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'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'" alt=""> + </a> + </li> +';}).' </ul> + <div class="slide-switch"> + <a class="prev" href="javascript:;"> + <span class="iconfont"></span> + </a> + <a class="next" href="javascript:;"> + <span class="iconfont"></span> + </a> + </div> + </div> +';}).' +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('if [smallSlide]', 'ifv', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[smallSlide]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('smallSlide')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <div class="small-slide"> + <ul class="clearfix"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[smallSlide]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[smallSlide]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('smallSlide')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li> + <a href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'"></a> + <img src="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'" alt=""> + </li> +';}).' </ul> + </div> +';}).' </div> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[newReport]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[newReport]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('newReport')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <div class="new-report clearfix"> +'.' <div class="floor-header clearfix"> + <h2 class="floor-title">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</h2> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('if [navs]', 'ifv', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('navs')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <ul class="header-navs"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('navs')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li data-classify="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[id]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[id]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('id'))).'"> + <a target="_blank" href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</a> + </li> +';}).' </ul> +';}).' </div>'.' + <ul class="report-list clearfix"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[list]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[list]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('list')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ''.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('unless @[last]', 'unl', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('@[last]', 'v', $cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('last')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li> + <a href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'"> + <img src="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'" alt=""> + </a> + </li> +';}).'';}).' </ul> + +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[list]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[list]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('list')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ''.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('if @[last]', 'ifv', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('@[last]', 'v', $cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('last')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <div class="last-item"> + <a href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'"> + <img src="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'" alt=""> + </a> + </div> +';}).'';}).' </div> +';}).''.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[preferenceBrand]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[preferenceBrand]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('preferenceBrand')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <div class="preference-brand"> +'.' <div class="floor-header clearfix"> + <h2 class="floor-title">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</h2> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('if [navs]', 'ifv', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('navs')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <ul class="header-navs"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('navs')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li data-classify="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[id]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[id]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('id'))).'"> + <a target="_blank" href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</a> + </li> +';}).' </ul> +';}).' </div>'.' <div class="img-brand"> + <ul class="img-list clearfix"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgBrand]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[imgBrand]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('imgBrand')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li class="img-item"> + <a href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'"> + <img src="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'" alt=""> + </a> + </li> +';}).' </ul> + <div class="img-brand-switch"> + <a class="prev" href="javascript:;"> + <span class="iconfont"></span> + </a> + <a class="next" href="javascript:;"> + <span class="iconfont"></span> + </a> + </div> + </div> + <div class="logo-brand"> + <ul class="clearfix"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[logoBrand]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[logoBrand]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('logoBrand')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ''.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('if [switch]', 'ifv', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[switch]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('switch')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li class="logo-brand-switch"> + <a class="prev iconfont" href="javascript:;"></a> + <a class="next iconfont" href="javascript:;"></a> + </li> +';}, function($cx, $in) {return ''.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('if [more]', 'ifv', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[more]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('more')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li class="brand-more"> + <a href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'">MORE ></a> + </li> +';}, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li> + <a href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'"> + <img src="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'" alt=""> + </a> + </li> +';}).'';}).'';}).' </ul> + </div> + </div> +';}).' +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('each [recommend]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[recommend]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('recommend')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return ''.''