(88px);
-     text-align: center;
-     background-color: #fff;
-     border-bottom: 1px solid $borderC;
-     line-height: pxToRem(88px);
-     font-size: pxToRem(28px);
-     a{
-         color: #e0e0e0;
-         .iconfont{
-           font-size: inherit;
-       }
-   }    
+       min-height: pxToRem(88px);
+       text-align: center;
+       background-color: #fff;
+       border-bottom: 2px solid $borderC;
+       line-height: pxToRem(88px);
+       font-size: pxToRem(28px);
+       a{
+           color: #e0e0e0;
+           .iconfont{
+             font-size: inherit;
+         }
+     }    
+ }
diff --git a/static/sass/product/_hot-rank.scss b/static/sass/product/_hot-rank.scss
index 8e7929d..1797d73 100644
--- a/static/sass/product/_hot-rank.scss
+++ b/static/sass/product/_hot-rank.scss
@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@
                 text-align: center;
                 font-size: 22rem / $pxConvertRem;
                 color: #fff;
-                // background: image-url("sale-icon/rank.png") no-repeat;
+                background: url("../img/me/employ/rank.png") no-repeat;
                 background-position: center top;
                 background-size: auto 100%;
                 &.top {
-                    // background: image-url("sale-icon/rank-t.png") no-repeat;
+                    background: url("../img/me/employ/rank-t.png") no-repeat;
                     background-position: center top;
                     background-size: 100%;
-                    line-height: 58rem / $pxConvertRem;
+                    line-height: 54rem / $pxConvertRem;
diff --git a/static/sass/product/_index.scss b/static/sass/product/_index.scss
index 07a9b33..b5f1db6 100644
--- a/static/sass/product/_index.scss
+++ b/static/sass/product/_index.scss
@@ -1 +1 @@
-@import "new-arrival", "discount", "list", "detail", "suspend-cart", "hot-rank";
\ No newline at end of file
+@import "new-arrival", "discount", "list", "detail", "suspend-cart", "hot-rank", "_recommend-for-you.scss";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/sass/me/_recommend-for-you.scss b/static/sass/product/_recommend-for-you.scss
index c1dd50e..c1dd50e 100644
--- a/static/sass/me/_recommend-for-you.scss
+++ b/static/sass/product/_recommend-for-you.scss
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/favorite.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/favorite.phtml
index 622a38c..a423749 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/favorite.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/favorite.phtml
@@ -7,9 +7,41 @@
     <div class="fav-content">
         <div class="fav-type">
-            {{# hasFavProduct}}
+            <ul class="fav-product-list">
+                {{# hasFavProduct}}
+                <li>
+                    <div class="fav-img-box">
+                        <img src="{{imgUrl}}" alt=""/>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="fav-info-list">
+                        <h2>{{title}}</h2>
+                        <div class="fav-price">
+                            {{# discountPrice}}
+                            <span class="new-price">{{.}}</span>
+                            {{/ discountPrice}}
+                            <span class="fav-price {{# discountPrice}}price-underline{{/ discountPrice}}">{{price}}</span>
+                        </div>
-            {{/ hasFavProduct}}
+                        {{# savePrice}}
+                        <div class="save-price save-price-number">
+                            比收藏时降价了<span>{{.}}</span>
+                            <span class="del-fav"></span>
+                        </div>
+                        {{/ savePrice}}
+                        {{^ savePrice}}
+                        <div class="save-price">
+                            {{# sellOut}}
+                            <span class="sell-out">已售罄</span>
+                            {{/ sellOut}}
+                            <span class="del-fav"></span>
+                        </div>
+                        {{/ savePrice}}
+                    </div>
+                </li>
+                {{/ hasFavProduct}}
+            </ul>
             {{^ hasFavProduct}}
             <span class="fav-null">您暂无收藏任何商品</span>
@@ -18,7 +50,41 @@
         <div class="fav-type hide">
             {{# hasFavBrand}}
+            <div class="fav-brand-swiper">
+                <div class="swiper-header">
+                    <div class="swiper-logo">
+                        <img src="{{brandImg}}" alt=""/>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="brand-info">
+                        <span class="brand-name">{{brandName}}</span>
+                        <div class="brand-update">
+                            {{# update}}
+                                <span class="brand-new">上新<b>{{.}}</b></span>
+                            {{/ update}}
+                            {{# discount}}
+                            <span class="brand-discount">折扣<b>{{.}}</b></span>
+                            {{/ discount}}
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                    <a href="{{link}}"></a>
+                </div>
+                <div id="swiper-container-{{id}}" class="swiper-container" data-id="{{id}}">
+                    <ul class="swiper-wrapper swiper-wrapper-{{id}}">
+                        {{# productList}}
+                        <li class="swiper-slide">
+                            <img class="swiper-lazy" data-src="{{imgUrl}}" alt=""/>
+                            <div class="brand-product">
+                                <p class="{{# discount}}price-discount{{/ discount}}">
+                                    {{price}}
+                                    {{# discount}}<span>{{.}}{{/ discount}}<span>
+                                </p>
+                            </div>
+                            <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div>
+                        </li>
+                        {{/ productList}}
+                    </ul>
+                </div>
+            </div>
             {{/ hasFavBrand}}
             {{^ hasFavBrand}}
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/index.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/index.phtml
index 7f6a88d..1ee0b1c 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/index.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/index.phtml
@@ -33,60 +33,60 @@
             <div class="order-type clearfix">
                 <a class="type-item" href="/home/order">
-                    <span class="iconfont">&#xe620;</span>
-                    <br>代付款
+                    <span class="iconfont">&#xe634;</span>
+                    <br>待付款
                 <a class="type-item" href="/home/order">
-                    <span class="iconfont">&#xe620;</span>
-                    <br>代发货
+                    <span class="iconfont">&#xe63b;</span>
+                    <br>待发货
                 <a class="type-item" href="/home/order">
-                    <span class="iconfont">&#xe620;</span>
-                    <br>代收货
+                    <span class="iconfont">&#xe633;</span>
+                    <br>待收货
         <div class="group-list">
             <div class="list-item">
-                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe620;</span>
+                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe637;</span>
                 <span class="iconfont num">3 &#xe604;</span>
         <div class="group-list">
             <div class="list-item">
-                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe620;</span>
+                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe63a;</span>
                 <span class="iconfont num">{{coupon_num}} &#xe604;</span>
             <div class="list-item">
-                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe620;</span>
+                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe635;</span>
                 YOHO 币
                 <span class="iconfont num">{{yoho_coin_num}} &#xe604;</span>
         <div class="group-list">
             <div class="list-item">
-                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe620;</span>
+                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe636;</span>
                 <span class="iconfont num">{{inbox_total}} &#xe604;</span>
