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+'.Plugin\LCRun3::ifv($cx, Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('isApp')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' var isApp = 1; +'.Plugin\LCRun3::ifv($cx, Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('isAppLogin')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' var isAppLogin = 1; +';}).'';}).' + </script> +'.'<input type="hidden" id="shareTitle" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('shareTitle')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> +<input type="hidden" id="shareDesc" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('shareDesc')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> +<input type="hidden" id="shareImg" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('shareImg')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> +<input type="hidden" id="shareLink" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('shareLink')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> +<script type="text/javascript" src="http://res.wx.qq.com/open/js/jweixin-1.1.0.js"></script> +<script type="text/javascript" src="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('jsUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'/2016xinshili-3/js/libs.js"></script> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::sec($cx, Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('staticJS')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes'])-1], array('jsUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'/2016xinshili-3/js/'.htmlentities((string)$in, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"></script> +';}).'</body> +'.''; +} +?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/compile/huodong.m.yohobuy.com/1.0.5/e9cdc9bc87a49e8ac660aaca7ed2615b.php b/compile/huodong.m.yohobuy.com/1.0.5/e9cdc9bc87a49e8ac660aaca7ed2615b.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d3d6b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/compile/huodong.m.yohobuy.com/1.0.5/e9cdc9bc87a49e8ac660aaca7ed2615b.php @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +<?php return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) { + $cx = array( + 'flags' => array( + 'jstrue' => false, + 'jsobj' => false, + 'spvar' => true, + 'prop' => false, + 'method' => false, + 'mustlok' => true, + 'echo' => false, + 'debug' => $debugopt, + ), + 'constants' => array(), + 'helpers' => array(), + 'blockhelpers' => array(), + 'hbhelpers' => array(), + 'partials' => array(), + 'scopes' => array(), + 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), + 'lcrun' => 'Plugin\LCRun3', + + ); + + return ''.'<!DOCTYPE html> +<html> +<head> + <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + <meta charset="utf-8"> + <title>'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('staticTitle')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'</title> + <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,minimal-ui"> + <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> + <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="grey"> + <script type="text/javascript"> + (function(d,c){var e=d.documentElement,a="orientationchange" in window?"orientationchange":"resize",b=function(){var f=e.clientWidth;if(!f){return}if(f>=640){e.style.fontSize="40px"}else{e.style.fontSize=40*(f/640)+"px"}};if(!d.addEventListener){return}b();c.addEventListener(a,b,false);d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",b,false)})(document,window); + </script> + <link rel="stylesheet" href="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('jsUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'/2016xinshili-4/css/style.css"> +</head> +<body class="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('pageType')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> +'.' <div class="main-wrap home"> + <div class="header"> + </div> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::ifv($cx, Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('tab')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <div class="tab type"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::sec($cx, Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('tab')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <div class="tab-item" data-type="'.htmlentities((string)$in, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"></div> +';}).' <input type="hidden" id="more-brand" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('moreBrand')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> + </div> +';}).' <div class="content"> + </div> + <script type="text/tmpl" id="tmpl"> + <div class="coupons"> + {{#coupons}} + <a class="coupon" href="{{../jumpUrl}}" data-id="{{id}}"> + <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('imgUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'/{{img}}"> + </a> + {{/coupons}} + </div> + <div class="brands clearfix"> + {{#brands}} + <a class="brand" href=\'{{url}}\'> + <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('imgUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'/{{img}}"> + </a> + {{/brands}} + <div class="after"></div> + </div> + <div class="more"> + <div class="more-title"> + </div> + <a class="link" href=\'{{more.url}}\'> + <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('imgUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'/{{more.img}}"> + </a> + </div> + </script> + </div> + <div class="footer"> + </div> + <div class="tip-wrap hide"> + <div class="tip hide fail"> + <div class="title"> + 领取失败<br> + 请刷新重新领取 + </div> + <a class="button" href=""> + 刷新 + </a> + </div> + </div> + + <div class="tip-wrap hide"> + <div class="tip hide success"> + <div class="title"> + 领取成功 + </div> + <div class="sub-title"> + 快去分享给更多<br> + 喜爱<span class="title">潮流</span>的小伙伴吧! + </div> + <a class="button close" href=""> + 返回 + </a> + </div> + </div> + + <div class="tip-wrap hide"> + <div