.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[tplrecommend]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[tplrecommend]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('tplrecommend')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ''.' <div class="floor-header clearfix"> + <h2 class="floor-title">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</h2> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('if [navs]', 'ifv', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('navs')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <ul class="header-navs"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('navs')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li data-classify="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[id]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[id]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('id'))).'"> + <a target="_blank" href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</a> + </li> +';}).' </ul> +';}).' </div>'.' <div class="tpl-recommend clearfix"> + <div class="tpl-body clearfix"> + <div class="tpl-nav"> + <div class="tpl-keywords"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('each [keyword]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[keyword]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('keyword')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return ' <a class="keywords'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('@[index]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('@[index]', 'v', $cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('index'))).'" title="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'" href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('url'))).'"><img class="lazy" data-original="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'"/></a> +';}).' </div> + <div class="tpl-category clearfix"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('each [category]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[category]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('category')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return ' <a href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('url'))).'">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</a> +';}).' </div> + </div> + <div class="tpl-brands clearfix"> + <ul> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('each [brands]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[brands]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('brands')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li><a title="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'" href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('url'))).'"><img class="lazy" data-original="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'"/></a></li> +';}).' </ul> + </div> + <div class="tpl-types clearfix"> + <ul> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('each [types]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[types]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('types')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li><a title="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'" href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('url'))).'"><img class="lazy" data-original="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'"/></a></li> +';}).' </ul> + </div> + </div> + <div class="tpl-products clearfix"> + <ul> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('each [products]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[products]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('products')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li><a href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('url'))).'" title="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'"><img class="lazy" data-original="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'"/></a></li> +';}).' </ul> + </div> + </div> +';}).' + +'.'';}).' +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[newArrivls]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[newArrivls]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('newArrivls')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ''.''.' <div class="floor-header clearfix"> + <h2 class="floor-title">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</h2> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('if [navs]', 'ifv', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('navs')), $in, function($cx, $in) {return ' <ul class="header-navs"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[navs]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('navs')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li data-classify="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[id]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[id]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('id'))).'"> + <a target="_blank" href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[href]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('href'))).'">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</a> + </li> +';}).' </ul> +';}).' </div>'.' <div class="commodity"> + + <ul class="clearfix"> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('each [commodity]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[commodity]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('commodity')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return ' <li> +'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[state]', 'sec', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[state]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('state')), $in, false, function($cx, $in) {return ' <i class="commodity-tag'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('this', 'encq', $cx, $in).'"></i> +';}).' <a href="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[url]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('url'))).'"><div class="commodity-img"><img class="lazy" data-original="'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[img]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('img'))).'"