diff --git a/library/Api/Yohobuy.php b/library/Api/Yohobuy.php
index 67648c4..4cc0968 100644
--- a/library/Api/Yohobuy.php
+++ b/library/Api/Yohobuy.php
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ use Plugin\Cache;
 class Yohobuy
     /* 正式环境 */
     // const API_URL = 'http://api2.open.yohobuy.com/';
     // const API_URL2 = 'http://api.open.yohobuy.com/';
     // const SERVICE_URL = 'http://service.api.yohobuy.com/';
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ class Yohobuy
     const YOHOBUY_URL = 'http://www.yohobuy.com/';
     const API_URL_MYCENTER = ''; // 我的个人中心接口URL
     const API_URL_SHOPINGCART = ''; // 我的购物车接口URL
-    const API_URL_PRODUCTDETAIL = ''; // 商品详情页
+    const API_URL_PRODUCTDETAIL = ''; // 商品详情页
      * 私钥列表
      * @var array 
     private static $privateKeyList = array(
         'android' => 'fd4ad5fcfa0de589ef238c0e7331b585',
         'iphone' => 'a85bb0674e08986c6b115d5e3a4884fa',
@@ -384,4 +384,51 @@ class Yohobuy
+    /**
+     * 提交json格式数据请求java有关接口
+     *
+     * @param string $url 接口URL
+     * @param array $data 参数列表
+     * @param bool $returnJson 控制是否返回json格式数据
+     * @param int $timeout 超时时间
+     * @param array $cookie
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public static function jsonPost($url, $data = array(), $returnJson = false, $timeout = 3, $cookie = array())
+    {
+        $ch = curl_init($url);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
+        if (!empty($cookie)) {
+            $cookie_str = array();
+            foreach ($cookie as $key => $val) {
+                $cookie_str[] = urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($val);
+            }
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, implode(';', $cookie_str));
+        }
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+        if (!empty($data)) {
+            $data_string = json_encode($data);
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
+            // 设置json的Header
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
+                'Content-Type: application/json',
+                'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string)
+            ));
+        }
+        $result = curl_exec($ch);
+        if (!$returnJson && !empty($result)) {
+            $result = json_decode($result, true);
+        }
+        curl_close($ch);
+        $data = array();
+        return $result;
+    }
diff --git a/library/LibModels/Wap/Product/DetailData.php b/library/LibModels/Wap/Product/DetailData.php
index 085170c..01dc004 100644
--- a/library/LibModels/Wap/Product/DetailData.php
+++ b/library/LibModels/Wap/Product/DetailData.php
@@ -17,403 +17,30 @@ use Api\Yohobuy;
 class DetailData
-    const PRODUCT_BASE_INFO = 'queryProductBasicInfo';
-    const PRODUCT_GOODS_INFO = 'queryGoodsById';
+    const PRODUCT_BASE_INFO = 'product/queryProductDetailByProductId';
+    const PRODUCT_SIZE_INFO = 'product/queryProductIntroBySkn';
      * 商品基本信息
-     * @param int $productId
+     * @param int $productId 商品ID
+     * @param int $uid 用户ID
      * @return array
     public static function baseInfo($productId, $uid)
-        $data = json_decode('{
-  "arrivalTime": 1309514897,
-  "attribute": 1,
-  "auditingTime": 0,
-  "brand": {
-    "brandAlif": "R",
-    "brandBanner": "/2011/06/26/14/02d2214a0a7feb6112a8ebbd39de301192.jpg",
-    "brandCertificate": "",
-    "brandCss": "",
-    "brandDomain": "REVELATOR",
-    "brandGroupId": 0,
-    "brandIco": "http://img13.static.yhbimg.com/brandLogo/2011/06/26/14/020b083d91ebd1ff9a0600a8421fdbb388.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90",
-    "brandInitials": "",
-    "brandKeyword": "REVELATOR",
-    "brandLevel": 1,
-    "brandName": "REVELATOR",
-    "brandNameCn": "",
-    "brandNameEn": "REVELATOR",
-    "brandOutline": "所有围绕在我们身边并且默默在对这个世界付出的人,都是我们所认知的启示者。",
-    "brandScale": 3,
-    "brandSign": "",
-    "brandStyle": "个性,潮流,嘻哈,街头,",
-    "brandTemplate": 1,
-    "brandTypeId": 3,
-    "brandUrl": "",
-    "hotKeyword": "REVELATOR",
-    "id": 119,
-    "isHot": "N",
-    "isIndependent": "N",
-    "orderBy": 0,
