Authored by Rock Zhang


... ... @@ -4805,6 +4805,7 @@ require("js/me/index");
define("js/me/order", ["jquery","hammer","lazyload"], function(require, exports, module){
... ... @@ -5322,10 +5323,8 @@ function editAddress(data) {
$addressForm.find('[name="area_code"]').val(data.areaCode || '');
$addressForm.find('[name="area"]').val(data.area || '');
$addressForm.find('[name="address"]').val(data.address || '');
// $addressForm.find('[name="address"]').blur();
// $addressForm.find('[name="consignee"]').focus();
$confim.on('touchend', '.cancel', function() {
... ... @@ -5449,3 +5448,1026 @@ $addressListPage.on('touchend', '.address', function() {
define("js/me/suggest", ["jquery","hammer","handlebars","source-map"], function(require, exports, module){
* 个人中心--意见反馈
* @author: chenglong<>
* @date: 2015/11/12
var $ = require("jquery"),
Hammer = require("hammer"),
Handlebars = require("handlebars");
var diaLog = require("js/me/dialog");
var $uploadImgList = $('.upload-img-list'),
$likeBtn = $('.suggest-item .like-btn'),
$disLikeBtn = $('.suggest-item .dislike-btn'),
$imgAdd = $('.img-add'),
imgStr = '';
imgTpl = '{{# imgList}}' +
'<li>' +
'<img src="{{imgUrl}}" />' +
'<span class="upload-img-remove"></span>' +
'</li>' +
'{{/ imgList}}';
imgTemplate = Handlebars.compile(imgTpl);
auto: true,
fileType: 'image*/*',
uploadScript: '/home/suggestimgUpload',
fileObjName: 'fileData',
fileSizeLimit: 1024,
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
queueSizeLimit: 1,
onAddQueueItem: function(files) {
onUploadComplete: function(file, data) {
imgStr = JSON.parse(data).imgList[0].imgRelUrl;
headerNavHammer = new Hammer(document.getElementById('yoho-header'));
headerNavHammer.on('tap', function(e) {
var suggestText = $('#suggest-textarea').val();
if ($('nav-btn')) {
method: 'post',
url: '/home/savesuggest',
data: {
content: suggestText,
image: imgStr
}).then(function(data) {
if (data.code === 200) {
autoHide: true,
dialogText: '提交成功'
}).fail(function() {
if (document.getElementById('img-form') !== null) {
formHammer = new Hammer(document.getElementById('img-form'));
formHammer.on('tap', function(e) {
if ($('upload-img-remove')) {
imgStr = '';
setTimeout(function() {
}, 50);
// 点赞与取消点赞
$likeBtn.bind('click', function() {
var id = $(this).closest('.suggest-item').attr('data-id'),
$that = $(this);
method: 'post',
url: '/home/upAndDown',
data: {
suggest_id: id
}).then(function(data) {
if (data.code === 200) {
if ($that.hasClass('active')) {
} else {
}).fail(function(data) {
$disLikeBtn.bind('click', function() {
var id = $(this).closest('.suggest-item').attr('data-id'),
$that = $(this);
method: 'post',
url: '/home/upAndDown',
data: {
suggest_id: id
}).then(function(data) {
if (data.code === 200) {
}).fail(function(data) {
define("js/me/jquery.uploadifive", ["jquery"], function(require, exports, module){
UploadiFive 1.2.2
Copyright (c) 2012 Reactive Apps, Ronnie Garcia
Released under the UploadiFive Standard License <>
var jQuery = require("jquery");
;(function($) {
var methods = {
init : function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
// Create a reference to the jQuery DOM object
var $this = $(this);
$'uploadifive', {
inputs : {}, // The object that contains all the file inputs
inputCount : 0, // The total number of file inputs created
fileID : 0,
queue : {
count : 0, // Total number of files in the queue
selected : 0, // Number of files selected in the last select operation
replaced : 0, // Number of files replaced in the last select operation
errors : 0, // Number of files that returned an error in the last select operation
queued : 0, // Number of files added to the queue in the last select operation
cancelled : 0 // Total number of files that have been cancelled or removed from the queue
uploads : {
current : 0, // Number of files currently being uploaded
attempts : 0, // Number of file uploads attempted in the last upload operation
successful : 0, // Number of files successfully uploaded in the last upload operation
errors : 0, // Number of files returning errors in the last upload operation
count : 0 // Total number of files uploaded successfully
var $data = $'uploadifive');
// Set the default options
var settings = $data.settings = $.extend({
'auto' : true, // Automatically upload a file when it's added to the queue
'buttonClass' : false, // A class to add to the UploadiFive button
'buttonText' : 'Select Files', // The text that appears on the UploadiFive button
