security.js 1.29 KB
 * 校验input, 防止SQL注入
 * @author: 赵彪<>
 * @date: 2015/11/30

var $ = require('jquery'),
    tip = require('./tip');

 * hasStrangeInput() return true when input have danger value
 * @param {Bool} needConvert Set if the danger input value should be converted to space
 * @return {Bool} true/false If the input have danger value
function hasDangerInput(needConvert) {

    var $inputs = $('input[type!=hidden], textarea');

    var validationPartten = /['"<>&\|]|--/g,
        inputsLength = $inputs.length,

        // to set if the input value should be coverted, and its default value is true;
        willConvert = needConvert === undefined || typeof needConvert !== 'boolean' ? true : needConvert;

    for (i = 0; i < inputsLength; i++) {
        val = $inputs.eq(i).val();
        if (validationPartten.test(val)) {
            if (willConvert) {
                $inputs.eq(i).val(val.replace(validationPartten, ' '));
            } else {
                matchChars = val.match(validationPartten).join(' ');
      '不可以输入 ' + matchChars + ' 哦!');

            return !willConvert && true;

    return false;

exports.hasDangerInput = hasDangerInput;