         <div class="group-list">
             <div class="list-item">
-                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe620;</span>
+                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe63c;</span>
                 <span class="iconfont num">&#xe604;</span>
         <div class="group-list">
             <div class="list-item">
-                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe620;</span>
+                <span class="iconfont icon">&#xe639;</span>
                 <span class="iconfont num">&#xe604;</span>
-        {{> me/recommend-for-you}}
+        {{> product/recommend-for-you}}
 {{> layout/footer}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/online_service.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/online_service.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3df65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/online_service.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+{{> layout/header}}
+<div class="online-service-page yoho-page">
+    {{# service}}
+    <div class="question">
+        <div class="question-title">问题查询</div>
+         <div class="question-tab">
+            {{#tab}}
+            <span class="tab-item {{#current}}current{{/current}}" data-tab="{{tabid}}">{{tabname}}</span>
+            {{#iscut}}<span class="line"></span>{{/iscut}}
+            {{/tab}}
+        </div>
+        {{#question}}
+        <ul class="question-list {{#current}}current{{/current}}" data-tab-name="{{name}}">
+            {{#list}}
+            <li class="question-item">
+                <a href="{{link}}" title="{{title}}">
+                    {{title}}
+                    <span class="iconfont icon-yoho-enter">&#xe604;</span>
+                </a>
+            </li>
+            {{/list}}
+        </ul>
+        {{/question}}
+    </div>
+    {{/ service}}
+    <div class="connect-info">
+        <div class="connect-item connect-online">
+            <a href="http://chat80.live800.com/live800/chatClient/chatbox.jsp?companyID=493979&amp;configID=123576&amp;jid=9277320930" target="_blank" title="在线客服">
+                <span class="icon iconfont icon-chat">&#xe63c;</span>
+                在线客服
+                <span class="iconfont icon-yoho-enter">&#xe604;</span>
+            </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="connect-item connect-tel">
+            <a href="tel:400-889-9649" title="电话客服">
+                <span class="icon iconfont icon-tel">&#xe63e;</span>
+                电话客服
+                <p>
+                400-889-9649 &nbsp;&nbsp; 09:00 - 22:30 &nbsp; (周一至周日)
+                </p>
+            </a>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+{{> layout/footer}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/online_service_detail.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/online_service_detail.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..189be4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/online_service_detail.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{{> layout/header}}
+<div class="online-service-detail-page yoho-page">
+    <div class="qa-list">
+        {{# list}}
+        <div class="question-item">
+            <div class="question">Q:{{q}}</div>
+            <div class="answer">{{a}}</div>
+        </div>
+        {{/ list}}    
+    </div>
+{{> layout/footer}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/order-detail.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/order-detail.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5687835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/order-detail.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+{{> layout/header}}
+<div class="order-detail-page yoho-page">
+    {{# orderDetail}}
+        <div id="order-detail" data-id="{{orderNum}}">
+            <section class="owner-info block">
+                <span class="iconfont">&#xe631;</span>
+                <div class="beside-icon">
+                    <p class="name-phone">
+                        {{name}}
+                        <span>{{phoneNum}}</span>
+                    </p>
+                    <p class="address">
+                        {{address}}
+                    </p>
+                </div>
+            </section>
+            <section class="order-status block">
+                <div class="status sub">
+                    <span class="iconfont">&#xe632;</span>
+                    <p class="beside-icon sub-content">
+                        <span class="sub-title">{{orderStatus}}</span>
+                        <span>订单编号:{{orderNum}}</span>
+                        <span>下单时间:{{orderTime}}</span>
+                    </p>
+                </div>
+                {{#if unreceived}}
+                    <a class="logistics sub" href="{{logisticsUrl}}">
+                        <span class="iconfont">&#xe630;</span>
+                        <p class="beside-icon sub-content">
+                            <span class="sub-title">物流信息</span>                        
+                            <span>物流公司:{{logisticsCompany}}</span>
+                            <span>快递单号:{{logisticsNum}}</span>
+                        </p>
+                        <span class="iconfont icon-right">&#xe614;</span>
+                    </a>
+                {{/if}}
+            </section>
+            <section class="goods block">
+                {{# goods}}
+                    {{> me/order/good}}
+                {{/ goods}}
+            </section>
+            <ul class="cost block">
+                <li>
+                    商品总金额
+                    <span>¥{{sumPrice}}</span>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                    活动金额
+                    <span>-¥{{salePrice}}</span>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                    运费
+                    <span>+¥{{freight}}</span>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                    YOHO币
+                    <span>-¥{{yohoCoin}}</span>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                    实付金额
+                    <span>¥{{price}}</span>
+                </li>
+            </ul>
+            <div class="opt block">
+                {{#unless unreceived}}
+                    {{#unless unpaid}}
+                        <span class="btn btn-del">删除订单</span>
+                    {{/unless}}
+                {{/unless}}
+                {{#if unpaid}}
+                    <span class="btn btn-cancel">取消订单</span>
+                    <a href="{{payUrl}}">
+                        <span class="btn btn-pay">立即付款</span>
+                    </a>
+                {{/if}}
+                {{#if unreceived}}
+                    <a href="{{logisticsUrl}}">
+                        <span class="btn btn-check-logistics">查看物流</span>
+                    </a>
+                {{/if}}
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    {{/ orderDetail}}
+{{> layout/footer}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/order.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/order.phtml
index 5cba55b..571ea34 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/order.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/order.phtml
@@ -18,9 +18,7 @@
         <div id="order-container" class="order-container">
             <div class="all orders">
-                {{#each orders}}
-                    {{> me/order/order}}
-                {{/each}}
+                {{> me/order/orders}}
             <div class="unpaid orders hide"></div>
             <div class="unshipped orders hide"></div>
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/suggest.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/suggest.phtml
index 9b90933..6db0ee3 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/suggest.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/suggest.phtml
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
         {{/ suggestContent}}
+    <a class="create-new-suggest" href="#">
+        反馈问题<span>(功能意见,界面意见)</span>
+    </a>
     {{/ suggest}}
 {{> layout/footer}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/suggest_sub.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/suggest_sub.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e9c4b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/index/home/suggest_sub.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{{> layout/header}}