'checkScript' : false, // Path to the script that checks for existing file names
'dnd' : true, // Allow drag and drop into the queue
'dropTarget' : false, // Selector for the drop target
'fileObjName' : 'Filedata', // The name of the file object to use in your server-side script
'fileSizeLimit' : 0, // Maximum allowed size of files to upload
'fileType' : false, // Type of files allowed (image, etc), separate with a pipe character |
'formData' : {}, // Additional data to send to the upload script
'height' : 30, // The height of the button
'itemTemplate' : false, // The HTML markup for the item in the queue
'method' : 'post', // The method to use when submitting the upload
'multi' : true, // Set to true to allow multiple file selections
'overrideEvents' : [], // An array of events to override
'queueID' : false, // The ID of the file queue
'queueSizeLimit' : 0, // The maximum number of files that can be in the queue
'removeCompleted' : false, // Set to true to remove files that have completed uploading
'simUploadLimit' : 0, // The maximum number of files to upload at once
'truncateLength' : 0, // The length to truncate the file names to
'uploadLimit' : 0, // The maximum number of files you can upload
'uploadScript' : 'uploadifive.php', // The path to the upload script
'width' : 100 // The width of the button
// Events
'onAddQueueItem' : function(file) {}, // Triggered for each file that is added to the queue
'onCancel' : function(file) {}, // Triggered when a file is cancelled or removed from the queue
'onCheck' : function(file, exists) {}, // Triggered when the server is checked for an existing file
'onClearQueue' : function(queue) {}, // Triggered during the clearQueue function
'onDestroy' : function() {} // Triggered during the destroy function
'onDrop' : function(files, numberOfFilesDropped) {}, // Triggered when files are dropped into the file queue
'onError' : function(file, fileType, data) {}, // Triggered when an error occurs
'onFallback' : function() {}, // Triggered if the HTML5 File API is not supported by the browser
'onInit' : function() {}, // Triggered when UploadiFive if initialized
'onQueueComplete' : function() {}, // Triggered once when an upload queue is done
'onProgress' : function(file, event) {}, // Triggered during each progress update of an upload
'onSelect' : function() {}, // Triggered once when files are selected from a dialog box
'onUpload' : function(file) {}, // Triggered when an upload queue is started
'onUploadComplete' : function(file, data) {}, // Triggered when a file is successfully uploaded
'onUploadFile' : function(file) {}, // Triggered for each file being uploaded
}, options);
// Calculate the file size limit
if (isNaN(settings.fileSizeLimit)) {
var fileSizeLimitBytes = parseInt(settings.fileSizeLimit) * 1.024
if (settings.fileSizeLimit.indexOf('KB') > -1) {
settings.fileSizeLimit = fileSizeLimitBytes * 1000;
} else if (settings.fileSizeLimit.indexOf('MB') > -1) {
settings.fileSizeLimit = fileSizeLimitBytes * 1000000;
} else if (settings.fileSizeLimit.indexOf('GB') > -1) {
settings.fileSizeLimit = fileSizeLimitBytes * 1000000000;
} else {
settings.fileSizeLimit = settings.fileSizeLimit * 1024;
// Create a template for a file input
$data.inputTemplate = $('<input type="file">')
'font-size' : settings.height + 'px',
'opacity' : 0,
'position' : 'absolute',
'right' : '-3px',
'top' : '-3px',
'z-index' : 999
// Create a new input
$data.createInput = function() {
// Create a clone of the file input
var input = $data.inputTemplate.clone();
// Create a unique name for the input item
var inputName = = 'input' + $data.inputCount++;
// Set the multiple attribute
if (settings.multi) {
input.attr('multiple', true);
// Set the accept attribute on the input
if (settings.fileType) {
input.attr('accept', settings.fileType);
// Set the onchange event for the input
input.bind('change', function() {
$data.queue.selected = 0;
$data.queue.replaced = 0;
$data.queue.errors = 0;
$data.queue.queued = 0;
// Add a queue item to the queue for each file
var limit = this.files.length;
$data.queue.selected = limit;
if (($data.queue.count + limit) > settings.queueSizeLimit && settings.queueSizeLimit !== 0) {
if ($.inArray('onError', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
alert('The maximum number of queue items has been reached (' + settings.queueSizeLimit + '). Please select fewer files.');