/></div> + <p class="commodity-name">'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[name]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('name'))).'</p> + <p class="commodity-price"><span>¥'.Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[price]', 'encq', $cx, Plugin\LCRun3::debug('[price]', 'v', $cx, $in, array('price'))).'</span></p> + </a> + </li> +';}).' </ul> + <div class="loading"> + <p>Loading...</p> + </div> + </div>'.'';}).'';}).' + +</div> +'.''.' <div class="footer-page yoho-page"> + <div class="footertop"> + <div class="index-foot"> + <dl class="clearfix screen"> + <dd> + <div class="foot-panel"> + <div class="title relative"> + <div class="title-line"></div> + <div class="text"> + <span>有货SERVICES</span> + </div> + </div> + <div id="foot-services"> + <ul class="clearfix two-dim"> + <li class="left"> + <div class=""> + <a href="javascript:void(0);"> + <img class="dim-img lazy" data-original="http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/adpic/2014/03/20/16/01863b297051f11c2be833785566cf11d1.png" src="http://img11.static.yhbimg.com/adpic/2014/03/20/16/01863b297051f11c2be833785566cf11d1.png" style=""></a> + <p>YOHO!有货</p> + </div> + </li> + <li class="left"> + <div 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- </ul> - - <div class="sort-sub-wrap"> - {{#each sort}} - <ul class="sort-sub clearfix hide"> - {{#each sub}} - <li class="attr"> - <a href="{{href}}">{{name}}</a> - </li> - {{/each}} - </ul> + <div class="attr-content clearfix"> + {{#each channel}} + <a class="attr" href="{{href}}"> + {{name}} + </a> {{/each}} </div> </div> - </div> - {{/if}} + {{/if}} - {{# brand}} - <div class="brand section"> - <span class="title">品牌:</span> + {{#if sort}} + <div class="sort section"> + <span class="title">分类:</span> - <div class="attr-content"> - <ul class="default clearfix"> - {{# default}} - <li class="attr"> - <a href="{{href}}" title="{{name}}">{{name}}</a> - </li> - {{/ default}} - </ul> + <div class="attr-content"> + <ul class="sort-pre clearfix"> + {{#each sort}} + <li> + <span class="attr"> + {{name}} + </span> + </li> + {{/each}} + </ul> - <div class="brand-opt"> - <span id="brand-more" class="brand-more"> - <em>更多</em> - <i class="iconfont"></i> - </span> - - <span id="brand-multi" class="multi-select">多选 +</span> + <div class="sort-sub-wrap"> + {{#each sort}} + <ul class="sort-sub clearfix hide"> + {{#each sub}} + <li class="attr"> + <a href="{{href}}">{{name}}</a> + </li> + {{/each}} + </ul> + {{/each}} + </div> </div> + </div> + {{/if}} - <div class="brand-panel hide"> - <div class="panel-head clearfix"> - <p class="brands-index"> - {{#each brandIndex}} - <span data-index="{{index}}">{{name}}</span> - {{/each}} - </p> - - <div class="brand-search"> - <input id="brand-search-input" type="text"> - <span class="btn"> - <i class="iconfont"></i> - </span> - </div> - </div> + {{# brand}} + <div class="brand section"> + <span class="title">品牌:</span> - <ul class="panel-body check-container clearfix"> - {{# brandsShow}} - <li class="attr" data-index="{{index}}" data-key="{{key}}"> - <a href="{{href}}"> - <span class="iconfont checkbox" data-id="{{id}}"></span> - <span title="{{name}}">{{name}}</span> - </a> + <div class="attr-content"> + <ul class="default clearfix"> + {{# default}} + <li class="attr"> + <a href="{{href}}" title="{{name}}">{{name}}</a> </li> - {{/ brandsShow}} + {{/ default}} </ul> - <div class="btns"> - <button id="brand-multi-ok" class="multi-select-ok dis">确定</button> - <button class="multi-select-cancel">取消</button> + <div class="brand-opt"> + <span id="brand-more" class="brand-more"> + <em>更多</em> + <i class="iconfont"></i> + </span> + + <span id="brand-multi" class="multi-select">多选 +</span> + </div> + + <div class="brand-panel hide"> + <div class="panel-head clearfix"> + <p class="brands-index"> + {{#each brandIndex}} + <span data-index="{{index}}">{{name}}</span> + {{/each}} + </p> + + <div class="brand-search"> + <input id="brand-search-input" type="text"> + <span class="btn"> + <i class="iconfont"></i> + </span> + </div> + </div> + + <ul class="panel-body check-container clearfix"> + {{# brandsShow}} + <li class="attr" data-index="{{index}}" data-key="{{key}}"> + <a href="{{href}}"> + <span class="iconfont checkbox" data-id="{{id}}"></span> + <span title="{{name}}">{{name}}</span> + </a> + </li> + {{/ brandsShow}} + </ul> + + <div class="btns"> + <button id="brand-multi-ok" class="multi-select-ok dis">确定</button> + <button class="multi-select-cancel">取消</button> + </div> </div> </div> </div> - </div> - {{/ brand}} + {{/ brand}} - {{#if price}} - <div class="price section"> - <span class="title">价格:</span> + {{#if price}} + <div class="price section"> + <span class="title">价格:</span> - <div class="attr-content clearfix"> - {{# price}} - <a class="attr" href="{{href}}">¥{{name}}</a> - {{/ price}} + <div class="attr-content clearfix"> + {{# price}} + <a class="attr" href="{{href}}">¥{{name}}</a> + {{/ price}} - <div class="ud-price-range"> - ¥ - <input type="text" class="min limit"> - <span class="price-sep">-</span> - <input type="text" class="max limit"> + <div class="ud-price-range"> + ¥ + <input type="text" class="min limit"> + <span class="price-sep">-</span> + <input type="text" class="max limit"> - <button class="price-sure hide">确定</button> + <button class="price-sure hide">确定</button> + </div> </div> </div> - </div> - {{/if}} - - {{#if color}} - <div class="color section"> - <span class="title">颜色:</span> - - <div class="attr-content clearfix"> - {{# color}} - <a class="attr" href="{{href}}"> - <i class="color-block" style="background: {{rgb}}"></i> - {{name}} - </a> - {{/ color}} + {{/if}} + + {{#if color}} + <div class="color section"> + <span class="title">颜色:</span> + + <div class="attr-content clearfix"> + {{# color}} + <a class="attr" href="{{href}}"> + <i class="color-block" style="background: {{rgb}}"></i> + {{name}} + </a> + {{/ color}} + </div> </div> - </div> - {{/if}} + {{/if}} - {{#if size}} - <div class="size section"> - <span class="title">尺码:</span> + {{#if size}} + <div class="size section"> + <span class="title">尺码:</span> - <div class="attr-content clearfix"> - {{# size}} - <a class="attr" href="{{href}}">{{name}}</a> - {{/ size}} + <div class="attr-content clearfix"> + {{# size}} + <a class="attr" href="{{href}}">{{name}}</a> + {{/ size}} + </div> </div> - </div> - {{/if}} + {{/if}} - {{#if seniorChose}} - <div class="senior section"> - <span class="title">高级选项:</span> + {{#if seniorChose}} + <div class="senior section"> + <span class="title">高级选项:</span> - <div class="attr-content"> - <ul class="clearfix senior-attr-wrap"> - {{#each