class="tip hide geted"> + <div class="title"> + 您已领取过了 + </div> + <div class="sub-title"> + 快去分享给更多<br> + 喜爱<span class="title">潮流</span>的小伙伴吧! + </div> + <a class="button close" href=""> + 返回 + </a> + </div> + </div> + <div class="loading-mask hide"> + <div class="loading"> + <div></div> + <div></div> + <div></div> + </div> + </div> + + <input type="hidden" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('pageType')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'" id="page-type"> + <input type="hidden" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('activityId')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'" id="activity-id"> + <input type="hidden" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('jumpUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'" id="jump-url"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::ifv($cx, Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('isApp')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <input type="hidden" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('getCouponUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'" id="getCouponUrl"> +';}).' <script type="text/javascript"> + var isOnline = '.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('isOnline')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'; +'.Plugin\LCRun3::ifv($cx, Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('isApp')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' var isApp = 1; +'.Plugin\LCRun3::ifv($cx, Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('isAppLogin')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' var isAppLogin = 1; +';}).'';}).' + </script> +'.'<input type="hidden" id="shareTitle" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('shareTitle')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> +<input type="hidden" id="shareDesc" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('shareDesc')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> +<input type="hidden" id="shareImg" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('shareImg')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> +<input type="hidden" id="shareLink" value="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('shareLink')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"> +<script type="text/javascript" src="http://res.wx.qq.com/open/js/jweixin-1.1.0.js"></script> +<script type="text/javascript" src="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('jsUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'/2016xinshili-4/js/libs.js"></script> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::sec($cx, Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('staticJS')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.htmlentities((string)Plugin\LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes'])-1], array('jsUrl')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'/2016xinshili-4/js/'.htmlentities((string)$in, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"></script> +';}).'</body> +'.''; +} +?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/compile/huodong.yohobuy.com/0.0.1/4f654fa89f8d3ffe685000c2748d72c0.php b/compile/huodong.yohobuy.com/0.0.1/4f654fa89f8d3ffe685000c2748d72c0.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6de1ab --- /dev/null +++ b/compile/huodong.yohobuy.com/0.0.1/4f654fa89f8d3ffe685000c2748d72c0.php @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +<?php return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) { + $cx = array( + 'flags' => array( + 'jstrue' => false, + 'jsobj' => false, + 'spvar' => true, + 'prop' => false, + 'method' => false, + 'mustlok' => true, + 'echo' => false, + 'debug' => $debugopt, + ), + 'constants' => array(), + 'helpers' => array(), + 'blockhelpers' => array(), + 'hbhelpers' => array(), + 'partials' => array(), + 'scopes' => array(), + 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), + 'lcrun' => 'Plugin\LCRun3', + + ); + + return '<!DOCTYPE html> +<html> +<head> + <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + <meta charset="utf-8"> + <title>'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[staticTitle]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[staticTitle]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('staticTitle'))).'</title> + <link rel="stylesheet" href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgUrl]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgUrl]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('imgUrl'))).'/2016xinshili-4/css/style.css"> +</head> +<body class="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[pageType]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[pageType]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('pageType'))).'"> + <div class="header-wrap"> + <div class="header"> + </div> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('if [tab]', 'ifv', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[tab]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('tab')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <div class="tab-wrap"> + <div class="tab"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[tab]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[tab]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('tab')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <div class="tab-item tab-'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('@[index]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('@[index]', 'v', $cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('index'))).'" data-type="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('this', 'encq', $cx, $in).'"> + <div class="before"></div> + </div> +';}).' </div> + </div> +';}).' </div> + <div class="main-wrap home"> + <div class="content"> + </div> + <script type="text/tmpl" id="tmpl"> + <div class="coupons"> + {{#coupons}} + <img class="lazy coupon" src="" data-original="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgUrl]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgUrl]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('imgUrl'))).'