// Trigger the error event
if (typeof settings.onError === 'function') {$this, 'QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED');
} else {
for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
file = this.files[n];
$data.inputs[inputName] = this;
// Upload the file if auto-uploads are enabled
if ( {$this);
// Trigger the select event
if (typeof settings.onSelect === 'function') {$this, $data.queue);
// Hide the existing current item and add the new one
if ($data.currentInput) {
$data.currentInput = input;
// Remove an input
$data.destroyInput = function(key) {
delete $data.inputs[key];
// Drop a file into the queue
$data.drop = function(e) {
$data.queue.selected = 0;
$data.queue.replaced = 0;
$data.queue.errors = 0;
$data.queue.queued = 0;
var fileData = e.dataTransfer;
var inputName = = 'input' + $data.inputCount++;
// Add a queue item to the queue for each file
var limit = fileData.files.length;
$data.queue.selected = limit;
if (($data.queue.count + limit) > settings.queueSizeLimit && settings.queueSizeLimit !== 0) {
// Check if the queueSizeLimit was reached
if ($.inArray('onError', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
alert('The maximum number of queue items has been reached (' + settings.queueSizeLimit + '). Please select fewer files.');
// Trigger the onError event
if (typeof settings.onError === 'function') {$this, 'QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED');
} else {
// Add a queue item for each file
for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
file = fileData.files[n];
// Save the data to the inputs object
$data.inputs[inputName] = fileData;
// Upload the file if auto-uploads are enabled
if ( {$this);
// Trigger the onDrop event
if (typeof settings.onDrop === 'function') {$this, fileData.files, fileData.files.length);
// Stop FireFox from opening the dropped file(s)
// Check if a filename exists in the queue
$data.fileExistsInQueue = function(file) {
for (var key in $data.inputs) {
input = $data.inputs[key];
limit = input.files.length;
for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
existingFile = input.files[n];
// Check if the filename matches
if ( == && !existingFile.complete) {
return true;
return false;
// Remove an existing file in the queue
$data.removeExistingFile = function(file) {
for (var key in $data.inputs) {
input = $data.inputs[key];
limit = input.files.length;
for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
existingFile = input.files[n];
// Check if the filename matches
if ( == && !existingFile.complete) {
$data.queue.replaced++;$this, existingFile, true);
// Create the file item template
if (settings.itemTemplate == false) {
$data.queueItem = $('<div class="uploadifive-queue-item">\
<a class="close" href="#">X</a>\
<div><span class="filename"></span><span class="fileinfo"></span></div>\
<div class="progress">\
<div class="progress-bar"></div>\
} else {
$data.queueItem = $(settings.itemTemplate);
// Add an item to the queue
$data.addQueueItem = function(file) {
if ($.inArray('onAddQueueItem', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
// Check if the filename already exists in the queue
// Create a clone of the queue item template
file.queueItem = $data.queueItem.clone();
// Add an ID to the queue item
file.queueItem.attr('id', + '-file-' + $data.fileID++);
// Bind the close event to the close button
file.queueItem.find('.close').bind('click', function() {$this, file);
return false;
var fileName =;
if (fileName.length > settings.truncateLength && settings.truncateLength != 0) {
fileName = fileName.substring(0, settings.truncateLength) + '...';
// Add a reference to the file'file', file);
// Trigger the addQueueItem event
if (typeof settings.onAddQueueItem === 'function') {$this, file);
// Check the filesize
if (file.size > settings.fileSizeLimit && settings.fileSizeLimit != 0) {
$data.error('FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED', file);
} else {
// Remove an item from the queue
$data.removeQueueItem = function(file, instant, delay) {
// Set the default delay
if (!delay) delay = 0;
var fadeTime = instant ? 0 : 500;
if (file.queueItem) {
if (file.queueItem.find('.fileinfo').html() != ' - Completed') {
file.queueItem.find('.fileinfo').html(' - Cancelled');
file.queueItem.delay(delay).fadeOut(fadeTime, function() {
delete file.queueItem;
// Count the number of files that need to be uploaded
$data.filesToUpload = function() {