+<div class="yoho-suggest-sub-page yoho-page">
+    {{# suggestSub}}
+    <div class="suggest-sub-form">
+        <textarea name="" id="suggest-textarea" placeholder="请输入意见反馈,我们会以消息形式回复您的建议或意见,改进产品体验,谢谢!"></textarea>
+        <div class="img-form">
+            <span class="img-add">
+                <input id="upload-img" type="file"  name="fileselect[]" multiple />
+            </span>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    {{/ suggestSub}}
+{{> layout/footer}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/product/newsale/hotlist.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/product/newsale/hotlist.phtml
index 38817eb..3eee757 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/product/newsale/hotlist.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/actions/product/newsale/hotlist.phtml
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
+{{#if tabs}}
  <div class="s-goods-nav goods-nav">
     <ul class="swiper-wrapper clearfix">
-        {{# tabs}}
+    {{# tabs}}
             {{# title}}
                 <li class="swiper-slide nav-item" data-sort="{{ params}}" data-id="{{ id}}">
                     <span>{{ name}}</span>
             {{/ title}}
-        {{/ tabs}}
+    {{/ tabs}}
     <div class="rank-main">
             {{# goods}}
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/home/goods_category.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/home/goods_category.phtml
index 75f6fb0..feab0bb 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/home/goods_category.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/home/goods_category.phtml
@@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
 {{> home/floor_header_more}}
 <div class="goods-category">
 	{{# big_image}}
+	{{#if list}}
+		<div class="category-swiper">
+			<ul class="swiper-wrapper">
+				{{# list}}
+				<li class="swiper-slide">
+					<a href="{{url}}">
+						<img class="lazy" data-original="{{img}}" alt="{{title}}">
+					</a>
+				</li>
+				{{/ list}}
+			</ul>
+			<div class="swiper-pagination">
+		        <div class="pagination-inner clearfix">
+		        </div>
+		    </div>
+		</div>
+	{{^}}
 	<div class="category-swiper">
-		<ul class="swiper-wrapper">
-			{{# list}}
-			<li class="swiper-slide">
-				<a href="{{url}}">
-					<img class="lazy" data-original="{{img}}" alt="{{title}}">
-				</a>
-			</li>
-			{{/ list}}
-		</ul>
-		<div class="swiper-pagination">
-	        <div class="pagination-inner clearfix">
-	        </div>
-	    </div>
+	    <a href={{url}}>
+	        <img class="lazy" data-original="{{img}}" alt="{{title}}">
+	    </a>
+	{{/if}}
 	{{/ big_image}}
 	<ul class="category-list clearfix">
 		{{# list}}
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/download_app.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/download_app.phtml
index ea61644..a99e151 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/download_app.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/download_app.phtml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <div class="float-layer hide" id="float-layer-app">
     <div class="float-layer-left">
         <span class="yoho-icon iconfont">&#xe60d;</span>
-        <p>新用户首单减10元</p>
+        <p>新用户送千元礼包</p>
     <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="float-layer-close" >
         <i class="close-icon iconfont">&#xe623;</i>
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/footer.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/footer.phtml
index bf9103b..92cc48b 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/footer.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/footer.phtml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-    })(window,document,'script','http://cdn.yoho.cn/yas-jssdk/1.0.12/yas.js','_yas');
+    })(window,document,'script','http://cdn.yoho.cn/yas-jssdk/1.0.13/yas.js','_yas');
 {{> layout/use}}
 {{> layout/analysis}} 
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/not-footer.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/not-footer.phtml
index fccf08a..d37f1e7 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/not-footer.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/not-footer.phtml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-    })(window,document,'script','http://cdn.yoho.cn/yas-jssdk/1.0.12/yas.js','_yas');
+    })(window,document,'script','http://cdn.yoho.cn/yas-jssdk/1.0.13/yas.js','_yas');
 {{> layout/use}}
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/page_header.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/page_header.phtml
index 9c77b69..24c7fc2 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/page_header.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/page_header.phtml
@@ -9,5 +9,8 @@
     <p class="nav-title">{{.}}</p>
+    {{# navBtn}}
+    <span class="nav-btn">{{.}}</span>
+    {{/ navBtn}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/use.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/use.phtml
index 90e63f4..dd01354 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/use.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/use.phtml
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@
 {{!-- 个人中心 --}}
-{{!-- 个人中心首页 --}}
 {{#if myIndexPage}}
@@ -212,16 +211,30 @@
-{{!-- 个人中心: 商品收藏&品牌收藏 --}}
+{{#if orderDetailPage}}
+    seajs.use('js/me/order-detail');
 {{#if favPage}}
+{{!-- 个人中心: 收藏 --}}
+{{!-- 个人中心: 意见反馈 --}}
+{{#if suggestPage}}
+    seajs.use('js/me/suggest');
 {{#if couponsPage}}
+{{#if onlineServicePage}}
+    seajs.use('js/me/online-service');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/me/order/order.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/me/order/order.phtml
index d5fd81b..6bba8e2 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/me/order/order.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/me/order/order.phtml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-<div class="order" data-id="{{orderNum}}">
+<div class="order" data-id="{{orderNum}}" data-href="{{detailUrl}}">
     <header class="header">
-        <span class="trading-status">{{tradingStatus}}</span>
+        <span class="order-status">{{orderStatus}}</span>
     <section class="order-goods">
         {{# goods}}
@@ -12,16 +12,27 @@
         共{{count}}件商品  实付<span class="sum-cost">¥{{sumCost}}</span>
-    {{#if unpaid}}
-        <div class="order-opt">
+    {{!-- 对应订单状态的操作逻辑 --}}
+    {{!-- 完成和取消订单显示删除按钮 --}}
+    <div class="order-opt">
+        {{#unless unpaid}}
+            {{#unless unreceived}}
+                <span class="btn del">删除订单</span>
+            {{/unless}}
+        {{/unless}}
+        {{#if unpaid}}
             <span class="btn cancel">取消订单</span>
-            <span class="btn pay">立即付款</span>
-        </div>
-    {{/if}}
+            <a class="locHref" href="{{payUrl}}">
+                <span class="btn pay">立即付款</span>
+            </a>
+        {{/if}}
-    {{#with unreceived}}
-        <div class="order-opt">
-            <a class="check-logistics" href="{{.}}">查看物流</a>
-        </div>
-    {{/with}}
+        {{#if unreceived}}
+            <a class="locHref" href="{{logisticsUrl}}">
+                <span class="btn check-logistics">查看物流</span>
+            </a>
+        {{/if}}
+    </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/me/order/orders.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/me/order/orders.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3796f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/me/order/orders.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{{#if walkwayUrl}}
+    <div class="no-order">
+        <span class="iconfont">&#xe632;</span>
+        <span>你还没有订单</span>
+        <a class="walk-way" href="{{walkwayUrl}}">随便逛逛</a>
+    </div>
+    {{#each orders}}
+        {{> me/order/order}}
+    {{/each}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/me/recommend-for-you.phtml b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/product/recommend-for-you.phtml
index 5aab351..3bf1a28 100644
--- a/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/me/recommend-for-you.phtml
+++ b/template/m.yohobuy.com/partials/product/recommend-for-you.phtml
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
     <div class="recommend-for-you">
         <div class="title">为您优选新品</div>
         <div class="swiper-recommend">
-            <div class="swiper-wrapper">