-    "parentId": 0,
-    "relateBrandIds": "",
-    "shelvesBrandTime": 0,
-    "staticContentCode": "",
-    "status": 0
-  },
-  "brandId": 119,
-  "categoryBoList": [
-    {
-      "categoryId": 1,
-      "categoryName": "上衣",
-      "isleaf": true,
-      "level": 1
-    },
-    {
-      "categoryId": 11,
-      "categoryName": "T恤",
-      "isleaf": true,
-      "level": 2
-    },
-    {
-      "categoryId": 114,
-      "categoryName": "T恤",
-      "isleaf": true,
-      "level": 3
-    }
-  ],
-  "cnAlphabet": "REVELATORTHERDuanXiuTXu",
-  "createTime": 1308726112,
-  "editTime": 0,
-  "erpProductId": 50004331,
-  "expectArrivalTime": 1309514897,
-  "firstShelveTime": 1309514897,
-  "folderId": 0,
-  "gender": "1",
-  "goodsList": [
-    {
-      "colorId": 1,
-      "colorImage": "http://img12.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2012/03/02/14/02ea70da41df2d162fe1ec1c5d53367086.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90",
-      "colorName": "白",
-      "factorySn": "",
-      "firstShelveTime": 1309514897,
-      "goodsImagesList": [
-        {
-          "angle": 0,
-          "genderCover": 0,
-          "goodsId": 3241,
-          "id": 131463,
-          "imageName": "",
-          "imageUrl": "http://img12.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2012/03/02/14/02ea70da41df2d162fe1ec1c5d53367086.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90",
-          "intro": 0,
-          "isDefault": "Y",
-          "orderBy": 1,
-          "productId": 2631,
-          "status": 1
-        },
-        {
-          "angle": 0,
-          "genderCover": 0,
-          "goodsId": 3241,
-          "id": 131462,
-          "imageName": "",
-          "imageUrl": "http://img13.static.yhbimg.com/goodsimg/2012/03/02/14/02df4081143c563f1d0ea8192a316f40fd.jpg?imageMogr2/thumbnail/{width}x{height}/extent/{width}x{height}/background/d2hpdGU=/position/center/quality/90",
-          "intro": 0,
-          "isDefault": "N",
-          "orderBy": 0,
-          "productId": 2631,
-          "status": 1
-        }
-      ],
-      "goodsName": "THE R TEE",
-      "goodsSizeBoList": [
-        {
-          "createTime": 0,
-          "goodsId": 3241,
-          "goodsSizeSkuId": 102000,
-          "goodsSizeStorageNum": 0,
-          "id": 203,
-          "orderBy": 1175,
-          "sizeName": "M",
-          "sortId": 0,
-          "updateTime": 0
-        },
-        {
-          "createTime": 0,
-          "goodsId": 3241,
-          "goodsSizeSkuId": 102001,
-          "goodsSizeStorageNum": 0,
-          "id": 201,
-          "orderBy": 1169,
-          "sizeName": "L",
-          "sortId": 0,
-          "updateTime": 0
-        }
-      ],
-      "id": 3241,
-      "isDefault": "N",
-      "isDown": "N",
-      "matchExplain": "",
-      "productId": 2631,
-      "productSkc": 3241,
-      "status": 1,
-      "viewNum": 0
-    }
-  ],
-  "id": 2631,
-  "isAdvance": "N",
-  "isAuditing": "Y",
-  "isDown": "N",
-  "isEdit": 1,
-  "isHot": "N",
-  "isJit": "N",
-  "isLimited": "N",
-  "isNew": "N",
-  "isOutlets": "N",
-  "isPromotion": 0,
-  "isRecommend": "N",
-  "isReplenishment": 0,
-  "isRetrieval": "N",
-  "isSales": "Y",
-  "isSpecial": "N",
-  "isCollect": "N",
-  "maxSortId": 1,
-  "middleSortId": 11,
-  "phrase": "以品牌字首R字母為设计重点,环绕式轮廓线营造渐层视觉  ",
-  "productName": "REVELATORTHER 短袖T恤",
-  "productPriceBo": {
-    "formatMarketPrice": "¥255.0",
-    "formatSalesPrice": "¥99.0",
-    "formatSpecialPrice": "¥99.0",
-    "marketPrice": 255,
-    "productId": 2631,
-    "salesPrice": 99,
-    "specialPrice": 99,
-    "vipPrice": "¥0.0",
-    "vipPrices": [
-      {
-        "vipLevel": 1,
-        "vipPrice": "¥94",
-        "vipTitle": "银卡"
-      },
-      {
-        "vipLevel": 2,
-        "vipPrice": "¥89",
-        "vipTitle": "金卡"
-      },
-      {
-        "vipLevel": 3,
-        "vipPrice": "¥87",
-        "vipTitle": "白金"
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "productTagBoList": [
-    {
-      "tagLabel": "is_discount",
-      "tagValue": "Y"
-    },
-    {
-      "tagLabel": "is_soon_sold_out",
