Authored by LUOXC


## 确认订单
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.orderStatus |
## 取消订单
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.orderStatus |
> 用户主动取消
> 系统自动取消
## 订单状态同步
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.erpstatus |
> 修改订单收货人地址
### 注意:200是已标记状态,准备打印地址单
> 已交寄
"express_id": 23,
> 订单妥投
> 客服取消
> 系统自动取消
## 前台创建换货单
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.createChangeOrder |
"id": 1,
"city": "南京市",
"area_code": "320115",
"address": "江宁经济技术开发区苏源大道87号(有货物流中心订单组)",
"consignee_name": "测试",
"county": "江宁区",
"delivery_tpye": 10,
"email": "",
"exchange_mode": 10,
"mobile": "13776693005",
"order_code": 16062099,
"init_order_code": 16062099,
"source_order_code": 16062099,
"province": "江苏省",
"receipt_time": "2",
"remark": "用户换货",
"uid": 8041518,
"zip_code": "211100",
"goods": [
"exchange_reason": "3",
"goods_type": "1",
"last_price": "88.00",
"new_goods_id": 354687,
"new_product_skc": 279434,
"new_product_sku": 892152,
"product_skc": 279434,
"product_skn": 51152761,
"product_sku": 892152,
"remark": ""
## ERP创建换货单
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | erp.createChangeOrder |
> 成功
"code": 200,
"message": "ok",
"data": {
"id": 1,
"init_order_code": "111",
"source_order_code": 1111,
"new_order_code": 1111,
"exchange_id": 111,
"returned_id": 111,
"exchange_status": 10,
"returned_status": 10
> 客服驳回
"id": 1,
"init_order_code": "111",
"source_order_code": 1111,
"new_order_code": 1111,
"exchange_id": 111,
"returned_id": 111,
"exchange_status": 91, // 客服驳回
"returned_status": 91 // 客服驳回
## 前台更新换货快递信息
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.updateChangeRefundOrderExpressInfo |
{ "id":1,
type:"change" // 表示类型为换货
## ERP更新换货单状态
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | erp.updateChangeRefundOrderStatus |
> 审核通过
"id":1, // id为erp系统换货单id唯一主键
"type":"change" //"change" 表示换货类型,"refund"表示退货类型
> 商品入库(仅商品寄回发该状态)
"id":1, // id为erp系统换货单id唯一主键
"type":"change" //"change" 表示换货类型,"refund"表示退货类型
> 上门换货(仅上门换货发该状态)
"id":1, // id为erp系统换货单id唯一主键
"type":"change" //"change" 表示换货类型,"refund"表示退货类型
> 换货完成
"id":1, // id为erp系统换货单id唯一主键
"type":"change" //"change" 表示换货类型,"refund"表示退货类型
## 前台创建退货单
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.createRefundOrder |
"uid": "3342109",
"alipay_account": "13912008849",
"alipay_name": "xxxx",
"area_code": "area_code",
"bank_card": "6228480605428963215",
"bank_name": "中国农业银行",
"city": "南京市",
"county": "",
"order_code": "308545172",
"payee_name": "张璐",
"province": "江苏省",
"remark": "尺寸不合适",
"return_amount_mode": "2",
"returned_goods_list": [
"product_sku": "383669",
"goods_type": "1",
"last_price": "334",
"returned_reason": "1",
"remark": "尺寸不合适",
"evidence_images": ""
## ERP创建退货单
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | erp.createRefundOrder |
> 成功
"code": 200,
"message": "ok",
"data": {
"id":1, //前台退货id唯一主键
"returned_id":1, //returned_id为erp退货id唯一主键
> 客服驳回
"id":1, //id为前台退货id唯一主键
"returned_id":1, //returned_id为erp退货id唯一主键
"returned_status":91 //客服驳回
## 前台更新退货快递信息
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.updateChangeRefundOrderExpressInfo |
{ "order_returned_id":1, //order_returned_id为前台退货id唯一主键
"apply_id":40, //apply_id为erp退货id唯一主键
"type":"refund" // 表示类型为退货
## ERP更新退货单状态
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | erp.updateChangeRefundOrderStatus |
"id":1, // id 为erp系统退货单id唯一主键
"status":40, // 0:提交、10:审核通过、20:商品寄回、30:已入库、40:付款结束、91:客服拒退
"type":"refund", // change:表示换货类型、refund:表示退货类型
## 取消退换货
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.changeRefundCancel |
{"id": 428013, //erp的退货主键, 或者换货主键 ,根据type传不同的值
"status":900, //表示用户主动取消状态
"type":1 //1表示退货,2表示换货
## 修改订单收货地址MQ
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.deliveryAddress |
### MQ队列
"address": "靖南大街688-10号2楼",
"address_id": 61,
"area_code": 330225,
"city": "宁波市",
"district": "象山县",
"email": "",
"mobile": "15258109727",
"order_code": 1607472719,
"parent_order_code": 123,
"phone": "057465772167",
"province": "浙江省",
"user_name": "朱倩倩",
"zip_code": 315700
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... ... @@ -41,33 +41,3 @@
"message": "修改订单收货地址成功"
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## 修改订单收货地址MQ
### MQ消息数据结构
| | |
| :-- | :-- |
| exchanges | amq.topic |
| route key | order.deliveryAddress |
### MQ队列
"address": "靖南大街688-10号2楼",
"address_id": 61,
"area_code": 330225,
"city": "宁波市",
"district": "象山县",
"email": "",
"mobile": "15258109727",
"order_code": 1607472719,
"parent_order_code": 123,
"phone": "057465772167",
"province": "浙江省",
"user_name": "朱倩倩",
"zip_code": 315700
### 注意 1.JIT拆单和预售商品拆单有关联其他订单,主订单号parent_order_code为1607472719;2.没有关联其他订单,主订单号parent_order_code字段可能不存在。
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