+            <ul class="swiper-wrapper">
-                <div class="swiper-slider">
+                <li class="swiper-slider">
                     <img class="img-box" src="{{thumb}}">
                     <div class="price">
                         <span class="sale-price">¥{{salePrice}}</span>
                         <span class="old-price">¥{{price}}</span>
-                </div>
+                </li>
-            </div>
+            </ul>
 {{/ recommendForYou}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/controllers/Home.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/controllers/Home.php
index 13ef417..7f412d8 100644
--- a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/controllers/Home.php
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/controllers/Home.php
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 use Action\AbstractAction;
 use home\GradeModel;
+use home\OrderModel;
 use Plugin\Helpers;
@@ -15,24 +16,24 @@ use Plugin\Helpers;
 class HomeController extends AbstractAction
      * 个人中心入口
-    public function indexAction()
-    {
-    	// 设置网站标题
+    public function indexAction() {
+        // 设置网站标题
-	    $this->setNavHeader('个人中心', true, SITE_MAIN);
+        $this->setNavHeader('个人中心', true, SITE_MAIN);
 	    // $uid = $this->getUid();
-	    $uid = 967016;
+	    $uid = 8826435;
 	    $data = \Index\UserModel::getUserProfileData($uid);
 	    $data += \Index\UserModel::getInfoNumData($uid);
-	    // 优选新品数据
-	    $channel = Helpers::getChannelByCookie();
-		$data['recommendForYou'] = \Index\UserModel::getPreferenceData($channel);
-	    // print_r($data);
+        // 优选新品数据
+        $channel = Helpers::getChannelByCookie();
+        $data['recommendForYou'] = \Index\UserModel::getPreferenceData($channel);
+        // print_r($data);
         $data['myIndexPage'] = true;
         $data['pageFooter'] = true;
@@ -45,10 +46,15 @@ class HomeController extends AbstractAction
 	public function ordersAction()
-		// $uid = $this->getUid();
-		// $type = $this->get('type', 1);
+		// 设置网站标题
+		$this->setTitle('我的订单');
+		$this->setNavHeader('我的订单', true, SITE_MAIN);
-		// $orders = \Index\UserModel::getUserOrderData(967016, $type);
+		$uid = $this->getUid();
+		$uid = 8826435;
+		$type = $this->get('type', 1);
+		$order = \Index\UserModel::getUserOrderData($uid, $type);
 		$order = array(
 			'orders' => array(
@@ -84,22 +90,20 @@ class HomeController extends AbstractAction
 		$this->_view->display('order', array('order' => $order, 'orderPage' => true));
-		// print_r($orders);
-	/**
-	 * 用户收藏的商品
-	 */
-	public function favoriteAction()
-	{
-		$uid = $this->getUid();
+    /**
+     * 用户收藏的商品
+     */
+    public function favoriteAction() {
+        $uid = $this->getUid();
-		$favProducts = \Index\UserModel::getFavProductData($uid);
+        $favProducts = \Index\UserModel::getFavProductData($uid);
-		//print_r($favProducts);
+        //print_r($favProducts);
         $this->_view->display('favorite', array(
-            'favPage' => true,
+            'favPage' => true, //加载js
             'pageHeader' => array(
                 'navBack' => true,
                 'navTitle' => '我的收藏',
@@ -107,166 +111,307 @@ class HomeController extends AbstractAction
             'pageFooter' => true,
             'favorite' => true,
-            'hasFavProduct' => false,
-            'hasFavBrand' => false
+            'hasFavProduct' => array(
+                '0' => array(
+                    'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                    'title' => 'adidas Originals ZX FLUXM22508 ',
+                    'price' => '¥800',
+                    'discountPrice' => false,
+                    'savePrice' => false,
+                    'sellOut' => true
+                ),
+                '1' => array(
+                    'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                    'title' => 'adidas Originals ZX FLUXM22508 ',
+                    'price' => '¥800',
+                    'discountPrice' => '¥500',
+                    'savePrice' => '¥300',
+                    'sellOut' => false
+                )
+            ),
+            'hasFavBrand' => array(
+                '0' => array(
+                    'id'=> '1',
+                    'brandImg' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                    'brandName' => 'VANS',
+                    'update' => 12,
+                    'discount' => 10,
+                    'link' => '#',
+                    'productList' => array(
+                        '0' => array(
+                            'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                            'price' => '¥240',
+                            'discount' => '¥240'
+                        ),
+                        '1' => array(
+                            'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                            'price' => '¥240',
+                            'discount' => '¥240'
+                        ),
+                        '2' => array(
+                            'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                            'price' => '¥240',
+                            'discount' => '¥240'
+                        ),
+                        '3' => array(
+                            'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                            'price' => '¥240',
+                            'discount' => '¥240'
+                        )
+                    )
+                ),
+                '1' => array(
+                    'id'=> '2',
+                    'brandImg' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                    'brandName' => 'VANS',
+                    'update' => 12,
+                    'discount' => 10,
+                    'link' => '#',
+                    'productList' => array(
+                        '0' => array(
+                            'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                            'price' => '¥240',
+                            'discount' => '¥240'
+                        ),
+                        '1' => array(
+                            'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                            'price' => '¥240',
+                            'discount' => '¥240'
+                        ),
+                        '2' => array(
+                            'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                            'price' => '¥240',
+                            'discount' => '¥240'
+                        ),
+                        '3' => array(
+                            'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                            'price' => '¥240',
+                            'discount' => '¥240'
+                        )
+                    )
+                ),
+                '2' => array(
+                    'id'=> '3',
+                    'brandImg' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                    'brandName' => 'VANS',
+                    'update' => 12,
+                    'discount' => 10,
+                    'link' => '#',
+                    'productList' => array(
+                        'imgUrl' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                        'price' => '¥240',
+                        'discount' => false
+                    )
+                )
+            )
-	}
+    }
-	/**
-	 * 用户收藏的品牌
-	 */
-	public function favoritebrandAction()
-	{
-		$uid = $this->getUid();
-		$gender = Helpers::getGenderByCookie();
+    /**
+     * 用户收藏的品牌
+     */
+    public function favoritebrandAction() {
+        $uid = $this->getUid();
+        $gender = Helpers::getGenderByCookie();
-		$favBrands = \Index\UserModel::getFavBrandData($uid, $gender);
+        $favBrands = \Index\UserModel::getFavBrandData($uid, $gender);
-		print_r($favBrands);
-	}
+        print_r($favBrands);
+    }
-	/**
-	 * 个人信息
-	 */
-	public function personalDetailsAction()
-	{
+    /**
+     * 个人信息
+     */
+    public function personalDetailsAction() {
-	    $this->setNavHeader('个人信息', true, SITE_MAIN);
+        $this->setNavHeader('个人信息', true, SITE_MAIN);
-		// $uid = $this->getUid();
-		$uid = 967016;
-	    $data = \Index\UserModel::getUserProfileData($uid);
-	    $data['pageFooter'] = true;
+        // $uid = $this->getUid();