-      "tagValue": "Y"
-    }
-  ],
-  "promotionBoList": [
-    {
-      "promotionTitle": "【秋冬热促】满¥2188减¥800",
-      "promotionType": "满减"
-    },
-    {
-      "promotionTitle": "【秋冬热促】满¥1488减¥500",
-      "promotionType": "满减"
-    }
-  ],
-  "consultBoWrapper": {
-    "consultBoList": [
-      {
-        "answer": "您好,我们会联系品牌尽快补货,目前没有办法给您确切的答复,建议您进行到货通知的登记,补货到了,会第一时间短信联系您的。感谢您对yoho!有货的关注。",
-        "answerTime": "2012-05-02 15:10:08",
-        "ask": "请问 这件的灰色的L码还会不会补货?",
-        "askTime": "2012-05-02 14:23:09",
-        "id": 68252
-      }
-    ],
-    "consultTotal": 5
-  },
-   "commentBoWrapper": {
-    "commentBoList": [
-      {
-        "productId":"您好,我们会联系品牌尽快补货,目前没有办法给您确切的答复,建议您进行到货通知的登记,补货到了,会第一时间短信联系您的。感谢您对yoho!有货的关注。",
-        "id":"2012-05-02 15:10:08",
-        "uid":"请问 这件的灰色的L码还会不会补货?",
-        "content":"2012-05-02 14:23:09",
-        "createTime":"2012-05-02 14:23:09",
-        "sizeName":"L",
-        "colorName":"red",
-        "nickName":"xieyong",
-        "headIcon":"http://dddd"
-      }
-    ],
-    "commentTotal": 5
-  },
-  "productUrl":"http://m.yohobuy.com/product/pro_2631_3241/REVELATORTHERDuanXiuTXu.html",
-  "salableTime": "0",
-  "salesPhrase": "",
-  "seasons": "summer",
-  "sellChannels": "0",
-  "seriesId": 0,
-  "shelveTime": 1325135169,
-  "shopId": 0,
-  "smallSortId": 114,
-  "sortId": 0,
-  "status": 1,
-  "storage": 0,
-  "style": "",
-  "supplierId": 0,
-  "vipDiscountType": 1
-}', true);
-        return $data;
+        return  Yohobuy::jsonPost(Yohobuy::API_URL_PRODUCTDETAIL . self::PRODUCT_BASE_INFO, array('param' => $productId, 'userId' => $uid) ); 
      * 商品尺码信息
-     * @param int $productSkn
+     * @param int $productSkn 商品SKN号
      * @return array
     public static function sizeInfo($productSkn)
-        $data = json_decode('{
-  "modelBos": [],
-  "null": false,
-  "productDescBo": {
-    "colorName": "灰色",
-    "erpProductId": "50002468",
-    "gender": 1,
-    "null": false,
-    "standardBos": []
-  },
-  "productExtra": {
-    "null": true
-  },
-  "productIntroBo": {
-    "productId": 10,
-    "productIntro": "<p>\r\n\t破壳小队长印花笔记本,夸张而卡通的设计,简单白皙的纸张,配有手缝带,味道十足。<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"http://img04.static.yohobuy.com/thumb/2011/06/23/04/02efe1bb1bc80d0ffd2911dc2f160c7974-0750x1500-1-goodsimg.jpg\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"http://img04.static.yohobuy.com/thumb/2011/06/23/04/02b741288ddc8095598bbc7c487c8bc892-0750x1500-1-goodsimg.jpg\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"http://img04.static.yohobuy.com/thumb/2011/06/23/04/028c47cc3002d40c42f35120007f13ff17-0750x1500-1-goodsimg.jpg\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"http://img04.static.yohobuy.com/thumb/2011/06/23/04/026c9a61457a93c0473e4674f85344c8f0-0750x1500-1-goodsimg.jpg\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t<img src=\"http://img04.static.yohobuy.com/thumb/2011/06/23/04/02da50cfde3d6cf203d8cb3df1eaa29353-0750x1500-1-goodsimg.jpg\" /><br />\r\n\t<br />\r\n\t&nbsp;</p>"
-  },
-  "productMaterialList": [],
-  "sizeImage": "http://static.yohobuy.com/images/1.jpg",
-  "sizeInfoBo": {
-    "sizeAttributeBos": [
-      {
-        "attributeName": "后衣长",
-        "id": 49
-      },
-      {
-        "attributeName": "前衣长",
-        "id": 48
-      },
-      {
-        "attributeName": "袖长",
-        "id": 5
-      },
-      {
-        "attributeName": "胸围",
-        "id": 4
-      },
-      {
-        "attributeName": "肩宽",
-        "id": 3
-      },
-      {
-        "attributeName": "后中长",
-        "id": 1
-      }
-    ],
-    "sizeBoList": [
-      {
-        "id": 201,
-        "sizeName": "L",
-        "sortAttributes": [
-          {
-            "id": 49,
-            "sizeValue": ""
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 48,
-            "sizeValue": ""
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 5,
-            "sizeValue": "64"
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 4,
-            "sizeValue": "108"
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 3,
-            "sizeValue": "49"