var filesToUpload = 0;
for (var key in $data.inputs) {
input = $data.inputs[key];
limit = input.files.length;
for (var n = 0; n < limit; n++) {
file = input.files[n];
if (!file.skip && !file.complete) {
return filesToUpload;
// Check if a file exists
$data.checkExists = function(file) {
if ($.inArray('onCheck', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
// This request needs to be synchronous
'async' : false
// Send the filename to the check script
var checkData = $.extend(settings.formData, {filename:});
$.post(settings.checkScript, checkData, function(fileExists) {
file.exists = parseInt(fileExists);
if (file.exists) {
if (!confirm('A file named ' + + ' already exists in the upload folder.\nWould you like to replace it?')) {
// If not replacing the file, cancel the upload$this, file);
return true;
// Trigger the check event
if (typeof settings.onCheck === 'function') {$this, file, file.exists);
return false;
// Upload a single file
$data.uploadFile = function(file, uploadAll) {
if (!file.skip && !file.complete && !file.uploading) {
file.uploading = true;
// Create a new AJAX request
xhr = file.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Start the upload
// Use the faster FormData if it exists
if (typeof FormData === 'function' || typeof FormData === 'object') {
// Create a new FormData object
var formData = new FormData();
// Add the form data
formData.append(settings.fileObjName, file);
// Add the rest of the formData
for (i in settings.formData) {
formData.append(i, settings.formData[i]);
// Open the AJAX call, settings.uploadScript, true);
// On progress function
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
if (e.lengthComputable) {
$data.progress(e, file);
}, false);
// On complete function
xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
if (this.readyState == 4) {
file.uploading = false;
if (this.status == 200) {
if (file.xhr.responseText !== 'Invalid file type.') {
$data.uploadComplete(e, file, uploadAll);
} else {
$data.error(file.xhr.responseText, file, uploadAll);
} else if (this.status == 404) {
$data.error('404_FILE_NOT_FOUND', file, uploadAll);
} else if (this.status == 403) {
$data.error('403_FORBIDDEN', file, uploadAll);
} else {
$data.error('Unknown Error', file, uploadAll);
// Send the form data (multipart/form-data)
} else {
// Send as binary
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
// Set some file builder variables
var boundary = '-------------------------' + (new Date).getTime(),
dashes = '--',
eol = '\r\n',
binFile = '';
// Build an RFC2388 String
binFile += dashes + boundary + eol;
// Generate the headers
binFile += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + settings.fileObjName + '"';
if ( {
binFile += '; filename="' + + '"';
binFile += eol;
binFile += 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' + eol + eol;
binFile += + eol;
for (key in settings.formData) {
binFile += dashes + boundary + eol;
binFile += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + key + '"' + eol + eol;
binFile += settings.formData[key] + eol;
binFile += dashes + boundary + dashes + eol;
// On progress function
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
$data.progress(e, file);
}, false);
// On complete function
xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
file.uploading = false;
var status = this.status;
if (status == 404) {
$data.error('404_FILE_NOT_FOUND', file, uploadAll);
} else {
if (file.xhr.responseText != 'Invalid file type.') {
$data.uploadComplete(e, file, uploadAll);
} else {
$data.error(file.xhr.responseText, file, uploadAll);
}, false);
// Open the ajax request
var url = settings.uploadScript;
if (settings.method == 'get') {
var params = $(settings.formData).param();
url += params;
}, settings.uploadScript, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);
// Trigger the uploadFile event
if (typeof settings.onUploadFile === 'function') {$this, file);
// Send the file for upload
// Update a file upload's progress
$data.progress = function(e, file) {
if ($.inArray('onProgress', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
if (e.lengthComputable) {
var percent = Math.round((e.loaded / * 100);
file.queueItem.find('.fileinfo').html(' - ' + percent + '%');
file.queueItem.find('.progress-bar').css('width', percent + '%');
// Trigger the progress event
if (typeof settings.onProgress === 'function') {$this, file, e);
// Trigger an error