+        $uid = 967016;
+        $data = \Index\UserModel::getUserProfileData($uid);
+        $data['pageFooter'] = true;
         $this->_view->display('personal-details', $data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * YOHO币
+     */
+    public function currencyAction() {
+        // $uid = $this->getUid();
+        $this->setNavHeader('YOHO币', true, false);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * YOHO币
-	 */
-	public function currencyAction()
-	{
-		// $uid = $this->getUid();
-		$this->setNavHeader('YOHO币', true, false);
-	    $uid = 967016;
-		$currency = \Index\UserModel::getYohoCoinData($uid);
-		$this->_view->display('currency', $currency);
-	}
+        $uid = 967016;
+        $currency = \Index\UserModel::getYohoCoinData($uid);
-	/**
-	 * 优惠券
-	 */
-	public function couponsAction()
-	{
+        $this->setTitle('优惠券');
+	    $this->setNavHeader('优惠券', true, SITE_MAIN);
 		// $uid = $this->getUid();
-	    $uid = 967016;
-		$status = $this->get('status', 0);
+	    $uid = 8826435;
 		$coupons  = array(
-			'couponsUrl' => \Index\UserModel::getCouponData($uid, $status), 
+			'couponsUrl' => array(
+				\Index\UserModel::getCouponData($uid, 0),
+				\Index\UserModel::getCouponData($uid, 1),
+			),
 			'couponsPage' => true
+		print_r($coupons);
         $this->_view->display('coupons', $coupons);
+    }
-	}
+    /**
+     * 优惠券
+     */
+    public function couponsAction() {
-	/**
-	 * 我的消息
-	 */
-	public function messageAction()
-	{
-		// $uid = $this->getUid();
-		$page = $this->get('page', 0);
-		$size = $this->get('size', 10);
+        $this->setTitle('优惠券');
+        $this->setNavHeader('优惠券', true, SITE_MAIN);
+        // $uid = $this->getUid();
+        $uid = 8826435;
+        $status = $this->get('status', 0);
+        $coupons = array(
+            'couponsUrl' => \Index\UserModel::getCouponData($uid, $status),
+            'couponsPage' => true
+        );
+        print_r($coupons);
+        $this->_view->display('coupons', $coupons);
+    }
-	    $uid = 967016;
-		$messages  = \Index\UserModel::getMessageData($uid, $page, $size);
+    /**
+     * 我的消息
+     */
+    public function messageAction() {
+        // $uid = $this->getUid();
+        $page = $this->get('page', 0);
+        $size = $this->get('size', 10);
-		print_r($messages);
+        $uid = 967016;
+        $messages = \Index\UserModel::getMessageData($uid, $page, $size);
-	}
+        print_r($messages);
+    }
-	/**
-	 * 地址管理
-	 */
-	public function addressAction()
-	{
-		// 设置网站标题
+    /**
+     * 地址管理
+     */
+    public function addressAction() {
+        // 设置网站标题
         $this->setNavHeader('地址管理', true, SITE_MAIN);
         // $uid = $this->getUid();
         $uid = 967016;
-		$address = \Index\UserModel::getAddressData($uid);
+        $address = \Index\UserModel::getAddressData($uid);
+        $addressList = \Index\UserModel::getAddressListData($uid);
-		// print_r($address);
+        // print_r($address);
         $this->_view->display('address', array(
             'addressPage' => true,
             'pageFooter' => true,
-            'address' => $address
+            'address' => $address,
+            'addressList' => $addressList
-	}
+    }
-     * 修改地址
+     * 修改地址或者添加新地址
-    public function editAddressAction()
-    {
-        // 设置网站标题
-        $this->setTitle('修改地址');
-        $this->setNavHeader('修改地址', true, SITE_MAIN);
+    public function saveAddressAction() {
+        $result = array();
+        if ($this->isAjax()) {
+            // $uid = $this->getUid();
+            $uid = 967016;
+            $address = $this->post('address', '');
+            $area_code = $this->post('area_code', '');
+            $consignee = $this->post('consignee', '');
+            $email = $this->post('email', '');
+            $id = $this->post('id', null);
+            $mobile = $this->post('mobile', '');
+            $zip_code = $this->post('zip_code', '');
+            $result = \Index\UserModel::saveAddressData($uid, $address, $area_code, $consignee, $email, $id, $mobile, $zip_code);
+        }
+        if (empty($result)) {
+            echo ' ';
+        } else {
+            $this->echoJson($result);
+        }
+    }
-        // $uid = $this->getUid();
-        $uid = 967016;
+    /**
+     * 设置默认地址
+     */
+    public function defaultAddressAction() {
+        $result = array();
+        if ($this->isAjax()) {
+            // $uid = $this->getUid();
+            $uid = 967016;
+            $id = $this->post('id', '');
+            $result = \Index\UserModel::setDefaultAddress($uid, $id);
+        }
+        if (empty($result)) {
+            echo ' ';
+        } else {
+            $this->echoJson($result);
+        }
+    }
-        $address = \Index\UserModel::getAddressData($uid);
+    //在线客服
+    public function onlineServiceAction() {
+        // 设置网站标题
+        $this->setTitle('在线客服');
+        $this->setNavHeader('在线客服', true, SITE_MAIN);
-        // print_r($address);
+        $service = home\OnlineModel::getOnlineServiceInfo();
-        $this->_view->display('edit_address', array(
-            'editAddressPage' => true,
-            'pageFooter' => true,
-            'address' => $address
+        $this->_view->display('online_service', array(
+            'onlineServicePage' => true,
+            // 'pageFooter' => true,
+            'service' => $service
-	/**
-	 * 在线客服
-	 */
-	public function onlineServiceAction()
-	{
-		$service = \Index\UserModel::getOnlineServiceData();
-		print_r($service);
-	}
+    //在线客服-具体详情
+    public function onlineServiceDetailAction() {
+        $service = array();
+        $cateId = $this->get('cateId', 0);
+        $cateName = $this->get('cateName', '');
+        if ($cateId > 0) {
+            $service = home\OnlineModel::getOnlineServiceDetail($cateId);
+        }
+        $this->setTitle('在线客服');
+        $this->setNavHeader($cateName, true, '');
+        $this->_view->display('online_service_detail', $service);
+    }
-	/**
-	 * 我的逛
-	 */
-	public function myGuangAction()
-	{
-		echo 'My Guang';
-	}
+    /**
+     * 我的逛
+     */
+    public function myGuangAction() {
+        echo 'My Guang';
+    }
-	/**
-	 * 意见反馈
-	 */
-	public function suggestAction()
-	{
-		$udid = $this->getUdid();
-		$page = $this->get('page', 1);
-		$limit = $this->get('limit', 30);
+    /**
+     * 意见反馈
+     */
+    public function suggestAction() {
+        $udid = $this->getUdid();
+        $page = $this->get('page', 1);
+        $limit = $this->get('limit', 30);
-		$suggest = \Index\UserModel::getSuggestData($udid, $page, $limit);
+        $suggest = \Index\UserModel::getSuggestData($udid, $page, $limit);
-		//print_r($suggest);
+        //print_r($suggest);
         $this->_view->display('suggest', array(
-            'suggestPage' => true,
+            'suggestPage' => true, //加载js
             'pageHeader' => array(
                 'navBack' => true,
                 'navTitle' => '意见反馈'
@@ -294,8 +439,33 @@ class HomeController extends AbstractAction
                     'bad' => false)
+    }
-	}
+    /**
+     * 意见反馈-提交表单
+     */
+    public function suggest_subAction()
+    {
+        $udid = $this->getUdid();
+        $page = $this->get('page', 1);
+        $limit = $this->get('limit', 30);
+        $suggest = \Index\UserModel::getSuggestData($udid, $page, $limit);
+        //print_r($suggest);
+        $this->_view->display('suggest_sub', array(
+            'suggestPage' => true, //加载js
+            'pageHeader' => array(
+                'navBack' => true,
+                'navTitle' => '反馈问题',
+                'navBtn' => '提交'
+            ),
+            'suggestSub' => true,
+            'pageFooter' => true
+        ));
+    }
 	 * 异步保存意见反馈数据
@@ -306,45 +476,131 @@ class HomeController extends AbstractAction
 			$uid = $this->getUid();
 			$content = $this->post('content', '');
 			$suggest_type = $this->get('suggest_type', 2);
+            $result = \Index\UserModel::saveSuggestData($uid, $content, $suggest_type);
+            $this->echoJson($result);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 会员等级展示页
+     */
+    public function gradeAction() {
+        //设置网站seo信息
+        $this->setTitle('会员等级');
+        //显示网站导航头部信息
+        $this->setNavHeader('会员等级');
+        $gender = Helpers::getGenderByCookie();
+        $channel = Helpers::getChannelByCookie();
+        $uid = $this->getUid();
+        $uid = '7566245'; //临时测试用
+        $data = GradeModel::getGrade($gender, $channel, $uid);