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 1,
-            "sizeValue": "67"
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      {
-        "id": 203,
-        "sizeName": "M",
-        "sortAttributes": [
-          {
-            "id": 5,
-            "sizeValue": "62"
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 4,
-            "sizeValue": "102"
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 3,
-            "sizeValue": "46"
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 1,
-            "sizeValue": "64"
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 49,
-            "sizeValue": ""
-          },
-          {
-            "id": 48,
-            "sizeValue": ""
-          }
-        ]
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "washTipsBoList": [
-    {
-      "caption": "不可转笼翻转干燥",
-      "img": "http://static.yohobuy.com/images/wash_2.png"
-    },
-    {
-      "caption": "30度水温弱速洗",
-      "img": "http://static.yohobuy.com/images/wash_3.png"
-    },
-    {
-      "caption": "分色洗涤",
-      "img": "http://static.yohobuy.com/images/wash_7.png"
-    }
-  ]
-}', true);
-        return $data;
+        return Yohobuy::jsonPost(Yohobuy::API_URL_PRODUCTDETAIL . self::PRODUCT_SIZE_INFO, array('param' => $productSkn) );
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Product/Detail.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Product/Detail.php
index e858855..a4c6877 100644
--- a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Product/Detail.php
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/models/Product/Detail.php
@@ -31,11 +31,13 @@ class DetailModel
         if (is_numeric($productId) && is_numeric($goodsId)) {
             // 调用服务
-            $baseInfo = DetailData::baseInfo($productId, $uid);
+            $baseInfo = DetailData::baseInfo($productId, $uid); 
             // 商品名称
             if (isset($baseInfo['productName'])) {
                 $result['goodsName'] = $baseInfo['productName'];
+            } else {
+                return $result;
             // 商品价格
@@ -163,6 +165,12 @@ class DetailModel
             if (isset($baseInfo['erpProductId'])) {
                 $result['skn'] = $baseInfo['erpProductId'];
+            // 底部悬浮的购物车信息
+            $result['cartInfo'] = array(
+                'numInCart' => 0,
+                'goodsInstore' => $baseInfo['storage'],
+            );
         return $result;
@@ -180,7 +188,7 @@ class DetailModel
         if (is_numeric($productSkn)) {
             // 调用服务
-            $sizeInfo = DetailData::sizeInfo($productSkn);
+            $sizeInfo = DetailData::sizeInfo($productSkn); 
             // 商品信息
             if (isset($sizeInfo['productDescBo']['erpProductId'])) {
@@ -201,7 +209,7 @@ class DetailModel
             if (isset($sizeInfo['productIntroBo']['productIntro'])) {
                 $productIntro = strstr($sizeInfo['productIntroBo']['productIntro'], '<br />', true);
                 if ($productIntro) {
-                    $result['goodsDescription']['desc'] = strtr($productIntro, array('<p>\r\n\t' => ''));
+                    $result['goodsDescription']['desc'] = strtr($productIntro, array('<p>' => '', '\r\n\t' => ''));
@@ -267,43 +275,46 @@ class DetailModel
             // 商品材质
             if (!empty($sizeInfo['productMaterialList'])) {
+                $result['materials'] = array(
+                    'title' => '商品材质',
+                    'enTitle' => 'MATERIALS',
+                    'list' => array(),
+                );
                 foreach ($sizeInfo['productMaterialList'] as $value) {
+                    $result['materials']['list'][] = array(
+                        'img' => $value['imageUrl'],
+                        'desc' => $value['remark'],
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            // 洗涤提示
+            if (!empty($sizeInfo['washTipsBoList'])) {
+                $result['washTips']['list'] = array();
+                foreach ($sizeInfo['washTipsBoList'] as $value) {
+                    $result['washTips']['list'][] = $value;
+                }
+            }
+            // 详情配图