seniorChose}} - <li class="attr"> - {{name}} - <span class="iconfont"></span> + <div class="attr-content"> + <ul class="clearfix senior-attr-wrap"> + {{#each seniorChose}} + <li class="attr"> + {{name}} + <span class="iconfont"></span> - <div class="senior-up-icon"></div> + <div class="senior-up-icon"></div> + </li> + {{/each}} + </ul> + <div class="senior-sub-wrap"> + {{#each seniorChose}} <div class="senior-sub hide" data-attr="{{attr}}"> {{#if showMulti}} <span class="multi-select">多选 +</span> @@ -205,23 +211,128 @@ <button class="multi-select-cancel">取消</button> </div> </div> + {{/each}} + </div> + </div> + </div> + {{/if}} + {{/ filters}} + </div> + + <div class="opt-banner"> + {{# opts}} + {{# sortType}} + <a class="sort-type{{#if active}} active{{/if}}" href="{{href}}"> + {{name}} + {{#if hasSortOrient}} + {{#if active}} + {{#if desc}} + <span class="active-icon iconfont"></span> + {{^}} + <span class="active-icon iconfont"></span> + {{/if}} + {{^}} + <span class="iconfont"></span> + {{/if}} + {{^}} + <span class="iconfont"></span> + {{/if}} + </a> + {{/ sortType}} + + {{# checks}} + <a class="checks{{#if checked}} checked{{/if}}" href="{{href}}"> + {{#if checked}} + <span class="iconfont"></span> + {{^}} + <span class="iconfont"></span> + {{/if}} + {{name}} + </a> + {{/ checks}} + + <div class="pager-wrap"> + {{#if fivePerLine}} + <div class="line-count active"> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + </div> + + <a class="line-count" href="{{sixPerLineHref}}"> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + </a> + {{^}} + <a class="line-count" href="{{fivePerLineHref}}"> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + </a> + + <div class="line-count active"> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + <span></span> + </div> + {{/if}} + + <div class="page-count"> + <span id="count-per-page"> + {{countPerPage}} + <i class="iconfont"></i> + </span> + 每页 + <ul> + {{# pageCounts}} + <li> + <a href="{{href}}">{{count}}</a> </li> - {{/each}} + {{/ pageCounts}} </ul> </div> + + <p class="pager"> + {{#if preHref}} + <a href="{{preHref}}"> + <span class="iconfont"></span> + </a> + {{^}} + <span class="dis-icon iconfont"></span> + {{/if}} + + <span> + <i>{{curPage}}</i>/{{pageCount}} + </span> + + {{#if nextHref}} + <a href="{{nextHref}}"> + <span class="iconfont"></span> + </a> + {{^}} + <span class="dis-icon iconfont"></span> + {{/if}} + </p> </div> - {{/if}} - {{/ filters}} - </div> - - <div class="opt-banner"> - - </div> - - <div class="goods-container"> - {{#each goods}} - {{> product/good}} - {{/each}} - </div> + {{/opts}} + </div> + + <div class="goods-container"> + {{#each goods}} + {{> product/good}} + {{/each}} + </div> + {{/ products}} </div> {{> layout/footer}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/index/commodity.phtml b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/index/commodity.phtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6815999 --- /dev/null +++ b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/index/commodity.phtml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{{> index/floor_header}} +<div class="commodity"> + + <ul class="clearfix"> + {{#each commodity}} + <li> + {{# state}} + <i class="commodity-tag{{.}}"></i> + {{/ state}} + <a href="{{url}}"><div class="commodity-img"><img class="lazy" data-original="{{img}}"/></div> + <p class="commodity-name">{{name}}</p> + <p class="commodity-price"><span>¥{{price}}</span></p> + </a> + </li> + {{/each}} + </ul> + <div class="loading"> + <p>Loading...</p> + </div> +</div> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/index/floor_header.phtml b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/index/floor_header.phtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28bf6e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/index/floor_header.phtml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +<div class="floor-header clearfix"> + <h2 class="floor-title">{{name}}</h2> + {{#if navs}} + <ul class="header-navs"> + {{# navs}} + <li data-classify="{{id}}"> + <a target="_blank" href="{{href}}">{{name}}</a> + </li> + {{/ navs}} + </ul> + {{/if}} +</div> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/index/recommend.phtml b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/index/recommend.phtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c0311c --- /dev/null +++ b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/index/recommend.phtml @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +{{# tplrecommend}} +{{> index/floor_header}} +<div class="tpl-recommend clearfix"> + <div class="tpl-body clearfix"> + <div class="tpl-nav"> + <div class="tpl-keywords"> + {{#each keyword}} + <a class="keywords{{@index}}" title="{{name}}" href="{{url}}"><img class="lazy" data-original="{{img}}"/></a> + {{/ keyword}} + </div> + <div class="tpl-category clearfix"> + {{#each category}} + <a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a> + {{/ category}} + </div> + </div> + <div class="tpl-brands clearfix"> + <ul> + {{#each brands}} + <li><a title="{{name}}" href="{{url}}"><img class="lazy" data-original="{{img}}"/></a></li> + {{/each}} + </ul> + </div> + <div class="tpl-types clearfix"> + <ul> + {{#each types}} + <li><a title="{{name}}" href="{{url}}"><img class="lazy" data-original="{{img}}"/></a></li> + {{/each}} + </ul> + </div> + </div> + <div class="tpl-products clearfix"> + <ul> + {{#each products}} + <li><a href="{{url}}" title="{{name}}"><img class="lazy" data-original="{{img}}"/></a></li> + {{/each}} + </ul> + </div> +</div> +{{/ tplrecommend}} + + diff --git a/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/page-header.phtml b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/page-header.phtml index 58d8eec..b8be9df 100644 --- a/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/page-header.phtml +++ b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/page-header.phtml @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +{{#headerdata}} <div class="header-page yoho-page"> <div class="header-topwrapper clearfix"> <div class="header-top"> @@ -367,4 +368,5 @@ <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-message"> <ul>%L~ it :v:index%R<li><a href="<?php print QConfigs_Site_Config::$site_url;?>/home/message/content?id=%L=v.id%R">%L=v.title%R</a></li>%L~%R</ul> </script> -</div> \ No newline at end of file +</div> +{{/headerdata}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/use.phtml b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/use.phtml index 46d9cc6..de3229a 100644 --- a/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/use.phtml +++ b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/layout/use.phtml @@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ {{!