+        $data['pageFooter'] = true;
+        $this->_view->display('vip-grade', $data);
+    }
+    /*
+     * 会员特权查看页
+     */
+    public function preferentialAction() {
+        //设置网站seo信息
+        $this->setTitle('会员等级');
+        //显示网站导航头部信息
+        $this->setNavHeader('会员特权详情');
+        $channel = Helpers::getChannelByCookie();
+        $uid = $this->getUid();
+        $data = GradeModel::getPreferential($channel, $uid);
+        $data['pageFooter'] = true;
+        $this->_view->display('privilege', $data);
+    }
+    /*
+     * 我的订单页面
+     */
+    public function orderAction() {
+        //获取基本参数:type:1=>全部,2=>待付款,3=>待发货,4=>待收货,5=>待评论
+        $type = $this->get('type', 1);
+        $page = $this->get('page', 1);
+        $limit = $this->get('limit', 10);
+        $gender = Helpers::getGenderByCookie();
+        $yh_channel = $this->get('yh_channel', 1);
+        $uid = $this->getUid();
+        $uid = '7566245'; //测试用
+        $this -> setTitle('我的订单');
+        $this -> setNavHeader('我的订单');
+        //调用模型层getOrder方法获得并处理数据
+        $data = OrderModel::getOrder($type, $page, $limit, $gender, $yh_channel, $uid);
+        //如果没有订单数据,就给一个随便逛逛链接
+        $order = array();
+        if (!empty($data)) {
+            $order['orders'] = $data;
+        } else {
+           $order['walkwayUrl'] = 'http://www.baidu.com';
+        }
+        //渲染模板
+        $this->_view->display('order', array(
+            'order' => $order,
+            'orderPage' => true,
+            'pageFooter' => true
+        ));
+    }
-			$result = \Index\UserModel::saveSuggestData($uid, $content, $suggest_type);
+    /*
+     * 我的订单-处理ajax请求页面(切换订单状态)
+     */
+    public function getOrdersAction() {
-			$this->echoJson($result);
-		}
+        //判断是不是ajax请求
+        if (!$this->isAjax()) {
+            $this->error();
+        }
+        self::orderAction();
+    }
-	}
-        /**
-         * 会员等级展示页
-         */
-            public function gradeAction(){
-                //设置网站seo信息
-                $this->setTitle('会员等级');
-                //显示网站导航头部信息
-                $this->setNavHeader('会员等级');
-                $gender = Helpers::getGenderByCookie();
-                $channel = Helpers::getChannelByCookie();
-                $uid = $this -> getUid();
-                $uid = '7566245';//临时测试用
-                $data = GradeModel::getGrade($gender,$channel,$uid);
-                $data['pageFooter'] = true;
-                $this -> _view -> display('vip-grade',$data);
-            }
-        /*
-        *会员特权查看页
-         */
-            public function preferentialAction(){
-                //设置网站seo信息
-                $this->setTitle('会员等级');
-                //显示网站导航头部信息
-                $this->setNavHeader('会员特权详情');
-                $channel = Helpers::getChannelByCookie();
-                $uid = $this -> getUid();               
-                $data = GradeModel::getPreferential($channel,$uid);
-                $data['pageFooter'] = true;
-                $this -> _view -> display('privilege',$data);
-            }
+    public function orderDetailAction()
+    {
+        $data = array(
+            'name' => '毛毛莉Lydia',
+            'phoneNum' => '18600001133',
+            'address' => '南京市建邺区嘉陵江东街18号国家广告产业园5栋17楼',
+            'orderStatus' => '订单取消',
+            'orderNum' => '418358063',
+            'orderTime' => '2014-03-10 17:25:10',
+            'orderCancel' => true,
+            'goods' => array(
+                array(
+                    'id' => 1,
+                    'thumb' => 'http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/01ce2aff32fc3c90584f516167cd526d91.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                    'name' => 'Adidas Originals ZX FLUXM22508',
+                    'color' => '黄',
+                    'size' => '43',
+                    'price' => '699.00',
+                    'count' => '2'
+                ),
+                array(
+                    'id' => 1,
+                    'thumb' => 'http://img10.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2015/11/04/05/0188f1aca49ac478a565ec029b5d2d4a6c.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/235x314/extent/235x314/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90',
+                    'name' => 'B.Duck浴室玩伴mini浮水鸭',
+                    'gift' => true,
+                    'color' => '黄',
+                    'size' => '43',
+                    'price' => '0.00',
+                    'count' => '1'
+                )
+            ),
+            'sumPrice' => 799,
+            'salePrice' => 80,
+            'freight' => 5,
+            'coupon' => 0,
+            'yohoCoin' => 5,
+            'price' => 719
+        );
+        $this->_view->display('order-detail', array('orderDetail' => $data, 'orderDetailPage' => true));
+    }
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/home/Grade.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Home/Grade.php
index c42db33..abe60e1 100644
--- a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/home/Grade.php
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Home/Grade.php
@@ -26,43 +26,41 @@ class GradeModel
-        $data = GradeData::getGradeData($channel, $uid);
-        if (isset($data['code']) && $data['code'] === 200 && isset($data['data'])) {
-            switch (intval($data['data']['current_vip_level'])) {
-                case 0://普通会员
-                    $result['vipGrade']['vip0'] = true;
-                    break;
-                case 1://银卡会员
-                    $result['vipGrade']['vip1'] = true;
-                    break;
-                case 2://金卡会员
-                    $result['vipGrade']['vip2'] = true;
-                    break;
-                case 3://白金会员
-                    $result['vipGrade']['vip3'] = true;
-                    break;
-            }
-            //今年总消费
-            $result['vipGrade']['costOfThisYear'] = $data['data']['current_year_cost'];
-            //升级下一等级会员的进度;
-            $result['vipGrade']['percent'] = 100*(round($data['data']['current_total_cost'] / $data['data']['next_need_cost'], 2));
-            //距离升级所需消费金额
-            if ($data['data']['current_vip_level'] != 3) {
-                $result['vipGrade']['costGap'] = $data['data']['upgrade_need_cost'];
-            }
-            //消费总计
-            $result['vipGrade']['sumCost'] = $data['data']['current_total_cost'];
-            //username 调用获取用户基本信息数据,获得username;
-            $userProfile = GradeData::getUserProfileData($gender,$uid,$channel);
-            $result['vipGrade']['name'] = $userProfile['data']['username'];
-            //跳转url(会员特权详情)
-            $result['vipGrade']['allUrl'] = Helpers::url('/Home/preferential',null);
-            //当前vip等级享受的特权
-            $result['vipGrade']['privilege'] = $data['data']['enjoy_preferential'];
+        $data = GradeData::getGradeData($gender, $channel, $uid);
+        switch (intval($data['grade']['current_vip_level'])) {
+            case 0://普通会员
+                $result['vipGrade']['vip0'] = true;
+                break;
+            case 1://银卡会员
+                $result['vipGrade']['vip1'] = true;
+                break;
+            case 2://金卡会员
+                $result['vipGrade']['vip2'] = true;
+                break;
+            case 3://白金会员
+                $result['vipGrade']['vip3'] = true;
+                break;
+        }
+        //今年总消费
+        $result['vipGrade']['costOfThisYear'] = $data['grade']['current_year_cost'];
+        //升级下一等级会员的进度;
+        $result['vipGrade']['percent'] = 100 * (round($data['grade']['current_total_cost'] / $data['grade']['next_need_cost'], 2));
+        //距离升级所需消费金额
+        if ($data['grade']['current_vip_level'] != 3) {
+            $result['vipGrade']['costGap'] = $data['grade']['upgrade_need_cost'];
+        //消费总计
+        $result['vipGrade']['sumCost'] = $data['grade']['current_total_cost'];
+        //username 调用获取用户基本信息数据,获得username;
+        //$userProfile = GradeData::getUserProfileData($gender,$uid,$channel);
+        $result['vipGrade']['name'] = $data['userProfile']['username'];
+        //跳转url(会员特权详情)
+        $result['vipGrade']['allUrl'] = Helpers::url('/Home/preferential', null);
+        //当前vip等级享受的特权
+        $result['vipGrade']['privilege'] = $data['grade']['enjoy_preferential'];
         if (USE_CACHE) {
             // 接口调用异常时, 不害怕,从我们的二级缓存(slave)里再取数据.
