UdpTransport.js 950 Bytes
"use strict";
//Base Class for influxdb trabsport
const BaseTransport = require('./BaseTransport'),
  dgram = require("dgram");

 * @class UdpTransport
 * @author hbomb qiqi.zhou@gmail.com
class UdpTransport extends BaseTransport {

   * @description init options and init database
   * @example {
   *     level:'warn' //logger level
   *     host:'' //influxdb host
   *     port:'4444'//influxdb port
   *     measurement:'api'//influxdb measurement
   *  }
  constructor(options) {
    this.name = "udpInfuxdbLogger";

   * @method addLine
   * @description insert a line to influxdb
  addLine() {
    let socket=dgram.createSocket("udp4"),
    opts = this.options,
    line = this.options.line,
    buf=new Buffer(line),
    length = buf.length;
    socket.send(buf, 0, length, opts.port,opts.host,  function () {
module.exports = UdpTransport;