+            if (isset($sizeInfo['productIntroBo']['productIntro'])) {
+                $productIntro = strstr($sizeInfo['productIntroBo']['productIntro'], '<br />');
+                if ($productIntro) {
+                    $result['productDetail'] = array(
+                        'title' => '商品详情',
+                        'enTitle' => 'DETAILS',
+                        'desc' => strtr($productIntro, array(
+                            '\r\n\t' => '',
+                            '</p>' => '',
+                            '<img src=' => '<img class=\"lazy\" src=\"\" data-original=',
+                        )),
+                    );
         return $result;
-            'materials' : {
-                    'title' : '商品材质',
-                    'enTitle' : '',
-                    'list''
-                    'img' : '',
-                    'desc' : '用各种洗涤剂',//remark
-                    'materialType' : ''
-                },
-             'washTips' : {
-                    'list' : [
-                       {
-                          "caption":"不可干洗",
-                           "img":"http://static.yohobuy.com/images/wash_5.png"
-                       }
-                    ]
-             }
-            'productDetail' : {
-                    'title' : '商品详情',
-                    'enTitle' : '',
-                    'desc' : 'Married to the MOB是由Leah McSweeney创立的女装品牌,一向标榜不羁、大胆的女性streetwear设计',
-                    'img'  :  ''
-                },
-            'cartInfo' : {
-                    'numInCart' : 3,
-                    'goodsInstore' : 0
-            }
diff --git a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Detail.php b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Detail.php
index e8063fe..fd940bb 100644
--- a/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Detail.php
+++ b/yohobuy/m.yohobuy.com/application/modules/Product/controllers/Detail.php
@@ -16,17 +16,20 @@ class DetailController extends AbstractAction
     public function indexAction()
-        $productId = $this->param('productId', 123);
+        $productId = $this->param('productId', 22399);
         if (!is_numeric($productId)) {
-        $goodsId = $this->param('goodsId', 3241);
+        $goodsId = $this->param('goodsId', 382089);
         if (!is_numeric($goodsId)) {
         $uid = $this->getUid();
         $data = \Product\DetailModel::getBaseInfo($productId, $goodsId, $uid);
+        if (array() === $data) {
+            $this->error();
+        }
         $data['goodsDetailPage'] = true;
         if (isset($data['goodsName'])) {
@@ -34,232 +37,6 @@ class DetailController extends AbstractAction
-//        $data = array (
-//            'goodsDetailPage' => true,
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-//                           '【summer final sale】满¥499立享6.8折',
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-//  Franke帽子一个,多买多送!',
-//                            '【BACK TO SCHOOL】满¥499赠送Paul 
-//  Franke帽子一个,多买多送!'
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-//                        'userName'=>'Lynnic',
-//                        'desc'=>'购买了白色Mate7',
-//                        'content'=>'活动时买的,挺超值。上身效果也不错。质量
-//                        'time'=>'2014-08-12 10:24:26'
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-//                        'question' =>'您好 我一米七七 140斤 穿M的行吗',
-//                        'time'=>'2014-08-12 10:24:26',
-//                        'answer'=>'您好,建议您参考XL的款式,由于版型和个人穿衣风格不同,需要'
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-//                                '肩宽(两端肩线间的直线长度)',
-//                                '肩宽(两端肩线间的直线长度)',
-//                                '肩宽(两端肩线间的直线长度)'
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-//                    'desc' =>'用各种洗涤剂,可手洗机洗,但不宜氯漂,宜阴干,避免曝晒,以免深色衣物褪色,在日光下晾晒时,将里面朝外。浸泡时间不能太长,避免褪色,深色与浅色衣服最好请分开洗涤,避免染色。',
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-//                    'desc' => 'Married to the MOB是由Leah McSweeney创立的女装品牌,一向标榜不羁、大胆的女性streetwear设计。喜欢恶搞的女生们,赶紧入手吧。',
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