-- 首页 --}} {{#if boysHomePage}} <script> - seajs.use('js/home/entrey', function(h) { + /*seajs.use('js/home/entrey', function(h) { h.set('boys'); - }); + });*/ + seajs.use('js/home/home'); </script> {{/if}} diff --git a/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/product/good.phtml b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/product/good.phtml index 57de85f..26706a2 100644 --- a/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/product/good.phtml +++ b/template/www.yohobuy.com/partials/product/good.phtml @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -<div class="good-info" data-skn="{{skn}}"> +<div class="good-info {{#if goodListLast}}good-list-{{goodListLast}}{{/if}}" data-skn="{{skn}}"> <div class="tag-container clearfix"> {{# tags}} {{# isNew}} - <p class="good-tag new-tag">NEW</p> + <span class="good-tag new-tag">NEW</span> {{/ isNew}} {{# isReNew}} - <p class="good-tag renew-tag">再到着</p> + <span class="good-tag renew-tag">再到着</span> {{/ isReNew}} {{# isSale}} - <p class="good-tag sale-tag">SALE</p> + <span class="good-tag sale-tag">SALE</span> {{/ isSale}} {{# isNewFestival}} - <p class="good-tag new-festival-tag">新品节</p> + <span class="good-tag new-festival-tag">新品节</span> {{/ isNewFestival}} {{# isLimit}} - <p class="good-tag limit-tag">限量商品</p> + <span class="good-tag limit-tag">限量商品</span> {{/ isLimit}} {{# isYearEndPromotion}} - <p class="good-tag yep-tag">年终大促</p> + <span class="good-tag yep-tag">年终大促</span> {{/ isYearEndPromotion}} {{# isYearMidPromotion}} - <p class="good-tag ymp-tag">年中热促</p> + <span class="good-tag ymp-tag">年中热促</span> {{/ isYearMidPromotion}} {{/ tags}} </div> diff --git a/web-static/.spmignore b/web-static/.spmignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bc2cf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/web-static/.spmignore @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +dist +_site +sea-modules +spm_modules +node_modules +.git +tests +examples +test +coverage diff --git a/web-static/font/iconfont.eot b/web-static/font/iconfont.eot index d0f1ba7..e5659ac 100644 Binary files a/web-static/font/iconfont.eot and b/web-static/font/iconfont.eot differ diff --git a/web-static/font/iconfont.svg b/web-static/font/iconfont.svg index aae81db..a292b13 100644 --- a/web-static/font/iconfont.svg +++ b/web-static/font/iconfont.svg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd" > <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <metadata> -Created by FontForge 20120731 at Thu Nov 26 10:18:10 2015 +Created by FontForge 20120731 at Tue Dec 1 11:00:27 2015 By Ads </metadata> <defs> @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ Created by FontForge 20120731 at Thu Nov 26 10:18:10 2015 ascent="896" descent="-128" x-height="792" - bbox="0 -214 1024 812" + bbox="0 -214 1024 864" underline-thickness="50" underline-position="-100" - unicode-range="U+0078-E613" + unicode-range="U+0078-E615" /> <missing-glyph horiz-adv-x="374" d="M34 0v682h272v-682h-272zM68 34h204v614h-204v-614z" /> @@ -77,5 +77,9 @@ d="M939 -212h-854q-23 0 -42.5 11.5t-31 31t-11.5 42.5v854q0 35 25 60t60 25h854q23 M457 99q-5 -6 -13 -9t-17 -3q-21 0 -30 12l-171 171q-13 10 -13 30q0 18 12.5 30.5t30.5 12.5q10 0 17.5 -3.5t12.5 -9.5l141 -141l311 312q13 12 30 12q18 0 30.5 -12.5t12.5 -29.5q0 -21 -13 -30z" /> <glyph glyph-name="uniE613" unicode="" d="M877 812h-730q-61 0 -104 -43t-43 -104v-730q0 -61 43 -104t104 -43h730q61 0 104 43t43 104v730q0 61 -43 104t-104 43zM939 -65q0 -26 -18 -44t-44 -18h-730q-26 0 -44 18t-18 44v730q0 17 8.5 31t22.5 22.5t31 8.5h730q26 0 44 -18t18 -44v-730z" /> + <glyph glyph-name="uniE614" unicode="" +d="M160 996zM865 247q0 -18 -13 -31l-308 -308q-13 -13 -31 -13t-31 13l-309 308q-13 13 -13 31t13.5 31t30.5 13h617q18 0 31 -13t13 -31zM865 511q0 -18 -13 -31t-31 -13h-617q-18 0 -31 13t-13 31t13 31l309 309q13 13 31 13t31 -13l308 -309q13 -13 13 -31z" /> + <glyph glyph-name="uniE615" unicode="" +d="M704 569l-41 39l-343 -320l343 -320l41 39l-301 281z" /> </font> </defs></svg> diff --git a/web-static/font/iconfont.ttf b/web-static/font/iconfont.ttf index a0d568f..d02cdef 100644 Binary files a/web-static/font/iconfont.ttf and b/web-static/font/iconfont.ttf differ diff --git a/web-static/font/iconfont.woff b/web-static/font/iconfont.woff index 9a2bcf6..85c0060 100644 Binary files a/web-static/font/iconfont.woff and b/web-static/font/iconfont.woff differ diff --git a/web-static/img/index/logo-brand-line.png b/web-static/img/index/logo-brand-line.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59b4a0e Binary files /dev/null and b/web-static/img/index/logo-brand-line.png differ diff --git a/web-static/js/common/linkage-slider.js b/web-static/js/common/linkage-slider.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..091423c --- /dev/null +++ b/web-static/js/common/linkage-slider.js @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +var $ = require('jquery'); + +(function($) { + var LinkageSlider = function(element, options) { + this.$element = $(element); + this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.linkageSlider.defaults, options); + this.bigItem = this.$element.find('.big-slide').find('li'); + this.smallItem = this.$element.find('.small-slide').find('li'); + this.len = this.bigItem.size(); + this.index = 0; + this.timer = null; + this.init(); + }; + + LinkageSlider.prototype = { + init: function() { + this._slideShow(); + if (this.len <= 1) { + this.$element.find('.slide-switch').hide(); + return; + } + this._bindEvent(); + this._autoplay(); + }, + _bindEvent: function() { + var that = this; + + this.