/{{img}}" data-id="{{id}}"> + {{/coupons}} + </div> + <div class="brands clearfix"> + {{#brands}} + <a class="brand" target="_blank" href=\'{{url}}\'> + <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgUrl]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgUrl]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('imgUrl'))).'/{{img}}"> + </a> + {{/brands}} + <div class="after"></div> + </div> + <div class="more"> + <div class="more-title"> + </div> + <a class="link" target="_blank" href=\'{{more.url}}\'> + <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgUrl]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgUrl]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('imgUrl'))).'/{{more.img}}"> + </a> + </div> + </script> + <div class="footer"> + </div> + </div> + <div class="tip hide fail"> + <div class="title"> + 领取失败<br> + 请刷新重新领取 + </div> + <div class="desc"> + 如多次领取失败,请联系客服人员<br> + 带来不便敬请谅解 + </div> + <a class="button" href=""> + 刷新 + </a> + </div> + <div class="tip hide success"> + <div class="title"> + 领取成功 + </div> + <div class="sub-title"> + 快去分享给更多<br> + 喜爱<span class="title">潮流</span>的小伙伴吧! + </div> + <a class="button close" href=""> + 返回 + </a> + </div> + <div class="tip hide geted"> + <div class="title"> + 您已领取过了 + </div> + <div class="sub-title"> + 快去分享给更多<br> + 喜爱<span class="title">潮流</span>的小伙伴吧! + </div> + <a class="button close" href=""> + 返回 + </a> + </div> + <input type="hidden" value="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[pageType]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[pageType]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('pageType'))).'" id="page-type"> + <input type="hidden" value="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[activityId]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[activityId]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('activityId'))).'" id="activity-id"> + <script type="text/javascript"> + var isOnline = '.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[isOnline]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[isOnline]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('isOnline'))).'; 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+ } + + + /** + * 女生节第四波领券活动-女生品牌页面控制器 + */ + public function girlAction() + { + $this->_view->display('index', array( + 'staticTitle' => 'YOHO!BUY有货【春潮新势力】', + 'staticJS' => array( + 'main.js' + ), + 'pageType' => 'girl', + 'isOnline' => $this->getisOnline(), + 'tab' => array('hk', 'yohope', 'jean', 'shoes'), + )); + } + + /** + * 女生节第四波领券活动-童品牌页面控制器 + */ + public function kidAction() + { + $this->_view->display('index', array( + 'staticTitle' => 'YOHO!BUY有货【春潮新势力】', + 'staticJS' => array( + 'main.js' + ), + 'isOnline' => $this->getisOnline(), + 'pageType' => 'kid', + )); + } + + /** + * 女生节第四波领券活动-创意生活品牌页面控制器 + */ + public function lifestyleAction() + { + $this->_view->display('index', array( + 'staticTitle' => 'YOHO!BUY有货【春潮新势力】', + 'staticJS' => array( + 'main.js' + ), + 'isOnline' => $this->getisOnline(), + 'pageType' => 'lifestyle', + 'tab' => array('us', 'hot'), + )); + } + + + /** + * 领取指定的优惠券 + * + * @param int activityId 活动ID + * @param int couponId 优惠券ID + * @return json + */ + public function getnamedAction() + { + $result = array('code' => 401, 'message' => '领取失败', 'data' => ''); + do { + /* 判断是不是AJAX请求 */ + if (!$this->isAjax()) { + break; + } + + /* 判断参数是否有效 */ + $activityId = $this->getActivityId(); + $couponId = $this->post('couponId'); + if (!is_numeric($activityId) || !is_numeric($couponId)) { + break; + } + $uid = $this->getUid(); + + if (!$uid) { + $result['code'] = 400; + $result['message'] = '请先登录'; + $result['data'] = Helpers::url('/signin.html', array('refer' => $this->server('HTTP_REFERER', '/')), 'default'); + break; + } + + /* 领取指定的优惠券操作 */ + $result = ActivityData::getCouponNamed($uid, $activityId, $couponId); + if ($uid && isset($result['code']) && intval($result['code'])==200) { + $couponuid = 'couponnvshengjiedisibo' . $uid; + $status = Cache::get($couponuid); + if (!$status) { + $this->sendMessage($uid, '【优惠券】您已成功领取春潮新势力-品牌优惠券。', '尊敬的客户:恭喜您成功获得春潮新势力-品牌优惠券 !您可以在个人中心查看优惠券详情。'); + Cache::set($couponuid, true, 3600 * 24 * 5); + } + } + } while (false); + + + $this->echoJson($result); + } + + /** + * 检测登录状态 + * + * @return int + */ + private function getLoggedUid() + { + if ($this->_isApp) { + $uid = $this->get('uid'); + } else { + $uid = $this->getUid(); + } + return $uid; + } + + /** + * 根据环境来获取活动ID + * + * @return int + */ + private function getActivityId() + { + // 设置环境变量 + switch (APPLICATION_ENV) { + case 'production': // 生产 + return 558; + case 'preview': // 预览 + case 'testing': // 测试 + case 'develop': // 开发 + default: + return 496; + } + } + + /** + * 发送站内信 + * + * @param int $uid 用户ID + */ + private function sendMessage($uid, $title, $content) + { + try { + ActivityData::message($uid, $title, $content); + } catch (Exception $e) { + // do nothing + } + } + + /** + * 根据环境来获取线上线下 + * + * @return int + */ + private function getisOnline() + { + // 设置环境变量 + switch (APPLICATION_ENV) { + case 'production': // 生产 + return 1; + case 'preview': // 预览 + case 'testing': // 测试 + case 'develop': // 开发 + default: + return 0; + } + } + + +} +?> diff --git a/yohobuy/www.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Common.php b/yohobuy/www.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Common.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2f609b --- /dev/null +++ b/yohobuy/www.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Common.php @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +<?php + +use Action\WebAction; + +/** + * 公共 + */ +class CommonController extends WebAction +{ + /** + * 默认 + */ + public function indexAction() + { + exit(); + } +}