 * 弹框公共组件
 * @author: xuqi<qi.xu@yoho.cn>
 * @date: 2016/2/24

var $ = require('yoho.jquery'),
    Handlebars = require('yoho.handlebars');

var defaultOptions = {
    mask: true,
    closeIcon: true

var tpl =
    '<div class="yoho-dialog {{className}} hide">' +
        '{{#if closeIcon}}' +
            '<span class="close">' +
                '<i class="iconfont">&#xe602;</i>' +
            '</span>' +
        '{{/if}}' +
        '<div class="content">' +
            '{{{content}}}' +
        '</div>' +
        '<div class="btns">' +
            '{{# btns}}' +
                '<span {{#if id}}id="dialog-{{id}}"{{/if}} class="btn{{#each btnClass}} {{.}}{{/each}}">' +
                    '{{name}}' +
                '</span>' +
            '{{/ btns}}' +
        '</div>' +

var tplFn = Handlebars.compile(tpl);

function createMask() {
    if ($('.body-mask').length === 0) {
        $('body').append('<div class="body-mask hide"></div>');

    return $('.body-mask').css({
        height: $(document).height(),
        width: $(document).width()

function createDialog(data) {

    return $('.yoho-dialog');

function Dialog(options) {
    var opt = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, options);
    var that = this,

    if (opt.inherit) {
        return this;

    if (opt.mask) {
        that.$mask = createMask();
    that.$el = createDialog(opt);

    that.$el.find('.close').click(function() {

    function bindBtnEvt(index) {
        that.$el.find('#dialog-' + opt.btns[index].id).on('click', function() {
            opt.btns[index].cb && opt.btns[index].cb();

    if (!!opt.btns) {
        for (i = 0; i < opt.btns.length; i++) {

Dialog.prototype.close = function() {
    this.$mask && this.$mask.addClass('hide');

Dialog.prototype.show = function() {
    this.$mask && this.$mask.removeClass('hide');
        'margin-top': -this.$el.height() / 2,
        'margin-left': -this.$el.width() / 2

exports.Dialog = Dialog;

function Alert(content) {
    var that = this;
    var option = {
        content: content,
        className: 'alert-dialog',
        btns: [
                id: 'alert-sure',
                btnClass: ['alert-sure'],
                name: '确定',
                cb: function() {

    Dialog.call(this, option);

Alert.prototype = new Dialog({
    inherit: true
Alert.prototype.constructor = Alert;
exports.Alert = Alert;

function Confirm(opt) {
    var that = this;

    var option = {
        content: opt.content,
        className: 'confirm-dialog',
        btns: [
                id: 'confirm-sure',
                btnClass: ['confirm-sure'],
                name: '确定',
                cb: opt.cb
                id: 'confirm-cancel',
                btnClass: ['confirm-cancel'],
                name: '取消',
                cb: function() {

    Dialog.call(this, option);

Confirm.prototype = new Dialog({
    inherit: true
Confirm.prototype.constructor = Confirm;
exports.Confirm = Confirm;