$data.error = function(errorType, file, uploadAll) {
if ($.inArray('onError', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
// Get the error message
switch(errorType) {
case '404_FILE_NOT_FOUND':
errorMsg = '404 Error';
case '403_FORBIDDEN':
errorMsg = '403 Forbidden';
errorMsg = 'Forbidden File Type';
errorMsg = 'File Too Large';
errorMsg = 'Unknown Error';
// Add the error class to the queue item
// Output the error in the queue item
.find('.fileinfo').html(' - ' + errorMsg);
// Hide the
// Trigger the error event
if (typeof settings.onError === 'function') {$this, errorType, file);
file.skip = true;
if (errorType == '404_FILE_NOT_FOUND') {
} else {
if (uploadAll) {$this, null, true);
// Trigger when a single file upload is complete
$data.uploadComplete = function(e, file, uploadAll) {
if ($.inArray('onUploadComplete', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
file.queueItem.find('.progress-bar').css('width', '100%');
file.queueItem.find('.fileinfo').html(' - Completed');
// Trigger the complete event
if (typeof settings.onUploadComplete === 'function') {$this, file, file.xhr.responseText);
if (settings.removeCompleted) {
setTimeout(function() {$this, file); }, 3000);
file.complete = true;
delete file.xhr;
if (uploadAll) {$this, null, true);
// Trigger when all the files are done uploading
$data.queueComplete = function() {
// Trigger the queueComplete event
if (typeof settings.onQueueComplete === 'function') {$this, $data.uploads);
// ----------------------
// Initialize UploadiFive
// ----------------------
// Check if HTML5 is available
if (window.File && window.FileList && window.Blob && (window.FileReader || window.FormData)) {
// Assign an ID to the object = 'uploadifive-' + $this.attr('id');
// Wrap the file input in a div with overflow set to hidden
$data.button = $('<div id="' + + '" class="uploadifive-button">' + settings.buttonText + '</div>');
if (settings.buttonClass) $data.button.addClass(settings.buttonClass);
// Style the button wrapper
'height' : settings.height,
'line-height' : settings.height + 'px',
'overflow' : 'hidden',
'position' : 'relative',
'text-align' : 'center',
'width' : settings.width
// Insert the button above the file input
// Add the file input to the button
// Modify the styles of the file input
// Create a new input
// Create the queue container
if (!settings.queueID) {
settings.queueID = + '-queue';
$data.queueEl = $('<div id="' + settings.queueID + '" class="uploadifive-queue" />');
} else {
$data.queueEl = $('#' + settings.queueID);
// Add drag and drop functionality
if (settings.dnd) {
var $dropTarget = settings.dropTarget ? $(settings.dropTarget) : $data.queueEl.get(0);
$dropTarget.addEventListener('dragleave', function(e) {
// Stop FireFox from opening the dropped file(s)
}, false);
$dropTarget.addEventListener('dragenter', function(e) {
// Stop FireFox from opening the dropped file(s)
}, false);
$dropTarget.addEventListener('dragover', function(e) {
// Stop FireFox from opening the dropped file(s)
}, false);
$dropTarget.addEventListener('drop', $data.drop, false);
// Send as binary workaround for Chrome
if (!XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary) {
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary = function(datastr) {
function byteValue(x) {
return x.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff;
var ords =, byteValue);
var ui8a = new Uint8Array(ords);
// Trigger the oninit event
if (typeof settings.onInit === 'function') {$this);
} else {
// Trigger the fallback event
if (typeof settings.onFallback === 'function') {$this);
return false;
// Write some data to the console
debug : function() {
return this.each(function() {
// Clear all the items from the queue
clearQueue : function() {
this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
$data = $'uploadifive'),
settings = $data.settings;
for (var key in $data.inputs) {
input = $data.inputs[key];
limit = input.files.length;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
file = input.files[i];$this, file);
// Trigger the onClearQueue event
if (typeof settings.onClearQueue === 'function') {$this, $('#' + $data.settings.queueID));
// Cancel a file upload in progress or remove a file from the queue
cancel : function(file, fast) {
this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
$data = $'uploadifive'),
settings = $data.settings;
// If user passed a queue item ID instead of file...