@@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ class GradeModel
                 Cache::set(CacheConfig::KEY_ACTION_HOME_GRADE, $result);
         return $result;
@@ -97,7 +95,7 @@ class GradeModel
         if (isset($data['code']) && $data['code'] == 200) {
             $result['vipGrade']['privilege'] = $data['data'];
         if (USE_CACHE) {
             // 接口调用异常时, 不害怕,从我们的二级缓存(slave)里再取数据.
@@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ class GradeModel
                 Cache::set(CacheConfig::KEY_ACTION_HOME_PREFERENTIAL, $result);
         return $result;
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Home/Order.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Home/Order.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5430a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Home/Order.php
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+namespace home;
+use LibModels\Wap\Home\OrderData;
+use Plugin\Helpers;
+use Configs\CacheConfig;
+ * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
+ * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+ * Description of Order
+ * 
+ */
+class OrderModel
+    /**
+     * 订单相关数据处理
+     */
+    public function getOrder($type = 1, $page = 1, $limit, $gender, $yh_channel, $uid) {
+        $result = array();
+        if (USE_CACHE) {
+            $key = CacheConfig::KEY_ACTION_HOME_ORDER_ORDER;
+            // 先尝试获取一级缓存(master), 有数据则直接返回.
+            $result = Cache::get($key, 'master');
+            if (!empty($result)) {
+                return $result;
+            }
+        }
+        //调用接口获得数据
+        $data = OrderData::getOrderData($type, $page, $limit, $gender, $yh_channel, $uid);
+        //检查数据返回是否正常,正常则处理数据
+        if ($data['code'] == 200 && isset($data['data'])) {
+            foreach ($data['data']['order_list'] as $key => $vo) {
+                //订单号,支付状态,订单商品数量,订单总价格
+                $result[$key]['orderNum'] = $vo['order_code'];
+                $result[$key]['orderStatus'] = $vo['status_str'];
+                $result[$key]['count'] = count($vo['order_goods']);
+                $result[$key]['sumCost'] = $vo['amount'] + $vo['shipping_cost'];
+                //订单商品列表数据
+                $result[$key]['goods'] = self::formatOrderGoods($vo['order_goods']);
+                //订单status判断订单处于什么状态。
+                do {
+                    //订单取消状态
+                    if ($vo['is_cancel'] === 'Y') {
+                        $result[$key]['canceled'] = true;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    //支付方式不是货到付款时,计算订单状态
+                    if ($vo['payment_type'] != 2) {
+                        switch ($vo['status']) {
+                            case 0:
+                                $result[$key]['unpaid'] = true;
+                                break;
+                            case 1:
+                            case 2:
+                            case 3:
+                            case 4:
+                            case 5:
+                                $result[$key]['unreceived'] = true;
+                                $result[$key]['logisticsUrl'] = "暂无logisticsUrl数据";
+                                break;
+                            case 6:
+                                $result[$key]['completed'] = true;
+                                break;
+                            default:
+                                break;
+                        }
+                    } elseif ($vo['payment_type'] == 2) {
+                        //订单为货到付款订单时,订单没有未支付状态
+                        switch ($vo['status']) {
+                            case 0 || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5:
+                                $result[$key]['unreceived'] = true;
+                                //此处备注,接口没有返回logisticsUrl数据
+                                $resault[$key]['logisticsUrl'] = "备注:暂无logisticsUrl数据";
+                                break;
+                            case 6:
+                                $result[$key]['completed'] = true;
+                                break;
+                            default:
+                                break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                } while (false);
+            }
+        }
+        if (USE_CACHE) {
+            // 接口调用异常时, 不害怕,从我们的二级缓存(slave)里再取数据.
+            if (empty($result)) {
+                $result = Cache::get($key, 'slave');
+            }
+            // 接口调用正常,数据封装完成, 则设置一级(master)和二级(slave)数据缓存
+            else {
+                Cache::set($key, $result);
+            }
+        }
+        return $result;
+    }
+    //格式化订单商品
+    static function formatOrderGoods($orderGoods) {
+        $arr = array();
+        foreach ($orderGoods as $key => $vo) {
+            $arr[$key]['thumb'] = Helpers::getImageUrl($vo['goods_image'], 90, 120);
+            $arr[$key]['name'] = $vo['product_name'];
+            $arr[$key]['color'] = $vo['color_name'];
+            $arr[$key]['size'] = $vo['size_name'];
+            $arr[$key]['price'] = $vo['goods_price'];
+            $arr[$key]['count'] = $vo['buy_number'];
+            if ($vo['goods_type'] == 'gift') {
+                $arr[$key]['gift'] = true;
+            } elseif ($vo['goods_type'] == 'price_gift') {
+                $arr[$key]['advanceBuy'] = true;
+            }
+        }
+        return $arr;
+    }
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Index/User.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Index/User.php
index 366c79c..c5762a1 100644
--- a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Index/User.php
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Index/User.php
@@ -103,8 +103,6 @@ class UserModel
 		// 处理用户订单数据
 		if (isset($orderData['data']) && !empty($orderData['data'])) {
-			$result = $orderData['data'];
 			$oneOrder = array();
 			foreach ($orderData['data']['order_list'] as $val) {
 				$oneOrder = array();
@@ -120,21 +118,18 @@ class UserModel
 					$oneGoods = array();
 					$oneGoods['id'] = 1;
 					$oneGoods['thumb'] = Helpers::getImageUrl($goods['goods_image'], 60, 80);
-					$oneGoods['name'] = $val['product_name'];
-					$oneGoods['color'] = $val['color_name'];
-					$oneGoods['size'] = $val['size_name'];
-					$oneGoods['size_name'] = $val['size_name'];
-					$oneGoods['price'] = $val['goods_price'];
-					$oneGoods['count'] = $val['buy_number'];
-					$result['goods'][] = $oneGoods;
+					$oneGoods['name'] = $goods['product_name'];
+					$oneGoods['color'] = $goods['color_name'];
+					$oneGoods['size'] = $goods['size_name'];
+					$oneGoods['price'] = $goods['goods_price'];
+					$oneGoods['count'] = $goods['buy_number'];
+					$oneOrder[] = $oneGoods;
 				$result['orders'][] = $oneOrder;
-		print_r($result);
 		return $result;
@@ -218,7 +213,7 @@ class UserModel
 		// 处理优惠券数据
 		if (isset($coupons['data']) && !empty($coupons['data'])) {
-			$result = $coupons['data'];
+			$result = $coupons['data']['info'];
 		return $result;
@@ -246,6 +241,96 @@ class UserModel
+	 * 处理地址列表数据
+	 *
+	 * @param int $uid 用户ID
+	 * @return array|mixed 处理之后的地址列表数据
+	 */
+	public static function getAddressListData($uid)
+	{
+		$result = array();
+		// 调用接口获取地址列表数据
+		$address = UserData::addressListData($uid);
+		// 处理地址数据
+		if (isset($address['data']) && !empty($address['data'])) {
+			$result = $address['data'];
+		}
+		return $result;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 保存地址数据
+	 *
+	 * @param int $uid 用户ID
+	 * @param string $address 地址信息
+	 * @param int $area_code 城市码
+	 * @param string $consignee 收货人
+	 * @param string $email 邮箱地址
+	 * @param int $id 地址唯一标识符id