$element.find('.slide-switch').on('click', '.next', function() { + that._nextSlide(); + clearInterval(that.timer); + that.timer = setInterval(function() { + that._nextSlide(); + }, that.options.time); + }).on('click', '.prev', function() { + that._prevSlide(); + clearInterval(that.timer); + that.timer = setInterval(function() { + that._nextSlide(); + }, that.options.time); + }); + + this.smallItem.on('mouseenter', function() { + that.index = $(this).index(); + clearInterval(that.timer); + that._slideShow(); + }).on('mouseleave', function() { + that._autoplay(); + }); + }, + _nextSlide: function() { + if (this.index === this.len - 1) { + this.index = 0; + } else { + this.index++; + } + this._slideShow(); + }, + _prevSlide: function() { + if (this.index === 0) { + this.index = this.len - 1; + } else { + this.index--; + } + this._slideShow(); + }, + _slideShow: function() { + this.smallItem.eq(this.index).addClass('focus').siblings().removeClass('focus'); + this.bigItem.eq(this.index).fadeIn().siblings().fadeOut(); + }, + _autoplay: function() { + var that = this; + + clearInterval(this.timer); + this.timer = setInterval(function() { + that._nextSlide(); + }, this.options.time); + } + }; + $.fn.linkageSlider = function(option) { + return this.each(function() { + var $this = $(this), + data = $this.data('linkageSlider'), + options = typeof option === 'object' && option; + + if (!data) { + $this.data('linkageSlider', (data = new LinkageSlider(this, options))); + } + if (typeof option === 'string') { + data[option](); + } + }); + }; + $.fn.linkageSlider.Constructor = LinkageSlider; + $.fn.linkageSlider.defaults = { + time: 5000 + }; +})($); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web-static/js/common/slider2.js b/web-static/js/common/slider2.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c00be15 --- /dev/null +++ b/web-static/js/common/slider2.js @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +/** + * (品牌优选)图片幻灯片插件 + * @author: wangqing(robin.wang@yoho.cn) + * @date: 205/7/2 + */ +var $ = require('jquery'); + +(function($) { + $.fn.slider2 = function(options) { + function autoplay(index, limit, toright) { + if (toright === true) { + $('.next').trigger('click'); + if (index === (limit - 3)) { + autoplayrecycle(--index, limit, false); + } else { + autoplayrecycle(++index, limit, true); + } + } else { + $('.prev').trigger('click'); + if (index === 0) { + autoplayrecycle(++index, limit, true); + } else { + autoplayrecycle(--index, limit, false); + } + } + } + + function autoplayrecycle(index, limit, toright) { + window.setTimeout(autoplay, $.fn.slider2.defaults.delaytime, index, limit, toright); + } + + function changePic(index, width, callback) { + var offersetleft = -(index * width); + + $('.img-list') + .animate({ + 'margin-left': offersetleft + 'px' + }, 'slow', callback); + + } + $.fn.slider2.defaults = { + index: 0, + shownum: 3, + autoplay: false, + delaytime: 3000 + }; + return this.each(function() { + var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.slider2.defaults, options); + var mr = parseInt($('.img-item').css('margin-right')); + var $banneritems = $('.img-item'); + var bannerarr = []; + var _width = $banneritems.outerWidth() + mr, + _size = $banneritems.length, + j = 0; + + if (_size <= 3) { + return; + } + for (j = 0; j < $banneritems.length; j++) { + bannerarr.push($banneritems[j]); + } + _size = bannerarr.length; + $(this).find('.img-list').css({ + width: (_width * _size) + }); + $(this).find('.next').on('click', function(e) { + var i = 0, + _obj = null; + + e.preventDefault(); + changePic(3, _width, function() { + for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + _obj = bannerarr.shift(); + + $('.img-item').parent().append(_obj.outerHTML); + bannerarr.push(_obj); + } + $('.img-item').first().remove(); + $('.img-item').first().remove(); + $('.img-item').first().remove(); + $('.img-list').css({ + 'margin-left': '0' + }); + }); + + }); + $(this).find('.prev').on('click', function(e) { + var i = 0, + _obj = null, + offersetleft = ''; + + e.preventDefault(); + for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + _obj = bannerarr.pop(); + + $('.img-item').parent().prepend(_obj.outerHTML); + bannerarr.unshift(_obj); + } + offersetleft = 3 * _width; + $('.img-item').last().remove(); + $('.img-item').last().remove(); + $('.img-item').last().remove(); + $('.img-list').css({ + 'margin-left': -offersetleft + 'px' + }); + changePic(0, _width); + }); + if (opts.autoplay === true) { + autoplayrecycle(opts.index, _size, true); + } + }); + + }; + +}($)); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web-static/js/header.js b/web-static/js/header.js index df13bd9..633de47 100644 --- a/web-static/js/header.js +++ b/web-static/js/header.js @@ -4,4 +4,15 @@ * @date: 2015/12/01 */ -var $ = require("jquery"); +var $ = require('jquery'); +/** + * 回到顶部 + * @type {[type]} + */ +var $returnTop = $('.return-top'); + +$returnTop.click(function() { + $('html,body').animate({ + scrollTop: 0 + }, 500); +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web-static/js/home/home.js b/web-static/js/home/home.js index 7514116..e902b54 100644 --- a/web-static/js/home/home.js +++ b/web-static/js/home/home.js @@ -2,4 +2,12 @@ * 首页 * @author: xuqi<qi.xu@yoho.cn> * @date: 2015/11/23 - */ \ No newline at end of file + */ + +var $ = require('jquery'); + +require('../common/linkage-slider'); +require('../common/slider2'); + +$('.slide-container').linkageSlider(); +$('.img-brand').slider2(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web-static/js/product/list.js b/web-static/js/product/list.js index 0cdd54a..24afd1d 100644 --- a/web-static/js/product/list.js +++ b/web-static/js/product/list.js @@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ var $brandDefault = $('.brand .default'), var $brandMoreTxt, $brandMoreIcon; +//商品相关变量 +var $goodsContainer = $('.goods-container'), + $goodItem = $goodsContainer.find('.good-info'); + //价格相关变量 var $udPrice = $('.ud-price-range'), interReg = /^\d+$/, @@ -32,6 +36,12 @@ var $udPrice = $('.ud-price-range'), //分类相关变量 var $sortSub = $('.sort-sub-wrap'); +//高级选项相关变量 +var $seniorSubWrap = $('.senior-sub-wrap'), + $seniorAttrWrap = $('.senior-attr-wrap'); + +var seniorHoverTime, hoveredIndex; + //清除checkbox选中状态 function clearChecked($checkbox) { $checkbox.removeClass('checked').html(checkUnicode.unchecked); @@ -64,6 +74,13 @@ function uriLoc(attr, val) { window.location.href = newHref; } +//隐藏高级选项面板 +function hideSeniorPanel(index) { + $seniorSubWrap.children('.senior-sub:eq(' + hoveredIndex + ')').addClass('hide'); + $seniorAttrWrap.children('.attr:eq(' + hoveredIndex + ')').removeClass('hover'); + hoveredIndex = -1; +} + //屏蔽筛选项双击文字选中 $('.filter-box').on('selectstart', '.attr, .brands-index span', function() { return false; @@ -241,15 +258,24 @@ if ($udPrice.length > 0) { } //【高级选项】鼠标移入显示子项 -$('.senior-attr-wrap').on('mouseenter', '.attr', function() { - $(this).children('.senior-sub').removeClass('hide'); +$seniorAttrWrap.on('mouseenter', '.attr', function() { + var index = $(this).addClass('hover').index(); + + $seniorSubWrap.children('.senior-sub:eq(' + index + ')').removeClass('hide'); }).on('mouseleave', '.attr', function() { - $(this).children('.senior-sub').addClass('hide'); + var $this = $(this), + index = $this.index(); + + hoveredIndex = index; + + seniorHoverTime = setTimeout(function() { + hideSeniorPanel(); + }, 100); }); //【高级选项】多选 $('.senior-sub').on('click', '.multi-select', function() { - $(this).closest('.sub').addClass('multi'); + $(this).closest('.senior-sub').addClass('multi'); }).on('click', '.multi-select-ok', function() { var $btn = $(this), $sub = $btn.closest('.senior-sub'), @@ -266,4 +292,80 @@ $('.senior-sub').on('click', '.multi-select', function() { }); uriLoc($sub.data('attr'), val); +}).on('mouseenter', function() { + clearTimeout(seniorHoverTime); +}).on('mouseleave', function() { + hideSeniorPanel(); +}); + +//操作栏 +(function() { + var $countPerPage = $('#count-per-page'), + $countChose = $countPerPage.next('ul'); + + var SLIDETIME = 200; + + $(document).click(function(e) { + if ($(e.target).closest('.page-count').length > 0) { + return; + } + + $countChose && $countChose.slideUp(SLIDETIME); + }); + + $countPerPage.click(function() { + if ($countChose.css('display') === 'none') { + $countChose.slideDown(SLIDETIME); + } else { + $countChose.slideUp(SLIDETIME); + } + }); +}()); + + +/* + * Description: 商品列表移入效果 + * Added by wangchenglong at 2015/12/1 + */ + +//todo +$goodItem.hover(function() { + var $cloneStr, + $goodItemWrapper, + activeIndex, + X, + left, + Y, + top, + colNum = 5, + itemW = 222, + itemH = 400, + itemMr = 10, + itemMb = 35; + + $('.good-item-wrapper').remove(); + + activeIndex = $(this).index() + 1; + + X = (activeIndex % colNum) === 0 ? colNum : activeIndex % colNum; + Y = Math.ceil(activeIndex / colNum); + left = (X - 1) * (itemW + itemMr) + 15 - 21; + top = (Y - 1) * (itemH + itemMb) - 19; + + $cloneStr = $(this).clone(); + $goodItemWrapper = + '<div class="good-item-wrapper" style="left:' + left + 'px;top:' + top + 'px;position:absolute;">' + + '<div class="good-select-color">' + + '</div>' + + '</div>'; + + + + $goodsContainer.append($goodItemWrapper); + + $('.good-item-wrapper').prepend($cloneStr); + +}, function() { + + //todo }); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web-static/package.json b/web-static/package.json index 637572b..6e6ded1 100644 --- a/web-static/package.json +++ b/web-static/package.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "spm": { "main": "index.js", "dependencies": { - "jquery": "2.1.4" + "jquery": "1.8.3" }, "devDependencies": { "expect.js": "0.3.1" diff --git a/web-static/sass/home/_index.scss b/web-static/sass/home/_index.scss index e69de29..c38f948 100644 --- a/web-static/sass/home/_index.scss +++ b/web-static/sass/home/_index.scss @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + +.home-page { + width: 1150px; + margin: 0 auto; + + .slide-container { + margin: 10px 0 0; + img { + display: block; + } + } + + .big-slide { + position: relative; + height: 450px; + overflow: hidden; + + ul { + position: relative; + height: 100%; + } + + &:hover { + .slide-switch { + display: block; + } + } + + li { + display: none; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + + &:first-child { + display: block; + } + } + + .slide-switch { + display: none; + /* @include opacity(0); + @include transition-property(opacity); + @include transition-duration(.2s); + @include transition-timing-function(ease-in); */ + a { + position: absolute; + top: 50%; + margin: -30px 0 0; + width: 60px; + height: 60px; + line-height: 56px; + text-align: center; + z-index: 2; + background: #fff; + @include opacity(0.55); + + &.prev { + left: 0; + } + + &.next { + right: 0; + } + + &:hover{ + @include opacity(0.9); + } + + .iconfont { + font-size: 32px; + color: #59585a; + } + } + } + } + + .small-slide { + margin: 6px 0 0; + padding: 0 0 0 2px; + + li { + position: relative; + float: left; + margin: 0 0 0 6px; + width: 138px; + height: 54px; + + &:first-child { + margin: 0; + } + + &.focus { + a { + @include opacity(0); + } + } + + a { + position: absolute; + left: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + top: 0; + background: #000; + @include opacity(0.3); + } + + img { + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + } + } + } + + .new-report { + img { + display: block; + } + .report-list { + float: left; + width: 868px; + li { + float: left; + margin: 0 8px 8px 0; + width: 185px; + height: 248px; + overflow: hidden; + &:first-child { + margin-right: 7px; + width: 282px; + height: 504px; + } + } + } + + .last-item { + float: left; + width: 282px; + height: 504px; + overflow: hidden; + } + } + + .img-brand { + position: relative; + width: 100%; + height: 175px; + overflow: hidden; + + &:hover { + .img-brand-switch { + display: block; + } + } + ul { + width: 1158px; + } + li { + float: left; + margin: 0 8px 0 0; + width: 378px; + height: 175px; + line-height: 175px; + overflow: hidden; + font-size: 0; + text-align: center; + + img { + max-width: 100%; + max-height: 100%; + vertical-align: middle; + } + } + .img-brand-switch { + display: none; + a { + position: absolute; + top: 50%; + margin: -20px 0 0; + width: 40px; + height: 40px; + line-height: 40px; + text-align: center; + z-index: 2; + background: #fff; + @include opacity(0.55); + + &.prev { + left: 0; + } + &.next { + right: 0; + } + &:hover { + @include opacity(0.9); + + } + } + } + } + + .logo-brand { + ul { + width: 1158px; + } + li { + float: left; + margin: 8px 8px 0 0; + width: 185px; + height: 86px; + line-height: 86px; + font-size: 0; + text-align: center; + img { + max-width: 100%; + max-height: 100%; + vertical-align: middle; + } + } + .logo-brand-switch { + position: relative; + background: image-url('index/logo-brand-line.png') no-repeat center center; + line-height: normal; + .iconfont { + position: absolute; + left: 50%; + font-size: 32px; + + &.prev { + top: 10px; + + margin: 0 0 0 -48px; + } + &.next { + bottom: 12px; + margin: 0 0 0 20px; + } + } + } + .brand-more { + font-size: 16px; + &:hover { + text-decoration: underline; + } + } + } + + .tpl-recommend{ + a{ + display: block; + background-color: #f8f8f8; + img{display: block;width: 100%;} + } + .tpl-nav{ + float: left; + width: 185px; + height: 512px; + overflow: hidden; + .tpl-keywords{ + .keywords0{ + img{ + height: 152px; + } + margin-bottom: 10px; + } + .keywords1{ + img{ + height: 86px; + } + margin-bottom: 8px; + } + } + .tpl-category{ + padding: 10px 0; + background-color: #f8f8f8; + a{ + float: left; + width: 50%; + height: 38px; + line-height: 38px; + text-align: center; + color: #000; + font-size: 14px; + overflow: hidden; + } + } + } + .tpl-brands{ + float: left; + margin-left: 8px; + width: 378px; + height: 512px; + overflow: hidden; + li{ + margin-bottom: 8px; + img{ + height: 248px; + width: 100%; + } + } + + } + .tpl-types{ + float: left; + width: 579px; + height: 512px; + overflow: hidden; + li{ + float: left; + margin-left: 8px; + margin-bottom: 8px; + img{ + width: 185px; + height:248px; + } + } + } + .tpl-products{ + ul{margin-left:-10px; + li{ + float: left; + margin-left:10px; + img{ + width: 222px; + height: 298px; + } + } + } + } + } + + .commodity{ + margin-left: -10px; + position: relative; + li{ + float: left; + margin-left: 10px; + margin-bottom:28px; + padding-top:20px; + position: relative; + i{ + position: absolute; + top: 0px; + display: block; + width: 64px; + height: 20px; + } + a{ + display: block; + height: 360px; + width: 222px; + .commodity-img{ + img{ + display: block; + height: 298px; + width: 222px; + } + } + p.commodity-name{ + font-size: 12px; + color: #000; + line-height: 40px; + text-align: center; + } + p.commodity-price{ + font-size: 12px; + text-align: center; + } + } + } + .loading{ + position: absolute; + bottom: 0; + width: 100%; + p{ + text-align: center; + font-size: 20px; + } + } + } + + .floor-header { + position: relative; + margin: 50px 0 30px; + + .floor-title { + margin: 0 auto; + width: 298px; + height: 31px; + line-height: 31px; + border: 1px solid #000; + font-size: 16px; + text-align: center; + } + + .header-navs { + position: absolute; + padding: 10px 0; + top: 0; + right: 0; + font-size: 14px; + + li { + float: left; + padding: 1px 10px; + border-left: 1px solid #ccc; + + &:first-child { + border-left: none; + } + + &:hover { + text-decoration: underline; + } + + a { + color: #333; + } + } + } + } + + @media screen and (min-width: 1150px) { + .floor-header { + margin: 80px 0 40px; + + .header-navs { + li { + padding: 1px 15px; + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web-static/sass/product/_index.scss b/web-static/sass/product/_index.scss index 698cfe1..d540d14 100644 --- a/web-static/sass/product/_index.scss +++ b/web-static/sass/product/_index.scss @@ -218,18 +218,27 @@ margin-bottom: -6px; margin-right: 5px; } - - .senior-attr-wrap > .attr { + + .senior { + padding-bottom: 6px; + + .attr-content { + position: relative; + } + } + + .senior-attr-wrap { position: relative; - - &:hover { - > .iconfont { - visibility: hidden; - } + } - .senior-up-icon { - display: block; - } + .senior-attr-wrap > .attr:hover, + .senior-attr-wrap > .attr.hover { + > .iconfont { + visibility: hidden; + } + + .senior-up-icon { + visibility: visible; } } @@ -238,7 +247,7 @@ position: absolute; padding: 15px 0; left: 0; - width: 1050px; + right: 0; top: 39px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #eaeceb; @@ -259,15 +268,14 @@ } .senior-up-icon { - position: absolute; - width: 15px; + width: 100%; height: 9px; z-index: 1; - left: 50%; - margin-left: -18px; - display: none; + margin-left: -11px; + visibility: hidden; background: image-url('product/senior-up.png') no-repeat; + background-position-x: 50%; } .checkbox { @@ -277,4 +285,208 @@ .multi .checkbox { display: inline; } + + /*商品列表 + *added by wangchenglong at 2015.12.1 + */ + .goods-container { + height: auto; + padding: 0 15px; + margin-top: 25px; + position: relative; + + /*测试*/ + width: 1150px; + + .good-info { + height: 400px; //todo + margin-bottom: 35px; + width: 222px; + margin-right: 10px; + float: left; + + &.good-list-five { + margin-right: 0; + } + + /*标签*/ + .tag-container { + font-size: 12px; + height: 22px; + line-height: 22px; + + .good-tag { + padding: 0 7px; + display: block; + float: left; + margin-right: 3px; + + &:nth-last-of-type(1) { + margin-right: 0; + } + + &.new-tag { + background: #78dc7d; + color: #fff; + } + &.yep-tag, .sale-tag { + background: #ff565b; + color: #fff; + } + &.limit-tag { + color: #4e4e4e; + border: 1px solid #4e4e4e; + } + } + } + + /*图片*/ + .good-detail-img { + width: 100%; + height: 300px; + + .good-thumb, img.lazy { + display: block; + overflow: hidden; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + } + } + + /*文本*/ + .good-detail-text { + color: #222; + font-size: 12px; + text-align: center; + + > a { + margin-top: 16px; + line-height: 1.5; + display: block; + } + + > .price { + margin-top: 10px; + } + } + } + + /*弹层*/ + .good-item-wrapper { + border: 1px solid red; + padding-left: 20px; + padding-top: 18px; + } + } + /*商品列表end*/ + + .opt-banner { + height: 48px; + background: #f5f7f6; + line-height: 48px; + margin: 10px 0; + + .sort-type, + .checks { + color: #ccc; + font-size: 14px; + padding: 0 10px; + + .iconfont { + font-size: 14px; + } + + &.active, + &.checked { + color: #000; + } + } + + .pager-wrap { + float: right; + padding: 15px 0; + } + + .line-count { + float: left; + padding: 3px 1px 3px 3px; + border: 1px solid #ccc; + margin-right: 10px; + + span { + float: left; + width: 5px; + height: 10px; + background: #ccc; + margin-right: 2px; + } + + &.active { + border-color: #222; + span { + background: #222; + } + } + } + + .page-count { + position: relative; + height: 18px; + float: left; + font-size: 12px; + line-height: 18px; + + > span { + float: left; + display: block; + width: 42px; + height: 10px; + line-height: 10px; + padding: 3px; + border: 1px solid #ccc; + color: #222; + cursor: pointer; + margin-right: 10px; + } + + .iconfont { + font-size: 14px; + color: #ccc; + float: right; + } + + > ul { + position: absolute; + display: none; + width: 42px; + padding: 0 3px; + border-left: 1px solid #ccc; + border-right: 1px solid #ccc; + } + + li { + border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; + } + + a { + display: block; + width: 100%; + } + } + + .pager { + float: left; + font-size: 14px; + line-height: 15px; + margin: 0 20px; + + .dis-icon { + color: #e6e6e6; + } + + i { + color: #f00; + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/yohobuy/www.yohobuy.com/application/controllers/Boys.php b/yohobuy/www.yohobuy.com/application/controllers/Boys.php index c1c2ba1..119806a 100644 --- a/yohobuy/www.yohobuy.com/application/controllers/Boys.php +++ b/yohobuy/www.yohobuy.com/application/controllers/Boys.php @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class BoysController extends AbstractAction public function indexAction() { - $data = array( + $headerdata = array( 'gobytype' =>'gobuyboys', 'searchcate'=> 'searchcateboys', 'navbars' => array( @@ -214,7 +214,281 @@ class BoysController extends AbstractAction ) ) ); - $this->setTitle('男生首页'); - $this->_view->display('index',$data); + $tpldata = array( + 'name'=>'潮人配饰 ORNAMENT', + 'navs' => array( + array( + 'id' => '', + 'href' => '', + 'name' => 'MORE' + ) + ), + 'tplrecommend'=>array( + 'keyword'=>array(array('name'=>'工装短裤','img'=>'','url'=>''),array('name'=>'英伦风','img'=>'','url'=>'')), + 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