if (typeof file === 'string') {
if (!isNaN(file)) {
fileID = 'uploadifive-' + $(this).attr('id') + '-file-' + file;
file = $('#' + fileID).data('file');
file.skip = true;
if (file.uploading) {
file.uploading = false;
delete file.xhr;$this);
if ($.inArray('onCancel', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
$data.removeQueueItem(file, fast);
// Trigger the cancel event
if (typeof settings.onCancel === 'function') {$this, file);
// Upload the files in the queue
upload : function(file, keepVars) {
this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
$data = $'uploadifive'),
settings = $data.settings;
if (file) {
$$this, file);
} else {
// Check if the upload limit was reached
if (($data.uploads.count + $data.uploads.current) < settings.uploadLimit || settings.uploadLimit == 0) {
if (!keepVars) {
$data.uploads.attempted = 0;
$data.uploads.successsful = 0;
$data.uploads.errors = 0;
var filesToUpload = $data.filesToUpload();
// Trigger the onUpload event
if (typeof settings.onUpload === 'function') {$this, filesToUpload);
// Loop through the files
$('#' + settings.queueID).find('.uploadifive-queue-item').not('.error, .complete').each(function() {
_file = $(this).data('file');
// Check if the simUpload limit was reached
if (($data.uploads.current >= settings.simUploadLimit && settings.simUploadLimit !== 0) || ($data.uploads.current >= settings.uploadLimit && settings.uploadLimit !== 0) || ($data.uploads.count >= settings.uploadLimit && settings.uploadLimit !== 0)) {
return false;
if (settings.checkScript) {
// Let the loop know that we're already processing this file
_file.checking = true;
skipFile = $data.checkExists(_file);
_file.checking = false;
if (!skipFile) {
$data.uploadFile(_file, true);
} else {
$data.uploadFile(_file, true);
if ($('#' + settings.queueID).find('.uploadifive-queue-item').not('.error, .complete').size() == 0) {
} else {
if ($data.uploads.current == 0) {
if ($.inArray('onError', settings.overrideEvents) < 0) {
if ($data.filesToUpload() > 0 && settings.uploadLimit != 0) {
alert('The maximum upload limit has been reached.');
// Trigger the onError event
if (typeof settings.onError === 'function') {$this, 'UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED', $data.filesToUpload());
// Destroy an instance of UploadiFive
destroy : function() {
this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
$data = $'uploadifive'),
settings = $data.settings;
// Clear the queue$this);
// Destroy the queue if it was created
if (!settings.queueID) $('#' + settings.queueID).remove();
// Remove extra inputs
// Show the original file input
// Move the file input out of the button
// Delete the button
// Trigger the destroy event
if (typeof settings.onDestroy === 'function') {$this);
$.fn.uploadifive = function(method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('The method ' + method + ' does not exist in $.uploadify');
... ...
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
... ... @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ require('./index');
\ No newline at end of file
... ...