fnGetTds.js 2.05 KB
 * Get an array of `dt-tag td` nodes from DataTables for a given row, including
 * any column elements which are hidden.
 * DataTables 1.10 has the `dt-api cells().nodes()` method, built-in, to provide
 * this functionality. As such this method is marked deprecated, but is
 * available for use with legacy version of DataTables. Please use the new API
 * if you are used DataTables 1.10 or newer.
 *  @name fnGetTds
 *  @summary Get the `dt-tag td` elements for a row
 *  @author [Allan Jardine](http://sprymedia.co.uk)
 *  @deprecated
 *  @param {node} mTr `dt-tag tr` element to get the `dt-tag td` of
 *  @returns {array} Array of `dt-tag td` elements
 *  @example
 *    $(document).ready(function() {
 *        var oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
 *        // Sort in the order that was origially in the HTML
 *        var anTds = oTable.fnGetTds( $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)')[0] );
 *        console.log( anTds );
 *    } );

jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnGetTds  = function ( oSettings, mTr )
    var anTds = [];
    var anVisibleTds = [];
    var iCorrector = 0;
    var nTd, iColumn, iColumns;

    /* Take either a TR node or aoData index as the mTr property */
    var iRow = (typeof mTr == 'object') ?
        oSettings.oApi._fnNodeToDataIndex(oSettings, mTr) : mTr;
    var nTr = oSettings.aoData[iRow].nTr;

    /* Get an array of the visible TD elements */
    for ( iColumn=0, iColumns=nTr.childNodes.length ; iColumn<iColumns ; iColumn++ )
        nTd = nTr.childNodes[iColumn];
        if ( nTd.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TD" )
            anVisibleTds.push( nTd );

    /* Construct and array of the combined elements */
    for ( iColumn=0, iColumns=oSettings.aoColumns.length ; iColumn<iColumns ; iColumn++ )
        if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].bVisible )
            anTds.push( anVisibleTds[iColumn-iCorrector] );
            anTds.push( oSettings.aoData[iRow]._anHidden[iColumn] );

    return anTds;