+	 * @param string $mobile 手机号码
+	 * @param string $zip_code 邮编
+	 * @return array|mixed 处理之后的地址列表数据
+	 */
+	public static function saveAddressData($uid, $address, $area_code, $consignee, $email, $id, $mobile, $zip_code)
+	{
+		$result = array();
+		// 参数验证
+		if (empty($uid)) {
+			$result['code'] = 400;
+			$result['message'] = '用户不可用';
+		} else if (empty($address)) {
+			$result['code'] = 401;
+			$result['message'] = '请输入可用的地址信息';
+		} else if (empty($area_code)) {
+			$result['code'] = 402;
+			$result['message'] = '地区码不可用';
+		} else if (empty($consignee)) {
+			$result['code'] = 403;
+			$result['message'] = '请输入收件人姓名';
+		} else if (!empty($email) && Helpers::verifyEmail($email)) {
+			$result['code'] = 404;
+			$result['message'] = '输入的邮箱地址格式不正确';
+		} else if (!empty($mobile) && Helpers::verifyMobile($mobile)) {
+			$result['code'] = 404;
+			$result['message'] = '输入的手机号码格式不正确';
+		} else {
+			// 调用接口保存地址数据
+			$address = UserData::saveAddressData($uid, $address, $area_code, $consignee, $email, $id, $mobile, $zip_code);
+			// 处理返回结果
+			if (isset($address['code']) && $address['code'] == 200) {
+				$result = $address['data'];
+			}
+		}
+		return $result;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 设置默认地址
+	 *
+	 * @param int $uid 用户ID
+	 * @param int $id 地址唯一标识符id
+	 * @return array|mixed 处理之后的返回数据
+	 */
+	public static function setDefaultAddress($uid, $id)
+	{
+		$result = array('code' => 400, 'message' => '错误');
+		// 调用接口设置默认地址
+		$address = UserData::setDefaultAddress($uid, $id);
+		// 处理返回结果
+		if ($address && isset($address['code'])) {
+			$result = $address;
+		}
+		return $result;
+	}
+	/**
 	 * 处理意见反馈数据
 	 * @param string $udid 客户端唯一标识
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Product/Newsale.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Product/Newsale.php
index f27903d..c753a48 100644
--- a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Product/Newsale.php
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Product/Newsale.php
@@ -227,19 +227,25 @@ class NewsaleModel
         return $result;
-    /**
-     * 筛选出来的热销排行榜商品数据处理
-     *
-     * @param  array $data 筛选出来的原数据
-     * @return array       处理之后的数据
-     */
-    public static function selectTopData($data)
+	/**
+	 * 筛选出来的热销排行榜商品数据处理
+	 *
+	 * @param  string $gender "1,3"表示男, "2,3"表示女, "1,2,3"表示全部
+	 * @param  string|null $sort 品类ID查询参数
+	 * @param  integer|null $tab_id Tab的ID
+	 * @param  boolean $notab 时候返回顶部tab的数据,默认返回
+	 * @param  integer $limit 查询返回的最大限制数
+	 * @param  integer $page 分页第几页
+	 * @return array       处理之后的数据
+	 */
+    public static function selectTopData($gender, $sort, $tab_id, $notab, $limit, $page)
         $result = array();
+	    $data = NewsaleData::getTopProducts($gender, $sort, $tab_id, $limit, $page);
         if (isset($data['code']) && $data['code'] === 200 && isset($data['data']['product_list'])) {
-	        $result = NewSaleProcess::newSaleData($data['data']);
-	        unset($result['filter']);
+	        $result = NewSaleProcess::topData($data['data'], $notab, $limit, $page);
         return $result;
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/home/Online.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/home/Online.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b10413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/home/Online.php
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+namespace home;
+use LibModels\Wap\Home\OnlineData;
+use Action\AbstractAction;
+use Plugin\Helpers;
+ * 在线客服相关数据处理
+ */
+class OnlineModel
+    //获取在线帮助分类
+    public static function getOnlineServiceInfo($clientType = 'iphone')
+    {
+        //调用接口获取数据
+        $res = OnlineData::getOnlineServiceInfo($clientType);
+        $cateInfo = $res['data'];
+        $question = array();
+        $tab = array();
+        if ($cateInfo)
+        {
+            foreach ($cateInfo as $key => $value)
+            {
+                //强制截成3个tab
+                if ($key > 2)
+                {
+                    break;
+                }
+                $tab[$key]['tabid'] = 'tab' . $value['id'];
+                $tab[$key]['tabname'] = $value['category_name'];
+                $tab[$key]['iscut'] = true;
+                $tab[$key]['current'] = (!$key) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+                $question[$key]['name'] = 'tab' . $value['id'];
+                $question[$key]['current'] = (!$key) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+                $sub = $value['sub'];
+                $qTmp = array();
+                if ($sub)
+                {
+                    foreach ($sub as $sk => $sv)
+                    {
+                        $qTmp[$sk]['title'] = $sv['category_name'];
+                        $qTmp[$sk]['link'] = '/home/onlineservicedetail?cateId=' . $sv['id'].'&cateName='.$sv['category_name'];
+                    }
+                }
+                $question[$key]['list'] = $qTmp;
+            }
+            $question[0]['current'] = true;
+            $tab[count($tab) - 1]['iscut'] = false;
+        }
+        //处理返回信息
+        $result = array(
+            'header' => array('title' => '在线客服'),
+            'tab' => $tab,
+            'question' => $question
+        );
+        return $result;
+    }
+    //加载分类下的问题和解决方法
+    public static function getOnlineServiceDetail($cateId, $clinetType = 'iphone')
+    {
+        $result = array();
+        if (!$cateId)
+        {
+            return $result;
+        }
+        $res = OnlineData::getOnlineServiceDetail($cateId, $clinetType);
+        $questionInfo = $res['data'];
+        if ($questionInfo)
+        {
+            $list = array();
+            if ($questionInfo)
+            {
+                foreach ($questionInfo as $qk => $qv)
+                {
+                    $list[$qk]['q'] = $qv['title'];
+                    $list[$qk]['a'] = $qv['content'];
+                }
+            }
+            //处理返回信息
+            $result = array(
+                'header' => array('title' => '在线客服'),
+                'list' => $list
+            );
+        }
+        return $result;
+    }
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Category/controllers/Brand.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Category/controllers/Brand.php
index af62ab2..e3e5589 100644
--- a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Category/controllers/Brand.php
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Category/controllers/Brand.php
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class BrandController extends AbstractAction
         // 渲染模板
+        print_r(Category\BrandModel::getBrandByChannel($channel));
         $this->_view->display('index', Category\BrandModel::getBrandByChannel($channel));
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Newsale.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Newsale.php
index c36a935..68edc3a 100644
--- a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Newsale.php
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Newsale.php
@@ -106,12 +106,11 @@ class NewsaleController extends AbstractAction
 			$tab_id = $this->get('tab_id', null);
 			$limit = $this->get('limit', 50);
 			$page = $this->get('page', 1);
+			$notab = (boolean)$this->get('notab', false);
 			// 获取性别
 			$gender = Helpers::getGenderByCookie();
-			$data = NewsaleData::getTopProducts($gender, $sort, $tab_id, $limit, $page);
-			$result = \Product\NewsaleModel::selectTopData($data);
+			$result = \Product\NewsaleModel::selectTopData($gender, $sort, $tab_id, $notab, $limit, $page);
 		if (empty($result)) {